Hall of Great Westerners

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Hall of Great Westerners
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum logo.png
Hall of Great Westerners.jpg
Hall of Great Westerners
Location Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Type Hall of fame
Website OfficialSite

The Hall of Great Westerners was established by the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in 1958. Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S., the Hall was created to celebrate the contributions of more than 200 men and women of the American West. [1] Inductees include explorers, Native American leaders, writers, poets, politicians, statesmen and others. [2]


List of members

The following are Hall of Great Westerners inductees, followed by their birth and death dates, the year they were inducted, areas of influence, and occupations. [1]

NameLifespanInductedArea(s) of influenceNotes
Jasper D. Ackerman 1896–19881978ColoradoCattleman; Rancher; Banker; Philanthropist
Horace Greeley Adams, Sr. 1862–19331997KansasBusinessman; Farmer; Cattleman
Raymond E. Adams, Jr. 1931–20092017KansasCattleman, Banker
Ramon Ahumada 1868–19261958ArizonaRancher
Pedro Altube 1826–19041960NevadaFather of Basques in America; Rancher
George Washington Arrington 1844–19232003TexasTexas Ranger; Ranch Manager
Ben C. Ash 1851–19461959South DakotaFrontiersman; Peace Officer
Stephen Fuller Austin 1793–18361958TexasColonizer; Secretary of the Republic of Texas; Rancher
Gene Autry 1907–19981980Texas/OklahomaEntertainer
William Hugh Baber 1893–19681971CaliforniaLivestock and Farming
Charles Monroe Bair 1857–19431975MontanaLivestock
Malcolm Baldridge 1922–19871984NebraskaU.S. Secretary of Commerce
Otto Carl Barby 1865–19541958OklahomaHomesteader; Conservationist
Squire Omar Barker 1894–19851978New MexicoPoet; Author
Will Croft Barnes 1858–19361961ArizonaCowman; Politician; Writer: Medal of Honor Recipient
Edward Fitzgerald Beale 1822–18931958At Large (California)Surveyor; Indian Agent; Ranch
Henry Bellmon 1921–20092005OklahomaGovernor; Senator
William W. Bent 1809–18691960ColoradoFrontiersman; Indian Trader
Thomas Matthew Berry 1879–19511962South DakotaCattleman; Political Leader
Fred Hathaway Bixby 1875–19521958CaliforniaRancher; Philanthropist; Livestock Official
Warren Lale Blizzard 1888–19541958At Large (Oklahoma)Animal husbandry
Charles Boettcher 1852–19481963ColoradoBusinessman; Banker; Rancher
Frank Seymour Boice 1894–19561958At Large (Arizona)Rancher; Cattle Industry Leader
John Edward Borein 1872–19451971At Large (California)Western Artist
Lewis Rice Bradley 1806–18791959NevadaCattleman; Governor
John P. Bratt 1842–19181958NebraskaRancher; Politician; Land Developer
Jim Bridger 1804–18811976At LargeTrapper; Frontiersman; Scout
Dolph Briscoe, Jr. 1923–20102004TexasRancher; Philanthropist; Governor
Lucas Charles Brite 1860–19411997TexasLivestock Breeder
Lieutenant General Charles W. Brown 1932–20072014NebraskaRancher; Military
Ernest J. Browning 1899–19841991ArizonaQuarter Horse
J.M. Buckley 1878–19621964North DakotaCowboy; Horseman; Ranch Forman
Samuel Burk Burnett 1849–19221969TexasCattleman; Rancher
Thomas Loyd Burnett 1871–19381978TexasCattleman
Holm Olaf Bursum 1867–19531965New MexicoRancher; Civic Leader
Wina Rae Calhoon 1894–19862004OklahomaPioneer; School Teacher
Joseph Maull Carey 1845–19241959WyomingTerritorial and State Official, U.S. Senator; Rancher
