ISO 3166-2:CF

Last updated

ISO 3166-2:CF is the entry for the Central African Republic in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.


Currently for the Central African Republic, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for one commune, 14 prefectures and two economic prefectures. The commune Bangui is the capital of the country and has special status equal to the prefectures and economic prefectures.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is CF, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the Central African Republic. The second part is either of the following:

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

ISO 639-1 codes are used to represent subdivision names in the following administrative languages:

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CodeSubdivision name (fr)Subdivision name (sg)Subdivision category
CF-BB Bamingui-Bangoran Bamïngï-Bangoranprefecture
CF-BGF Bangui Bangîcommune
CF-BK Basse-Kotto Do-Kötöprefecture
CF-KB Gribingui Gïrïbïngïeconomic prefecture
CF-HM Haut-Mbomou Tö-Mbömüprefecture
CF-HK Haute-Kotto Tö-Kötöprefecture
CF-HS Haute-Sangha / Mambéré-Kadéï Tö-Sangä / Mbaere-Kadeïprefecture
CF-KG Kémo-Gribingui Kemö-Gïrïbïngïprefecture
CF-LB Lobaye Lobâyeprefecture
CF-MB Mbomou Mbömüprefecture
CF-NM Nana-Mambéré Nanä-Mbaereprefecture
CF-MP Ombella-Mpoko Ömbëlä-Pököprefecture
CF-UK Ouaka Wäkäprefecture
CF-AC Ouham Wâmoprefecture
CF-OP Ouham-Pendé Wâmo-Pendëprefecture
CF-SE Sangha Sangäeconomic prefecture
CF-VK Vakaga Vakagaprefecture


The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998:

NewsletterDate issuedDescription of change in newsletter
Newsletter II-2 2010-06-30Consistency between ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2, addition of names in administrative languages, and update of the administrative structure and of the list source

See also