ISO 3166-2:SI

Last updated

ISO 3166-2:SI is the entry for Slovenia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.


Currently for Slovenia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for 200 municipalities and 12 urban municipalities.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is SI, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Slovenia. The second part is three digits, which is the municipality code used by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia:

The codes for all groups of communes are assigned in Slovenian alphabetical order, except Tišina and Šalovci (whose codes are assigned based on their former names, Cankova-Tišina and Hodoš Šalovci respectively) as well as Rogašovci (of which the former spelling was Rogačovci). Žalec, whose municipality code was 145, uses 190 after splitting into multiple municipalities in 1998. Ankaran was added in 2016.

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

Subdivision names are sorted in Slovenian alphabetical order: a-c, č, d-s, š, t-z, ž.

Click on the button in the header to sort each column.

CodeSubdivision name (sl)Subdivision category
SI-001 Ajdovščina municipality
SI-213 Ankaran (local variant is Ancarano)municipality
SI-195 Apače municipality
SI-002 Beltinci municipality
SI-148 Benedikt municipality
SI-149 Bistrica ob Sotli municipality
SI-003 Bled municipality
SI-150 Bloke municipality
SI-004 Bohinj municipality
SI-005 Borovnica municipality
SI-006 Bovec municipality
SI-151 Braslovče municipality
SI-007 Brda municipality
SI-008 Brezovica municipality
SI-009 Brežice municipality
SI-152 Cankova municipality
SI-011 Celje urban municipality
SI-012 Cerklje na Gorenjskem municipality
SI-013 Cerknica municipality
SI-014 Cerkno municipality
SI-153 Cerkvenjak municipality
SI-196 Cirkulane municipality
SI-015 Črenšovci municipality
SI-016 Črna na Koroškem municipality
SI-017 Črnomelj municipality
SI-018 Destrnik municipality
SI-019 Divača municipality
SI-154 Dobje municipality
SI-020 Dobrepolje municipality
SI-155 Dobrna municipality
SI-021 Dobrova-Polhov Gradec municipality
SI-156 Dobrovnik (local variant is Dobronak)municipality
SI-022 Dol pri Ljubljani municipality
SI-157 Dolenjske Toplice municipality
SI-023 Domžale municipality
SI-024 Dornava municipality
SI-025 Dravograd municipality
SI-026 Duplek municipality
SI-027 Gorenja vas-Poljane municipality
SI-028 Gorišnica municipality
SI-207 Gorje municipality
SI-029 Gornja Radgona municipality
SI-030 Gornji Grad municipality
SI-031 Gornji Petrovci municipality
SI-158 Grad municipality
SI-032 Grosuplje municipality
SI-159 Hajdina municipality
SI-160 Hoče-Slivnica municipality
SI-161 Hodoš (local variant is Hodos)municipality
SI-162 Horjul municipality
SI-034 Hrastnik municipality
SI-035 Hrpelje-Kozina municipality
SI-036 Idrija municipality
SI-037 Ig municipality
SI-038 Ilirska Bistrica municipality
SI-039 Ivančna Gorica municipality
SI-040 Izola (local variant is Isola)municipality
SI-041 Jesenice municipality
SI-163 Jezersko municipality
SI-042 Juršinci municipality
SI-043 Kamnik municipality
SI-044 Kanal ob Soči municipality
SI-045 Kidričevo municipality
SI-046 Kobarid municipality
SI-047 Kobilje municipality
SI-048 Kočevje municipality
SI-049 Komen municipality
SI-164 Komenda municipality
SI-050 Koper (local variant is Capodistria)urban municipality
SI-197 Kostanjevica na Krki municipality
SI-165 Kostel municipality
SI-051 Kozje municipality
SI-052 Kranj urban municipality
SI-053 Kranjska Gora municipality
SI-166 Križevci municipality
SI-054 Krško urban municipality
SI-055 Kungota municipality
SI-056 Kuzma municipality
SI-057 Laško municipality
SI-058 Lenart municipality
SI-059 Lendava (local variant is Lendva)municipality
SI-060 Litija municipality
SI-061 Ljubljana urban municipality
SI-062 Ljubno municipality
SI-063 Ljutomer municipality
SI-208 Log-Dragomer municipality
SI-064 Logatec municipality
SI-065 Loška dolina municipality
SI-066 Loški Potok municipality
SI-167 Lovrenc na Pohorju municipality
SI-067 Luče municipality
SI-068 Lukovica municipality
SI-069 Majšperk municipality
SI-198 Makole municipality
SI-070 Maribor urban municipality
SI-168 Markovci municipality
SI-071 Medvode municipality
SI-072 Mengeš municipality
SI-073 Metlika municipality
SI-074 Mežica municipality
SI-169 Miklavž na Dravskem polju municipality
SI-075 Miren-Kostanjevica municipality
SI-212 Mirna municipality
SI-170 Mirna Peč municipality
SI-076 Mislinja municipality
SI-199 Mokronog-Trebelno municipality
SI-077 Moravče municipality
SI-078 Moravske Toplice municipality
SI-079 Mozirje municipality
SI-080 Murska Sobota urban municipality
SI-081 Muta municipality
SI-082 Naklo municipality
SI-083 Nazarje municipality
SI-084 Nova Gorica urban municipality
SI-085 Novo Mesto urban municipality
SI-086 Odranci municipality
SI-171 Oplotnica municipality
SI-087 Ormož municipality
SI-088 Osilnica municipality
SI-089 Pesnica municipality
SI-090 Piran (local variant is Pirano)municipality
SI-091 Pivka municipality
SI-092 Podčetrtek municipality
SI-172 Podlehnik municipality
SI-093 Podvelka municipality
SI-200 Poljčane municipality
SI-173 Polzela municipality
SI-094 Postojna municipality
SI-174 Prebold municipality
SI-095 Preddvor municipality
SI-175 Prevalje municipality
SI-096 Ptuj urban municipality
SI-097 Puconci municipality
SI-098 Rače-Fram municipality
SI-099 Radeče municipality
SI-100 Radenci municipality
SI-101 Radlje ob Dravi municipality
SI-102 Radovljica municipality
SI-103 Ravne na Koroškem municipality
SI-176 Razkrižje municipality
SI-209 Rečica ob Savinji municipality
SI-201 Renče-Vogrsko municipality
SI-104 Ribnica municipality
SI-177 Ribnica na Pohorju municipality
SI-106 Rogaška Slatina municipality
SI-105 Rogašovci municipality
SI-107 Rogatec municipality
SI-108 Ruše municipality
SI-178 Selnica ob Dravi municipality
SI-109 Semič municipality
SI-110 Sevnica municipality
SI-111 Sežana municipality
SI-112 Slovenj Gradec urban municipality
SI-113 Slovenska Bistrica municipality
SI-114 Slovenske Konjice municipality
SI-179 Sodražica municipality
SI-180 Solčava municipality
SI-202 Središče ob Dravi municipality
SI-115 Starše municipality
SI-203 Straža municipality
SI-181 Sveta Ana municipality
SI-204 Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah municipality
SI-182 Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih goricah municipality
SI-116 Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici municipality
SI-210 Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah municipality
SI-205 Sveti Tomaž municipality
SI-033 Šalovci municipality
SI-183 Šempeter-Vrtojba municipality
SI-117 Šenčur municipality
SI-118 Šentilj municipality
SI-119 Šentjernej municipality
SI-120 Šentjur municipality
SI-211 Šentrupert municipality
SI-121 Škocjan municipality
SI-122 Škofja Loka municipality
SI-123 Škofljica municipality
SI-124 Šmarje pri Jelšah municipality
SI-206 Šmarješke Toplice municipality
SI-125 Šmartno ob Paki municipality
SI-194 Šmartno pri Litiji municipality
SI-126 Šoštanj municipality
SI-127 Štore municipality
SI-184 Tabor municipality
SI-010 Tišina municipality
SI-128 Tolmin municipality
SI-129 Trbovlje municipality
SI-130 Trebnje municipality
SI-185 Trnovska Vas municipality
SI-186 Trzin municipality
SI-131 Tržič municipality
SI-132 Turnišče municipality
SI-133 Velenje urban municipality
SI-187 Velika Polana municipality
SI-134 Velike Lašče municipality
SI-188 Veržej municipality
SI-135 Videm municipality
SI-136 Vipava municipality
SI-137 Vitanje municipality
SI-138 Vodice municipality
SI-139 Vojnik municipality
SI-189 Vransko municipality
SI-140 Vrhnika municipality
SI-141 Vuzenica municipality
SI-142 Zagorje ob Savi municipality
SI-143 Zavrč municipality
SI-144 Zreče municipality
SI-190 Žalec municipality
SI-146 Železniki municipality
SI-191 Žetale municipality
SI-147 Žiri municipality
SI-192 Žirovnica municipality
SI-193 Žužemberk municipality


