Eremothera boothii

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Eremothera boothii
Camissonia boothii.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Myrtales
Family: Onagraceae
Genus: Eremothera
E. boothii
Binomial name
Eremothera boothii
  • Camissonia boothii(Douglas) P.H.Raven
  • Oenothera boothiiDouglas
  • Sphaerostigma boothii(Douglas) Walp.

Eremothera boothii is a species of wildflower known as Booth's evening primrose. This plant is native to the western United States and northwestern Mexico where it is most abundant in arid areas such as deserts. This is an annual plant with hairy reddish-green stems and mottled foliage. The stem ends in a nodding inflorescence of many small flowers which may be white to red or yellowish, often with darker shades on the external surfaces of the four spoon-shaped petals. They have long stamens with clublike yellowish anthers. Flowers of this species tend to open at dusk rather than dawn as in many other Camissonia. The fruit is a twisted capsule one to 3 centimeters long. Plant appearances may vary across subspecies.

There are several subspecies:

E. boothii ssp. decorticans, Carrizo Plain National Monument Eremothera boothii ssp. decorticans, Carrizo Plain.jpg
E. boothii ssp. decorticans, Carrizo Plain National Monument

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