Gao Xianzhi

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Battle of Talas Battle of Talas.png
Battle of Talas

In late 749, Shilidaqieluo (失里怛伽羅), a prince of the Tuhuoluo (吐火羅, possibly Tocharians), reported to Tang that the king of Qieshi (朅師, the present day Chitral valley in Northern Pakistan), had been aligned with Tufan in pinning down Chinese forces stationed at Lesser Bolü, and suggested that Emperor Xuanzong send forces the region. In spring 750, Xuanzong sent Gao Xianzhi to attack Qieshi. Its king Botemo (勃特沒) was captured and Botemo's son Sujia (素迦) was crowned king. Gao then made a peace treaty with the state of Shi (石國, modern Tashkent, Uzbekistan) and once Shi stood down its defenses, attacked it without warning. The Shi king Chebishi (車鼻施) was captured and sent to Chang'an to be executed. This angered the nearby states, particularly after Gao slaughtered the old and weak captives. Gao also personally profited from the looting in battle—a large supply of diamonds, several camel-loads of gold, prized horses, and other treasures. In spring 751, Gao personally visited Chang'an, and, for his contributions, Xuanzong gave him the honorific title Kaifu Yitong Sansi (開府儀同三司) and was poised to move him to Hexi where the jiedushi An Sishun resisted to be ousted. However Xuanzong decided to allow An to remain at Hexi and Gao to remain at Anxi. [7]

Meanwhile, a Shi prince had fled to the various states around the region and told them of Gao's treachery, causing them to align with the Abbasids. When Gao heard this, he made a pre-emptory attack with 30,000 soldiers against Abbasids, reaching a town of Atlakh (in modern Talas region of Kyrgyzstan) near the city of Talas (in modern Kazakhstan) and meeting Abbasid forces there. [8] The armies fought bitterly for five days before the Turkic speaking Karluks turned against Gao. Tang forces were crushed and only a few thousand survived due to the efforts of Li Siye. Another subordinate of Gao who distinguished himself at the battle was Duan Xiushi, whom Gao recommended for promotion after the battle. [7] The Talas conflict marked the end of Tang advances to the west, and the heavy losses by Abbasid forces despite the victory appeared to end Abbasid designs in the east as well. [3] Gao was then made a commanding general of the imperial guards and Wang Zhengjian replaced him as jiedushi of Anxi. [lower-alpha 1] In 755, Gao was created the Duke of Miyun. [4]


In 755, An Lushan, the jiedushi of Fanyang (范陽, headquartered in modern Beijing), rebelled against the Tang. Emperor Xuanzong nominally commissioned his son, Li Wan (李琬) the Prince of Rong, the commander of the forces against An's rebels, and put Gao Xianzhi in charge as Li Wan's deputy. Gao gathered 50,000 soldiers from the Chang'an region and took up position at Shang Commandery (陝郡, roughly modern Sanmenxia, Henan). Bian Lingcheng was made Gao's monitor. [9]

Map of An Lushan Rebellion and the campaign of Gao Xianzhi's force An Lushan Rebellion.png
Map of An Lushan Rebellion and the campaign of Gao Xianzhi's force

Meanwhile, Feng Changqing was sent to the eastern capital Luoyang to prepare its defenses, but once Feng discovered upon arriving that he was given inadequate weapon supplies, and was defeated by the An army. Feng retreated to Shan, and suggested to Gao that Shan could not be easy defended, and so they should retreat to Tong Pass, which was a more suitable defensive position. Gao agreed, and the two of them took up position at Tong Pass. [9] When An's forces attacked Tong Pass, they failed, and historians credited Gao with the improved defenses. [4]

However, during the campaign, Gao had caused much offence against Bian, as Bian was making demands of him that he was not meeting. When Bian returned to Chang'an, he accused Feng of exaggerating An's strength, and accused Gao of improperly abandoning Shan as well as corruptly withholding food supplies and imperial rewards to soldiers for personal benefit. Xuanzong, believing Bian, issued edicts for Feng's and Gao's executions. After Bian returned to Tong Pass, he first read the edict for Feng's execution. Feng was beheaded, and upon the completion of that execution, Bian then read the second edict ordering Gao's execution. Gao cried out:

I retreated when I encountered the bandits [(i.e., An's army)], and I should die for this. But I swear to the heaven above and the earth below -- the accusations that I stole the food supplies and the imperial rewards are false!

The soldiers cried out for Gao as well, but Bian still beheaded Gao. [9] As Gao was to be killed, he looked at Feng's body and stated: [4]

Feng Er [(i.e., the second son from the Feng household, thus implying that Feng was the second son)], you became prominent from your low station. I promoted you to be my assistant, and you later succeeded me as jiedushi . It is fate that we die together here today.


Gao's defeat, which marked the end of Tang's expansion to the west, was partially fictionalized by the modern Chinese historian Bo Yang in the short story The Tashkent Massacre—the Chinese Were Cursed Here!, in which he gave a fictional curse by the queen of Shi, cursing Tang and the Chinese for eternity for Gao's treachery. [10]


  1. That Gao left his post at Anxi and became a general of the imperial guards was not explicitly stated in his biographies in the Old Book of Tang and the New Book of Tang, but Feng Changqing's biographies, contained in the same volumes, indicated that Wang Zhengjian (王正見) became the commander at Anxi, thus implying Gao was no longer at Anxi.

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  1. Volume 217 of Zizhi Tongjian recorded that Gao was executed on the guimao day of the 12th month of the 14th year of the Tianbao era of Tang Xuanzong's reign. This corresponds to 24 Jan 756 in the Gregorian calendar.
  2. "...The closest one that comes early in this period may be the Battle of Talas, when Muslim armies of the Abbasid dynasty defeated a Tang army under the Korean commander, Kao Sien-Chih, in 751; it is often said that these captives introduced Chinese techniques of paper manufacture into the Islamic world, but what is clearer is that the battle halted Chinese expansionism into Central Asia." The Oxford History of Historical Writing. Vol. 2. 400-1400, page 3.
  3. 1 2 Bo Yang, Outlines of the History of the Chinese (中國人史綱), vol. 2, p. 547.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Old Book of Tang , vol. 104 Archived 2008-04-19 at the Wayback Machine .
  5. 1 2 3 New Book of Tang , vol. 135 Archived 2007-12-26 at the Wayback Machine .
  6. 1 2 Zizhi Tongjian , vol. 215.
  7. 1 2 3 Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 216.
  8. Chorotegin, Tynchtykbek. Etnicheskiye situatsii v tyurkskikh regionakh Tsentral’noy Azii domongol’skogo vremeni: Po musul’manskim istochnikam IX-XIII vv., Ed. Bori Ahmedov, Soros-Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek 1995, p. 35.
  9. 1 2 3 Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 217.
  10. 塔什干屠城──就在這裹,中國人受到詛咒﹗~~柏楊


Gao Xianzhi
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 高仙芝
Simplified Chinese 高仙芝
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Gāo Xiānzhī
Wade–Giles Kao Hsien-chih