Ice lens

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Pingo formed in arctic tundra as a result of periodically spaced ice lens formation. Melting pingo wedge ice.jpg
Pingo formed in arctic tundra as a result of periodically spaced ice lens formation.

Ice lenses are bodies of ice formed when moisture, diffused within soil or rock, accumulates in a localized zone. The ice initially accumulates within small collocated pores or pre-existing crack, and, as long as the conditions remain favorable, continues to collect in the ice layer or ice lens, wedging the soil or rock apart. Ice lenses grow parallel to the surface and several centimeters to several decimeters (inches to feet) deep in the soil or rock. Studies from 1990 have demonstrated that rock fracture by ice segregation (i.e., the fracture of intact rock by ice lenses that grow by drawing water from their surroundings during periods of sustained subfreezing temperatures) is a more effective weathering process than the freeze-thaw process which older texts proposed. [1]


Ice lenses play a key role in frost induced heaving of soils and fracture of bedrock, which are fundamental to weathering in cold regions. Frost heaving creates debris and dramatically shapes landscapes into complex patterns. Although rock fracture in periglacial regions (alpine, subpolar and polar) has often been attributed to the freezing and volumetric expansion of water trapped within pores and cracks, the majority of frost heaving and of bedrock fracture results instead from ice segregation and lens growth in the near-surface frozen regions. Ice segregation results in rock fracture and frost heave. [2]

Description of the phenomena

Common frost heaving

Ice lens formation resulting in frost heave in cold climates. Freezing air ice lens formation.jpg
Ice lens formation resulting in frost heave in cold climates.

Frost heave is the process by which the freezing of water-saturated soil causes the deformation and upward thrust of the ground surface. [3] This process can distort and crack pavement, damage the foundations of buildings and displace soil in regular patterns. Moist, fine-grained soil at certain temperatures is most susceptible to frost heaving.

Ice lenses in tundra

Ice lens formation within tundra. Ice lens formation in tundra.jpg
Ice lens formation within tundra.

Frost heave is common in arctic tundra because the permafrost maintains ground frozen at depth and prevents snowmelt and rain from draining. As a result, conditions are optimal for deep ice lens formation with large ice accumulations and significant soil displacement. [4]

Differential frost heave producing complex patterns will occur if the correct conditions exist. Feedback from one year's frost heave influences the effects in subsequent years. For example, a small increase in overburden will affect the depth of ice formation and heaving in the subsequent years. Time-dependent models of the frost heave indicate that over a long enough period the short-separation perturbations damp out, while mid-range perturbations grow and come to dominate the landscape. [4]

Subglacial ice formations

Ice lens growing within glacial till and bedrock beneath glacial ice. Subglacial ice lens formation.jpg
Ice lens growing within glacial till and bedrock beneath glacial ice.

Bands of sediment or glacial till have been observed below Antarctic ice sheets; these are believed to result from ice lenses forming in the debris. In the faster flowing glacial regions, the ice sheet is sliding over water saturated sediments (glacial till) or actually being floated upon a layer of water. The till and water served to reduce friction between the base of the ice sheet and the bedrock. These subglacial waters come from surface water which seasonally drains from melting at the surface, as well as from ice-sheet base melting. [5]

Ice lens growth within the bedrock below the glacier is projected during the summer months when there is ample water at the base of the glacier. Ice lenses will form within the bedrock, accumulating until the rock is sufficiently weakened that it shears or spalls off. Layers of rock along the interface between glaciers and the bedrock are freed, producing much of the sediments in these basal regions of glaciers. Since the rate of glacier movement is dependent upon the characteristics of this basal ice, research is ongoing to better quantify the phenomena. [6]

Understanding the phenomena

Ice lenses are responsible for palsa (picture) growth Palsaaerialview.jpg
Ice lenses are responsible for palsa (picture) growth

The basic condition for ice segregation and frost heaving is existence of a region in soil or porous rock which is relatively permeable, is in a temperature range which allows the coexistence of ice and water (in a premelted state), and has a temperature gradient across the region. [7]

