Central Committee elected by the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Last updated

The Central Committee of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was in session from 1961 until 1966. It elected, at its 1st Plenary Session, the 22nd Presidium, the 22nd Secretariat and the 22nd Party Control Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.



The Central Committee was not a permanent institution. It convened plenary sessions. 14 CC plenary sessions were held between the 22nd Congress and the 23rd Congress. When the CC was not in session, decision-making power was vested in the internal bodies of the CC itself; that is, the Politburo and the Secretariat. None of these bodies were permanent either; typically they convened several times a month. [1]

Plenary sessions of the Central Committee
1st Plenary Session31 October 19611 day
2nd Plenary Session5–9 March 19625 days
3rd Plenary Session23 April 19621 day
4th Plenary Session19–23 November 19625 days
5th Plenary Session18–21 June 19634 days
6th Plenary Session9–13 December 19634 days
7th Plenary Session10–15 February 19646 days
8th Plenary Session11 July 19646 days
9th Plenary Session14 October 19641 day
10th Plenary Session16 November 19641 day
11th Plenary Session24–26 March 19653 days
12th Plenary Session27–29 September 19653 days
13th Plenary Session6 December 19651 day
14th Plenary Session26 March 19661 day



Members of the Central Committee of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
[3] [4] [5] [6]
Name Cyrillic 20th CC 23rd CC BirthDeathPMEthnicityGender
Grigoriy Abramov Григорий АбрамовNewNot191819681945 Russian Male
Pyotr Abrasimov Петр АбрасимовNewReelected191220091940 Russian Male
Aleksey Adzhubey Алексей АджубейNewRemoved192419931953 Russian Male
Sergey Afanseyev Серге́й Афана́сьевNewReelected191820011943 Russian Male
Vali Akhundov Вели АхундовNewNot191619861939 Azerbaijani Male
Yuri Andropov Юрий АндроповNewReelected191419841939 Russian Male
Averky Aristov Аверкий АристовOldReelected190319731921 Russian Male
Ivan Bagramyan Иван БаграмянCandidateReelected189719821941 Armenian Male
Alexander Basov Александр БасовNewReelected191219881945 Russian Male
Ivan Benediktov Иван БенедиктовOldReelected190219831930 Russian Male
Boris Beshchev Борис БещевNewReelected190319811927 Russian Male
Sergey Biryuzov Серге́й Бирюзо́вCandidateDied190419641926 Russian Male
Ivan Bodiul Иван БодюлNewReelected191820131940 Russian Male
Leonid Brezhnev Леонид БрежневOldReelected190619821931 Russian Male
Vasily Chernyshev Василий ЧернышёвOldReelected190819691928 Russian Male
Stepan Chervonenko Степан ЧервоненкоNewReelected191520031940 Ukrainian Male
Vasily Chuikov Васи́лий Чуйко́вCandidateReelected190019821919 Russian Male
Viktor Churayev Виктор ЧураевCandidateReelected190319821929 Russian Male
Abdurakhman Daniyalov Абдурахман ДанияловOldReelected190819811928 Avar Male
Salken Daulenov Салькен ДауленовOldRemoved190719841931 Russian Male
Pyotr Dementev Pyotr DementevOldReelected190719771938 Russian Male
Pyotr Demichev Пётр Де́мичевNewReelected191720101939 Russian Male
Georgy Denisov Георгий ДенисовOldCandidate190919961928 Russian Male
Nikolay Dygay Николай ДыгайCandidateDied190819631929 Russian Male
Veniamin Dymshits Вениамин ДымшицNewReelected191019931937 Ukrainian Male
Pyotr Fedoseyev Петр ФедосеевNewReelected190819901939 Russian Male
Vitaly Fokin Виталий ФокинNewDied190619641927 Russian Male
Yekaterina Furtseva Екатерина ФурцеваOldReelected191019741930 Russian Female
Valentina Gaganova Валентина ГагановаNewReelected193220101949 Russian Female
Konstantin Galanshin Константин ГаланшинNewReelected191220111944 Russian Male
Vasily Garbuzov Василий ГарбузовNewReelected191119851939 Russian Male
Anton Gayevoy Антон ГаевойOldDied190719621930 Ukrainian Male
Alexander Georgiev Александр ГеоргиевNewReelected191319761943 Ukrainian Male
Filipp Golikov Филипп ГоликовNewNot190019801918 Russian Male
Sergey Gorshkov Серге́й ГоршковCandidateReelected191019881942 Russian Male
Fodor Goryachev Фёдор ГорячевOldReelected190519961927 Russian Male
Andrei Grechko Андре́й Гре́чкоCandidateReelected190319761928 Ukrainian Male
Konstantin Grishin Константин ГришинCandidateReelected190819731931 Russian Male
Viktor Grishin Ви́ктор Гри́шинOldReelected191419921939 Russian Male
Ivan Grishmanov Иван ГришмановNewReelected190619791936 Russian Male
Andrei Gromyko Андрей ГромыкоOldReelected190919891931 Belarusian Male
Ivan Hrushetsky Иван ГрушецкийNewReelected190419821928 Ukrainian Male
Nikolai F. Ignatov Николай ИгнатовOldNot191419671939 Russian Male
Nikolai G. Ignatov Никола́й Игна́товOldReelected190119661924 Russian Male
Leonid Illichev Леонид ИльичёвNewNot190619901924 Russian Male
Olga Ivashchenko Ольга ИващенкоCandidateNot190619891928 Ukrainian Female
