List of Korean films of 1919–1948

Last updated

This is a chronological list of films produced in Korea while it was part of Japan (ie until August 15, 1945) as well as the united country of Korea before it officially became divided in September 1948 (ie from August 15, 1945 until September 9, 1948).


The lists of Korean films are divided by period for political reasons. For later films of divided Korea (September 1948 to present) see the List of South Korean films and List of North Korean films.

For an A-Z list of Korean-language films, see List of Korean-language films.

The first domestic Korean film was shown in 1919.


All films are silent film.

English TitleKorean TitleDirectorCastGenreNotes
A Detective's Great Pain  [ ko ]형사의 고심Kim Do-sanAction [1]
Great Scenic Spots of Mt. Geumgang 금강산대활동Documentary [2]
Righteous Revenge 의리적 구토Kim Do-sanAction [3]
The Real Scenes of the National Funeral of Gojong 고종인산실경Documentary [4]
The Suburban Sceneries of Kyongsung 경성교외전경Documentary [5]
This Friendship 시우정Kim Do-sanDocumentary [6]


All films are silent film.

Scene from the 1926 film Nongjungjo. NongJungJo (1926).jpg
Scene from the 1926 film Nongjungjo .
Scene from the 1926 film Punguna (Soldier of Fortune). Punguna-1.jpg
Scene from the 1926 film Punguna (Soldier of Fortune).
Scene from the 1927 film Deuljwi (The Field Mouse). DeulJui (1927).jpg
Scene from the 1927 film Deuljwi (The Field Mouse).
Scene from the 1927 film Jalitgeola (Farewell). JalIkkeoRa (1927).jpg
Scene from the 1927 film Jalitgeola (Farewell).
Scene from the 1927 film Geumbungeo (The Golden Fish). GeumBongEo (1927).jpg
Scene from the 1927 film Geumbungeo (The Golden Fish).
Scene from the 1928 film Salangeul chajaseo (In Search of Love). SarangEul Chaseo (1928).jpg
Scene from the 1928 film Salangeul chajaseo (In Search of Love).
English TitleKorean TitleDirectorCastGenreNotes
A Truly Good Friend 지기Lee Ki-seMelodrama [7]
Eternal Love of Su-il and Sun-ae 장한몽Lee Ki-seMelodrama [8]
The Chivalrous Robber 의적Kim Do-sanAction [9]
The Cholera 호열자Educational [10]
The Fidelity to A Student's Principle 학생절의Im Seong-guCrime [11]
The State of Affairs in Joseon 조선사정Propaganda [12]
Hongyeopmun 홍엽문An Gwang-ik [13]
The Border 국경Kim Do-sanMelodrama [14]
The Story of Chun-hyang 춘향전Koshu Hayakawa Flag of Japan.svg Melodrama [15]
The Vow Made below the Moon 월하의 맹서Yun Baek-namDrama [16]
Janghwa Hongryeon jeon 장화홍련전Kim Yeong-hwanDrama [17]
The Sorrowful Song 비련의 곡Koshu Hayakawa Flag of Japan.svg Melorama [18]
The Sorrowful Song of the Sea 해의 비곡Kanjo Takasa Flag of Japan.svg Melorama [19]
A Hero in a Small Village 촌의 영웅Yun Baek-namDrama [20]
Amgwang 암광Kanjo Takasa Flag of Japan.svg Historical [21]
Nolbu and Heungbu 놀부흥부Kim Choon-gwangDrama [22]
The Great Flood of Han River 한강대홍수(을축년수해)Lee Phil-wooDocumentary [23]
The Pioneer 개척자Lee Gyeong-sonEducational [24]
The Story of Sim-cheong 심청전Lee Gyeong-sonDrama [25]
The Story of Woon-yeong 운영전Yun Baek-namMelodrama [26]
The Twin Jade Pavilion 쌍옥루Lee Gu-yeongDrama [27]
Arirang 아리랑 Na Woon-gyu Drama [28]
Eternal Love of Su-il and Sun-ae 장한몽Lee Gyeong-sonMelodrama [29]
Fool 멍텅구리Lee Phil-wooComedy [30]
Nongjungjo 농중조Lee Gyu-seolMelodrama [31]
Soldier of Fortune 풍운아 Na Woon-gyu Melodrama [32]
The Captain of Bandits 산채왕Lee Gyeong-sonMelodrama [33]
The Royal Crown of a Phoenix 봉황의 면류관Lee Gyeong-sonMelodrama [34]
Black and white 흑과 백Kim Taek-yunMelodrama [35]
Destiny 운명Jeon Hae-unDrama [36]
Deuljwi 들쥐 Na Woon-gyu Melodrama [37]
Fallen Blossoms On A Stream 낙화유수Lee Gu-yeongMelodrama [38]
Farewell 잘 있거라 Na Woon-gyu Drama [39]
Ppulppajin Hwangso 뿔빠진 황소Namgung UnMelodrama [40]
Road to the Twilight Light 낙양의 길Cheon Han-suMelodrama [41]
Seekers of Paradise 낙원을 찾는 무리들Hwang UnDrama [42]
The Golden Fish 금붕어 Na Woon-gyu Drama [43]
The Natural Shape of a Mystery Man 괴인의 정체Kim Su-roMystery [44]
The Red Lotus Flower and Blighted Love 홍련비련Lee Phil-wooDrama [45]
The Unforgettable Song 불망곡Lee Gyu-seolDrama [46]
When the Sun Rises 먼동이 틀 때Shim HoonMelodrama [47]
Chunhui 춘희Lee Gyeong-sonMelodrama [48]
Hyeolma 혈마Hong Gae-myeongDrama [49]
Looking for Love 사랑을 찾아서 Na Woon-gyu Drama [50]
My Dear Friend 나의 친구여Yu Jang-anDrama [51]
Ok-nyeo 옥녀 Na Woon-gyu Melodrama [52]
Pure Heart is the Same as God 순정은 신과 같다Lee Gyu-seolMelodrama [53]
Sanai 사나이Hong Gae-myeongAction [54]
The Secret of Jina Street 지나가의 비밀, 일명 흑진주Yu Jang-anMelodrama [55]
The Story of Lady Suk-yeong 숙영낭자전Lee Gyeong-sonHistorical [56]
Three Beggars 삼걸인Kim Yeong-hwanHorror [57]
Vagabond 유랑Kim Yu-yeongDrama [58]
Deaf Sam-ryong 벙어리 삼룡 Na Woon-gyu Drama [59]
A House 혼가Kim Yu-yeongDrama [60]
The Engagement 약혼Kim Yeong-hwanDrama [61]
The Dark Road 암로Gang HoHistorical [62]
The Ringing of A Bell 종소리Kim Sang-jinMelodrama [63]


