Europe (Assembly of the Republic constituency)

Last updated

for the Assembly of the Republic
Electorate937,311 (2024)
Current Constituency
Deputies [1]
  •   José Dias Fernandes (CH)
  •   Paulo Pisco (PS)

Europe (Portuguese : Europa) is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. The constituency currently elects two of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 937,311 registered electors.


Electoral system

Europe currently elects two of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. [2] [3] Seats are allocated using the D'Hondt method. [4] [5]

Election results


Election Unitary Democrats
Left Bloc
People Animals Nature
Democratic Renewal
Social Democrats
PSD / PàF / AD / PPD
CDS – People's
Votes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %Seats
2024 2,3631.65%06,4384.50%038,06326.62%15,1753.62%033,35123.33%05,7194.00%042,97530.06%1
2022 1,4091.86%02,6473.49%036,08647.54%22,9563.89%016,40421.61%02,7043.56%01,1561.52%07,75610.22%0
2019 2,7133.41%06,1067.68%031,37739.47%15,2966.66%020,25625.48%18741.10%03,1804.00%08331.05%0
2015 8116.73%07856.52%04,08233.89%11281.06%05,34044.33%1
2011 8035.14%06023.85%07,20546.13%11921.23%05,31234.01%19946.36%0
2009 7345.21%07965.65%07,26751.54%13,99828.35%17875.58%0120.09%0
2005 9734.48%05352.46%012,72858.58%16,36629.30%17943.65%0
2002 1,1485.21%02501.14%010,02145.51%18,80139.97%11,1795.35%0
1999 1,3515.72%01450.61%014,27760.49%26,35326.92%08293.51%0
1995 1,6527.75%0790.37%09,06742.56%18,74041.02%11,1435.36%0
1991 2,3117.99%09,39332.46%11410.49%015,81754.66%18943.09%0
1987 3,05416.24%01440.77%05,46729.06%19445.02%07,12537.88%11,2786.79%0
1985 4,41719.47%02030.89%05,70025.12%11,6647.33%05,71225.18%14,07417.96%0
1983 6,06917.43%011,93934.28%111,10131.87%13,95511.36%0
1980 6,67815.74%06041.42%011,14226.27%121,75751.29%1
1979 5,65913.77%01,3913.38%014,01834.11%116,15439.31%1
1976 5,21210.28%04070.80%023,82446.99%116,64432.83%13,5557.01%0

(Figures in italics represent alliances.)




Results of the 2024 legislative election held on 10 March 2024: [6]

Chega CH42,97530.06%1
Socialist Party PS38,06326.62%1
Democratic Alliance AD33,35123.33%0
Left Bloc BE6,4384.50%0
Liberal Initiative IL5,7194.00%0
People Animals Nature PAN5,1753.62%0
LIVRE L4,0912.86%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU2,3631.65%0
National Democratic Alternative ADN9530.67%0
Volt Portugal Volt7610.53%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP7480.52%0
Together for the People JPP5600.39%0
We, the Citizens! NC5100.36%0
New Right ND5020.35%0
React, Include, Recycle RIR4520.32%0
Ergue-te E1820.13%0
Alternative 21 (Earth Party and Alliance)PT-A1200.08%0
Valid Votes142,963100.00%2
Blank Votes1,3810.58%
Rejected Votes – Other94,26139.51%
Total Polled238,60525.46%
Registered Electors937,311

The following candidates were elected: [7] José Dias Fernandes (CH); and Paulo Pisco (PS).


The results of the 2022 legislative election held on 30 January 2022 in the constituency were annulled by the Constitutional Court due ballot papers without copies of voter IDs being mixed with those with voter IDs at around 150 polling stations. [8] [9] Results of the re-run held on 12 and 13 March 2022: [10]

Socialist Party PS36,08647.54%2
Social Democratic Party PSD16,40421.61%0
Chega CH7,75610.22%0
People Animals Nature PAN2,9563.89%0
Liberal Initiative IL2,7043.56%0
Left Bloc BE2,6473.49%0
LIVRE L1,5852.09%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU1,4091.86%0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP1,1561.52%0
Earth Party PT6100.80%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP5220.69%0
Volt Portugal Volt4640.61%0
React, Include, Recycle RIR3870.51%0
Portuguese Labour Party PTP3770.50%0
We, the Citizens! NC2960.39%0
National Democratic Alternative ADN2620.35%0
Socialist Alternative Movement MAS1230.16%0
Alliance A840.11%0
Ergue-te E780.10%0
Valid Votes75,906100.00%2
Blank Votes7110.65%
Rejected Votes – Other33,56530.46%
Total Polled110,18211.90%
Registered Electors926,205

The following candidates were elected: [11] Nathalie Oliveira (PS); and Paulo Pisco (PS).