Henry Hallowell Carizonaier 1885–19631965NevadaCivic Leader; Rancher; Businessman
Floyd Eugene Carroll 1893–19691998WyomingVeterinarian; Stunt rider
Christopher "Kit" Houston Carson 1809–18681959At Large (Colorado)Expedition Guide; Frontiersman
Dan Dillon Casement 1868–19531958KansasCattleman; Live Stock Association Organizer
Willa Sibert Cather 1873–19471974NebraskaNovelist; Writer
Ralph Chain 19272011OklahomaCattleman; Agro-Tourism Pioneer
James Allen Chapman 1881–19661968OklahomaOil Pioneer; Philanthropist
Jesse Chisholm 1805/1806–18681974At Large (Oklahoma)Scout; Trader; Interpreter
John Simpson Chisum 1824–18841958New MexicoCattleman; Trail Driver
Jean Pierre Chouteau 1758–18491975At Large (Oklahoma)Fur Trader; Indian Agent; Frontiersman
William Clark 1770–18381965At Large (Virginia)Military Officer; Co-leader of Lewis and Clark Expedition
Badger Clark 1883–19571989South DakotaCowboy Poet
Joshua Reuben Clark, Jr. 1871–19611962UtahFarmer; Cattleman; Politician
Al Clarkson 1866–19571961South DakotaHorse Breeder; Cattleman
John Clay1851–19341961At LargeCattleman; Businessman
William "Buffalo Bill" Frederick Cody 1846–19171958At Large (Nebraska) Pony Express Rider; Scout; Showman
Charles Franklin Coffee 1847–19351966NebraskaRancher; Banker; Cattleman
Charles Francis Colcord 1859–19341959OklahomaRancher; City Builder; Civic Leader
Charles E. Collins1869–19441960ColoradoCowboy; Cattleman
William Connolly1861–19461963North DakotaRancher
James Henry Cook 1857–19421960NebraskaTrail Driver; Scout; Rancher
James Taylor Craig 1862–19301963South DakotaCattleman
Edward Creighton 1820–18741958NebraskaTelegraph Builder
Matt Crowley1875–19551960North DakotaCattleman; Conservationist; Public Official
Victor Culberson 1863–19301958New MexicoCattleman
Alex Currie1859–19371959North DakotaStockman; Horse and Cattle Breeder
Charles Franklin Curtiss 1863–19471959At Large (Iowa)Dean of agriculture; Livestock Breeder
James Charles Dahlman 1856–19301964NebraskaMayor; Cattleman; Sheriff
Harry Darby 1895–19871978KansasIndustrialist; Senator; Rancher
Henry Clay Daulton 1829–18931958CaliforniaRancher; Miner; Public Official
J. Leslie Davis 1919–20012000New MexicoRancher
Linda Mitchell Davis 19302000New MexicoRancher
Arthur Armstrong Denny 1822–18991962WashingtonFounder of Seattle; Merchant; Public official
James Frank Dobie 1888–19641965TexasAuthor; Texas Folklorist
Grenville Mellen Dodge 1831–19161963At LargeSoldier; Engineer; Railroad Builder; Author
Don Manuel Dominguez 1803–18822005CaliforniaRancher; Businessman; Politician
Lewis W. Douglas 1894–19742002ArizonaPolitician; Public Servant
Fred H. Dressler 1898–19971982NevadaCattleman
Frederick F. Drummond 19312006OklahomaCattleman; Banker
Kenneth Eade1906–20002013CaliforniaRancher; Stockman
Wes C. Eade 1874–19601961CaliforniaCattleman
Frank Boardman "Pistol Pete" Eaton 1860-19582022OklahomaScout; Cowboy
Howard Eaton 1851–19221983WyomingDude Rancher
Newton Edmunds 1819–19081964South DakotaTerritorial Governor
Dwight David Eisenhower 1890–19691973At LargeMilitary General; U.S. President
John Evans 1814–18971963ColoradoPhysician; Businessman; Public official
W.D. Farr 1910–20072007ColoradoRancher; Banking; Water Development
Thomas "Broken Hand" Fitzpatrick 1799–18542004MissouriFur Trader; Mountain Man; Indian Agent
William Jordan Flake 1839–19321959ArizonaColonizer; Cattleman
Calvin W. Floyd 1872–19551958KansasCattleman; Banker
James William Follis 1865–19501967North DakotaCattleman
Robert Simpson Follis 1842–19141958MontanaCattleman
