James' space

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In the area of mathematics known as functional analysis, James' space is an important example in the theory of Banach spaces and commonly serves as useful counterexample to general statements concerning the structure of general Banach spaces. The space was first introduced in 1950 in a short paper by Robert C. James. [1]


James' space serves as an example of a space that is isometrically isomorphic to its double dual, while not being reflexive. Furthermore, James' space has a basis, while having no unconditional basis.


Let denote the family of all finite increasing sequences of integers of odd length. For any sequence of real numbers and we define the quantity

James' space, denoted by J, is defined to be all elements x from c0 satisfying , endowed with the norm .

Properties [2]

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In mathematics, more specifically in functional analysis, a Banach space is a complete normed vector space. Thus, a Banach space is a vector space with a metric that allows the computation of vector length and distance between vectors and is complete in the sense that a Cauchy sequence of vectors always converges to a well defined limit that is within the space.

In mathematics, any vector space has a corresponding dual vector space consisting of all linear forms on , together with the vector space structure of pointwise addition and scalar multiplication by constants.

Functional analysis Branch of mathematical analysis

Functional analysis is a branch of mathematical analysis, the core of which is formed by the study of vector spaces endowed with some kind of limit-related structure and the linear functions defined on these spaces and respecting these structures in a suitable sense. The historical roots of functional analysis lie in the study of spaces of functions and the formulation of properties of transformations of functions such as the Fourier transform as transformations defining continuous, unitary etc. operators between function spaces. This point of view turned out to be particularly useful for the study of differential and integral equations.

Normed vector space Vector space on which a distance is defined

In mathematics, a normed vector space or normed space is a vector space over the real or complex numbers, on which a norm is defined. A norm is the formalization and the generalization to real vector spaces of the intuitive notion of "length" in the real world. A norm is a real-valued function defined on the vector space that is commonly denoted and has the following properties:

  1. It is nonnegative, that is for every vector x, one has
  2. It is positive on nonzero vectors, that is,
  3. For every vector x, and every scalar one has
  4. The triangle inequality holds; that is, for every vectors x and y, one has

In mathematics, a topological space is called separable if it contains a countable, dense subset; that is, there exists a sequence of elements of the space such that every nonempty open subset of the space contains at least one element of the sequence.

In the area of mathematics known as functional analysis, a reflexive space is a locally convex topological vector space (TVS) such that the canonical evaluation map from X into its bidual is an isomorphism of TVSs. Since a normable TVS is reflexive if and only if it is semi-reflexive, every normed space X is reflexive if and only if the canonical evaluation map from X into its bidual is surjective; in this case the normed space is necessarily also a Banach space. Note that in 1951, R. C. James discovered a non-reflexive Banach space that is isometrically isomorphic to its bidual.

In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, Fréchet spaces, named after Maurice Fréchet, are special topological vector spaces. They are generalizations of Banach spaces. All Banach and Hilbert spaces are Fréchet spaces. Spaces of infinitely differentiable functions are typical examples of Fréchet spaces, many of which are typically not Banach spaces.

In mathematics, a von Neumann algebra or W*-algebra is a *-algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology and contains the identity operator. It is a special type of C*-algebra.

In functional analysis and related branches of mathematics, the Banach–Alaoglu theorem states that the closed unit ball of the dual space of a normed vector space is compact in the weak* topology. A common proof identifies the unit ball with the weak-* topology as a closed subset of a product of compact sets with the product topology. As a consequence of Tychonoff's theorem, this product, and hence the unit ball within, is compact.

In mathematics, especially in functional analysis, the Tsirelson space is the first example of a Banach space in which neither an  p space nor a c0 space can be embedded. The Tsirelson space is reflexive.

In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a sequence space is a vector space whose elements are infinite sequences of real or complex numbers. Equivalently, it is a function space whose elements are functions from the natural numbers to the field K of real or complex numbers. The set of all such functions is naturally identified with the set of all possible infinite sequences with elements in K, and can be turned into a vector space under the operations of pointwise addition of functions and pointwise scalar multiplication. All sequence spaces are linear subspaces of this space. Sequence spaces are typically equipped with a norm, or at least the structure of a topological vector space.

In mathematics, a nuclear space is a topological vector space with many of the good properties of finite-dimensional vector spaces. The topology on them can be defined by a family of seminorms whose unit balls decrease rapidly in size. Vector spaces whose elements are "smooth" in some sense tend to be nuclear spaces; a typical example of a nuclear space is the set of smooth functions on a compact manifold.

In mathematics, a Schauder basis or countable basis is similar to the usual (Hamel) basis of a vector space; the difference is that Hamel bases use linear combinations that are finite sums, while for Schauder bases they may be infinite sums. This makes Schauder bases more suitable for the analysis of infinite-dimensional topological vector spaces including Banach spaces.

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In functional analysis, the dual norm is a measure of size for a continuous linear function defined on a normed vector space.

In the mathematical field of functional analysis, the space denoted by c is the vector space of all convergent sequences (xn) of real numbers or complex numbers. When equipped with the uniform norm:

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In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a complete topological vector space is a topological vector space (TVS) with the property that whenever points get progressively closer to each other, then there exists some point towards which they all get closer to. The notion of "points that get progressively closer" is made rigorous by Cauchy nets or Cauchy filters, which are generalizations of Cauchy sequences, while "point towards which they all get closer to" means that this net or filter converges to Unlike the notion of completeness for metric spaces, which it generalizes, the notion of completeness for TVSs does not depend on any metric and is defined for all TVSs, including those that are not metrizable or Hausdorff.

In mathematics, an Orlicz sequence space is any of certain class of linear spaces of scalar-valued sequences, endowed with a special norm, specified below, under which it forms a Banach space. Orlicz sequence spaces generalize the spaces, and as such play an important role in functional analysis.


  1. James, Robert C. A Non-Reflexive Banach Space Isometric With Its Second Conjugate Space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37, no. 3 (March 1951): 174–77.
  2. Morrison, T.J. Functional Analysis: An introduction to Banach space theory. Wiley. (2001)