ISO 3166-2:CO

Last updated

ISO 3166-2:CO is the entry for Colombia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces, states or departments) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.


Currently for Colombia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for one capital district and 32 departments. The capital district of Bogotá has special status equal to the departments.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is CO, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Colombia. The second part is either of the following:

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

Subdivision names are sorted in traditional Spanish alphabetical order: a-c, ch, d-l, ll, m-n, ñ, o-z.

Click on the button in the header to sort each column.

CodeSubdivision name (es)Local variantSubdivision name (en) [1] Subdivision category
CO-AMAFlag of Amazonas (Colombia).svg  Amazonas Amazoniadepartment
CO-ANTFlag of Antioquia Department.svg  Antioquia Antioquiadepartment
CO-ARAFlag of Arauca.svg  Arauca Araucadepartment
CO-ATLFlag of Atlantico.svg  Atlántico Atlanticodepartment
CO-BOLFlag of Bolivar Department.svg  Bolívar Bolivardepartment
CO-BOYFlag of Boyaca Department.svg  Boyacá Boyacadepartment
CO-CALFlag of Caldas.svg  Caldas Caldasdepartment
CO-CAQFlag of Caqueta.svg  Caquetá Caquetadepartment
CO-CASFlag of Casanare Department.svg  Casanare Casanaredepartment
CO-CAUFlag of Cauca.svg  Cauca Caucadepartment
CO-CESFlag of Cesar.svg  Cesar Cesardepartment
CO-CORFlag of Cordoba.svg  Córdoba Cordobadepartment
CO-CUNFlag of Cundinamarca.svg  Cundinamarca Cundinamarcadepartment
CO-CHOFlag of Choco.svg  Chocó Chocodepartment
CO-DCFlag of Bogota.svg  Distrito Capital de Bogotá Distrito CapitalBogotacapital district
CO-GUAFlag of Guainia.svg  Guainía Guainiadepartment
CO-GUVFlag of Guaviare.svg  Guaviare Guaviaredepartment
CO-HUIFlag of Huila.svg  Huila Huiladepartment
CO-LAGFlag of La Guajira.svg  La Guajira La Guajiradepartment
CO-MAGFlag of Magdalena.svg  Magdalena Magdalenadepartment
CO-METFlag of Meta.svg  Meta Metadepartment
CO-NARFlag of Narino.svg  Nariño Narinodepartment
CO-NSAFlag of Norte de Santander.svg  Norte de Santander North Santanderdepartment
CO-PUTFlag of Putumayo.svg  Putumayo Putumayodepartment
CO-QUIFlag of Quindio.svg  Quindío Quindiodepartment
CO-RISFlag of Risaralda.svg  Risaralda Risaraldadepartment
CO-SAPFlag of San Andres y Providencia.svg  San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina San AndrésSan Andresdepartment
CO-SANFlag of Santander Department.svg  Santander Santanderdepartment
CO-SUCFlag of Sucre Department.svg  Sucre Sucredepartment
CO-TOLFlag of Tolima.svg  Tolima Tolimadepartment
CO-VACFlag of Valle del Cauca.svg  Valle del Cauca ValleCauca Valleydepartment
CO-VAUFlag of Vaupes.svg  Vaupés Vaupesdepartment
CO-VIDFlag of Vichada.svg  Vichada Vichadadepartment


  1. For reference only, English name not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.


The following changes to the entry have been announced by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.

NewsletterDate issuedDescription of change in newsletter
Newsletter I-6 2004-03-08Change of name of CO-DC
Online Browsing
Platform (OBP)
2016-11-15Addition of local variation of CO-DC, CO-SAP, CO-VAC; update list source

See also