Givi Javakhishvili Гиви ДжавахишвилиOldReelected191219851941 Georgian Male
Johannes Käbin Йоха́ннес Кэ́бинOldNot190519991927 Estonian Male
Valery Kalmykov Валерий КалмыковCandidateReelected190819741942 Russian Male
Jānis Kalnbērziņš Ян Калнбе́рзиньOldReelected189319861917 Latvian Male
Ivan Kapitonov Иван КапитоновOldReelected191520021939 Russian Male
Vasily Kavun Василий КавунOldReelected192820091954 Ukrainian Male
Ivan Kazanets Иван КазанецCandidateReelected191820131944 Ukrainian Male
Mstislav Keldysh Мстислав КелдышOldReelected191119781949 Russian Male
Nikita Khrushchev Никита ХрущёвOldRetired189419711918 Russian Male
Andrei Kirilenko Андре́й Кириле́нкоOldReelected190619901930 Ukrainian Male
Ivan Kiselov Иван КиселёвNewReelected191720041944 Russian Male
Tikhon Kiselyov Ти́хон КиселёвNewReelected191719831940 Belarusian Male
Vasily Klimenko Василий КлименкоOldReelected190619841929 Ukrainian Male
Aleksandr Kokarev Александр КокаревNewReelected190919911938 Ukrainian Male
Vasily Komyakhov Василь КомяховCandidateReelected191119661941 Russian Male
Ivan Konev Иван КоневOldReelected189719731918 Russian Male
Vasily Konotop Василий КонотопPromotedReelected191619951944 Ukrainian Male
Nikolay Konovalov Никола́й Конова́ловNewReelected190719931929 Russian Male
Oleksandr Korniychuk Александр КорнейчукOldReelected190519721940 Ukrainian Male
Nikolay Korytkov Николай КорытковNewReelected191020001939 Russian Male
Anatoly Kostousov Анатолий КостоусовCandidateReelected190619851925 Russian Male
Alexei Kosygin Алексей КосыгинOldReelected190419801927 Russian Male
Alexander Kovalenko Александр КоваленкоNewReelected190919871931 Ukrainian Male
Yevgeny Kozhevnikov Евгений КожевниковNewReelected190519791942 Russian Male
Frol Kozlov Фрол КозловOldDied190819651926 Russian Male
Mikhail Krakhmalov Михаил КрахмалёвCandidateReelected191419771939 Russian Male
Aleksey Krylov Алексей КрыловNewNot1908 ?1943 Russian Male
Nikolay Krylov Никола́й Крыло́вNewReelected190319721927 Russian Male
Vladimir Kucherenko Владимир КучеренкоOldDied190919631942 Russian Male
Pavel Kuchumov Павел КучумовNewNot190419871929 Russian Male
Fyodor Kulakov Фёдор КулаковNewReelected191819781940 Russian Male
Dinmukhamed Kunaev Дінмұхаммед ҚонаевOldReelected191219931939 Kazakh Male
Rakhmankul Kurbanov Рахманкул КурбановNewReelected191220121940 Uzbek Male
Otto Kuusinen Отто КуусиненOldDied188119641918 Finn Male
Vasily Kuznetsov Василий КузнецовOldReelected190119901927 Russian Male
Ivan Lutak Иван ЛутакPromotedReelected191920091940 Ukrainian Male
Mikhail Lesechko Михаил ЛесечкоNewReelected190919841940 Ukrainian Male
Rodion Malinovsky Родио́н Малино́вскийOldReelected189819671926 Ukrainian Male
Nikolay Manukovskity Николай МануковскийNewReelected192619951951 Russian Male
Sergey Manyakin Сергей МанякинNewReelected192320101945 Russian Male
Pyotr Masherov Пётр МашеровPromotedReelected191819801943 Belarusian Male
Kirill Mazurov Кири́лл Ма́зуровOldReelected191419891940 Belarusian Male
Nikolay Mikhailov Николай МихайловOldReelected190619821930 Russian Male
Anastas Mikoyan Анастас МикоянOldReelected189519781915 Armenian Male
Leonid Monashev Леонид МонашевNewReelected191419951939 Russian Male
Kirill Moskalenko Кирилл МоскаленкоOldReelected190219851926 Ukrainian Male
Nuritdin Mukhitdinov Нуритди́н Мухитди́новOldNot191720081938 Uzbek Male
Alexander Murysev Александр МурысевNewDied191519621942 Belarusian Male
Vasil Mzhavanadze Василий МжаванадзеOldReelected190219881927 Georgian Male
Yadgar Nasriddinova Ядгар НасриддиноваOldReelected192020061942 Uzbek Female
Tatyana Nikolayeva Татьяна НиколаеваNewReelected191920221940 Russian Female
Ignaty Novikov Игнатий НовиковNewReelected190619931926 Ukrainian Male
Vladimir Novikov Владимир НовиковNewReelected190720001936 Russian Male
Ziya Nuriyev Зия НуриевNewReelected191520121939 Bashkir Male
Nikolay Organov Николай ОргановOldReelected190119821925 Russian Male
Balysh Ovezov Балыш ОвезовNewReelected191519751939 Turkmen Male
Nikolai Patolichev Николай ПатоличевOldReelected190819891928 Russian Male
Sergey Pavlov Серге́й Па́вловNewReelected192919931954 Russian Male
Nikolai Pegov Георгий ПавловOldReelected190519911939 Ukrainian Male
Arvīds Pelše А́рвид Пе́льшеNewReelected189919831915 Latvian Male
Nikolai Podgorny Никола́й Подго́рныйOldReelected190319831930 Ukrainian Male
Vasily Polyakov Василий КонотопPromotedNot191320031939 Russian Male
Dmitry Polyansky Дми́трий Поля́нскийOldReelected191720011939 Ukrainian Male
Boris Ponomarev Борис ПономарёвOldReelected190519951919 Russian Male
Georgy Popov Георгий ПоповPromotedReelected191219841942 Russian Male
Nina Popova Нина ПоповаCandidateReelected190819941932 Russian Female
Pyotr Pospelov Пётр ПоспеловOldReelected189819791916 Russian Male
