Chameleon vision

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The chameleon is among the most highly visually-oriented lizards, using this sense in prey capture, mating behavior, and predator avoidance. [1] Unique features of chameleon vision include a negative lens, a positive cornea, and monocular focusing. The development of the chameleon visual system could have evolved to aid in prey capture and/or in predator avoidance.


Chameleon eye Chamaleon2.jpg
Chameleon eye

The angle, or amplitude, of eye movement in chameleons is very large for a vertebrate [1] and the eyes move independently of each other. [2] This allows a chameleon to watch an approaching object while simultaneously scanning the rest of its environment. [1] Chameleon eyes protrude laterally from the head, giving the lizard panoramic sight. [2] An eyelid fused to the pupil protects the eyes, leaving only a small part exposed. [2] With a negative (nearsighted or concave) lens and a positive (farsighted or convex) cornea, chameleons use a method of monocular focusing to judge distance called corneal accommodation. Each eye focuses independently, which is achieved by the chameleon eye’s unique anatomy of separated nodal and center points of the eye. [3] Finally, “striated rather than smooth ciliary muscle in sauropsids” allows for rapid focusing. [3]

Negative lens

Chameleon eyes feature a negative lens, meaning that the lens is concave. This increases retinal image size, allowing more precise focusing. [3] [4] In fact, image magnification in chameleons is higher in a scaled comparison to all other vertebrates eyes. [4]

Positive cornea

While the lens are negative, the cornea of chameleon eyes are positive, meaning that it is convex. The increased power of the cornea also contributes to more precise focusing than in other vertebrates. [3] The cornea improves sight resolution in a narrower field of vision. [3]

Monocular focusing and corneal accommodation

The combination of a negative lens and a positive cornea in the chameleon eye allow for accurate focusing by corneal accommodation. [4] Using corneal accommodation for depth perception [5] makes the chameleon the only vertebrate to focus monocularly. [1] While sight is primarily independent in the two chameleon eyes, the eye that first detects prey will guide accommodation in the other eye. [3] Contrary to the previous belief that chameleons used stereopsis (both eyes) for depth perception, research has shown monocular focusing to be more likely. [6] Depending on the chameleon's step in the predation sequence, corneal accommodation can be coupled, meaning the eyes independently focus on the same object. [3] When scanning the environment and in judging distance to prey, vision and accommodation are uncoupled: the eyes are focusing on different objects, such as the environment and the newly-sighted prey. Immediately before the chameleon's characteristic tongue is extended, accommodation in both eyes is coupled: both eyes focus independently on the prey. [3] Imprecise alignment of the images from each eye, as demonstrated by measuring various angles from eye to target, shows that stereopsis is unlikely for depth perception the chameleon. [3]

Nodal point separation

The nodal point in the eye is the point at which "lines connecting points in the scene and corresponding points in the image intersect." [5] In chameleons, the nodal point is located a significant distance before the center of rotation, the point around which the eye rotates in the eye socket. As a result of this nodal point separation, images of objects move more or less on the retina based on their distance from the chameleon. The position of an image on the retina is the "primary means by which chameleons judge distance." [3] Therefore, the rotation of one eye informs the chameleon of the "relative distances of different objects." [5] An important effect of the ability to judge distance with one eye is that the head does not have to be turned to allow stereoptic viewing of the object. [7]


Chameleons as an evolutionary transition to stereopsis

A suggested theory for the evolution of squamate vision is that corneal accommodation and monocular depth perception are "primitive" mechanisms in comparison to binocular vision and stereopsis. [3] Chameleons use an alternative strategy to stereopsis in functional coupling of the eyes immediately before the tongue shot. This differs from stereopsis in that the images from both eyes are not reconciled into one. However, it is possible that this was first used for neural static reduction. [3] This suggests that chameleons could be seen as a transition between independent and coupled eye use. [8] However, it is also possible that the chameleon vision system is an alternative, equally successful mode of prey capture and predator avoidance, and perhaps more appropriate for the chameleon's niche as a camouflaged, arboreal hunter than other vision systems.