Results of the 2019 legislative election held on 6 October 2019: [12]

Socialist Party PS31,37739.47%1
Social Democratic Party PSD20,25625.48%1
Left Bloc BE6,1067.68%0
People Animals Nature PAN5,2966.66%0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP3,1804.00%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU2,7133.41%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP1,2671.59%0
LIVRE L1,1671.47%0
Earth Party PT1,0121.27%0
Liberal Initiative IL8741.10%0
Chega CH8331.05%0
National Renewal Party PNR8101.02%0
Democratic Republican Party PDR7971.00%0
We, the Citizens! NC6880.87%0
United Party of Retirees and Pensioners PURP6720.85%0
Alliance A5580.70%0
React, Include, Recycle RIR5530.70%0
Portuguese Labour Party PTP4930.62%0
Together for the People JPP4090.51%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM2540.32%0
Socialist Alternative Movement MAS1730.22%0
Valid Votes79,488100.00%2
Blank Votes1,6651.54%
Rejected Votes – Other27,29325.17%
Total Polled108,44612.11%
Registered Electors895,509

The following candidates were elected: [13] Carlos Alberto Gonçalves (PSD); and Paulo Pisco (PS).


Results of the 2015 legislative election held on 4 October 2015: [14]

Portugal Ahead PàF5,34044.33%1
Socialist Party PS4,08233.89%1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU8116.73%0
Left Bloc BE7856.52%0
LIVRE L2492.07%0
Democratic Republican Party PDR1691.40%0
People Animals Nature PAN1281.06%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP980.81%0
United Party of Retirees and Pensioners PURP960.80%0
The Earth Party Movement MPT820.68%0
We, the Citizens! NC690.57%0
National Renewal Party PNR450.37%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM400.33%0
Together for the People JPP280.23%0
ACT! (Portuguese Labour Party
and Socialist Alternative Movement)
Valid Votes12,045100.00%2
Blank Votes1050.76%
Rejected Votes – Other1,64111.90%
Total Polled13,79117.60%
Registered Electors78,342

The following candidates were elected: [15] Carlos Alberto Gonçalves (PàF); and Paulo Pisco (PS).


Results of the 2011 legislative election held on 5 June 2011: [16]

Socialist Party PS7,20546.13%1
Social Democratic Party PSD5,31234.01%1
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP9946.36%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU8035.14%0
Left Bloc BE6023.85%0
Party for Animals and Nature PAN1921.23%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP1320.85%0
The Earth Party Movement MPT1010.65%0
Portuguese Labour Party PTP830.53%0
Hope for Portugal Movement MEP550.35%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM500.32%0
National Renewal Party PNR480.31%0
New Democracy Party ND240.15%0
Humanist Party PH190.12%0
Valid Votes15,620100.00%2
Blank Votes1610.89%
Rejected Votes – Other2,41013.25%
Total Polled18,19124.24%
Registered Electors75,053

The following candidates were elected: [17] Carlos Alberto Gonçalves (PSD); and Paulo Pisco (PS).



Results of the 2009 legislative election held on 27 September 2009: [18]

Socialist Party PS7,26751.54%1
Social Democratic Party PSD3,99828.35%1
Left Bloc BE7965.65%0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP7875.58%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU7345.21%0
The Earth Party Movement and Humanist Party MPT-PH1951.38%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP1310.93%0
Hope for Portugal Movement MEP710.50%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM480.34%0
New Democracy Party ND360.26%0
Merit and Society Movement MMS250.18%0
Pro-Life Party PPV120.09%0
Valid Votes14,100100.00%2
Blank Votes1170.70%
Rejected Votes – Other2,56315.27%
Total Polled16,78023.13%
Registered Electors72,535

The following candidates were elected: [19] Carlos Alberto Gonçalves (PSD); and Paulo Pisco (PS).