Siarhei Prytytski Серге́й ПритыцкийNewReelected191319711932 Belarusian Male
Alexander Puzanov Александр ПузановOldReelected190619981925 Russian Male
Konstantin Pysin Константин ПысинOldReelected191019871925 Russian Male
Sharof Rashidov Шараф РашидовCandidateReelected191719831939 Uzbek Male
Jabbor Rasulov Джабар РасуловNewReelected191319821934 Tajik Male
Pyotr Rozenko Пётр РозенкоNewCandidate190719911943 Ukrainian Male
Alexander Rudakov Алекса́ндр Рудако́вPromotedReelected191019661931 Russian Male
Roman Rudenko Рома́н Руде́нкоCandidateReelected190719811926 Russian Male
Konstantin Rudnev Константин РудневNewReelected191119801941 Russian Male
Aleksey Rumyantsev Алексей РумянцевOldReelected190519931940 Russian Male
Vasily Ryabikov Васи́лий Ря́биковNewReelected190719741925 Russian Male
Pavel Satyukov Павел СатюковNewNot191119761939 Russian Male
Vladimir Semichastny Влади́мир Семича́стныйPromotedReelected192420011944 Russian Male
Ivan Senin Иван СенинCandidateNot190319811920 Ukrainian Male
Zinovie Serdiuk Зиновий СердюкOldNot190319821925 Ukrainian Male
Volodymyr Shcherbytsky Влади́мир Щерби́цкийNewReelected191819901948 Ukrainian Male
Semon Shchetinin Семён ЩетининNewReelected191019751932 Russian Male
Alexander Shelepin Алекса́ндр Шеле́пинOldReelected191819941940 Russian Male
Petro Shelest Петро ШелестNewReelected190819961928 Ukrainian Male
Aleksandra Shevchenko Александра ШевченкоNewCandidate192620201954 Ukrainian Female
Aleksey Shibayev Алексей ШибаевNewReelected191519911940 Russian Male
Aleksey Shitikov Алексе́й Ши́тиковNewReelected191219931939 Russian Male
Aleksey Shkolnikov Алексей Шко́льниковOldReelected191420031940 Russian Male
Mikhail Sholokhov Михаил ШолоховNewReelected190519841932 Russian Male
Viktor Shurygin Виктор ШурыгинNewNot191319811941 Russian Male
Nikolai Shvernik Никола́й Шве́рникOldReelected188819701905 Russian Male
Mikhail Sinitsa Михаил СиницаNewReelected191319851942 Ukrainian Male
Gennady Sizov Геннадий СизовPromotedNot190319911926 Russian Male
Vladimir Skryabin Владимир СкрябинNewNot190819881928 Russian Male
Yefim Slavsky Ефи́м Сла́вскийNewReelected189819911918 Russian Male
Leonid Smirnov Леонид СмирновNewReelected191620011943 Russian Male
Antanas Sniečkus Антанас СнечкусOldReelected190319741920 Lithuanian Male
Nikolay Sobol Николай Со́больNewReelected191019911939 Ukrainian Male
Tikhon Sokovlev Ти́хон Соколо́вNewReelected191319921941 Russian Male
Mikhail Solomentsev Михаи́л Соло́менцевNewReelected191320081940 Russian Male
Leonid Solovyov Леони́д СоловьёвCandidateReelected190619931929 Russian Male
Ivan Spiridnov Ива́н Спиридо́новNewReelected190519911928 Russian Male
Sergey Stepanov Сергей СтепановCandidateNot190319761928 Russian Male
Fodor Surganov Фёдор СургановCandidateReelected191119761940 Belarusian Male
Mikhail Suslov Михаил СусловOldReelected190219821921 Russian Male
Fikryat Tabeyev Фикрят ТабеевNewReelected192820151957 Russian Male
Fedor Titov Фёдор ТитовOldReelected191019891930 Tatar Male
Vitaly Titov Виталий ТитовOldReelected190719801938 Ukrainian Male
Vasily Tolstikov Василий ТолстиковNewReelected191720031948 Russian Male
Nikita Tolubeyev Никита ТолубеевNewNot192220131947 Ukrainian Male
Dmitriy Ustinov Дми́трий Усти́новOldReelected190819841927 Russian Male
Turdakun Usubaliev Турдакун УсубалиевNewNot191920151945 Kyrghyz Male
Konstantin Vershinin Константин ВершининNewReelected190019731919 Russian Male
Alexander Volkov Александр ВолковCandidateReelected191019901931 Russian Male
Georgiy Vorobyev Георгий ВоробьёвNewNot191420021939 Russian Male
Feodosy Voronov Феодо́сий Во́роновCandidateReelected190419751927 Russian Male
Gennady Voronov Геннадий ВороновOldReelected191019941931 Russian Male
Ivan Yakubovsky Ива́н Якубо́вскийNewNot191219761937 Belarusian Male
Mikhail Yasnov Михаил ЯсновOldReelected190619911925 Russian Male
Leonid Yefremov Леонид ЕфремовOldReelected191220071941 Russian Male
Mikhail Yefremov Михаил ЕфремовOldReelected191120001931 Russian Male
Nikolay Yegorychev Никола́й Его́рычевNewReelected192020051942 Russian Male
Vyacheslav Yelyutin Вячеслав Елю́тинNewReelected190719931929 Russian Male
Georgy Yenyutin Георгий ЕнютинOldNot190319691924 Russian Male
Alexei Yepishev Алексей ЕпишевPromotedReelected190819851929 Russian Male
Viktor Yermilov Виктор ЕрмиловNewNot190919821946 Russian Male
Ivan Yunak Иван ЮнакNewReelected191819951944 Ukrainian Male
Matvei Zakharov Матве́й Заха́ровNewReelected189819721917 Russian Male
Yakov Zarobyan Яков ЗаробянNewNot190819801932 Armenian Male
Alexander Zasyadko Александр ЗасядькоNewDied191019631931 Ukrainian Male
Ivan Zhegalin Ива́н Жега́линOldNot190619841926 Russian Male
Vladimir Zhigalin Владимир ЖигалинPromotedReelected190719901931 Russian Male
Valerian Zorin Валериан ЗоринCandidateReelected190219861922 Russian Male