Prey/predator causes of chameleon eye development

The chameleon, a camouflaged, slow-moving lizard, is an arboreal hunter that hides and ambushes prey. [2] Prey and predators alike can be sighted and monitored using monocular depth perception. Also, nodal point separation allows distance to be judged with one eye, so minimal head movement is needed by the chameleon in watching its surroundings, reinforcing the chameleon strategy of inconspicuousness. [5]

Prey capture

The specialized strategy by which chameleons capture prey is reflected in their sensory anatomy and use, in particular that of vision. [2] First, prey is sighted and distance assessed using one eye. [6] To avoid detection by prey, a chameleon uses minimal head movement, made possible by nodal point separation. [5] The chameleon then slowly turns its head toward the prey. Both eyes focus independently on the prey before the tongue shot. [3]

Predator avoidance

The chameleon predator avoidance response is vision-mediated. [1] In predator avoidance, chameleons use minimal head movement and a unique method to monitor potential threats. Due to nodal point separation, a chameleon can judge distance to a potential threat with minimal head movement needed. When confronted with a potential threat, chameleons rotate their slender bodies to the opposite side of their perch to avoid detection. [1] They will keep moving around the branch to keep the branch between themselves and the threat and to keep the threat in their line of sight. [1] If the branch is narrow, a chameleon can observe a threat binocularly around the branch. While a wide branch might present a difficulty in depth perception to another lizard as it is forced to view the threat monocularly, a chameleon due to corneal accommodation and nodal point separation can judge distance between itself and a potential threat with only one eye viewing the threat. [1]

Comparison to the sandlance fish

While the chameleon eye is unique in lizards, parallels exist in other animals. In particular, the barred sandburrower fish shares key vision features with the chameleon. This is because the environmental circumstances such as the need for camouflaged quick prey capture that led to the development of the chameleon eye seem to have acted on the sandburrower fish as well. [7] Rapid predatory attacks are made possible through the chameleon and the sandlances' striated corneal muscles allowing for corneal accommodation, a reduced power lens, and increased corneal power. [3] A nearly complete eyelid covering and lack of head movement due to nodal separation reduce conspicuousness to prey and predators. [7]

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  1. It gives a creature a "spare eye" in case one is damaged.
  2. It gives a wider field of view. For example, humans have a maximum horizontal field of view of approximately 190 degrees with two eyes, approximately 120 degrees of which makes up the binocular field of view flanked by two uniocular fields of approximately 40 degrees.
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  4. It allows the angles of the eyes' lines of sight, relative to each other (vergence), and those lines relative to a particular object to be determined from the images in the two eyes. These properties are necessary for the third advantage.
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Stereopsis is a term that is most often used to refer to the perception of depth and three-dimensional structure obtained on the basis of visual information deriving from two eyes by individuals with normally developed binocular vision. Because the eyes of humans, and many animals, are located at different lateral positions on the head, binocular vision results in two slightly different images projected to the retinas of the eyes. The differences are mainly in the relative horizontal position of objects in the two images. These positional differences are referred to as "horizontal disparities" or, more generally, "binocular disparities". Disparities are processed in the visual cortex of the brain to yield depth perception. While binocular disparities are naturally present when viewing a real three-dimensional scene with two eyes, they can also be simulated by artificially presenting two different images separately to each eye using a method called stereoscopy. The perception of depth in such cases is also referred to as "stereoscopic depth".

Monocular vision is vision in which both eyes are used separately in animals and monocular vision in human species is vision when only one eye is used. By using the eyes in this way the field of view is increased, while depth perception is limited. The eyes of an animal with monocular vision are positioned on opposite sides of the animal's head, giving it the ability to see two objects at once. This is usually most commonly seen with prey animals, as the reason why their eyes are placed on either side of their head is to make it easier for them to look out for predators, which usually have forward-facing eyes to make it easier to find prey. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, usually if the predator is an animal that is often preyed upon by a greater predator or sport an anatomy that makes it very difficult for it to see straight, such as a short, stiff neck that would limit its head movement, and therefore would require its eyes to be on either side. Bimonocular vision also named two-eyed monocular vision or seeing in a monocular way over the entire field of view without visual field loss and without fusion is vision in which both eyes are used separately in human species and was discovered in 2018 by John Post a Belgian inventor in optics. The word monocular comes from the Greek root, mono for single, and the Latin root, oculus for eye.

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Vision in fish

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Eagle eye

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<i>Limnichthys fasciatus</i> Species of fish

Limnichthys fasciatus, the barred sand burrower, is a species of sandburrower. It is noted for its highly developed eyes, with a structure similar to the eyes of a chameleon, which has led it to be described as marine chameleon. Its fully grown length measures between 20 millimetres (0.79 in) and 40 millimetres (1.6 in). The species is native to reefs in the Indo-Pacific. The fish preys on plankton prey by surprise attacking it from a hiding in loose sand, with only the eyes protruding from the sand.


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