Don Juan Forster 1814–18821996CaliforniaCalifornia Ranchero
Dr. O.M. Franklin 1886–19732011TexasCattleman; Research Veterinarian
John Charles Fremont 1813–18902000CaliforniaExplorer
Peter French 1849–18971966OregonCattleman
Robert A. Funk Sr. 19402023OklahomaBusinessman
John Warne Gates 1855–19111972At LargePromoter; Speculator; Industrialist
Edward King Gaylord 1873–19741974OklahomaPublisher; Philanthropist
Amadeo Peter Giannini 1870–19491963CaliforniaBanker
William Thomas Gilcrease 1890–19621971OklahomaOilman; Banker; Art Collector
Barry Morris Goldwater 1909–19981991ArizonaSenator; Presidential Candidate
John W. Goodall 1857–19311958North DakotaCattleman; Sheriff
Frank Robert Gooding 1859–19291958IdahoStockman; Public Official
John Goodman19202014ArizonaHorse Breeder and Trainer
Charles Goodnight 1836–19291955At Large (Texas)Cowman; Plainsman
Temple Grandin, Ph.D. 19472012ColoradoAnimal scientist, autism activist, author
George Grant1822–18781961KansasColonizer; Cattleman
Pearl Zane Grey 1872–19391977At LargeAuthor
Enrique Guerra1929–20162016TexasLonghorn breeder
John Hailey 1835–19211958IdahoStockman; Public official; Plainsman
John Dickinson Hale 1847–19291966South DakotaCattleman; Political leader
James Evetts Haley 1901–19951990TexasAuthor
Jacob Hamblin 1819–18861958UtahMormon Missionary; Colonizer
Clifford P. Hansen 1912–20091995WyomingBanker; Rancher; Politician
Jesse C. Harper 1883–19611962KansasCattleman
Howard C. Haythorn 19292008NebraskaCattleman; Quarter Horse Breeding
George Hearst 1820–18911996CaliforniaPhilanthropist
Phoebe Hearst 1927–20121996CaliforniaPhilanthropist
James Jerome Hill 1838–19161958At Large (Minnesota)Railroad Builder
Montford T. Johnson 1843-18962020OklahomaRancher
James Fielding Hinkle 1862–19511964New MexicoCattleman
James Kerrick Hitch 1855–19211962OklahomaRancher
Henry Charles Hitch, Sr. 1884–19671972OklahomaCattleman
Harold T. Holden 19402017OklahomaArtist
George Ward Holdrege 1847–19261965NebraskaRailroad Builder; Cattleman
D.C. "Rusty" Holler 1920–19991997WyomingRancher
Cyrus Kurtz Holliday 1826–19001960At Large (Kansas)Railroad Builder; Town Founder
William Welles Hollister 1818–18861959CaliforniaStockman; Civic Developer
John M. Holt 1848–19131960MontanaCattleman
Henry Clay Hooker 1828–19071960ArizonaCattleman
Matthew "Bones" Hooks1867-19512021TexasHorsebreaker
Bennett Richard "Ben" Houston 1929-20162020ColoradoBreeder
Samuel Houston 1793–18631960At Large (Texas)Soldier; Statesman
Laton Alton Huffman 1854–19311976MontanaPhotographer
John Hughes1933–20132015OklahomaCattleman
Collis Potter Huntington 1821–19001968CaliforniaRailroad Magnate; Capitalist
Samuel Calhoun Hyatt 1891–19781978WyomingRancher
Bose Ikard 1847–19291999TexasAfrican American Cowboy; Trail Driver
John Wesley Iliff 1831–18781960ColoradoCattleman
William C. Irvine1852–19241965WyomingStockman; Civic Leader; State Developer
Anthony Woodward Ivins 1852–19311958UtahCattleman; Church Official; Civic Leader
Will James 1892–19421992NevadaWriter; Artist
Myron D. Jeffers 1833–19001963MontanaCattleman
Ben Johnson, Sr. 1896–19521961OklahomaCattleman; Ranchman; Champion Steer roper
Charles Jesse "Buffalo" Jones 1844–19191959KansasPlainsman; Buffalo Hunter; Conservationist
Tom Jones1868–19491961South DakotaCattleman; Rancher; Roundup Boss
L.L. Jones 1879–19541964KansasCattleman; Veterinarian
Nez Perce Chief Joseph 1840–19041973At Large (Oregon)Tribal Leader
John S. Justin, Jr. 1917–20011999TexasBootmaker