Candidate Members of the Central Committee of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
[3] [5] [6] [7]
Name Cyrillic 20th CC 23rd CC BirthDeathPMEthnicityGender
Malik Abdurazakov Малик АбдуразаковNewCandidate191919731940 Uzbek Male
Evgeniy Afanasenko Евге́ний Афана́сенкоNewNot191419931943 Russian Male
Pavel Afanasyev Афана́сьев Я́ковлевичNewCandidate190519891925 Russian Male
Abdy Annaliyev Абды АнналиевNewNot192020071944 Turkmen Male
Aleksey Antonov Алексей АнтоновNewCandidate191220101940 Russian Male
Vasily Antonov Василий АнтоновNewCandidate191419671937 Russian Male
Shmavon Arushanyan Шмавон АрушанянNewNot190319821926 Armenian Male
Viktor Bakayev Виктор БакаевNewCandidate190219871919 Russian Male
Pavel Batitsky Павел Фёдорович БатицкийNewMember191019841938 Ukrainian Male
Vladimir Bazovsky Владимир БазовскийNewCandidate191719931942 Russian Male
Masymkhan Beysebayev Масымхан БейсебаевNewMember190819871932 Kazakh Male
Alexander Borisov Александр Бори́совNewNot190820011939 Russian Male
Semyon Borisov Семён БорисовCandidateNot191119991932 Yakut Male
Konstantin Brekhov Константи́н Бре́ховNewCandidate190719941931 Russian Male
Nikita Bubnovsky Никита БубновскийCandidateCandidate190719971939 Ukrainian Male
Semyon Budyonny Семён БудённыйCandidateCandidate188319731919 Russian Male
Alexander Bukharov Александр БухаровNewNot1912 ?1942 Russian Male
Aleksandr Bulgakov Александр БулгаковNewCandidate190719961937 Ukrainian Male
Boris Butoma Бутома ЕвстафьевичNewMember190719761928 Ukrainian Male
Andrei Chabanenko Андрей ЧабаненкоNewNot190919861932 Russian Male
Georgy Denisov Георгий ДенисовNewCandidate191020051930 Russian Male
Alexandru Diordiță Александр ДиордицаNewCandidate191119961938 Moldovan Male
Evgenia Dolinyuk Евге́ния Долиню́кNewNot191419901953 Ukrainian Female
Anatoly Drygin Анатолий ДрыгинNewCandidate191419901940 Russian Male
Viktor Fedorov Ви́ктор ФёдоровNewCandidate191219901939 Russian Male
Vasiliy Filippov Василий ФилипповNewNot191319931936 Buryat Male
Nikolay Firyubin Николай ФирюбинCandidateNot190819831929 Russian Male
Leonid Florentyev Леонид ФлорентьевCandidateMember191120031939 Russian Male
Georgy Frantsov Юрий ФранцевNewCandidate190319691940 Russian Male
Vasily Frolov Василий ФроловNewCandidate191419941944 Russian Male
Mikhail Gavrilov Михаил ГавриловNewNot191019791931 Russian Male
Konstantin Gerasimov Константин Гера́симовNewCandidate191019821939 Russian Male
Andrei Getman Андрей ГетманNewCandidate190319871927 Ukrainian Male
Nikolay Gribachev Николай ГрибачёвNewCandidate191019921943 Russian Male
Ivan Gustov Иван ГустовNewCandidate191119961932 Russian Male
Aleksandr Ishkov Александр ИшковCandidateCandidate190519881927 Russian Male
Mammad Iskenderov Мамед ИскендеровNewNot191519851943 Russian Male
Semon Islyukov Семён ИслюковCandidateCandidate191519981939 Russian Male
Oleksandr Ivashchenko Александр ИващенкоNewNot1916 ?1944 Ukrainian Male
Ivan Kairov Ива́н Каи́ровNewNot189319781917 Russian Male
Abdulakhad Kakharov Абдулахад КахаровNewCandidate191319841939 Tajik Male
Nikifor Kalchenko Никифор Ка́льченкоMemberCandidate190619891932 Ukrainian Male
Andrey Kandrenkov Андре́й КандрёнковNewCandidate191519891939 Russian Male
Vladimir Karlov Влади́мир Ка́рловNewCandidate191419941940 Russian Male
Mikhail Kazakov Михаил КазаковNewCandidate190119791919 Russian Male
Stepan Khitrov Степан ХитровNewMember191019991932 Russian Male
Narmahonmadi Khudayberdyyev Нармахонмади ХудайбердыевNewNot192820111948 Uzbek Male
Vladimir Kirillin Владимир КириллинNewMember191319991937 Russian Male
Valter Klauson Вальтер КлаусонNewCandidate191319881943 Estonian Male