Results of the 2005 legislative election held on 20 February 2005: [20]

Socialist Party PS12,72858.58%1
Social Democratic Party PSD6,36629.30%1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU9734.48%0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP7943.65%0
Left Bloc BE5352.46%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP1480.68%0
New Democracy Party ND1240.57%0
National Renewal Party PNR600.28%0
Valid Votes21,728100.00%2
Blank Votes1040.44%
Rejected Votes – Other1,7187.30%
Total Polled23,55031.88%
Registered Electors73,879

The following candidates were elected: [21] Maria Carrilho (PS); and Carlos Alberto Gonçalves (PSD).


Results of the 2002 legislative election held on 17 March 2002: [22]

Socialist Party PS10,02145.51%1
Social Democratic Party PSD8,80139.97%1
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP1,1795.35%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU1,1485.21%0
The Earth Party Movement MPT3021.37%0
Left Bloc BE2501.14%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP1680.76%0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS680.31%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM590.27%0
National Renewal Party PNR220.10%0
Valid Votes22,018100.00%2
Blank Votes1120.47%
Rejected Votes – Other1,6997.13%
Total Polled23,82927.86%
Registered Electors85,538

The following candidates were elected: [23] Carlos Alberto Gonçalves (PSD); and Carlos Luís (PS).



Results of the 1999 legislative election held on 10 October 1999: [24]

Socialist Party PS14,27760.49%2
Social Democratic Party PSD6,35326.92%0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU1,3515.72%0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP8293.51%0
The Earth Party Movement MPT2761.17%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP2190.93%0
Left Bloc BE1450.61%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM740.31%0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS330.14%0
National Solidarity Party PSN250.11%0
Humanist Party PH200.08%0
Valid Votes23,602100.00%2
Blank Votes780.30%
Rejected Votes – Other2,0708.04%
Total Polled25,75026.54%
Registered Electors97,023

The following candidates were elected: [25] Carlos Luís (PS); and Paulo Pisco (PS).


Results of the 1995 legislative election held on 1 October 1995: [26]

Socialist Party PS9,06742.56%1
Social Democratic Party PSD8,74041.02%1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU1,6527.75%0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP1,1435.36%0
The Earth Party Movement MPT2521.18%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP1950.92%0
Unity Movement for Workers MUT1090.51%0
Popular Democratic Union UDP790.37%0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR560.26%0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA130.06%0
Valid Votes21,306100.00%2
Blank Votes970.38%
Rejected Votes – Other4,45217.22%
Total Polled25,85527.72%
Registered Electors93,285

The following candidates were elected: [27] Paulo Pereira Coelho (PSD); and Carlos Luís (PS).


Results of the 1991 legislative election held on 6 October 1991: [28]

Social Democratic Party PSD15,81754.66%1
Socialist Party PS9,39332.46%1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU2,3117.99%0
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS8943.09%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP2340.81%0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD1410.49%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM620.21%0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR350.12%0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA320.11%0
Left Revolutionary Front FER190.07%0
Valid Votes28,938100.00%2
Blank Votes2030.69%
Rejected Votes – Other3431.16%
Total Polled29,48434.89%
Registered Electors84,495

The following candidates were elected: [29] Pereira Lopes (PSD); and Caio Roque (PS).



Results of the 1987 legislative election held on 19 July 1987: [30]

Social Democratic Party PSD7,12537.88%1
Socialist Party PS5,46729.06%1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU3,05416.24%0
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS1,2786.79%0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD9445.02%0
Christian Democratic Party PDC3111.65%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP2581.37%0
Popular Democratic Union UDP1440.77%0
Portuguese Democratic Movement MDP970.52%0
Communist Party (Reconstructed) PC(R)700.37%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM380.20%0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR250.13%0
Valid Votes18,811100.00%2
Blank Votes3841.99%
Rejected Votes – Other660.34%
Total Polled19,26126.39%
Registered Electors72,978

The following candidates were elected: [31] Nascimento Rodrigues (PSD); and Caio Roque (PS).


Results of the 1985 legislative election held on 6 October 1985: [32]

Social Democratic Party PSD5,71225.18%1
Socialist Party PS5,70025.12%1
United People Alliance APU4,41719.47%0
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS4,07417.96%0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD1,6647.33%0
Christian Democratic Party PDC4862.14%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP2230.98%0
Popular Democratic Union UDP2030.89%0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS1090.48%0
Communist Party (Reconstructed) PC(R)680.30%0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR320.14%0
Valid Votes22,688100.00%2
Blank Votes7513.19%
Rejected Votes – Other1010.43%
Total Polled23,54031.14%
Registered Electors75,606

The following candidates were elected: [33] Maria Manuela Aguiar (PSD); and Rodolfo Crespo (PS).


