![]() IAXO Logo | |
Predecessor | CERN Axion Solar Telescope |
Formation | July 2017 at DESY, Hamburg |
Legal status | In construction |
Purpose | Search for axions and other physics beyond the Standard Model |
Headquarters | DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
Fields | Astroparticle physics |
Spokesperson | Igor G. Irastorza |
Website | iaxo |
The International Axion Observatory (IAXO) is a next-generation axion helioscope for the search of solar axions and Axion-Like Particles (ALPs). It is the follow-up of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST), which operated from 2003 to 2022. [1] IAXO will be set up by implementing the helioscope concept bringing it to a larger size and longer observation times. [2] [3] [4]
The Letter of Intent for International Axion Observatory was submitted to the CERN in August 2013. [5] IAXO formally founded in July 2017 and received an advanced grant from the European Research Council in October 2018. [6] The near-term goal of the collaboration is to build a precursor version of the experiment, called BabyIAXO, which will be located at DESY, Germany. [1] [7] [8] [9]
The IAXO Collaboration is formed by 21 institutes from 7 different countries.
The IAXO experiment is based on the helioscope principle. Axions can be produced in stars (like the sun) via the Primakoff effect and other mechanisms. These axions would reach the helioscope and would be converted into soft X-ray photons in the presence of a magnetic field. Then, these photons travel through a focusing X-ray optics, and are expected as an excess of signal in the detector when the magnet points to the Sun.
The potential of the experiment can be estimated by means of the figure of merit (FOM), which can be defined as , where the first factor is related to the magnet and depends on the magnetic field (B), the length of the magnet (L) and the area of the bore (A). The second part depends on the efficiency () and background (b) of the detector. The third is related to the optics, more specifically the efficiency () and the area of the focused signal on the detector readout (). The last term is related to the time (t) of operation and the fraction of time that sun is tracked (). The objective is to maximise the value of the figure of merit in order to optimise the sensitivity of the experiment to axions.
IAXO will primarily be searching for solar axions, along with the potential to observe the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) axion in the mass range of 1 meV to 1 eV. It is also expected to be capable of discovering ALPs. [1] Therefore, IAXO will have the potential to solve both the strong CP problem and the dark matter problem. [2] [10] [11]
It could also be later adapted to test models of hypothesized hidden photons or chameleons. [2] [3] Also, the magnet can be used as a haloscope to search for axion dark matter.
IAXO will have a sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling 1–1.5 order of magnitude higher than that achieved by previous detectors. [1]
Any particle found by IAXO will be at the least a sub-dominant component of the dark matter. The observatory would be capable of observing from a wide range of sources given below. [1] [5]
IAXO [12] will be a next-generation enhanced helioscope, with a signal to noise ratio five orders of magnitude higher compared to current-day detectors. The cross-sectional area of the magnet equipped with an X-ray focusing optics is meant to increase this signal to background ratio. When the solar axions interact with the magnetic field, some of them may convert into photons through the Primakoff effect. These photons would then be detected by the X-ray detectors of the helioscope.
The magnet will be a purpose‐built large‐scale superconductor with a length of 20 m and an average field strength of 2.5 Tesla. The whole helioscope will feature 8 bores of 60 cm diameter. Each of the bores will be equipped with a focusing X-ray optic and a low-background X-ray detector. The helioscope will also be equipped with a mechanical system allowing it to follow the sun consistently throughout half of the day. Tracking data will be taken during the day and background data will be taken during the night, which is the ideal split of data and background for properly estimating the event rate in each case and determining the axion signal.
BabyIAXO [13] is an intermediate scale version of the IAXO experiment with axion discovery potential and a FOM around 100 times larger than CAST. It will also serve as a technological prototype of all the subsystems of the helioscope as an first step to explore further improvements to the final IAXO experiment.
It will consist of a 10 m long magnet with 2 bores and 2 detection lines equipped with an X-ray optic and an ultra-low background X-ray detector each.