Aleksandr Klimov Александр КлимовCandidateCandidate191419791939 Russian Male
Anton Kochinyan Анто́н Кочиня́нNewMember191319891931 Armenian Male
Olga Kolchina Ольга КолчинаNewCandidate191820171946 Russian Female
Fedor Kolomiyets Фёдор КоломиецNewNot191019941939 Ukrainian Male
Vasily Konotop Василий КонотопNewPromoted191619951944 Ukrainian Male
Leonid Korniyets Леони́д Рома́нович Корни́ецCandidateCandidate190119691926 Ukrainian Male
Aleksey Kortunov Алексе́й Кортуно́вNewCandidate190719731939 Russian Male
Pyotr Koshevoy Пётр КошевойNewCandidate190419761925 Ukrainian Male
Ivan Koval Иван КовальNewCandidate191019961938 Ukrainian Male
Pavel Kovanov Павел КовановNewCandidate190719861940 Russian Male
Nikolay Kozinets Николай КозинецNewNot1910 ?1942 Russian Male
Vasily Kozlov Василий КозловCandidateMember190319671927 Belarusian Male
Pavel Kozyr Па́вел Ко́зырьNewCandidate191319991939 Ukrainian Male
Viktor Krotov Виктор КротовNewNot191219861944 Russian Male
Pavel Kumykin Павел КумыкинCandidateNot190119761921 Russian Male
Sergey Kurashov Сергей КурашовNewDied191019651938 Russian Male
Anton Kuzmich Антон КузьмичNewNot190819891936 Belarusian Male
Mikhail Lavrentyev Михаи́л Лавре́нтьевNewCandidate190019801952 Russian Male
Pavel Leonov Павел ЛеоновNewCandidate191819921944 Russian Male
Fodor Loshchenkov Фодор ЛощенковNewCandidate191520091943 Russian Male
Ivan Lutak Иван ЛутакNewPromoted191920091940 Ukrainian Male
Lidia Lykova Лидия ЛыковаCandidateCandidate191320161938 Russian Female
Timbora Malbakhov Тимбо́ра Мальба́ховNewCandidate191719991942 Kabardian Male
Nikolay Mamay Мамай ЯковлевичNewNot192619891955 Russian Male
Bolot Mambetov Болот МамбетовNewCandidate190719901929 Kyrgyz Male
Ivan Marchenko Иван МарченкоMemberNot190819721929 Russian Male
Pyotr Masherov Пётр МашеровNewPromoted191819801943 Belarusian Male
Nikolay Melnikov Николай МельниковNewNot191819731939 Russian Male
Mikhail Menshikov Михаи́л Ме́ньшиковCandidateNot190219761927 Russian Male
Mirzamakhmud Musakhanov Мирзамахмуд МусахановNewCandidate191219951943 Uzbek Male
Aleksei Müürisepp Алексей МюрисеппNewNot190219701939 Estonian Male
Konstantin Nikolayev Константин НиколаевNewMember191019721940 Russian Male
Konstantin Novikov Константин НовиковNewCandidate191019741932 Russian Male
Mikhail Olshanskity Михаил Ольша́нскийNewNot190819881932 Russian Male
Georgy Orlov Гео́ргий Орло́вCandidateNot190319911940 Russian Male
Georgy Osipov Георгий ОсиповNewCandidate190619801927 Russian Male
Justas Paleckis Ю́стас Пале́цкисCandidateCandidate189919801940 Lithuanian Male
Borys Paton Бори́с Пато́нNewMember191820201952 Ukrainian Male
Georgy Pavlov Гео́ргий Па́вловNewCandidate191019911939 Russian Male
Valentin Penkovsky Валенти́н Пенько́вскийNewCandidate190419691926 Belarusian Male
Boris Petukhov Борис ПетуховNewCandidate191319791940 Russian Male
Jānis Peive Ян ПейвеNewNot190619761940 Latvian Male
Mikhail Pimenov Михаил ПименовNewNot1914 ?1940 Russian Male
Issa Pliyev Исса ПлиевNewNot190319791926 Ossetian Male
Mikhail Polekhin Михаил ПолёхинNewNot1913 ?1940 Russian Male
Dmitry Polikarpov Дми́трий Полика́рповNewDied190519651924 Russian Male
Ivan Polyakov Ива́н Поляко́вNewMember191420041949 Belarusian Male
Vasily Polyakov Васи́лий Поляко́вNewPromoted191420041939 Russian Male
Mikhail Ponomarev Михаил ПономарёвNewCandidate191820011939 Russian Male
Georgy Popov Георгий ПоповNewPromoted191219841942 Russian Male
Sergey Postovalov Сергей ПостоваловCandidateCandidate190719831930 Russian Male
Mikhail Privalov Михайло ПриваловNewNot191320041944 Russian Male
Nikolay Psurtsev Николай ПсурцевNewCandidate190019801919 Russian Male