Morrell Case Keith 1823–18991962NebraskaCattleman
John Benjamin Kendrick 1857–19331958WyomingGovernor and U.S. Senator
Mifflin Kenedy 1818–18951960TexasCattleman; Rancher; Railroad builder
Frank Keogh 1877–19551965North DakotaCattleman
Emil C. Kielhorn 1876–19461963KansasFarming; Livestock
Richard King 1824–18851959At Large (Texas)Founder of King Ranch; Steamboat Captain
Adkin Wallace Kingsbury 1842–19241971MontanaStockman; Rancher
Moses Pierce Kinkaid 1854–19221963NebraskaLawyer; Congressman
Eusebio Francisco Kino 1644–17111963ArizonaMissionary; Explorer; Cattleman; Author; Priest
William Kittredge1876–19581966OregonRancher
Robert Justus Kleberg, Jr. 1896–19741975TexasLivestock Breeding; Ranch Management
Jesse Knight 1845–19211964UtahStockman; Entrepreneur
Carsten Conrad Kohrs 1835–19201958MontanaCattleman
John Lacey19382013CaliforniaRancher; Stockman
George Lane 1856–19252016Alberta
Edward Cunningham Lasater 1860–19301961TexasPioneer Farmer and Rancher
Tom Lea1907–20011995TexasAuthor; Illustrator; Artist
George Edward Lemmon 1857–19461958South DakotaCattleman
Meriwether Lewis 1774–18091965At LargeExplorer; Governor
Gordon William "Pawnee Bill" Lillie 1860–19422010IllinoisPerformer; Educator; Buffalo Hunter
Abraham Lincoln 1809–18651972At LargeFrontiersman; President
Frank Bird Linderman 1869–19382007MontanaHistorian; Writer; Ethnologist
Hewlett Mortimer Lott 1827–19201965MontanaMiner; Civic Developer
Oliver Loving 1812–18671958TexasCattleman
Solomon Luna 1858–19121963New MexicoStockman; Sheepman
John Thomas Lytle 1844–19071966TexasRancher
John Mabee1879–19611996Texas, OklahomaPetroleum Industry
Murdo MacKenzie 1850–19391981ColoradoCattle Industry
Daniel Manning1845–19141961North DakotaCattleman; Rancher; Farmer; Miner
Anne W. Marion 19381981TexasRancher; Philanthropist
Sallie Reynolds Matthews 1861–19381981TexasAuthor; Pioneer
Watkins "Watt" Reynolds Mattews 1899–19971990TexasCattleman
Lucien Bonaparte Maxwell 1818–18751959New MexicoCattleman; Banker
Jake McClure 1902–19401955At Large (Texas)Rancher; Rodeo Performer
Joseph Geiting McCoy 1837–19151967KansasCattleman; Author
William M. "Billy" McGinty 1871–19612000Oklahoma Rough Rider; Wild West Show Performer
Charles Herbert McLeod 1859–19461964MontanaMerchant
Otto Mears 1840–19311964ColoradoPathfinder; Tollroad and Railroad Builder
Clark McEntire 1927–20142019OklahomaRodeo Performer [3]
George McJunkin 1851–19222019New MexicoRancher, Archeologist [3]
Nathan Cook Meeker 1814/1817–18791970ColoradoNewspaperman; Colonizer
Walter F. Merrick 1911–20062003OklahomaHorseman
Henry Miller 1827–19161958At Large (California)Developer; Rancher
George Lee Miller 1881–19291983Oklahoma 101 Ranch
Joseph Carson Miller 1868–19271983OklahomaWild West Show; Ranching
Zachary Taylor Miller 1878–19521983OklahomaWild West Show; Ranching
Thomas Edward Mitchell 1863–19341962New MexicoPioneer Cattleman
Albert Knell Mitchell 1896–19801977New MexicoRancher; Cattleman
William Henry Moffatt 1875–19631964NevadaStockman
Earl Harrison Monahan 1899–19911990NebraskaRancher
John "Tex" Marcellus Moore 1865–19501964TexasCowboy; Artist
Bob Moorhouse 19472010TexasRancher; Horse Breeder; Photographer
Esther Hobart Slack Morris 1814–19021973WyomingWomen's Suffrage
Burton C. "Cap" Mossman 1867–19561960New MexicoStockman
John Muir 1838–19142006CaliforniaConservationist; Writer
John Walker Myers 1825–19011960WyomingPioneer Trader; Cattleman
Sam Noble 1925–19921996OklahomaOilman; Philanthropist
