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Bancso 2021 Fig 7-5 Cyclonexis annularis cropped.jpg
Cyclonexis annularis
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Clade: Diaphoretickes
Clade: SAR
Clade: Stramenopiles
Phylum: Gyrista
Subphylum: Ochrophytina
Class: Chrysophyceae
Order: Chromulinales
Family: Chromulinaceae
Engler, 1897

Chromulinaceae is a family of golden algae in the order Ochromonadales. It is composed of 34 genera (Preisig 1995). [1]

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Chromulina is a genus of golden algae in the family Chromulinaceae.

Cladonema may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ochromonadales</span> Order of algae

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  1. Sandgren, Craig D.; Smol, J. P.; Kristiansen, J. (26 January 1995). Chrysophyte Algae: Ecology, Phylogeny and Development. Cambridge University Press. p. 52. ISBN   978-0-521-46260-0.