Stanhopea is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) from Central and South America. The abbreviation used in horticultural trade is Stan. The genus is named for the 4th Earl of Stanhope (1781-1855), president of the Medico-Botanical Society of London (1829-1837). It comprises 55 species and 5 natural hybrids. These epiphytic, but occasionally terrestrial orchids can be found in damp forests from Mexico to Trinidad to NW Argentina. Their ovate pseudobulbs carry from the top one long, plicate, elliptic leaf.

Oncidium, abbreviated as Onc. in the horticultural trade, is a genus that contains about 330 species of orchids from the subtribe Oncidiinae of the orchid family (Orchidaceae). As presently conceived, it is distributed across much of South America, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies, with one species (O. ensatum) extending into Florida. Common names for plants in this genus include dancing-lady orchid and golden shower orchid.

Brassia is a genus of orchids classified in the subtribe Oncidiinae. It is native to Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and northern South America, with one species extending into Florida.

Barbosella is a genus of mostly creeping orchids. The genus has about 20 species, widespread across the West Indies and Latin America from Mexico and the Lesser Antilles to Argentina. Named after João Barbosa Rodrigues, an investigator of Brazilian orchids. They have solitary flowers with a unique lip base that works like a ball and socket.

Kraenzlinella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, first described as a genus in 1903. It is native to S Mexico, Central America, and South America.
- Kraenzlinella anfracta(Luer) Luer - Tolima region in Colombia
- Kraenzlinella echinocarpa(C.Schweinf.) Luer - Peru, Ecuador
- Kraenzlinella erinacea(Rchb.f.) Solano - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia
- Kraenzlinella gigantea(Lindl.) Luer - Peru
- Kraenzlinella hintonii(L.O.Williams) Solano - Guerrero
- Kraenzlinella lappago(Luer) Luer - El Oro + Napo Provinces in Ecuador
- Kraenzlinella phrynoglossa(Luer & Hirtz) Luer - Azuay Province in Ecuador
- Kraenzlinella rinkeiLuer - Costa Rica
- Kraenzlinella sigmoidea(Ames & C.Schweinf.) Luer - Costa Rica
- Kraenzlinella tunguraguae(F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Kuntze ex Engl. & Prantl - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Kraenzlinella platyrachis(Rolfe) Rolfe = Specklinia pfavii(Rchb.f.) Pupulin & Karremans
- Kraenzlinella shuarii(Luer) Luer = Echinosepala shuarii(Luer) Luer
- Kraenzlinella smaragdina(Luer) Luer = Anathallis smaragdina(Luer) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase

Laeliinae is a Neotropical subtribe including 40 orchid genera, such as Brassavola, Laelia and Cattleya. The genus Epidendrum is the largest within this subtribe, containing about 1500 species. This is followed by the genus Encyclia, with over 120 species.

Rodriguezia, abbreviated Rdza. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of orchids. It consists of 49 known species, native to tropical America from southern Mexico and the Windward Islands south to Argentina, with many of the species endemic to Brazil.

Beloglottis is a genus of the family Orchidaceae. This genus belongs to the tribe Cranichideae and subtribe Spiranthinae. Orchids of the genus Beloglottis are terrestrial sympodial plants that can be used as herbal supplements. They have short, solitary stems that stand erect and the fleshy roots contain small hair-like projections and are arranged in a fascicle. Several leaves containing a petiole form at the base of the plant. The flowers appear as if they are upside down.

Arpophyllum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 3 species, native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela and Jamaica.
Crossoglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 26 currently recognized species native to Central America and South America, from Nicaragua to Bolivia.
- Crossoglossa acuminatissimaNog.-Sav. & Carnevali - Colombia
- Crossoglossa aurantilineataPupulin - Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa barfodiiDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa bifidaDressler - Panama
- Crossoglossa blephariglottis(Schltr.) Dressler ex Dodson - Panama, Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa boyleiDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa caulescens(Lindl.) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa dalessandroi(Dodson) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa dalstroemii(Dodson) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa dodsoniiR.Vásquez - Bolivia
- Crossoglossa ellipticaDressler - Panama
- Crossoglossa eustachys(Schltr.) Dressler ex Dodson - Panama, Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa exigua(Garay) Nog.-Sav. & G.A.Romero - Colombia
- Crossoglossa fratrum(Schltr.) Dressler ex Dodson - Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
- Crossoglossa hirtziiDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa kalbreyeriana(Kraenzl.) P.Ortiz - Colombia
- Crossoglossa liparidoides(Finet) Dodson - Ecuador, Peru
- Crossoglossa longissima(Kraenzl.) P.Ortiz - Colombia
- Crossoglossa nanegalensisDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa neirynckianaSzlach. & Marg. - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa pichinchae(Schltr.) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa polyblephara(Schltr.) Dodson - Colombia
- Crossoglossa sotoanaPupulin & Karremans - Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa steinii(Dodson) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa tipuloides(Lindl.) Dodson - Colombia
- Crossoglossa topoensis(Mansf.) Dodson - Ecuador

Dimerandra, abbreviated Dmd. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. The group is found across tropical America: southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and northern South America.

