List of Imperial German artillery regiments

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This is a list of Imperial German artillery regiments [1] before and during World War I. In peacetime, the Imperial German Army included 100 regiments of Field artillery (plus the Lehr instruction unit) and 24 regiments of Foot artillery (plus another Lehr instruction unit) who operated the heavier pieces. Some of these regiments had a history stretching back to the 17th Century, while others were only formed as late as October 1912. [2]


Field Artillery Regiments

RegimentRaised [3] GarrisonCorps
1st Guards Field Artillery [4] 29 February 1816 Berlin Guards Corps
2nd Guards Field Artillery 24 October 1872 Potsdam Guards Corps
3rd Guards Field Artillery25 March 1899 Berlin, Beeskow Guards Corps
4th Guards Field Artillery25 March 1899 Potsdam Guards Corps
1st (1st Lithuanian) Field Artillery "Prince August of Prussia" [4] 1 October 1772 Gumbinnen, Insterburg I Army Corps
2nd (1st Pomeranian) Field Artillery24 November 1808 Kolberg, Belgard II Army Corps
3rd (1st Brandenburg) Field Artillery "General-Feldzeugmeister" [4] 29 February 1816 Brandenburg III Army Corps
4th (Magdeburg) Field Artillery "Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria"29 February 1816 Magdeburg IV Army Corps
5th (1st Lower Silesian) Field Artillery "von Podbielski" [4] 29 February 1816 Sprottau, Sagan V Army Corps
6th (1st Silesian) Field Artillery "von Peucker"24 November 1808 Breslau VI Army Corps
7th (1st Westphalian) Field Artillery29 February 1816 Wesel, Düsseldorf VII Army Corps
8th (1st Rhenish) Field Artillery "von Holtzendorff" [4] 29 February 1816 Saarbrücken, Saarlouis XXI Army Corps
9th (Schleswig) Field Artillery "General Field Marshal Graf Waldersee"29 July 1866 Itzehoe IX Army Corps
10th (1st Hannover) Field Artillery "von Scharnhorst" [4] 19 December 1803 Hannover X Army Corps
11th (1st Kurhessian) Field Artillery [4] 22 November 1813 Kassel, Fritzlar XI Army Corps
12th (1st Royal Saxon) Field Artillery [4] 26 June 1620 Dresden, Königsbrück XII Army Corps
13th (1st Württemberg) Field Artillery "King Charles"24 March 1736 Ulm, Cannstatt XIII Army Corps
14th (1st Baden) Field Artillery "Grand Duke"21 January 1850 Karlsruhe XIV Army Corps
15th (1st Upper Alsatian) Field Artillery [4] 19 May 1871 Saarburg, Mörchingen XXI Army Corps
16th (1st East Prussian) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Königsberg I Army Corps
17th (2nd Pomeranian) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Bromberg II Army Corps
18th (2nd Brandenburg) Field Artilley "General-Feldzeugmeister"24 October 1872 Frankfurt/Oder III Army Corps
19th (1st Thuringian) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Erfurt XI Army Corps
20th (1st Posen) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Posen V Army Corps
21st (1st Upper Silesian) Field Artillery "von Clausewitz"24 October 1872 Neiße, Grottkau VI Army Corps
22nd (2nd Westphalian) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Münster VII Army Corps
23rd (2nd Rhenish) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Koblenz VIII Army Corps
24th (Holstein) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Güstrow, Neustrelitz IX Army Corps
25th (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) Field Artillery7 April 1790 Darmstadt XVIII Army Corps
26th (2nd Hannover) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Verden X Army Corps
27th (1st Nassau) Field Artillery "Oranien"15 March 1833 Mainz, Wiesbaden XVIII Army Corps
28th (2nd Royal Saxon) Field Artillery1 November 1872 Pirna XII Army Corps
29th (2nd Württemberg) Field Artillery "Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria"24 March 1736 Ludwigsburg XIII Army Corps
30th (2nd Baden) Field Artillery24 October 1872 Rastatt XIV Army Corps
31st (1st Lower Alsatian) Field Artillery23 April 1881 Hagenau XXI Army Corps
32nd (3rd Royal Saxon) Field Artillery1 February 1889 Riesa XIX Army Corps
33rd (1st Lotharingian) Field Artillery1 February 1890 Metz XVI Army Corps
34th (2nd Lotharingian) Field Artillery1 February 1890 Metz XVI Army Corps
35th (1st West Prussian) Field Artillery [4] 1 February 1890 Deutsch-Eylau XX Army Corps
36th (2nd West Prussian) Field Artillery1 February 1890 Danzig XVII Army Corps
37th (2nd Lithuanian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Insterburg I Army Corps
38th (Vorpommersches) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Stettin II Army Corps
39th (Kurmark) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Perleberg III Army Corps
40th (Altmark) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Burg IV Army Corps
41st (2nd Lower Silesian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Glogau V Army Corps
42nd (2nd Silesian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Schweidnitz VI Army Corps
43rd (Cleve) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Wesel VII Army Corps
44th (Trier) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Trier VIII Army Corps
45th (Lauenburg) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Altona, Rendsburg IX Army Corps
