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Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Subfamily: Apocynoideae
Tribe: Malouetieae
Genus: Eucorymbia
E. alba
Binomial name
Eucorymbia alba

Eucorymbia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1905. It contains only one known species, Eucorymbia alba, native to Borneo, Sumatra, and peninsular Malaysia. [1] [2] [3]

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Anodendron is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1844. It is native to China, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and some islands of the western Pacific.

  1. Anodendron affine(Hook. & Arn.) Druce - China, Japan, Ryukyu Islands, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh
  2. Anodendron axillareMerr. - Philippines, Borneo, W Malaysia, Java, Sumatra
  3. Anodendron benthamianumHemsl. - Taiwan
  4. Anodendron borneense(King & Gamble) D.J.Middleton - Borneo, Palawan
  5. Anodendron candolleanumWight - Thailand, W Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Philippines
  6. Anodendron coriaceum(Blume) Miq. - Thailand, W Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Bali, Lombok, Timor, Flores
  7. Anodendron gracile(King & Gamble) D.J.Middleton - Borneo, Palawan, W Malaysia
  8. Anodendron howiiTsiang - Guangxi, Hainan
  9. Anodendron nervosumKerr - Yunnan, Assam, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Java, Sumatra
  10. Anodendron oblongifoliumHemsl. - Borneo, Philippines, Maluku, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
  11. Anodendron paniculatum(Roxb.) A.DC. - India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Andaman & Nicobar Is, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines
  12. Anodendron pauciflorumHook.f - Borneo, W Malaysia, Sumatra
  13. Anodendron punctatumTsiang - Cambodia, Thailand, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan
  14. Anodendron seramenseD.J.Middleton - Maluku
  15. Anodendron tubulosum(Ridl. ex Burkill & M.R.Hend.) D.J.Middleton - W Malaysia, Sumatra
  16. Anodendron whitmoreiD.J.Middleton - Maluku, New Guinea, Solomon Islands
  17. Anodendron wrayiKing & Gamble - W Malaysia

Kopsia is a genus of plant in family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1823. Kopsia is native to China, Southeast Asia, Australia, and various islands of the western Pacific.

  1. Kopsia angustipetalaKerr - Thailand, Laos
  2. Kopsia arboreaBlume - S China, SE Asia, N Australia, Andaman & Nicobar Is
  3. Kopsia dasyrachisRidl. - Sabah
  4. Kopsia deverreiL.Allorge - Johor
  5. Kopsia flavidaBlume - Philippines, Maluku, New Guinea, Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Micronesia
  6. Kopsia fruticosa(Roxb.) A.DC. - Myanmar, Andaman Is
  7. Kopsia grandifoliaD.J.Middleton - Johor, Anambas Is
  8. Kopsia griffithiiKing & Gamble - W Malaysia
  9. Kopsia hainanensisTsiang - Hainan
  10. Kopsia harmandianaPierre ex Pit. - Vietnam
  11. Kopsia lapidilectaSleesen - Natuna Is
  12. Kopsia larutensisKing & Gamble - W Malaysia
  13. Kopsia macrophyllaHook.f. - W Malaysia
  14. Kopsia paucifloraHook.f. - Indochina, W Malaysia, Sumatra
  15. Kopsia profundaKing & Gamble - W Malaysia
  16. Kopsia rajangensisD.J.Middleton - Sarawak
  17. Kopsia roseaD.J.Middleton - S Thailand, Kelantan
  18. Kopsia singapurensisRidl. - Singapore, W Malaysia
  19. Kopsia sleesianaMarkgraf - Sarawak
  20. Kopsia sumatranaD.J.Middleton - Sumatra
  21. Kopsia tenuisLeenh. & Steenis - Sarawak
  22. Kopsia teoiL.Allorge - W Malaysia
  23. Kopsia tonkinensisPit. - Vietnam
  24. Kopsia vidaliiD.J.Middleton - Vietnam

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<i>Holarrhena pubescens</i>

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  1. Chilocarpus beccarianusPierre - Borneo
  2. Chilocarpus conspicuus(Steenis) Markgr. - Borneo
  3. Chilocarpus costatusMiq. - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar
  4. Chilocarpus decipiensHook.f. - Sumatra, W Malaysia
  5. Chilocarpus denudatusBlume - S India, Nicobar Islands, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea
  6. Chilocarpus hirtusD.J.Middleton - Borneo, Sumatra
  7. Chilocarpus obtusifoliusMerr. - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia
  8. Chilocarpus pubescensD.J.Middleton - Borneo
  9. Chilocarpus rostratusMarkgr. - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia, Thailand
  10. Chilocarpus sarawakensisD.J.Middleton - Sarawak
  11. Chilocarpus steenisianusMarkgr. - Borneo
  12. Chilocarpus suaveolensBlume - Borneo, Sumatra, Java
  13. Chilocarpus torulosus(Boerl.) Markgr. - Borneo
  14. Chilocarpus vernicosusBlume - Borneo, Sumatra, W Malaysia
<i>Kopsia singapurensis</i>

Kopsia singapurensis is a species of plant in the family Apocynaceae. It is native to Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. It is threatened by habitat loss. It can grow up to five metres tall. When the plant is cut, white latex is produced. The flower has five petals. In Singapore, the tree can only be found in the Nee Soon Swamp Forest. In the wild, it flowers only twice a year, but when cultivated, it is free-flowering if grown under the right conditions.

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Vallariopsis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1936. It contains only one known species, Vallariopsis lancifolia, native to Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra.


Amphineurion is a genus of plants in the Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1948. It contains only one known species, Amphineurion marginatum, native to Cambodia, S China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Lygisma is a plant genus in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1883. It is native to southern China, Indochina, Malaysia, and the Himalayas.

  1. Lygisma angustifolia(Wight) Hook.f. - Himalayas
  2. Lygisma flavum(Ridl.) Kerr - Peninsular Malaysia
  3. Lygisma inflexum(Costantin) Kerr - Vietnam, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan
  4. Lygisma nervosumKerr - Thailand


  1. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. Middleton, D.J. (2007). Apocynaceae (subfamilies Rauvolfioideae and Apocynoideae). Flora Malesiana 18: 1-474. Noordhoff-Kolff N.V., Djakarta.
  3. Middleton, D.J. (2011). Flora of peninsular Malaysia , II, 2: 1-235. Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia.