Head of the Republic of Tuva

Last updated

Head of the Republic of Tuva
  • Тыва Республиканың баштыңы (Tuvan)
  • Глава Республики Тыва (Russian)
Vladislav Khovalyg portrait.jpg
since 7 April 2021
Executive branch of the Republic of Tuva
Member of Great Khural of Tuva
Seat Kyzyl
NominatorPolitical parties
Appointer Direct elections
Term length 5 years
Formation19 March 1990
First holder Sherig-ool Oorzhak
Website Official website

The Head of the Republic of Tuva (formerly known as the President of the Republic of Tuva) is the highest office within the Republic of Tuva in Russia. The Head is Head of State and Head of Government of Tuva. The Head is elected by citizens of Russia residing in the republic. Term of service is five years. [1] [2]



Term of officePolitical partyElectedRef.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
1 Sherig-ool Oorzhak.jpg Sherig-ool Oorzhak
(born 1942)
15 March 19926 April 200715 years, 22 days Communist Party of the Russian Federation 1992



Sh.V. Kara-ool 25 noiabria 2017 goda. Den' materi (cropped).jpg Sholban Kara-ool
(born 1966)
6 April 200718 May 200742 days United Russia [a]
218 May 200723 March 20168 years, 310 days 2007


23 March 201622 September 2016152 days [a]
(2)22 September 20167 April 20214 years, 228 days 2016
Vladislav Khovalyg portrait.jpg Vladislav Khovalyg
(born 1967)
7 April 202128 September 2021143 days United Russia [a]
328 September 2021Incumbent3 years, 168 days 2021

The latest election for the office was held on 17-19 September 2021

Vladimir Chesnokov Communists of Russia 4,2042.57
Andrey Sat Party of Growth 3,3122.02
Vladislav Khovalyg United Russia 142,15986.81
Choygana Seden-ool Communist Party of the Russian Federation 6,6234.04
Aylanmaa Kan-ool The Greens 5,6173.43


Vladislav KhovalygSholban Kara-oolSherig-ool OorzhakHead of the Republic of Tuva


  1. 1 2 3 Acting head of the republic


  1. "Russia's federal constituent entities". Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  2. Constitution of the Republic of Tuva, Article 110.