46th (Lower Saxony) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Wolfenbüttel, Celle X Army Corps
47th (2nd Kurhessian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Fulda XI Army Corps
48th (4th Royal Saxon) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Dresden XII Army Corps
49th (3rd Württemberg) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Ulm XIII Army Corps
50th (3rd Baden) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Karlsruhe XIV Army Corps
51st (2nd Upper Alsatian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Straßburg XV Army Corps
52nd (2nd East Prussian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Königsberg I Army Corps
53rd (Hinterpommersches) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Bromberg, Hohensalza II Army Corps
54th (Neumark) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Küstrin, Landsberg an der Warthe III Army Corps
55th (2nd Thuringian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Naumburg an der Saale XI Army Corps
56th (2nd Posen) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Lissa V Army Corps
57th (2nd Upper Silesian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Neustadt/Oberschlesien, Gleiwitz VI Army Corps
58th (Minden) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Minden VII Army Corps
59th (Berg) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Köln VIII Army Corps
60th (Grand Ducal Mecklenburgian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Schwerin IX Army Corps
61st (2nd Grand Ducal Hessian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Darmstadt, Babenhausen XVIII Army Corps
62nd (East Frisisan) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Oldenburg, Osnabrück X Army Corps
63rd (2nd Nassau) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Frankfurt/Main, Mainz XVIII Army Corps
64th (5th Royal Saxon) Field Artillery1 October 1901 Pirna XII Army Corps
65th (4th Württemberg) Field Artillery1 April 1899 Ludwigsburg XIII Army Corps
66th (4th Baden) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Lahr, Neubreisach XV Army Corps
67th (2nd Lower Alsatian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Hagenau, Bischweiler XXI Army Corps
68th (6th Royal Saxon) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Riesa XIX Army Corps
69th (3rd Lotharingian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 St. Avold XVI Army Corps
70th (4th Lotharingian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Metz, Saarlouis XVI Army Corps
71st Field Artillery "Grand Komtur"25 March 1899 Graudenz XVII Army Corps
72nd Field Artillery "Grand Master"25 March 1899 Marienwerder, Preußisch Stargard XVII Army Corps
73rd (1st Masurian) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Allenstein XX Army Corps
74th (Torgau) Field Artillery25 March 1899 Torgau, Wittenberg IV Army Corps
75th (Mansfeld) Field Artillery1 October 1899 Halle/Saale IV Army Corps
76th (5th Baden) Field Artillery1 October 1899 Freiburg im Breisgau XIV Army Corps
77th (7th Royal Saxon) Field Artillery1 October 1899 Leipzig XIX Army Corps
78th (8th Royal Saxon) Field Artillery1 October 1901 Wurzen XIX Army Corps
79th (3rd East Prussian) Field Artillery1 October 1912 Osterode XX Army Corps
80th (3rd Upper Alsatian) Field Artillery1 October 1912 Colmar, Neubreisach XV Army Corps
81st (Thorn) Field Artillery1 October 1912 Thorn XVII Army Corps
82nd (2nd Masurian) Field Artillery1 October 1912 Rastenburg, Lötzen XX Army Corps
83rd (3rd Rhenish) Field Artillery1 October 1912 Bonn, Düren VIII Army Corps
84th (Straßburg) Field Artillery1 October 1912 Straßburg XV Army Corps
1st Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "Prince Regent Luitpold"11 October 1824 Munich I Royal Bavarian Corps
2nd Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "Horn"16 March 1824 Würzburg II Royal Bavarian Corps
3rd Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "Price Leopold"30 March 1848 Amberg III Royal Bavarian Corps
4th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "King"30 March 1859 Augsburg I Royal Bavarian Corps
5th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "King Alfons XIII of Spain" [4] 1 October 1890 Landau II Royal Bavarian Corps
6th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "Price Ferdinand of Bourlon, Duke of Calabria"1 October 1900 Fürth III Royal Bavarian Corps
7th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "Prince Regent Luitpold"1 October 1900 Munich I Royal Bavarian Corps
8th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery "Prince Heinrich of Prussia"1 October 1900 Nuremberg III Royal Bavarian Corps
9th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery1 October 1901 Freising I Royal Bavarian Corps
10th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery1 October 1901 Erlangen III Royal Bavarian Corps
11th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery1 October 1901 Würzburg II Royal Bavarian Corps
12th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery1 October 1901 Landau II Royal Bavarian Corps
Lehr Field Artillery4 July 1867 Jüterbog Guards Corps

