Clerke (crater)

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Clerke crater AS17-M-0795.jpg
Apollo 17 image
Coordinates 21°42′N29°48′E / 21.7°N 29.8°E / 21.7; 29.8
Diameter 7 km
Depth 1.4 km
Colongitude 330° at sunrise
Eponym Agnes M. Clerke
The crater area (top) in selenochromatic Image (Si). More infos here : Posidonius-Agrippa Si - Aldo Ferruggia.jpg
The crater area (top) in selenochromatic Image (Si). More infos here :
Oblique Apollo 17 image of Clerke Clerke crater AS17-151-23217.jpg
Oblique Apollo 17 image of Clerke
Granular debris flows within Clerke M183332397RE Clerke.png
Granular debris flows within Clerke

Clerke is a tiny lunar impact crater named after Irish astronomer Agnes Mary Clerke, [1] who played a role in bringing astronomy and astrophysics to the public in Victorian England. [2] It is located near the eastern edge of Mare Serenitatis in the midst of a rille system named the Rimae Littrow after the crater Littrow to the east. It is roughly circular and cup-shaped, with a relatively high albedo. In a valley to the southeast is the landing site of the Apollo 17 mission. Clerke was previously designated Littrow B.


See also

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  1. "Clerke (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.
  2. LROC: Clerke Crater