A key phenomenon for understanding ice segregation in soil or porous rock (also referred to as an ice lens due to its shape) is premelting, which is the development of a liquid film on surfaces and interfaces at temperatures significantly below their bulk melting temperature. The term premelting is used to describe the reduction in the melting temperature (below 0 °C) which results from the surface curvature of water that's confined in a porous medium (the Gibbs-Thomson effect). Premelted water exists as a thin layer on the surface of ice. Under premelting conditions, ice and water can coexist at temperatures below -10 °C in a porous medium. The Gibbs-Thomson effect results in water migrating down a thermal gradient (from higher temperatures to lower temperatures); Dash states, “…material is carried to colder regions…” This can also be viewed energetically as favoring larger ice particles over smaller (Ostwald ripening). As a result, when conditions exist for ice segregation (ice lens formation) water flows toward the segregated ice and freezes on the surface, thickening the segregated ice layer. [7]

It is possible to develop analytic models using these principles; they predict the following characteristics, which are consistent with field observations:

Ice lens growth in rock

Ice Formation on coarse shore of Copper Harbor, Upper Peninsula Michigan. Ice Lens Growth on Rocks of the Shore of Lake Superior.jpg
Ice Formation on coarse shore of Copper Harbor, Upper Peninsula Michigan.

Rocks routinely contain pores of varying size and shape, regardless of origin or location. Rock voids are essentially small cracks, and serve as the location from which a crack can propagate if the rock is placed in tension. If ice accumulates in a pore asymmetrically, the ice will place the rock in tension in a plane perpendicular to the ice accumulation direction. Hence the rock will crack along a plane perpendicular to the direction of ice accumulation, which is effectively parallel to the surface. [9]

Walder and Hallet developed models that predict rock crack-growth locations and rates consistent with fractures actually observed in the field. Their model predicted that marble and granite grow cracks most effectively when the temperatures range from a −4 °C to −15 °C; in this range granite may develop fractures enclosing ice 3 meters in length in a year. When the temperature is higher the ice which is formed does not apply enough pressure to cause the crack to propagate. When the temperature is below this range the water is less mobile and cracks grow more slowly. [9]

Mutron confirmed that ice initially forms in pores and creates small microfractures parallel to the surface. As ice accumulates, the ice layer grows outward in what is frequently characterized as an ice-lens parallel to the surface. Ice will form in water-permeable rock in much the same way as it forms in soil. If the ice layer resulted from cooling from a single direction (e.g., the top) the rock fracture tends to lie close to the surface (e.g., 1–2 cm in chalk). If the ice layer results from freezing from both sides (e.g., above and below) the rock fracture tends to lie deeper (e.g., 2–3.5 cm in chalk). [2]

Ice sphere formation

Suspended ice forms into a sphere or tear drop like shape after being repeatedly soaked by waves and frozen by surrounding air. Ice formation on vegetation.jpg
Suspended ice forms into a sphere or tear drop like shape after being repeatedly soaked by waves and frozen by surrounding air.

The formation of an ice sphere can happen when an object is about 0.5–1.0 ft above where the water reaches repeatedly. The water will form a thin layer of ice on any surface it reaches. Each wave is an advancement and recession of water. The advancement soaks everything on the shore. When the wave recedes, it's left exposed to freezing temperatures. This brief moment of exposure causes a thin layer of ice to form. When that formation is suspended in the air by dead vegetation or erect objects, the ice will begin to form a sphere or teardrop-like shape. Similar to how a condensation nucleus forms, the sphere needs a base that is not water. Most commonly on vegetation, the sphere starts as a dot of ice on a branch or stem. As waves soak the shore in water and briefly expose the soaked objects to freezing temperatures, the dot begins to grow as each thin layer wraps itself around the previous layer. Over time, they form spheres or teardrop-like formations

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frost heaving</span> Upwards swelling of soil during freezing