Robert C. Norris 19292014ColoradoRancher; Horse Breeder
Frank Joshua North 1840–18851958NebraskaMilitary Leader; Cattleman
Sandra Day O'Connor 1930-20232001ArizonaJudge; Businesswoman
Charles M. O'Donel 1860–19331966New MexicoRanch Manager
Jim Odle 19382018ColoradoRancher; Auctioneer
Charles Bruce Orvis 1858–19551962CaliforniaVeterinarian; Stockman
Richard Roy Owens 1881–19531960CaliforniaCattleman
William Jackson Palmer 1836–19091962At LargeRailroad Builder
John Palmer Parker 1790–18682008HawaiiRancher; Conservationist; Industrialist
Peter Pauly 1871–19531968MontanaCattleman; Banker
William A. Paxton 1837–19071961NebraskaCattleman; Railroad Construction
Chester Paxton 1909–20001998NebraskaRancher
Dave D. Payne 1871–19691971TexasCattleman
Spencer Penrose 1865–19392001ColoradoBusinessman; Philanthropist
Henry Ross Perot 1930–2019 [4] 1985TexasBusinessman
Nicholas Petry 1918–19992002ColoradoCattleman; Philanthropist
James "Scotty" Philip 1858–19111958South DakotaCattleman; Buffalo Preservationist
Frederic Augustus Phillips 1869–19641967OregonRancher; Cattleman; Farm Credit Leader
William Davis Poole 1829–19111960KansasCattleman
Henry Miller Porter 1840–19371966ColoradoTelegraph Builder; Cattleman; Banker
Mel O. Potter2021
John Wesley Powell 1834–19021984At LargeGeologist; Ethnologist
John Wesley Prowers 1838–18841963ColoradoFreighter; Merchant; Cattleman
William MacLeod Raine 1871–19541959At Large (Colorado)Writer; Novelist
James Kenneth Ralston 1896–19891978MontanaCowboy; Pioneer; Artist
Ronald Wilson Reagan 1911–20041989CaliforniaActor; Governor; U.S. President
Bass Reeves 1838–19101992OklahomaPeace Officer
Frederic Sackrider Remington 1861–19091960At LargeArtist; Sculptor; Illustrator
George Thomas Reynolds 1844–19251974TexasCowman; Banker; Rancher
Eugene Manlove Rhodes 1869–19341958At Large (New Mexico)Author and Writer
Wilse L. Richards 1862–19531958North DakotaStockman
Bartlett Richards 1862–19111970NebraskaCattleman; Rancher
Lynn Riggs 1899–19541965OklahomaPlaywright; Author
Will Rogers 1879–19351955At LargeCowboy; Humorist; Philosopher; Actor
Theodore Roosevelt 1858–19191955At Large (North Dakota)U.S. President; Cattleman; Conservationist
Cotton Rosser 19282015CaliforniaRodeo Producer
Frank Miles Rothrock 1870–19571959WashingtonStockman
George C. Ruffner 1862–19331958ArizonaPioneer Lawman
Joseph Russ 1825–18861965CaliforniaStockman; Merchant
Charles Marion Russell 1864–19261955At Large (Montana)Artist
Hubbard Searles Russell 1885–19631970CaliforniaCattleman
Sacagawea 1786–18841959At LargeInterpreter and Guide for Lewis and Clark Expedition
Mari Sandoz 1896–19661998NebraskaAuthor
Joseph Benjamin Saunders 1901–19891979TexasOil Company Executive; Philanthropist
Charles A. Schreiner 1838–19271964TexasCattleman
John Albert Scorup 1872–19591960UtahCattleman; Church Leader
Cherokee Indian Sequoyah 1770?–18431964OklahomaLinguist
Henry Sieben 1847–19371961MontanaCattleman
J.R. Simplot 1909–20081996IdahoIndustrial Magnate
Milward L. Simpson 1898–19931985WyomingGovernor; U.S. Senator
John Horton Slaughter 1841–19221964ArizonaCattleman; Trail-driver; Sheriff
Pierre-Jean de Smet 1801–18731968At Large (Nebraska)Jesuit Missionary
Hiram Francis Smith 1829–18931960WashingtonCattleman; Developer
Jedediah Strong Smith 1799–18311964At LargeExplorer; Trader
Benjamin Elam Snipes 1835–19061958WashingtonCattleman; Pioneer
John Sparks 1843–19081958NevadaRancher; Politician; Governor
Willis M. Spear 1862–19361970WyomingCattleman