BabyIAXO will be set up in the HERA South Hall at DESY [14] in Hamburg (Germany) by the IAXO collaboration with the involvement of DESY and CERN. The data taking by BabyIAXO is scheduled to start in 2028.
Design [15]
The superconducting magnet has a toroidal multibore configuration in order to generate a strong magnetic field over a large volume. It will be a 10 m long magnet consisting of two different coils made out of 35 km Rutherford cable. This configuration will generate a 2.5 Tesla magnetic field within the two 70 cm diameter bores. The magnet subsystem is inspired by the ATLAS experiment. [1] [5]
Since BabyIAXO will have two bores in the magnet, two X-ray optics are required to operate in parallel. Both of them are Wolter optics (type I).
One of the two BabyIAXO optics will be based on a mature technology developed for NASA's NuStar X-ray satellite. [5] The signal from the 0.7 m diameter bore will be focused to 0.2 area.
The second BabyIAXO optics will be one of the flight models of the XMM-Newton space mission that belongs to the ESA.
IAXO and BabyIAXO will have multiple and diverse detectors working in parallel, mounted to the different magnet bores. Based upon the experience from CAST, the baseline detector technology will be a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with a Micromegas readout. In addition, there are several other technologies under study: GridPix, Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters (MMC), Transition Edge Sensors (TES) and Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD).
The detectors for this experiment need to meet certain technical requirements. They need a high detection efficiency in the ROI (1 – 10 keV) where the Primakoff axion signal is expected. They also need a very low radioactive background in ROI of under (less than 3 counts per year of data). To reach this background level, the detector relies on:
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Cosmic rays or astroparticles are high-energy particles or clusters of particles that move through space at nearly the speed of light. They originate from the Sun, from outside of the Solar System in our own galaxy, and from distant galaxies. Upon impact with Earth's atmosphere, cosmic rays produce showers of secondary particles, some of which reach the surface, although the bulk are deflected off into space by the magnetosphere or the heliosphere.
An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle originally theorized in 1978 independently by Frank Wilczek and Steven Weinberg as the Goldstone boson of Peccei–Quinn theory, which had been proposed in 1977 to solve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter.
In particle physics, the Klein–Nishina formula gives the differential cross section of photons scattered from a single free electron, calculated in the lowest order of quantum electrodynamics. It was first derived in 1928 by Oskar Klein and Yoshio Nishina, constituting one of the first successful applications of the Dirac equation. The formula describes both the Thomson scattering of low energy photons and the Compton scattering of high energy photons, showing that the total cross section and expected deflection angle decrease with increasing photon energy.
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) is an experiment in astroparticle physics to search for axions originating from the Sun. The experiment, sited at CERN in Switzerland, was commissioned in 1999 and came online in 2002 with the first data-taking run starting in May 2003. The successful detection of solar axions would constitute a major discovery in particle physics, and would also open up a brand new window on the astrophysics of the solar core.
The ring-imaging Cherenkov, or RICH, detector is a device for identifying the type of an electrically charged subatomic particle of known momentum, that traverses a transparent refractive medium, by measurement of the presence and characteristics of the Cherenkov radiation emitted during that traversal. RICH detectors were first developed in the 1980s and are used in high energy elementary particle-, nuclear- and astro-physics experiments.
Air showers are extensive cascades of subatomic particles and ionized nuclei, produced in the atmosphere when a primary cosmic ray enters the atmosphere. Particles of cosmic radiation can be protons, nuclei, electrons, photons, or (rarely) positrons. Upon entering the atmosphere, they interact with molecules and initiate a particle cascade that lasts for several generations, until the energy of the primary particle is fully converted. If the primary particle is a hadron, mostly light mesons like pions and kaons are produced in the first interactions, which then fuel a hadronic shower component that produces shower particles mostly through pion decay. Primary photons and electrons, on the other hand, produce mainly electromagnetic showers. Depending on the energy of the primary particle, the detectable size of the shower can reach several kilometers in diameter.
