Ageratina (snakeroot) is a genus of more than 330 perennials and rounded shrubs in the family Asteraceae.

Bouvardia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It contains about 50 species of evergreen herbs and shrubs native to Mexico and Central America, with one species extending into the southwestern United States. The genus is named in honor of Charles Bouvard (1572–1658), physician to Louis XIII, and superintendent of the Jardin du Roi in Paris.

Dalea is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. Members of the genus are commonly known as prairie clover or indigo bush. Its name honors English apothecary Samuel Dale (1659–1739). They are native to the New World, where they are distributed from Canada to Argentina. Nearly half of the known species are endemic to Mexico. Two species of Dalea have been considered for rangeland restoration.

Tournefortia, commonly known as soldierbush, is a genus of flowering plants in the borage family, Boraginaceae.

Cologania is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It belongs to the subfamily Faboideae.
Oxylobus is a genus of Mesoamerican flowering plants in the boneset tribe within the sunflower family.

Psacalium is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family. Indianbush is a common name for Psacalium.

Citharexylum is a genus of flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. It contains shrub and tree species commonly known as fiddlewoods or zitherwoods. They are native to the Americas, ranging from southern Florida and Texas in the United States to Argentina. The highest diversity occurs in Mexico and the Andes. The generic name is derived from the Greek words κιθάρα (kithara), meaning "lyre", and ξύλον (xylon), meaning "wood," referring to the use of the wood in the sounding boards of string instruments. Several species, especially C. caudatum and C. spinosum, are cultivated as ornamentals.
- Citharexylum affineD.Don - from northern Mexico to Nicaragua
- Citharexylum alainiiMoldenke - Dominican Republic
- Citharexylum albicauleTurcz. - Cuba
- Citharexylum altamiranumGreenm. - northeastern Mexico
- Citharexylum andinumMoldenke - Bolivia, Jujuy Province of Argentina
- Citharexylum argutedentatumMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum berlandieriB.L. Rob. - from Texas to Oaxaca - Berlandier's fiddlewood, Tamaulipan fiddlewood
- Citharexylum bourgeauanumGreenm. - Veracruz, Oaxaca
- Citharexylum brachyanthum(A.Gray ex Hemsl.) A.Gray - Texas, Coahuila, Nuevo León - Boxthorn fiddlewood, Mexican fiddlewood
- Citharexylum bullatumMoldenke - Colombia
- Citharexylum calvumMoldenke - Quintana Roo
- Citharexylum caudatumL. - southern Mexico, West Indies, Central America, Colombia, Peru - Juniper berry
- Citharexylum chartaceumMoldenke - Peru, Ecuador
- Citharexylum cooperiStandl. - Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala
- Citharexylum costaricenseMoldenke - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras
- Citharexylum crassifoliumGreenm - Chiapas, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
- Citharexylum daniraeLeón de la Luz & F.Chiang - Revillagigedo Islands of Baja California
- Citharexylum decorumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum dentatumD.Don - Peru
- Citharexylum discolorTurcz. - Cuba, Hispaniola
- Citharexylum donnell-smithiiGreenm. - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Central America
- Citharexylum dryanderaeMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador
- Citharexylum ekmaniiMoldenke - Cuba
- Citharexylum ellipticumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - Veracruz, Campeche, Tabasco; naturalized in Cuba + Cayman Islands
- Citharexylum endlichiiMoldenke - northeastern Mexico
- Citharexylum flabellifoliumS.Watson - Sonora, Baja California
- Citharexylum flexuosum(Ruiz & Pav.) D.Don - Bolivia, Peru
- Citharexylum fulgidumMoldenke - Veracruz, northeastern Mexico
- Citharexylum gentryiMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum glabrum(S.Watson) Greenm - Oaxaca
- Citharexylum glazioviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
- Citharexylum grandiflorumAymard & Rueda - Ecuador
- Citharexylum guatemalense(Moldenke) D.N.Gibson - Guatemala, Nicaragua
- Citharexylum herreraeMansf. - Peru
- Citharexylum hexangulareGreenm. - from northern Mexico to Costa Rica
- Citharexylum hidalgenseMoldenke - Mexico
- Citharexylum hintoniiMoldenke - México State
- Citharexylum hirtellumStandl. - from Veracruz to Panama
- Citharexylum ilicifoliumKunth - Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
- Citharexylum iltisiiMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum × jamaicenseMoldenke - Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico (C. caudatum × C. spinosum)