Films between 1931 and October 1935 are silent film.

Scene from the 1930 film Cheolindo. Cheolindo 1930b.jpg
Scene from the 1930 film Cheolindo .
Scene from the 1931 film Geumganghan. Geumganghan.jpg
Scene from the 1931 film Geumganghan .
Scene from the 1932 film Imjaeobtneun naleutbae (A Ferry Boat that Has No Owner). Imjaeobtneun naleutbae.jpg
Scene from the 1932 film Imjaeobtneun naleutbae (A Ferry Boat that Has No Owner).
Scene from the 1932 film Gaehwadang imun. Gaehwadang imun.jpg
Scene from the 1932 film Gaehwadang imun .
Scene from the 1933 film Jongno. JongNo 1933-2.jpg
Scene from the 1933 film Jongno .
Scene from the 1934 film Chilbeontong sosageon (Incident of the 7th Bamboo Flute). Chilbeontong sosageon 1936.jpg
Scene from the 1934 film Chilbeontong sosageon (Incident of the 7th Bamboo Flute).
Scene from the 1935 film Muhwagwa (Fig Tree). Muhwagwa .jpg
Scene from the 1935 film Muhwagwa (Fig Tree).
Scene from the 1935 film Kanggeonneo maeul (The Town Across the River). Kanggeonneo maeul 1935.jpg
Scene from the 1935 film Kanggeonneo maeul (The Town Across the River).
Scene from the 1937 film Oh Mong-nyeo. Oh Mong-nyeo 1937.jpg
Scene from the 1937 film Oh Mong-nyeo .
English TitleKorean TitleDirectorCastGenreNotes
A Florist 꽃장사Ahn Jong-hwaDrama [64]
A Story of the Day after Arirang 아리랑 그후 이야기Lee Gu-yeongDrama [65]
Be a winner, Sun-i 지지마라 순이야Namgung UnDrama [66]
Cheolindo 철인도 Na Woon-gyu Drama, Action [67]
People Who Are Fighting against the Sea 바다와 싸우는 사람들Yang CheolDrama [68]
Season for Singing 노래하는 시절Ahn Jong-hwaMelodrama [69]
Sorrowful Song in the Buddhist Monastery 승방비곡Lee Gu-yeongMelodrama [70]
The Consolatory Song 회심곡Wang Deok-seongMelodrama [71]
The Justice Wins 정의는 이긴다Yun Baek-nam [72]
The Robber 도적놈Yun Bong-chunDrama, Family [73]
The Song of a Young Man 젊은이의 노래Kim Yeong-hwanDrama, Family [74]
The Story of the Royal Inspector, Park Mun-su 어사 박문수전Lee Geum-ryongHistorical drama [75]
Underground Village 지하촌Gang HoDrama [76]
A Rhapsody of Love 연애광상곡Kim Yeong-hwanBiographical drama [77]
Folk Song of the Mill 방아타령Kim Sang-jinDrama [78]
Geumganghan 금강한 Na Woon-gyu Drama, Action [79]
Guilty Woman 죄지은 여자Lee Chang-chunDrama [80]
Hwaryun 화륜Kim Yu-yeongHistorical Drama [81]
Husband Goes to the Border Garrison 남편은 경비대로Do Jeon-jangDrama, Action [82]
Mountain Monster 산괴령Lee Chang-chunHorror [83]
Reed Flower 갈대꽃Lee Gu-yeong [84]
Su-il and Sun-ae 수일과 순애Lee Gu-yeongMelodrama [85]
The Big Grave 큰 무덤Yun Bong-chunDrama, Action [86]
A Ferry Boat that Has No Owner 임자없는 나룻배Lee Gyu-hwanDrama [87]
Gaehwadang imun 개화당이문 Na Woon-gyu Historical [88]