A helioscope is an instrument used in observing the Sun and sunspots. The helioscope was first used by Benedetto Castelli (1578-1643) and refined by Galileo Galilei (1564–1642). The method involves projecting an image of the sun onto a white sheet of paper suspended in a darkened room with the use of a telescope.
The Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-tester is a quantum mechanics thought experiment that uses interaction-free measurements to verify that a bomb is functional without having to detonate it. It was conceived in 1993 by Avshalom Elitzur and Lev Vaidman. Since their publication, real-world experiments have confirmed that their theoretical method works as predicted.
The Mainz Microtron, abbreviated MAMI, is a microtron which provides a continuous wave, high intensity, polarized electron beam with an energy up to 1.6 GeV. MAMI is the core of an experimental facility for particle, nuclear and X-ray radiation physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany). It is one of the largest campus-based accelerator facilities for basic research in Europe. The experiments at MAMI are performed by about 200 physicists of many countries organized in international collaborations.
MACRO was a particle physics experiment located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Abruzzo, Italy. MACRO was proposed by 6 scientific institutions in the United States and 6 Italian institutions.
The LHCf is a special-purpose Large Hadron Collider experiment for astroparticle physics, and one of nine detectors in the LHC accelerator at CERN. LHCf is designed to study the particles generated in the forward region of collisions, those almost directly in line with the colliding proton beams.
PVLAS aims to carry out a test of quantum electrodynamics and possibly detect dark matter at the Department of Physics and National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Ferrara, Italy. It searches for vacuum polarization causing nonlinear optical behavior in magnetic fields. Experiments began in 2001 at the INFN Laboratory in Legnaro and continue today with new equipment.
In particle physics, the Primakoff effect, named after Henry Primakoff, is the resonant production of neutral pseudoscalar mesons by high-energy photons interacting with an atomic nucleus. It can be viewed as the reverse process of the decay of the meson into two photons and has been used for the measurement of the decay width of neutral mesons.
A cosmic-ray observatory is a scientific installation built to detect high-energy-particles coming from space called cosmic rays. This typically includes photons, electrons, protons, and some heavier nuclei, as well as antimatter particles. About 90% of cosmic rays are protons, 9% are alpha particles, and the remaining ~1% are other particles.
Gamma-ray astronomy is a subfield of astronomy where scientists observe and study celestial objects and phenomena in outer space which emit cosmic electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma rays, i.e. photons with the highest energies at the very shortest wavelengths. Radiation below 100 keV is classified as X-rays and is the subject of X-ray astronomy.
The NA62 experiment is a fixed-target particle physics experiment in the North Area of the SPS accelerator at CERN. The experiment was approved in February 2007. Data taking began in 2015, and the experiment is expected to become the first in the world to probe the decays of the charged kaon with probabilities down to 10−12. The experiment's spokesperson is Giuseppe Ruggiero. The collaboration involves 308 participants from 33 institutions and 16 countries around the world.
The Canfranc Underground Laboratory is an underground scientific facility located in the former railway tunnel of Somport under Monte Tobazo (Pyrenees) in Canfranc. The laboratory, 780 m deep and protected from cosmic radiation, is mainly devoted to study rarely occurring natural phenomena such as the interactions of neutrinos of cosmic origin or dark matter with atomic nuclei.
In accelerator physics, the Courant–Snyder parameters are a set of quantities used to describe the distribution of positions and velocities of the particles in a beam. When the positions along a single dimension and velocities along that dimension of every particle in a beam are plotted on a phase space diagram, an ellipse enclosing the particles can be given by the equation:
In particle physics, the coincidence method is an experimental design through which particle detectors register two or more simultaneous measurements of a particular event through different interaction channels. Detection can be made by sensing the primary particle and/or through the detection of secondary reaction products. Such a method is used to increase the sensitivity of an experiment to a specific particle interaction, reducing conflation with background interactions by creating more degrees of freedom by which the particle in question may interact. The first notable use of the coincidence method was conducted in 1924 by the Bothe–Geiger coincidence experiment.
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