Foot Artillery Regiments

RegimentRaised [3] GarrisonCorps
Guards Foot Artillery16 March 1865 Spandau Guards Corps
1st (East Prussian) Foot Artillery "von Linger"16 June 1864 Königsberg, Lötzen I Army Corps
2nd (1st Pomeranian) Foot Artillery "von Hindersin"16 March 1865 Swinemünde, Emden II Army Corps
3rd (Brandenburg) Foot Artillery "General-Feldzeugmeister"16 June 1864 Mainz XVIII Army Corps
4th (Magdeburg) Foot Artillery "Encke"16 June 1864 Magdeburg IV Army Corps
5th (Lower Silesian) Foot Artillery16 March 1865 Posen V Army Corps
6th (Silesian) Foot Artillery "von Dieskau"16 March 1865 Neiße, Glogau VI Army Corps
7th (Westphalian) Foot Artillery16 June 1864 Köln VII Army Corps
8th (Rhenish) Foot Artillery16 June 1864 Metz XVI Army Corps
9th (Schleswig-Holstein) Foot Artillery11 August 1893 Ehrenbreitstein VIII Army Corps
10th (Lower Saxony) Foot Artillery19 May 1871 Straßburg XV Army Corps
11th (1st West Prussian) Foot Artillery24 March 1881 Thorn XVII Army Corps
12th (1st Royal Saxon) Foot Artillery1 July 1873 Metz XVI Army Corps
13th (Hohenzollern) Foot Artillery14 November 1805 Ulm, Breisach XV Army Corps
14th (Baden) Foot Artillery11 August 1893 Straßburg XV Army Corps
15th (2nd Pomeranian) Foot Artillery11 August 1893 Bromberg, Graudenz II Army Corps
16th (Lotharingian) Foot Artillery1 October 1912 Metz, Diedenhofen XVI Army Corps
17th (2nd West Prussian) Foot Artillery1 October 1912 Danzig, Pillau XVII Army Corps
18th (Thuringian) Foot Artillery1 October 1912Niederzwehren bei Kassel XI Army Corps
19th (2nd Royal Saxon) Foot Artillery1 October 1912 Dresden XII Army Corps
20th (Lauenburg) Foot Artillery1 October 1912 Altona, Lockstedt (temp.) IX Army Corps
1st Royal Bavarian Foot Artillery "vakant Bothmer"1 January 1873 Munich, Neu-Ulm I Royal Bavarian Corps
2nd Royal Bavarian Foot Artillery1 January 1873 Metz II Royal Bavarian Corps
3rd Royal Bavarian Foot Artillery1 October 1912 Ingolstadt III Royal Bavarian Corps
Lehr Foot Artillery1 October 1912 Jüterbog Guards Corps

See also

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  1. Tessin 1974 , pp. 35–42
  2. "The Prussian Machine, Field and Foot Regiments". Archived from the original on 20 December 2012. Retrieved 19 May 2012.
  3. 1 2 "A Pocket German Army". Archived from the original on 24 February 2009. Retrieved 23 October 2012.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Had a third (Horse Artillery) Abteilung of three batteries of 4 guns.
