FIFO and LIFO accounting

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FIFO and LIFO accounting are methods used in managing inventory and financial matters involving the amount of money a company has to have tied up within inventory of produced goods, raw materials, parts, components, or feedstocks. They are used to manage assumptions of costs related to inventory, stock repurchases (if purchased at different prices), and various other accounting purposes. The following equation is useful when determining inventory costing methods:[ citation needed ]



Boxes of instant noodles on a supermarket shelf, with the words "First In First Out / Retain Freshness" written on them Boxes of instant noodles on a supermarket shelf, with the words "First In First Out - Retain Freshness" written on them.jpg
Boxes of instant noodles on a supermarket shelf, with the words "First In First Out / Retain Freshness" written on them

"FIFO" stands for first-in, first-out, meaning that the oldest inventory items are recorded as sold first (but this does not necessarily mean that the exact oldest physical object has been tracked and sold). In other words, the cost associated with the inventory that was purchased first is the cost expensed first.

A company might use the LIFO method for accounting purposes, even if it uses FIFO for inventory management purposes (i.e., for the actual storage, shelving, and sale of its merchandise). For example, a company that sells many perishable goods, such as a supermarket chain, is likely to follow the FIFO method when managing inventory, to ensure that goods with earlier expiration dates are sold before goods with later expiration dates. However, this does not preclude that same company from accounting for its merchandise with the LIFO method.

With FIFO, the cost of inventory reported on the balance sheet represents the cost of the inventory most recently purchased. FIFO most closely mimics the flow of inventory, as businesses are far more likely to sell the oldest inventory first.

Consider this example: Foo Co. had the following inventory at hand, in order of acquisition in November:

Number of unitsCost
100 units$50
125 units$55
75 units$59

If Foo Co. sells 210 units during November, the company would expense the cost associated with the first 100 units at $50 and the remaining 110 units at $55. Under FIFO, the total cost of sales for November would be $11,050. The ending inventory would be calculated the following way:

Number of unitsPrice per unitTotal
Remaining 15 units$55$825 ($55 x 15 units)
75 units$59$4425 ($59 x 75 units)

Thus, the balance sheet would now show the inventory valued at $5250.

FIFO Tax Implications

FIFO will have a higher ending inventory value and lower cost of goods sold (COGS) compared to LIFO in a period of rising prices. Therefore, under these circumstances, FIFO would produce a higher gross profit and, similarly, a higher income tax expense.


"LIFO" stands for last-in, first-out, meaning that the most recently produced items are recorded as sold first. Since the 1970s, some U.S. companies shifted towards the use of LIFO, which reduces their income taxes in times of inflation, but since International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) banned LIFO, more companies returned to FIFO.[ citation needed ]

LIFO is used only in the United States, which is governed by the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Section 472 of the Internal Revenue Code directs how LIFO may be used if necessary. The code directs that LIFO may be used "only if the taxpayer establishes" that they have no other way of valuing their inventory. [1]

In the FIFO example above, the company (Foo Co.), using LIFO accounting, would expense the cost associated with the first 75 units at $59, 125 more units at $55, and the remaining 10 units at $50. Under LIFO, the total cost of sales for November would be $11,800. The ending inventory would be calculated the following way:

Number of unitsPrice per unitTotal
Remaining 90 units$50$4500 ($50 x 90 units)

The balance sheet would show $4500 in inventory under LIFO.

The difference between the cost of an inventory calculated under the FIFO and LIFO methods is called the LIFO reserve (in the example above, it is $750). This reserve is essentially the amount by which an entity's taxable income has been deferred by using the LIFO method. [2]

In most sets of accounting standards, such as the International Financial Reporting Standards, FIFO (or LIFO) valuation principles are "in-fine" subordinated to the higher principle of lower of cost or market valuation.

In the United States, publicly traded entities which use LIFO for taxation purposes must also use LIFO for financial reporting purposes, [3] but such companies are also likely to report a LIFO reserve to their shareholders. A number of tax reform proposals have argued for the repeal of LIFO tax provision. The "Save LIFO Coalition" argues in favor of the retention of LIFO. [4]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Inventory turnover</span> Measure of the number of times inventory is sold or used in a time period

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In accounting, lower of cost or market is a conservative approach to valuing and reporting inventory. Normally, ending inventory is stated at historical cost. However, there are times when the original cost of the ending inventory is greater than the net realizable value, and thus the inventory has lost value. If the inventory has decreased in value below historical cost, then its carrying value is reduced and reported on the balance sheet. The criterion for reporting this is the current market value. Any loss resulting from the decline in the value of inventory is charged to "cost of goods sold" (COGS) if non-material, or "loss on the reduction of inventory to LCM" if material.

Backflush accounting is a subset of management accounting focused on types of "postproduction issuing;" It is a product costing approach, used in a Just-In-Time (JIT) operating environment, in which costing is delayed until goods are finished. Backflush accounting delays the recording of costs until after the events have taken place, then standard costs are used to work backwards to 'flush' out the manufacturing costs. The result is that detailed tracking of costs is eliminated. Journal entries to inventory accounts may be delayed until the time of product completion or even the time of sale, and standard costs are used to assign costs to units when journal entries are made. The backflushing transaction has two steps: one step of the transaction reports the produced part which serves to increase the quantity on-hand of the produced part and a second step which relieves the inventory of all the component parts. Component part numbers and quantities-per are taken from the standard bill of material (BOM). This represents a huge saving over the traditional method of a) issuing component parts one at a time, usually to a discrete work order, b) receiving the finished parts into inventory, and c) returning any unused components, one at a time, back into inventory.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Specific identification (inventories)</span> Inventory Cost Method

Specific identification is a method of finding out ending inventory cost.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to accounting:

An inventory valuation allows a company to provide a monetary value for items that make up their inventory. Inventories are usually the largest current asset of a business, and proper measurement of them is necessary to assure accurate financial statements. If inventory is not properly measured, expenses and revenues cannot be properly matched and a company could make poor business decisions.

Average cost method is a method of accounting which assumes that the cost of inventory is based on the average cost of the goods available for sale during the period.


  1. Internal Revenue Code, § 472(c): Last-in, first-out inventories, accessed 23 December 2016
  2. "LIFO Reserve Definition". AccountingTools. Archived from the original on 2015-06-22. Retrieved 2011-11-09.
  3. "LIFO Conformity Rules". Mondaq. Retrieved 2015-07-09.
  4. About Save LIFO Coalition, accessed 23 December 2016