Lin Tai-hua

Last updated
  1. 立法院 (2013-07-23). "立法院" [Legislative Yuan]. 立法院 (in Chinese (Taiwan)).
  2. "林岱樺 · 民主進步黨籍 · 臺灣選舉資料庫" [Lin Tai-hua · Democratic Progressive Party Membership · Taiwan Election Database].
  3. YouLing, Zhou. "前立委林岱樺 表態參選縣長" [Former legislator Lin Tai-hua expressed her intention to run for county magistrate].
  4. Wang, Rongxiang. "王荣祥. 綠縣長提名 林岱樺民調奪冠" [Green County Magistrate Nominated, Lin Tai-hua Wins the Poll].
  5. Zhu, Youling (2024-02-28). "徵召林岱樺選縣長 民進黨拍板 - 地方 - 自由時報電子報" [The DPP made the decision to recruit Lin Tai-hua as county magistrate.]. Archived from the original on 2024-02-28. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  6. "影/市長初選!林岱樺推城鄉共榮:讓「高雄囝仔」有出路 | ETtoday政治新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲" [Lin Tai-hua promotes co-prosperity between urban and rural areas]. (in Traditional Chinese). 2018-02-22. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  7. "終於有進展!中山大學仁武校區今年11月動工 | 大學研究所 | 文教 | 聯合新聞網" ["Finally there is progress! Sun Yat-sen University Renwu Campus will start construction in November this year | University Research Institute]. 2020-11-09. Archived from the original on 2020-11-09.
  8. Fang, Zhixian. "仁武後港巷涵洞拓寬 露曙光" [Widening of culvert in Hougang Lane, Yanwu, Lu Shuguang] (in Chinese).
  9. 颜, 瑞田. "仁武房地產利多!鼎力路增設匝道" [Renwu real estate is bullish! A ramp will be added to Dingli Road.] (in Chinese).
  10. "國道1號南下鼎力匝道 6月通車 | 國1 | 李昆澤 | 大紀元" [National Highway No. 1 southbound Dingli ramp opens to traffic in June]. 大紀元 (in Traditional Chinese). 2017-07-17.
  11. 侯, 承旭. "泛綠民代爭取 鳥松設國際醫療專區" [Pan-green people fight for the establishment of an international medical zone in Niaosong].
  12. 悦, 林 (2019-01-08). "台灣美容醫療觀光啟動衛福部成立推動小組 王正坤提實務建言 | ETtoday地方新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲" [The Ministry of Health and Welfare established a promotion group for the launch of Taiwan's beauty and medical tourism. Wang Zhengkun provided practical suggestions.]. (in Traditional Chinese). Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  13. CYNET.TW. "林岱樺解決觀湖山莊無水之苦" [Lin Tai-hua solves the problem of lack of water in Guanhu Villa] (in Chinese).
  14. 聯合新聞網 (2016-04-15). "有沒有任何「小量個別」的放生行為是可以被同意的? | 顏聖紘". 鳴人堂 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-11-13.
  15. "维护生态环境乃全民责任 呼吁立法院谨慎以对野生动物保育法修法 召开国会听证,广纳各界意见,以利修法周延" [Maintaining the ecological environment is the responsibility of the whole people. Call on the Legislative Yuan to be cautious in amending the Wildlife Conservation Law. Convene congressional hearings to solicit opinions from all walks of life to facilitate the smooth revision of the law.] (in Chinese).
  16. 1 2 "林岱樺修法支持「個人隨機放生」惹議 萬人連署反對" [Lin Tai-hua's amendment to the law supports "random individual release" and provokes controversy. Thousands of people signed a petition to oppose it.] (in Chinese). Retrieved 2017-03-08.
  17. "「你在跟我對幹膩?」林岱樺道歉 網友諷「高雄人快棄養她」 | 新聞 - Yahoo奇摩行動版" ["Are you tired of fighting with me?" Lin Tai-hua apologized. Netizens ridiculed "Kaohsiung people are about to give up on her."]. 2019-05-02. Archived from the original on 2019-05-02. Retrieved 2024-11-13.
