Irish Pub, Kabul

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The Irish Pub of Kabul was a pub in Kabul, Afghanistan; it opened on Saint Patrick's Day, 2003. [1]

Owner Sean Martin McQuade received approval of a local mullah by promising to repair the road adjacent to the club and assist in relocating a nearby school to a larger site. [2] The pub is licensed by the Afghan government, with the caveat that it not sell alcohol to Afghans. [2] When interviewed a staff member of the bar commented, "Our families know what we do, but we tell other people we just work in a restaurant or a guesthouse selling food and soft drinks." [3] Within 2 months of opening it received warnings of a possible attack and temporarily closed. [4] By September of the next year the bar had moved into a Kabul hotel. [5]

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The Taliban has ruled Afghanistan as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan since taking control by force in 2021, overthrowing the internationally recognized Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The takeover was widely criticized by the international community, and no countries have extended diplomatic recognition to the new regime, despite nominally maintaining relations with Afghanistan. The Taliban has aggressively campaigned for international recognition since the takeover. Several countries have vowed never to recognize the Islamic Emirate, and others have said they will do so only if human rights in the country are respected. Some countries have accredited Taliban diplomats at the chargé d'affaires level despite not recognizing the Islamic Emirate.


  1. Humphreys, Joe (18 April 2003). "Irish pub in Kabul has no worries about serving its customers on Good Friday". The Irish Times . Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  2. 1 2 Pitman, Todd (20 April 2003). "Kabul Pub Offers a Wee Tipple of Home". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  3. "Perspectives". Newsweek . 4 May 2003. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  4. "Threats close Kabul's Irish bar". BBC News . 26 April 2003. Retrieved 10 August 2013.
  5. "Irish bar reopens in Afghanistan". MCA Insight. 24 September 2004. Retrieved 12 October 2021.

Further reading