- Citharexylum joergensenii(Lillo) Moldenke - Argentina, Bolivia
- Citharexylum karsteniiMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum kerberiGreenm. - Veracruz
- Citharexylum kobuskianumMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum krukoviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
- Citharexylum kunthianumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador
- Citharexylum laetumHiern - southern Brazil
- Citharexylum laurifoliumHayek - Bolivia, Peru
- Citharexylum lemsiiMoldenke - Guanacaste Province in Costa Rica
- Citharexylum × leonisMoldenke - Cuba (C. caudatum × C. tristachyum)
- Citharexylum ligustrifolium(Thur. ex Decne.) Van Houtte - Mexico
- Citharexylum lojenseMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum lucidumCham. & Schltdl. - Mexico
- Citharexylum lycioidesD.Don - Mexico
- Citharexylum macradeniumGreenm. - Panama, Costa Rica
- Citharexylum macrochlamysPittier - Panama, Colombia
- Citharexylum macrophyllumPoir. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guianas, northwestern Brazil
- Citharexylum matheanumBorhidi & Kereszty - Cuba
- Citharexylum matudaeMoldenke - Chiapas
- Citharexylum mexicanumMoldenke - Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca
- Citharexylum microphyllum(DC.) O.E.Schulz - Hisipaniola
- Citharexylum mirifoliumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum mocinoiD.Don - Mexico, Central America
- Citharexylum montanumMoldenke - Colombia, Ecuador
- Citharexylum montevidense(Spreng.) Moldenke - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Citharexylum myrianthumCham. - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
- Citharexylum obtusifoliumKuhlm - Espírito Santo
- Citharexylum oleinum Moldenke - Mexico
- Citharexylum ovatifoliumGreenm. - Mexico
- Citharexylum pachyphyllumMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum pernambucenseMoldenke - eastern Brazil
- Citharexylum poeppigiiWalp. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil
- Citharexylum punctatumGreenm. - Bolivia, Peru
- Citharexylum quercifoliumHayek - Peru
- Citharexylum quitenseSpreng. - Ecuador
- Citharexylum racemosumSessé & Moc. - Mexico
- Citharexylum reticulatumKunth - Ecuador, Peru
- Citharexylum rigidum(Briq.) Moldenke - Paraguay, southern Brazil
- Citharexylum rimbachiiMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum roseiGreenm. - Mexico
- Citharexylum roxanaeMoldenke - Baja California
- Citharexylum scabrumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - northern Mexico
- Citharexylum schottiiGreenm. - southern Mexico, Central America
- Citharexylum schulziiUrb. & Ekman - Hispaniola
- Citharexylum sessaeiD.Don - Mexico
- Citharexylum shreveiMoldenke - Sonora
- Citharexylum solanaceumCham. - southern Brazil
- Citharexylum spinosumL. – Spiny fiddlewood - West Indies, Panama, Venezuela, the Guianas; naturalized in India, Mozambique, Fiji, Bermuda
- Citharexylum stenophyllumUrb. & Ekman - Haiti
- Citharexylum steyermarkiiMoldenke - Veracruz, Chiapas, Guatemala
- Citharexylum suberosumLoes. ex Moldenke - Cuba
- Citharexylum subflavescensS.F.Blake - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
- Citharexylum subthyrsoideumPittier - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum subtruncatumMoldenke - northwestern Brazil
- Citharexylum sulcatumMoldenke - Colombia
- Citharexylum svensoniiMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum teclenseStandl. - El Salvador
- Citharexylum ternatumMoldenke - Cuba
- Citharexylum tetramerumBrandegee - Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán in Mexico
- Citharexylum tristachyumTurcz. – Threespike Fiddlewood - Cuba, Jamaica, Leeward Islands
- Citharexylum uleiMoldenke - Colombia, Peru, northwestern Brazil
- Citharexylum vallenseMoldenke - Colombia
- Citharexylum venezuelenseMoldenke - Venezuela
- Citharexylum weberbaueriHayek - Peru

Tridax is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.

Gibasis is a genus of flowering plants within the Commelinaceae family, first described in 1837. It is native to the Western Hemisphere from Texas and the West Indies south to Argentina, with most of the species native to Mexico.

Echeandia is a genus of New World plants in the century plant subfamily within the asparagus family. It is named for Spanish botanist Pedro Gregorio Echeandía (1746–1817). Species in the genus are distributed from the south-western United States south to north-western Argentina, southern Bolivia, and southern Peru. They are herbaceous perennials with corms and enlarged storage roots. The narrow leaves are held in basal rosettes. Flowers are in loose racemes and may be yellow, orange, white or cream.