The Count of Monte Cristo 암굴왕 Na Woon-gyu Screen-and-Stage Play [89]
The Pitiful People 딱한 사람들Hwang UnDocumentary [90]
Beautiful Devotion 아름다운 희생Kim Gwang-juDrama [91]
Getting Better Life 밝아가는 인생Lee Gyu-hwanEnlightenment [92]
Jongno 종로Yang CheolDrama [93]
Ex-Convict 전과자Tokihiko Yamasaki Flag of Japan.svg Drama, Action [94]
Lamentation 탄식의 소조Kim Yeong-hwanDrama [95]
Returning Spirit 돌아오는 영혼Lee Chang-chunDrama [96]
The Elegy of the City 도회의 비가Lee Chang-chunDrama, Action [97]
Turning Point of the Youngsters 청춘의 십자로Ahn Jong-hwaDramaThe movie was the oldest existing korean film from 2007 to 2019. [98]
Arirang Pass 아리랑고개Hong Gae-myeongMelodrama [99]
Challenge 대도전Tokihiko Yamasaki Flag of Japan.svg Historical, Action [100]
Muhwagwa 무화과 Na Woon-gyu Drama [101]
Passion in the Universe 은하에 흐르는 정열Ahn Jong-hwaDrama [102]
Sea, Talk to Me 바다여 말하라Lee Gyu-hwanDrama [103]
Shadow 그림자 Na Woon-gyu Drama [104]
Spring Wind 춘풍Park Gi-chaeMelodrama [105]
The Sprinkler 살수차Baek Un-haengDrama [106]
The Story of Chun-hyang 춘향전Lee Myeong-uMelodrama, Historical [107]
The Story of Hong Gildong 홍길동전Tokihiko Yamasaki Flag of Japan.svg Historical [108]
The Town Across the River 강건너 마을 Na Woon-gyu Drama [109]
Arirang 3 아리랑3 Na Woon-gyu Drama [110]
Counterattack 역습Ahn Jong-hwaDrama [111]
Epilogue of Lee Mong-ryong 그 후의 이도령Lee Gyu-hwanHistorical [112]
Incident of the 7th Bamboo Flute 칠번통소사건 Na Woon-gyu Drama, Action [113]
Rainbow 무지개Lee Gyu-hwanDrama [114]
Songs of Joseon 노래조선Kim Sang-jinMusic [115]
Story of Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon 장화홍련전Hong Gae-myeongHistorical Drama [116]
Sweet Dream (Lullaby of Death) 미몽 (죽음의 자장가)Yang Ju-namDrama [117]
The Story of Hong Gildong 홍길동전 후편Lee Myeong-uHistorical [118]
Oh Mong-nyeo 오몽녀 Na Woon-gyu Drama [119]
Path of Life 인생항로Ahn Jong-hwaDrama [120]
Straits of Pure Heart 순정해협Shin Kyeong-gyunDrama [121]
The Story of Simcheong 심청전An Seok-yeongHistorical Drama [122]
Wanderer 나그네Lee Gyu-hwanDrama [123]
Corps of Youth 청춘부대Hong Gae-myeongDrama, Action [124]
Dosaengrok 도생록Yun Bong-chunDrama [125]
Han River 한강Baek Un-haengDrama [126]
Military Train 군용열차Seo Gwang-jeDrama, Enlightenment [127]
Alter for a Tutelary Deity 성황당Baek Un-haengDrama [128]
Fisherman's Fire 어화An Cheol-yeongDrama [129]
Fooled by Love, Hurt by Money 사랑에 속고 돈에 울고Lee Myeong-uDrama [130]
Frontier 국경Choi In-kyuDrama [131]
Heartlessness 무정Park Gi-chaeDrama [132]
Image of a Wife 처의 모습Lee Chang-chunDrama [133]
New Start 새출발Lee Gyu-hwanDrama, Family [134]
Return Spot 귀착지Lee Yeong-choonDrama, Enlightenment [135]
Song of Compassion 애련송Kim Yu-yeongMelodrama [136]
Virgin 처녀도Shin Kyeong-gyunDrama, Family [137]


English TitleKorean TitleDirectorCastGenreNotes
Dawn of the Mountain Village 산촌의 여명Yutaka Yamanaka Flag of Japan.svg Drama, Enlightenment [138]
Garden of Victory 승리의 뜰Baek Un-haengDrama, Enlightenment [139]
Light of the Sea 바다의 빛Yutaka Yamanaka Flag of Japan.svg Drama, Enlightenment [140]
Narcissus 수선화Kim Yu-yeongDrama [141]
Pure Heart 청명심Yutaka Yamanaka Flag of Japan.svg Drama, Enlightenment [142]
Tuition 수업료Choi In-kyuDrama, Enlightenment [143]
A Wife's Moral 아내의 윤리Kim Yeong-hwaDrama, Family [144]
Angeles on the Streets 집없는 천사Choi In-kyuDrama, Enlightenment [145]
Miles Away from Happiness 복지만리Jeon Chang-keunDrama, Enlightenment [146]
You and Me 그대와 나Heo YeongDrama, Enlightenment [147]
Volunteer 그대와 나An Seok-yeongDrama, Enlightenment [148]
Spring of Korean Peninsula 반도의 봄Lee Byung-ilDrama [149]
Blue Sky 창공Lee Gyu-hwanDrama [150]
A Song of Year of Abundance 풍년가Baek Un-haengDrama, Enlightenment [151]
Frontier 신개지Yun Bong-chunDrama [152]
Historic Remains of Silla Dynasty 신라의 고적Lee Chang-chunDocumentary [153]
I Will Go 나는 간다Park Gi-chaeDrama, Enlightenment [154]
Rural Life 흙에 산다An Seok-yeongDrama, Enlightenment [155]
Look Up at the Blue Sky 우르러라 창공Kim Yeong-hwaDrama, Enlightenment [156]
Portrait of Youth 젊은 모습Toyota Shiro Flag of Japan.svg Drama, Enlightenment [157]
Straits of Joseon 조선해협Park Gi-chaeDrama, Enlightenment [158]
Suicide Squad of the Watchtower 망루의 결사대 Tadashi Imai Flag of Japan.svg Drama, Action [159]
Children of the Sun 태양의 아이들Choi In-kyuDrama, Enlightenment [160]
Dear Soldier 병정님Baek Un-haengDrama, Enlightenment [161]
Story of Big Whales 거경전Baek Un-haengDrama, Enlightenment [162]
Blood and Dirt 혈과 한Shin Kyeong-gyunEnlightenment [163]
Impressive Diary 감격의 일기Shin Kyeong-gyunEnlightenment [164]
Our War 우리들의 전쟁Shin Kyeong-gyunDrama, Enlightenment [165]
Sons of the Sky 신풍의 아들들Choi In-kyuEnlightenment [166]
Vow of Love 사랑과 맹서Choi In-kyuDrama, Enlightenment [167]
Adventure of Ttolttori 똘똘이의 모험Lee Gyu-hwanDrama, Children [168]
The Chronicle of An Jung-Geun 안중근 사기Lee Gu-yeongBiography [169]
The Topography of Jeju island 제주도 풍토기 Lee Yong-min Documentary [170]
Viva Freedom! 자유만세Choi In-kyuMelodrama, Action [171]
A New Oath 새로운 맹서Shin Kyeong-gyunDrama, Enlightenment [172]
Dawn of Nation 민족의 새벽Lee Gyu-hwanDrama [173]
Happiness 삼일혁명기Lee Gyu-hwanMelodrama [174]
Mok-Dan Ghost Story 목단등기Kim So-dongHorror [175]
My Liberated Country 해방된 내고향Jeon Chang-keunEnlightenment [176]
Passion of the Sea 바다의 정열Seo Jeong-gyuAction [177]
The Angel Heart 천사의 마음Kim Jeong-hwanDrama, Enlightenment [178]
The Capital of a Winner 패자의 수도Yu Jang-sanDocumentary [179]
The Immortal Secret Envoy 불멸의 밀사Seo Jeong-gyuBiography [180]
The Samil Revolution 삼일혁명기Lee Gu-yeongHistorical Drama [181]
The Wall of the Nation 민족의 성벽Jeon Chang-keunDocumentary [182]
The Way They Are Going 그들이 가는 길Yim Woon-hakHistorical Drama [183]
Yun Bong-Gil the Martyr 윤봉길 의사Yun Bong-chunBiography [184]
A National Referendum 국민투표Choi In-kyuEducational [185]
A Public Prosecutor and A Teacher 검사와 여선생Yun Dae-ryongDrama [186]
An Innocent Criminal 죄없는 죄인Choi In-kyuDrama [187]
Jiseongtap 지성탑Kim Jeong-hwanHistorical [188]
Outcry of the Nation 민족의 절규An Gyeong-hoDocumentary [189]
The Face 그 얼굴Jeon Chang-keunMelodrama [190]
The Life of Hong Cha-Ki 홍차기의 일생Yim Woon-hakHistorical [191]
The Night before Independence Day 독립전야Choi In-kyuCrime [192]
The Sun of Night 밤의 태양Park Gi-chaeAction [193]
The Woman 여인Jeon Chang-keunMelodrama [194]
Yu Gwan-sun 유관순Yun Bong-chunBiographical [195]


  1. A Detective's Great Pain in KMDb. Released on 9 November 1919.
  2. Great Scenic Spots of Mt. Geumgang in KMDb. Released on 28 November 1919.
  3. A Fight for justice in KMDb. Released on 27 October 1919. First ever domestically produced Korean film.
  4. The Real Scenes of the National Funeral of Gojong in KMDb
  5. The Suburban Sceneries of Kyongsung in KMDb. Released on 3 November 1919. First ever Korean documentary film.
  6. This friendship in KMDb. Released on 3 November 1919.
  7. A Truly Good Friend in KMDb. Released on 24 April 1920.
  8. Eternal Love of Su-il and Sun-ae in KMDb. Released on 29 April 1920.
  9. The Chivalrous Robber in KMDb. Released on 5 April 1920.
  10. The Cholera in KMDb. Released on 17 March 1920.
  11. The Fidelity to A Student's Principle in KMDb. Released on 26 April 1920.
  12. The State of Affairs in Joseon in KMDb. Released on 24 April 1920.
  13. Hongyeopmun in KMDb.
  14. The Border in KMDb. Released on 11 January 1923.
  15. Chunhyangjeon in KMDb. First Korean feature film.
  16. The Vow Made below the Moon in KMDb. Released on 9 April 1923.
  17. The Story of Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon in KMDb. Released on 5 September 1924.
  18. The Sorrowful Song in KMDb. Released on 28 November 1924.
  19. The Sorrowful Song of the Sea in KMDb. Released on 12 November 1924.
  20. A Hero in a Small Village in KMDb.
  21. Amgwang in KMDb. Released on 11 April 1925.
  22. Nolbu and Heungbu in KMDb. Released on 16 May 1925.
  23. The Great Flood of Han River in KMDb. Released on 26 September 1925.
  24. The Pioneer in KMDb. Released on 5 April 1925.
  25. The Story of Sim-cheong in KMDb. Released on 28 March 1925.
  26. The Story of Woon-yeong in KMDb. Released on 17 January 1925.
  27. The Twin Jade Pavilion in KMDb. Released on 19 October 1925.
  28. Arirang in KMDb. Released on 1 October 1926.
  29. