Chaetocarpus is a plant genus of the family Peraceae, formerly Euphorbiaceae, first described as a genus in 1854. Chaetocarpus species are trees or shrubs. They are native to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Some species are endangered.
- Chaetocarpus acutifolius(Britton & P.Wilson) Borhidi – Sierra de Moa in Cuba
- Chaetocarpus africanusPax – C Africa
- Chaetocarpus castanocarpus(Roxb.) Thwaites – SE Asia, Yunnan, Assam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
- Chaetocarpus cordifolius(Urb.) Borhidi – Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica
- Chaetocarpus coriaceusThwaites – Sri Lanka
- Chaetocarpus cubensisFawc. & Rendle – Cuba
- Chaetocarpus echinocarpus (Baill.) Ducke – Bolivia, Brazil
- Chaetocarpus ferrugineusPhilcox – Sri Lanka
- Chaetocarpus gabonensisBreteler – Gabon
- Chaetocarpus globosus(Sw.) Fawc. & Rendle – Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Rep.
- Chaetocarpus myrsinitesBaill. – Bolivia, Brazil
- Chaetocarpus parvifoliusBorhidi – Cuba
- Chaetocarpus pearceiRusby – Bolivia
- Chaetocarpus pubescens(Thwaites) Hook.f. – Sri Lanka
- Chaetocarpus rabarabaCapuron – Madagascar
- Chaetocarpus schomburgkianus(Kuntze) Pax & K.Hoffm. – Colombia, Venezuela, 3 Guianas, NW Brazil

Glycydendron is a genus of plants, under the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1922. It is native to South America.
- Glycydendron amazonicumDucke - French Guinea, Suriname, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, northwestern Brazil, possibly Colombia
- Glycydendron espiritosantenseKuhlm, - State of Espirito Santo in Brazil
Dodecastigma is a genus of plants under the family Euphorbiaceae first described as a genus in 1932. It is native to northern South America.
- Dodecastigma amazonicumDucke - Amazonas State in Brazil
- Dodecastigma integrifolium(Lanj.) Lanj. & Sandwith - French Guiana, Guyana, N Brazil
- Dodecastigma uleanum(Pax & K.Hoffm.) G.L.Webster - Amazonas, Amapá
Rhodothyrsus is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae, first described as a genus in 1999. It is native to South America.
- Rhodothyrsus hirsutusEsser - Colombia, NW Venezuela
- Rhodothyrsus macrophyllus(Ducke) Esser - Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Peru, N Brazil
Discocarpus is a genus of the plant family Phyllanthaceae first described as a genus in 1841. It is native to northern South America. It is dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants.
- Discocarpus essequeboensisKlotzsch - Brazil, Venezuela (Amazonas), Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
- Discocarpus gentryiS.M.Hayden - S Venezuela (Amazonas), Peru (Loreto), N Brazil
- Discocarpus pedicellatusFiaschi & Cordeiro - State of Bahia in Brazil
- Discocarpus spruceanusMüll.Arg. - Venezuela (Amazonas), Brazil, Suriname (Sipaliwini), Bolivia
Duckeella is a genus of orchids, belonging to the subfamily Vanilloideae. It has 3 known species, all native to South America:

Caryocar is a genus of flowering plants, in the South American family Caryocaraceae described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1771. It is native primarily to South America with a few species extending into Central America and the West Indies.

Pradosia is a genus of plants in the family Sapotaceae described as a genus in 1872.
Gleasonia is a genus of plants in the Rubiaceae. There are at the present time five accepted species, all native to South America.

Condylocarpon is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1822. It is primarily native to South America, though found also in Trinidad & Tobago and Nicaragua.

Couma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1775. It is native to South America and Central America.

Lacmellea is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1857. It is native to South America and Central America.
- Lacmellea abbreviataJ.F.Morales - Colombia
- Lacmellea aculeata(Ducke) Monach - Peru, NW Brazil, the Guianas
- Lacmellea arborescens(Müll.Arg.) Markgr. - Brazil, Bolivia
- Lacmellea bahiensisJ.F.Morales - Bahia
- Lacmellea costanensisSteyerm. - N Venezuela
- Lacmellea densifoliata(Ducke) Markgr. - Pará
- Lacmellea edulisH.Karst. - Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil
- Lacmellea floribunda(Poepp.) Benth. & Hook.f. - Peru, NW Brazil, Suriname, French Guiana
- Lacmellea foxii(Stapf) Markgr. - Peru
- Lacmellea gracilis(Müll.Arg.) Markgr. - N Peru, NW Brazil
- Lacmellea guyanensis(Müll.Arg.) Monach - French Guiana
- Lacmellea klugiiMonach. - Peru
- Lacmellea macranthaJ.F.Morales - Ecuador
- Lacmellea microcarpa(Müll.Arg.) Markgr. - Colombia, S Venezuela, NW Brazil
- Lacmellea oblongataMarkgr. - SE Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Lacmellea panamensis(Woodson) Markgr. - Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador
- Lacmellea pauciflora(Kuhlm.) Markgr. - Brazil
- Lacmellea peruviana(Van Heurck & Müll.Arg.) Markgr. - Peru
- Lacmellea pygmaeaMonach. - Amazonas State in Venezuela
- Lacmellea ramosissima(Müll.Arg.) Markgr. - Colombia, S Venezuela, NW Brazil
- Lacmellea speciosaWoodson - Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Lacmellea standleyi(Woodson) Monach. - Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
- Lacmellea utilis(Arn.) Markgr. - S Venezuela, Guyana
- Lacmellea zamoraeJ.F.Morales - Costa Rica

Pausandra is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described in 1870. It is native to Central America and South America.
- Pausandra fordiiSecco - Amapá, French Guiana
- Pausandra hirsutaLanj. - Peru, Brazil, Bolivia (Pando), Colombia (Amazonas)
- Pausandra macropetalaDucke - Brazil, Peru (Loreto), Venezuela (Amazonas)
- Pausandra macrostachyaDucke - Pará
- Pausandra martiniBaill. - French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil
- Pausandra megalophyllaMüll.Arg. - Rio de Janeiro
- Pausandra morisiana(Casar.) Radlk. - Brazil
- Pausandra trianae(Müll.Arg.) Baill. - widespread from Honduras to Bolivia
Allantoma is a genus of woody plant in the family Lecythidaceae first described as a genus in 1874. It is native to northwestern South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, northern Brazil.
- Allantoma decandra S.A.Mori, Ya Y.Huang & Prance - Peru, Brazil
- Allantoma integrifolia S.A.Mori - Amazonas State in Brazil
- Allantoma kuhlmannii S.A.Mori - Rondônia State in Brazil
- Allantoma lineata Miers - Amazonas State in Venezuela; Amazonas and Pará States in Brazil
- Allantoma pachyantha S.A.Mori, Ya Y.Huang & Prance - Amazonas State in Brazil
- Allantoma pauciramosa S.A.Mori, Ya Y.Huang & Prance - Amazonas State in Brazil
- Allantoma plurifloraS.A.Mori, Ya Y.Huang & Prance - Colombia
- Allantoma uaupensis S.A.Mori, Ya Y.Huang & Prance - Amazonas State in Brazil
Exellodendron is a genus of plant in the family Chrysobalanaceae described as a genus in 1972.
Duckea is a group of plants in the family Rapateaceae described as a genus in 1958.
Spathanthus is a group of plants in the family Rapateaceae described as a genus in 1828.
Saxo-fridericia is a group of plants in the family Rapateaceae described as a genus in 1845.
Chromolucuma is a genus of plants in the family Sapotaceae described in 1925.
Elaeoluma is a genus of plants in the family Sapotaceae described as a genus in 1891.