The following changes to the entry are listed on ISO's online catalogue, the Online Browsing Platform:

Effective date of changeShort description of change (en)
2022-11-29Change of spelling of SI-044, SI-197; Addition of category urban municipality; Change of category name from municipality to urban municipality for SI-011, SI-050, SI-052, SI-054, SI-061, SI-070, SI-080, SI-084, SI-085, SI-096, SI-112, SI-133; Update List Source
2020-11-24Correction of spelling for SI-065, SI-116, SI-169, SI-182, SI-204, SI-210; Deletion of asterisk from SI-212; Update List Source
2016-11-15Change of subdivision category from commune to municipality; addition of municipality SI-213
2010-06-30Update of the administrative structure and languages and update of the list source
2014-11-03Add 1 commune SI-212; update List Source

The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.

NewsletterDate issuedDescription of change in newsletterCode/Subdivision change
Newsletter II-2 2010-06-30Update of the administrative structure and languages and update of the list sourceSubdivisions added:
SI-195 Apače
SI-196 Cirkulane
SI-207 Gorje
SI-197 Kostanjevica na Krki
SI-208 Log-Dragomer
SI-198 Makole
SI-199 Mokronog-Trebelno
SI-200 Poljčane
SI-209 Rečica ob Savinji
SI-201 Renče-Vogrsko
SI-202 Središče ob Dravi
SI-203 Straža
SI-204 Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah
SI-210 Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah
SI-205 Sveti Tomaž
SI-211 Šentrupert
SI-206 Šmarješke Toplice
Newsletter I-7 2005-09-13Addition of official language names for some municipalities
Newsletter I-4 2002-12-10Replacement of statistical regions with 193 municipalitiesSubdivision layout:
12 statistical regions (see below)
→ 193 municipalities

Codes before Newsletter I-4

Former codeSubdivision name (sl)
SI-07 Dolenjska
SI-09 Gorenjska
SI-11 Goriška
SI-03 Koroška
SI-10 Notranjsko-kraška
SI-12 Obalno-kraška
SI-08 Osrednjeslovenska
SI-02 Podravska
SI-01 Pomurska
SI-04 Savinjska
SI-06 Spodnjeposavska
SI-05 Zasavska

See also

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