Frost heaving is an upwards swelling of soil during freezing conditions caused by an increasing presence of ice as it grows towards the surface, upwards from the depth in the soil where freezing temperatures have penetrated into the soil. Ice growth requires a water supply that delivers water to the freezing front via capillary action in certain soils. The weight of overlying soil restrains vertical growth of the ice and can promote the formation of lens-shaped areas of ice within the soil. Yet the force of one or more growing ice lenses is sufficient to lift a layer of soil, as much as 1 foot or more. The soil through which water passes to feed the formation of ice lenses must be sufficiently porous to allow capillary action, yet not so porous as to break capillary continuity. Such soil is referred to as "frost susceptible". The growth of ice lenses continually consumes the rising water at the freezing front. Differential frost heaving can crack road surfaces—contributing to springtime pothole formation—and damage building foundations. Frost heaves may occur in mechanically refrigerated cold-storage buildings and ice rinks.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Palsa</span> A low, often oval, frost heave occurring in polar and subpolar climates

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Ice jacking occurs when water permeates a confined space within a structural support or a geological formation, ultimately causing structural fracture when the water freezes and expands. The force from this expansion can damage shorelines, rock faces, and other natural environments. This has the potential to lead to property damage and environmental changes. Ice jacking most commonly refers to shoreline damage caused by lakes freezing, but it has also been applied to geologic engineering and rock erosion. When this occurs within rocks, it is called ice wedging. When this occurs within the soil, it is called frost heaving or ice heaving. It is similar in appearance to, but not to be confused with, ice shove, which is a pile-up of ice on a shoreline.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frost boil</span> Small circular mounds of fresh soil material formed by frost action and cryoturbation

A frost boil, also known as mud boils, a stony earth circles, frost scars, or mud circles, are small circular mounds of fresh soil material formed by frost action and cryoturbation. They are found typically found in periglacial or alpine environments where permafrost is present, and may damage roads and other man-made structures. They are typically 1 to 3 metres in diameter.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frost crack</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frost weathering</span> Mechanical weathering processes induced by the freezing of water into ice

Frost weathering is a collective term for several mechanical weathering processes induced by stresses created by the freezing of water into ice. The term serves as an umbrella term for a variety of processes, such as frost shattering, frost wedging, and cryofracturing. The process may act on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, from minutes to years and from dislodging mineral grains to fracturing boulders. It is most pronounced in high-altitude and high-latitude areas and is especially associated with alpine, periglacial, subpolar maritime, and polar climates, but may occur anywhere at sub-freezing temperatures if water is present.

Cryosuction is the concept of negative pressure in freezing liquids so that more liquid is sucked into the freezing zone. In soil, the transformation of liquid water to ice in the soil pores causes water to migrate through soil pores to the freezing zone through capillary action.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Overdeepening</span> Characteristic of basins and valleys eroded by glaciers

Overdeepening is a characteristic of basins and valleys eroded by glaciers. An overdeepened valley profile is often eroded to depths which are hundreds of metres below the lowest continuous surface line along a valley or watercourse. This phenomenon is observed under modern day glaciers, in salt-water fjords and fresh-water lakes remaining after glaciers melt, as well as in tunnel valleys which are partially or totally filled with sediment. When the channel produced by a glacier is filled with debris, the subsurface geomorphic structure is found to be erosionally cut into bedrock and subsequently filled by sediments. These overdeepened cuts into bedrock structures can reach a depth of several hundred metres below the valley floor.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ice segregation</span> Geological phenomenon

Ice segregation is the geological phenomenon produced by the formation of ice lenses, which induce erosion when moisture, diffused within soil or rock, accumulates in a localized zone. The ice initially accumulates within small collocated pores or pre-existing cracks, and, as long as the conditions remain favorable, continues to collect in the ice layer or ice lens, wedging the soil or rock apart. Ice lenses grow parallel to the surface and several centimeters to several decimeters deep in the soil or rock. Studies between 1990 and present have demonstrated that rock fracture by ice segregation is a more effective weathering process than the freeze-thaw process which older texts proposed.


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