Crusea is a genus of angiosperms in the family Rubiaceae. The genus is found in the south-western United States, Mexico, and Central America. A few species are naturalized in Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Cunila is a genus of plants in the Lamiaceae, first described in 1759. It is native to North and South America.
- Cunila angustifoliaBenth. - southern Brazil, Misiones Province of Argentina
- Cunila crenataGarcía-Peña & Tenorio - State of Durango in Mexico
- Cunila fasciculataBenth. - southern Brazil
- Cunila galioidesBenth. - Brazil
- Cunila incanaBenth. - southern Brazil, Argentina
- Cunila incisaBenth. - southern Brazil
- Cunila leucanthaKunth ex Schltdl. & Cham. - Mexico, Central America
- Cunila lythrifoliaBenth. - central + southern Mexico
- Cunila menthiformisEpling - southern Brazil
- Cunila menthoidesBenth. - Uruguay
- Cunila microcephalaBenth. - southern Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay
- Cunila origanoides(L.) Britton - central + eastern United States from Texas and Kansas east to New York and Georgia
- Cunila platyphyllaEpling - southern Brazil
- Cunila polyanthaBenth. - Mexico, Central America
- Cunila pycnanthaB.L.Rob. & Greenm. - Mexico
- Cunila ramamoorthianaM.R.Garcia-Pena - Mexico (Guerrero)
- Cunila spicataBenth. - southern Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
- Cunila tenuifoliaEpling - southern Brazil

Mesechites is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1860. It is native to Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies.
- Mesechites acuminatus Müll.Arg. - Peru
- Mesechites angustifolius(Poir.) Miers - Hispaniola
- Mesechites citrifolius(Kunth) Woodson - Colombia
- Mesechites mansoanus(A.DC.) Woodson - Paraguay, Brazil
- Mesechites minimus(Britton & P.Wilson) Woodson - Cuba
- Mesechites repens(Jacq.) Miers - Hispaniola, Navassa Island, Jamaica
- Mesechites roseus(A.DC.) Miers - Cuba
- Mesechites trifidus(Jacq.) Müll.Arg. - widespread from Tamaulipas in NE Mexico south to Paraguay + N Argentina
- Mesechites andrieuxii(Müll.Arg.) Miers = Mandevilla convolvulacea(A.DC.) Hemsl.
- Mesechites angustatusMiers = Mandevilla benthamii(A.DC.) K.Schum.
- Mesechites brownei(A.DC.) Miers = Mandevilla torosa(Jacq.) Woodson
- Mesechites dichotomus(Kunth) Miers = Laubertia boissieriA.DC.
- Mesechites guayaquilensisMiers = Mandevilla subsagittata(Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson
- Mesechites guianensis(A.DC.) Miers = Mandevilla rugellosa(Rich.) L.Allorge
- Mesechites hastatusMiers = Mandevilla subsagittata(Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson
- Mesechites hirtellulusMiers = Mandevilla oaxacana(A.DC.) Hemsl.
- Mesechites hirtellus(Kunth) Miers = Mandevilla subsagittata(Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson
- Mesechites jasminiflorus(M.Martens & Galeotti) Miers = Mandevilla subsagittata(Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson
- Mesechites lanceolatus(R.Br.) Miers = Parsonsia lanceolataR.Br.
- Mesechites oaxacanus(A.DC.) Miers = Mandevilla oaxacana(A.DC.) Hemsl.
- Mesechites ovalis(Ruiz & Pav. ex Markgr.) Pichon = Allomarkgrafia ovalis(Ruiz & Pav. ex Markgr.) Woodson
- Mesechites plumeriiflorus(Woodson) Pichon = Allomarkgrafia plumeriifloraWoodson
- Mesechites siphiliticus(L.f.) Lemée = Tabernaemontana siphilitica(L.f.) Leeuwenb.
- Mesechites subcarnosus(Benth.) Miers = Mandevilla subcarnosa(Benth.) Woodson
- Mesechites sulphureus(Vell.) Müll.Arg. = Prestonia coalita(Vell.) Woodson
- Mesechites torulosus(L.) Miers =Mandevilla torosa(Jacq.) Woodson

Loeselia is a genus of flowering plants in the phlox family Polemoniaceae, native to the southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America, Columbia and Venezuela. A number of species are found only in the Balsas Depression of southwestern Mexico.
Johnstonella is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Boraginaceae.
Seymeria is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Orobanchaceae.

Gaudichaudia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Malpighiaceae.