Georgy Pushkin Георгий ПушкинNewDied190919631939 Russian Male
Sergey Puzikov Серге́й Пу́зиковNewDied191619621939 Russian Male
Nikolai Rodionov Никола́й Родио́новNewMember191519991944 Russian Male
Konstantin Rokossovsky Константин РокоссовскийNewCandidate189619681917 Polish Male
Aleksey Romanov Алексе́й Рома́новNewCandidate190819981939 Russian Male
Alexander Rudakov Алекса́ндр Рудако́вCandidatePromoted191019661931 Russian Male
Sergei Rudenko Серге́й Руде́нкоNewNot190419901928 Ukrainian Male
Yevgeny Savitsky Евгений СавицкийNewNot191019901931 Russian Male
Vadim Sayushev Вади́м Са́юшевNewNot1930Alive1951 Russian Male
Ivan Semenov Иван СемёновNewNot192519821945 Russian Male
Valentin Semenov Валенти́н СемёновNewNot191119881945 Russian Male
Vladimir Semichastny Влади́мир Семича́стныйCandidatePromoted192420011944 Russian Male
Nikolay Semyonov Никола́й СемёновNewNot189619861947 Russian Male
Ivan Serbin Иван СербинNewCandidate191019811931 Russian Male
Boris Shcherbina Борис ЩербинаNewCandidate191919901939 Ukrainian Male
Aleksandr Shokin Алекса́ндр Шо́кинNewMember190919881936 Russian Male
Gennady Sizov Геннадий СизовCandidatePromoted190319911926 Russian Male
Semon Skachkov Семён СкачковNewCandidate190719961936 Ukrainian Male
Anatoly Skochilov Анатолий СкочиловNewMember191219771940 Russian Male
Igor Skulkov Игорь СкулковCandidateCandidate191319711932 Russian Male
Aleksandr Smirnov Александр СмирновNewCandidate191219971937 Russian Male
Nikolay Smirnov Николай СмирновCandidateDied190619621931 Russian Male
Nikolay Smirnov Николай СмирновNewNot190419741947 Russian Male
Vasily Smirnov Василий Смирно́вNewCandidate190519791925 Russian Male
Vasily Sokolovsky Васи́лий Соколо́вскийMemberCandidate189719681931 Russian Male
Vladimir Sotnikov Владимир СотниковNewNot191019901940 Russian Male
Vasily Stepanov Василий СтепановNewNot190519811926 Russian Male
Nikolay Strokin Николай СтрокинCandidateNot190619721950 Russian Male
Alexander Struyev Алекса́ндр Стру́евMemberMember190619911927 Ukrainian Male
Andrey Stuchenko Андре́й Стуче́нкоNewCandidate190419721929 Ukrainian Male
Vladimir Sudets Владимир СудецNewNot190419811924 Ukrainian Male
Motiejus Šumauskas Мотеюс ШумаускасCandidateCandidate190519821924 Lithuanian Male
Aleksey Surkov Алексе́й Сурко́вCandidateNot189919831925 Russian Male
Alexander Tarasov Алекса́ндр Тара́совNewCandidate191119751940 Russian Male
Nikolai Tikhonov Николай ТихоновNewMember190519971940 Russian Male
Vadim Tikunov Вади́м Тикуно́вNewCandidate192119801942 Russian Male
Semyon Timoshenko Семён Тимоше́нкоCandidateCandidate189519701919 Ukrainian Male
Salchak Toka Салчак ТокаCandidateCandidate190119731944 Tuvan Male
Aleksandr Tvardovsky Алекса́ндр Твардо́вскийNewNot191019711940 Russian Male
Sergey Varentsov Серге́й Варенцо́вNewRemoved190119711941 Russian Male
Oleksiy Vatchenko Алексе́й Ва́тченкоNewMember191419841940 Ukrainian Male
Praskovya Voronina Праско́вья Воро́нинаNewNot1918 ?1942 Russian Female
Vasily Yemelyanov Васи́лий Емелья́новNewNot190119881919 Russian Male
Alexei Yepishev Алексей ЕпишевCandidatePromoted190819851929 Russian Male
Lev Yermin Ле́в Е́рминNewCandidate192320041943 Russian Male
Andrey Yeryomenko Андре́й ЕрёменкоNewCandidate189219701918 Ukrainian Male
Ismail Yusupov Исмаил Юсу́повNewNot191420051939 Uyghur Male
Mikhail Zakharov Михаил ЗахаровNewCandidate1918 ?1943 Russian Male
Vladimir Zhigalin Владимир ЖигалинNewPromoted190719901931 Russian Male
Marina Zhuravleva Марина ЖуравлёваNewNot1931Alive1953 Russian Female
Grigory Zolutukhin Григо́рий Золоту́хинNewNot191119881939 Russian Male
Vasily Zotov Васи́лий Зо́товNewCandidate189919771925 Russian Male