Results of the 1983 legislative election held on 25 April 1983: [34]

Socialist Party PS11,93934.28%1
Social Democratic Party PSD11,10131.87%1
United People Alliance APU6,06917.43%0
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS3,95511.36%0
Christian Democratic Party PDC8152.34%0
Socialist Workers LeagueLST2770.80%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP2320.67%0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS1500.43%0
Popular Democratic Union and Revolutionary Socialist Party UDP-PSR1130.32%0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA1050.30%0
Communist Party (Revolutionary)PC(R)480.14%0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP230.07%0
Valid Votes34,827100.00%2
Blank Votes4041.14%
Rejected Votes – Other3140.88%
Total Polled35,54547.65%
Registered Electors74,590

The following candidates were elected: [35] José Figueiredo (PSD); and Coimbra Martins (PS).


Results of the 1980 legislative election held on 5 October 1980: [36]

Democratic Alliance AD21,75751.29%1
Socialist Party PS11,14226.27%1
United People Alliance APU6,67815.74%0
Christian Democratic Party,
Independent Movement
for the National Reconstruction /
Party of the Portuguese Right

and National Front
Popular Democratic Union UDP6041.42%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP5361.26%0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS2300.54%0
Labour Party PT2270.54%0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA1100.26%0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR620.15%0
Valid Votes42,421100.00%2
Blank Votes7401.69%
Rejected Votes – Other7521.71%
Total Polled43,91362.35%
Registered Electors70,426

The following candidates were elected: [37] Nandim de Carvalho (AD); and João Vieira Lima (PS).



Results of the 1979 legislative election held on 2 December 1979: [38]

Democratic Alliance AD16,15439.31%1
Socialist Party PS14,01834.11%1
United People Alliance APU5,65913.77%0
Christian Democratic Party PDC2,4165.88%0
Popular Democratic Union UDP1,3913.38%0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP9322.27%0
Left-wing Union for the Socialist Democracy UEDS4361.06%0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR910.22%0
Valid Votes41,097100.00%2
Blank Votes3940.93%
Rejected Votes – Other7121.69%
Total Polled42,20371.31%
Registered Electors59,184

The following candidates were elected: [39] João Vieira Lima (PS); and José Theodoro da Silva (AD).


Results of the 1976 legislative election held on 25 April 1976: [40]

Socialist Party PS23,82446.99%1
Democratic People's Party PPD16,64432.83%1
Portuguese Communist Party PCP5,21210.28%0
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS3,5557.01%0
Christian Democratic Party PDC4750.94%0
Popular Democratic Union UDP4070.80%0
People's Socialist Front FSP1830.36%0
Movement of Socialist Left MES1650.33%0
Worker–Peasant Alliance AOC830.16%0
Re-Organized Movement of the Party of the Proletariat MRPP690.14%0
People's Monarchist Party PPM520.10%0
Internationalist Communist League LCI280.06%0
Valid Votes50,697100.00%2
Rejected Votes9961.93%
Total Polled51,69390.15%
Registered Electors57,341

The following candidates were elected: [41] João Cacela Leitão (PPD); and João Vieira Lima (PS).

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bragança (Assembly of the Republic constituency)</span> Constituency of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal

Bragança is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Bragança. The constituency currently elects three of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 134,213 registered electors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Castelo Branco (Assembly of the Republic constituency)</span> Constituency of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal

Castelo Branco is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Castelo Branco. The constituency currently elects four of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 163,578 registered electors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Évora (Assembly of the Republic constituency)</span> Constituency of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal

Évora is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Évora. The constituency currently elects three of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 133,400 registered electors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Guarda (Assembly of the Republic constituency)</span> Constituency of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal

Guarda is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Guarda. The constituency currently elects three of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 141,065 registered electors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Portalegre (Assembly of the Republic constituency)</span> Constituency of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal

Portalegre is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Portalegre. The constituency currently elects two of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 93,106 registered electors.

Outside Europe is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. The constituency currently elects two of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 609,436 registered electors.


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