Andrew Jackson Splawn 1845–19171958WashingtonCattleman; Civic Leader
Charles Springer1858–19331961New MexicoCattleman; Political Leader
Red Steagall 19372003TexasCowboy Poet; Radio Host
Isaac Ingalls Stevens 1818–18621962WashingtonMilitary Leader; Territorial Governor
William Morris Stewart 1827–19091964NevadaLawyer; Nevada Politician
Victor Hugo Stickney 1855–19211966North DakotaPhysician
Nelson Story, Sr. 1838–19261959MontanaCattleman; Merchant
Winfield Scott Stratton 1848–19021967ColoradoMiner; Community Builder
Levi Strauss 1829–19021994CaliforniaBusinessman
Granville Stuart 1834–19181966MontanaPioneer; Frontiersman
John Survant 1864–19511962MontanaCattleman; Merchant
Alexander Hamilton Swan 1831–19051960At LargeCattleman; Founder Omaha Union Stockyards Company
Svante Magnus Swenson 1816–18961972TexasCattleman; Rancher
Anne Burnett Tandy 1900–19801994TexasRancher; Philanthropist
Jay Littleton Taylor 1902–19821982TexasCattle; Oil; Banking
William Wiseham Terrett 1847–19221967MontanaRancher; Cattleman
Mahlon Daniel Thatcher 1839–19161963ColoradoBanker
William Matthew Tilghman 1854–19241960OklahomaLawman; Marshall
Gerald Timmerman 19402022NebraskaRancher; Businessman
Charles Harland Tompkins 1873–19571958OklahomaCattleman; Rodeo Champion; Civic Leader
Frederick Jackson Turner 1861–19322009WisconsinEducator; Historian
Walter Vail 1852-19062018ArizonaRancher; Businessman; Politician
Andrew Voigt 1867–19391962North DakotaCattleman; Rancher
Daniel Waggoner 1828–19021959TexasPioneer Cattleman; Developer
Benjamin Franklin Wallace 1860–19461963ArizonaCattleman
Daniel "80 John" Webster 1860-19392023TexasRancher
Francis Emroy Warren 1844–19291958WyomingStockman; Governor; U.S. Senator
Conrad Kohrs Warren 1907–19931989MontanaRancher; Agriculturalist
Chief Washakie 1798/1804–19001979WyomingTribal Leader; Artist
Walter Prescott Webb 1888–19632012TexasHistorian; Author
Daniel Clay Wheeler 1840–19151958NevadaRancher; Civic Worker; Humanitarian
Elias W. Whitcomb 1838–19151971WyomingCattleman
Olaf Wieghorst 1899–19881992ArizonaArtist
Owen Wister 1860–19381976At LargeNovelist; Author
Samuel Austin Worcester 1798–18591963OklahomaMissionary
York c.1770 – c.18322001KentuckyAfrican American Explorer Lewis and Clark Expedition
Brigham Young 1801–18771958At Large (Utah)Colonizer; Church Leader

See also

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The National Rodeo Hall of Fame was established by the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in 1955. Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S., the Hall was created to celebrate the contributions of cowboys and cowgirls from around the world. The hall is a tribute to the most notable rodeo performers, who established the path for today's champions. The hall of fame has the largest rodeo collection in the nation and claims to be the first rodeo hall of fame.


  1. 1 2 "Hall of Great Westerners". National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. Retrieved November 25, 2019.
  2. Faragher, J.M. (1994) "National Cowboy Hall of Fame Thundering Hooves." Journal of American History. 81(1) June, pp. 215-220.
  3. 1 2 "Kevin Costner Appearing at National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum's 2019 Western Heritage Awards". Horse&Rider. February 15, 2019. Retrieved November 23, 2019.
  4. "Colorful self-made billionaire H. Ross Perot dies at 89". AP NEWS. July 9, 2019. Retrieved November 23, 2019.

35°32′08″N97°28′59″W / 35.53556°N 97.48306°W / 35.53556; -97.48306