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The 19th Presidium of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was elected by the 19th Central Committee in the aftermath of the 19th Congress.

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 8th Congress, and sat from 23 March 1919 until 5 April 1920. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Central Committee elected by the 9th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 9th Congress, and sat from 5 April 1920 until 16 March 1921. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 7th Congress, and sat from 8 March 1918 until 23 March 1919. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Bureau, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Central Committee elected by the 10th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 10th Congress, and sat from 16 March 1921 until 2 April 1922. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Central Committee elected by the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 11th Congress, and sat from 2 April 1922 until 25 April 1923 . The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 6th Congress, and sat from 3 August 1917 until 8 March 1918. The CC 1st Plenary Session established the Narrow Composition, the Politburo and the Bureau, while sanctioning the establishment of the Secretariat on the orders of the Narrow Composition.

Central Committee elected by the 12th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 12th Congress, and sat from 25 April 1923 until 31 May 1924. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Central Committee elected by the 13th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 13th Congress, and sat from 2 June 1924 until 31 December 1925. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 14th Congress, and sat from 31 December 1925 until 19 December 1927. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Central Committee elected by the 15th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 15th Congress, and sat from 19 December 1927 until 13 July 1930. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 16th Congress, and sat from 13 July 1930 until 10 February 1934. Its 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Orgburo of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The 16th Congress was the first party convention since the 13th Congress which saw no organized opposition, and the first congress in party history in which there was no opposition to the party leadership. Ukrainian historian Oleg Khlevniuk considers the period 1930–1934 to be a "transitional period" between collective leadership and Joseph Stalin's personal dictatorship (autocracy). The removal of Alexei Rykov, the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, from the Politburo at the 1st Joint Plenary Session of the CC and the Central Control Commission (CCC) has been marked in historic literature as "the definitive Stalinization of that body [Politburo]" according to Khlevniuk.