Triphora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, southern Mexico, the West Indies and eastern North America as far north as Ontario. Noddingcaps is a common name for plants in this genus.
- Triphora amazonicaSchltr. - Florida, Caribbean, south to Brazil
- Triphora carnosula(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Brazil
- Triphora craigheadiiLuer - Florida
- Triphora debilis(Schltr.) Schltr. - southern Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama
- Triphora duckeiSchltr. - Brazil
- Triphora foldatsiiCarnevali - Venezuela
- Triphora gentianoides(Sw.) Nutt. ex Ames & Schltr. - Florida, Southern Mexico, Costa Rica, Veenzuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bahamas, Greater Antilles
- Triphora hassleriana(Cogn. ex Chodat & Hassl.) Schltr. - from Mexico to Argentina
- Triphora heringeriPabst - Brazil
- Triphora miserrima(Cogn.) Acuña - Cuba, Hispaniola
- Triphora nitida(Schltr.) Schltr. - Costa Rica
- Triphora pusilla(Rchb.f. & Warm.) Schltr. - Brazil
- Triphora ravenii(L.O.Williams) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama
- Triphora santamariensisPortalet - Brazil
- Triphora surinamensis(Lindl. ex Benth.) Britton - West Indies south to Brazil
- Triphora trianthophoros(Sw.) Rydb. Ontario, Eastern United States, much of Mexico
- Triphora unifloraA.W.C.Ferreira, Baptista & Pansarin - Brazil
- Triphora wagneriSchltr. - from Mexico to Ecuador
- Triphora yucatanensisAmes - Florida and the Yucatán Peninsula

Ionopsis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 6 currently accepted species, native to Latin America, the West Indies, and Florida.
- Ionopsis burchelliiRchb.f. - Brazil
- Ionopsis minutiflora(Dodson & N.H.Williams) Pupulin - Ecuador
- Ionopsis papillosaPupulin - Ecuador
- Ionopsis satyrioides(Sw.) Rchb.f. in W.G.Walpers - widespread across southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America
- Ionopsis utricularioides(Sw.) Lindl. - widespread across southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, South America, and Florida
- Ionopsis zebrinaKraenzl. - Colombia

Psilochilus is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Psilochilus carinatusGaray - Colombia
- Psilochilus dusenianusKraenzl. ex Garay & Dunst. - Venezuela, Brazil
- Psilochilus macrophyllus(Lindl.) Ames - widespread from central Mexico and the West indies south to Peru
- Psilochilus maderoi(Schltr.) Schltr. - Colombia
- Psilochilus modestusBarb.Rodr. - Venezuela, Brazil
- Psilochilus mollisGaray - Ecuador
- Psilochilus physurifolius(Rchb.f.) Løjtnant - Venezuela, Guyana
- Psilochilus vallecaucanusKolan. & Szlach. - Colombia

Rhynchostele is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to Mexico, Central America and Venezuela. The genus name is abbreviated as Rst. in the horticultural trade.

Rossioglossum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It has 9 currently recognized species, all native to Mexico, Central America, and northern and western South America.
- Rossioglossum ampliatum(Lindl.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams - from Guatemala to Venezuela and Peru
- Rossioglossum grande(Lindl.) Garay & G.C.Kenn. - Chiapas, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica
- Rossioglossum hagsaterianumSoto Arenas - Nayarit, Jalisco
- Rossioglossum insleayi(Baker ex Lindl.) Garay & G.C.Kenn. - from Jalisco to Oaxaca
- Rossioglossum krameri(Rchb.f.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams - Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama
- Rossioglossum oerstedii(Rchb.f.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams - Costa Rica, Panama
- Rossioglossum schlieperianum(Rchb.f.) Garay & G.C.Kenn. - Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama
- Rossioglossum splendens(Rchb.f.) Garay & G.C.Kenn. - Oaxaca
- Rossioglossum williamsianum(Rchb.f.) Garay & G.C.Kenn - Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras

Sarcoglottis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America from Mexico to Argentina, with one species extending northward into Trinidad and the Windward Islands.
Rhetinantha is a genus of orchids native to Mexico, South America and Central America.
- Rhetinantha aciantha(Rchb.f.) M.A.Blanco - widespread from southern Mexico to Brazil
- Rhetinantha acuminata(Lindl.) M.A.Blanco - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Rhetinantha cerifera(Barb.Rodr.) M.A.Blanco - Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia
- Rhetinantha divaricata(Barb.Rodr.) M.A.Blanco - Brazil, Peru, Bolivia
- Rhetinantha encyclioides(J.T.Atwood & Dodson) M.A.Blanco - Ecuador
- Rhetinantha friedrichsthalii(Rchb.f.) M.A.Blanco - Central America, Yucatán Peninsula
- Rhetinantha mariaisabeliae(J.T.Atwood) M.A.Blanco - Bolivia
- Rhetinantha monacensis(Kraenzl.) M.A.Blanco - Venezuela, Colombia
- Rhetinantha neilii(Dodson) M.A.Blanco - Ecuador
- Rhetinantha notylioglossa(Rchb.f.) M.A.Blanco - Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador
- Rhetinantha ophiodens(J.T.Atwood) M.A.Blanco - Bolivia
- Rhetinantha pastorellii(D.E.Benn. & Christenson) M.A.Blanco - Ecuador, Peru
- Rhetinantha schistostele(Schltr.) M.A.Blanco - Costa Rica
- Rhetinantha scorpioidea(Kraenzl.) M.A.Blanco - widespread from southern Mexico to Brazil
- Rhetinantha witsenioides(Schltr.) M.A.Blanco - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Stenotyla is a genus of orchids. It contains 9 known species, all native to Central America and southern Mexico.
- Stenotyla estrellensis(Ames) P.A.Harding - Costa Rica
- Stenotyla francoiArchila - Guatemala
- Stenotyla helleri(Fowlie) P.A.Harding - Nicaragua
- Stenotyla lankesteriana(Pupulin) Dressler - Costa Rica, Panama
- Stenotyla lendyana(Rchb.f.) Dressler - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras
- Stenotyla maculataArchila - Guatemala
- Stenotyla maxillapertaArchila - Guatemala
- Stenotyla panamensisPupulin - Panama
- Stenotyla picta(Rchb.f.) Dressler - Costa Rica, Panama