Graphical timeline of the Big Bang

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This timeline of the Big Bang shows a sequence of events as currently theorized by scientists.

It is a logarithmic scale that shows second instead of second. For example, one microsecond is . To convert −30 read on the scale to second calculate second = one millisecond. On a logarithmic time scale a step lasts ten times longer than the previous step.

Chronology of the universe#Habitable epochCosmic microwave background radiationChronology of the universe#Matter dominationChronology of the universe#Recombination, photon decoupling, and the cosmic microwave background (CMB)Big Bang nucleosynthesisInflationary epochPlanck timeChronology of the universe#Dark AgesPhoton epochLepton epochHadron epochQuark epochElectroweak epochGrand unification epochThe Five Ages of the UniverseReionizationGraphical timeline of the Stelliferous EraBig BangPlanck epochGraphical timeline of the Big Bang

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A logarithmic timeline is a timeline laid out according to a logarithmic scale. This necessarily implies a zero point and an infinity point, neither of which can be displayed. The most natural zero point is the Big Bang, looking forward, but the most common is the ever-changing present, looking backward.

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This more than 20-billion-year timeline of our universe shows the best estimates of major events from the universe's beginning to anticipated future events. Zero on the scale is the present day. A large step on the scale is one billion years; a small step, one hundred million years. The past is denoted by a minus sign: e.g., the oldest rock on Earth was formed about four billion years ago and this is marked at -4e+09 years, where 4e+09 represents 4 times 10 to the power of 9. The "Big Bang" event most likely happened 13.8 billion years ago; see age of the universe.

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This is the timeline of the stelliferous era but also partly charts the primordial era, and charts more of the degenerate era of the heat death scenario.

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