Central Committee elected by the 17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected at the 17th Congress, and sat from 10 February 1934 until 22 March 1939. Its 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Orgburo of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The 17th Congress was labelled the "Congress of Victors" to mark the success of the first five-year plan and the collectivization of agriculture. The CC 1st Plenary Session elected Joseph Stalin General Secretary of the Central Committee, and Lazar Kaganovich continued to serve as Stalin's deputy, an informal post referred to by Sovietologists as Second Secretary, and was empowered to manage party business and sign Politburo resolutions when Stalin was away from Moscow.

The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was elected by the 20th Congress, and was in session from 1956 until 1961. It elected, at its 1st Plenary Session, the 20th Presidium, the 20th Secretariat and the 20th Party Control Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The Central Committee of the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was in session from 1966 until 1971. There were 195 regular members chosen, an increase from the 175 selected in 1961; of the 195 members, 51 were newcomers, and 144 were incumbents; another 31 had died or resigned since the 1961 election. Another 145 candidate members, who could participate but could not vote on motions, were picked in addition to the voting regular members.

The Central Committee of the 24th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was in session from 1971 until 1976. It elected, at its 1st Plenary Session, the 24th Politburo, the 24th Secretariat and the 24th Party Control Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The Central Committee of the 25th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was in session from 1976 until 1981. It elected, at its 1st Plenary Session, the 25th Politburo, the 25th Secretariat and the 25th Party Control Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

This Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 5th Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, and sat from 19 May 1907 until 17 January 1912.

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 6th All-Russian Conference, and sat from 17 January 1912 until 3 August 1917.

The inner-composition of the 6th Congress was elected by the sixth composition of the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks).



  1. Simons & White 1984, pp. 423–425.
  2. "Съезды, конференции, пленумы и заседания РСДРП - РСДРП(б) - РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Congresses, conferences, plenums and meetings of the RSDLP - RSDLP(b) - RCP(b) - CPSU]. Knowbysight.info. Archived from the original on 16 April 2022. Retrieved 16 April 2022.
  3. 1 2 "Центральный Комитет, избранный XX-м съездом ВКП(б) 25.2.1956, члены" [Central Committee elected by the XX Congress of the CPSU 25.2.1956, members]. Knowbysight.info. Archived from the original on 14 April 2022. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
  4. Staff writer 1963, p. I-A8 (90).
  5. 1 2 "XXIII-й съезд Коммунистической партии Советского Союза 29.3 - 8.4.1966" [XXIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 29.3 - 8.4.1966]. Knowbysight.info. Archived from the original on 14 April 2022. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
  6. 1 2 "Персональный состав Центрального комитета РСДРП - РСДРП(б) - РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Composition of the Central Committee of the RSDLP - RSDLP(b) - RCP(b) - VKP(b) - CPSU]. Knowbysight.info. Archived from the original on 16 April 2022. Retrieved 16 April 2022.
  7. Staff writer 1963, p. I-A9 (91).