  18. "反對民進黨林岱樺惡搞野保法,讓全民為不當放生埋單" [Oppose the DPP Lin Tai-hua’s spoof of the wildlife protection law and make the whole people pay for improper release of wild animals] (in Chinese). Retrieved 2017-03-16.
  19. 中央通訊社 (2017-03-20). "抓到豆腐鯊 老闆佛心放生 | 地方". 中央社 CNA (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  20. "又要對幹了? 林岱樺LINE對話外流再挨轟!" [Going against each other again? Lin Tai-hua's LINE conversation was leaked and was bombarded again!].
  21. 林玮丰; 周思宇. (2018-11-29). "「誰說我支持婚姻平權!」南部綠委批同婚議題重傷民進黨選情-風傳媒" ["Who says I support marriage equality!" The Southern Green Committee's approval of same-sex marriage seriously hurt the DPP's election prospects]. (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2024-11-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. Huang, Abby (2018-11-30). "同性婚姻確定將立「專法」,柯建銘拜託尤美女「放了民進黨」" [It is confirmed that a "special law" will be enacted on same-sex marriage. Ke Jianming asked You Mei to "let go of the DPP"]. TNL The News Lens 關鍵評論網 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  23. 李秉芳 (2019-05-17). "台灣成為亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法的國家,立法院三讀通過「同婚專法」" [Taiwan becomes the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. The Legislative Yuan passes the "same-sex marriage law" on the third reading.]. TNL The News Lens 關鍵評論網 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  24. "影/「同性二人結婚登記」蔣萬安7藍委投贊成 林岱樺13綠委跑票 | ETtoday政治新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲" ["Same-sex marriage registration" Chiang Wan-an, 7 blue committee members voted in favor, Lin Tai-hua, 13 green committee members ran away]. (in Traditional Chinese). 2019-05-17. Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  25. 陈燕珩. "【公教年改止血】綠委喊恢復年資補償金 料再掀一波黨內論戰 -- 上報 / 要聞" [The Green Committee calls for the restoration of seniority compensation, which is expected to set off another wave of intra-party debate]. Up Media . Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  26. "警辛勞危險! 退警平均死亡年齡69.76歲 低於國民平均" [Police are working hard and in danger! The average age at death for retired police officers is 69.76 years old, which is lower than the national average.].
  27. 环境资讯中心. "農地工廠不只就地合法 立委還想送解除限制大餅 環團:「非常可怕」" [Not only are farmland factories legal on site, legislators also want to give away the ban on lifting restrictions. Huan Tuan: "It's very scary."]. Retrieved 2019-05-06.
  28. 三立新聞網 (2016-05-18). "活該倒楣?林岱樺打警察兩拳無罪 王鴻薇:正義嗚呼哀哉 | 政治 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM" [Deserve such misfortune? Lin Tai-hua was not guilty of punching the police officer twice.]. (in Chinese). Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  29. 许依晨 (2014-03-28). "警擋日媒進議場,立委林岱樺打警察兩拳" [The police blocked the Japanese media from entering the meeting place. Legislator Lin Tai-hua punched the police twice.]. Archived from the original on 2014-03-28. Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  30. 華視新聞 CH52 (2014-03-26). 警擋外媒進議場 林岱樺怒揮拳 . Retrieved 2024-11-14 via YouTube.{{cite AV media}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  31. "立委打警 同事力挺疑遭秋後算帳│TVBS新聞網" [Legislator calls the police; colleagues support suspects who are being reckoned with]. 2020-05-06. Archived from the original on 2020-05-06. Retrieved 2024-11-14.
  32. "立法院第九屆第二會期 優秀及待觀察立委公佈記者會" [Second Session of the Ninth Legislative Yuan: Outstanding and To-be-Observed Legislators Announce Press Conference] (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-11-26.
Lin Tai-hua
Di Shi Yi Jie Li Fa Wei Yuan Lin Dai Hua Xiao Xiang .jpg
Member of the Legislative Yuan
Assumed office
March 11, 2011