Commutant lifting theorem

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In operator theory, the commutant lifting theorem, due to Sz.-Nagy and Foias, is a powerful theorem used to prove several interpolation results.



The commutant lifting theorem states that if is a contraction on a Hilbert space , is its minimal unitary dilation acting on some Hilbert space (which can be shown to exist by Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem), and is an operator on commuting with , then there is an operator on commuting with such that


Here, is the projection from onto . In other words, an operator from the commutant of T can be "lifted" to an operator in the commutant of the unitary dilation of T.


The commutant lifting theorem can be used to prove the left Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation theorem, the Sarason interpolation theorem, and the two-sided Nudelman theorem, among others.

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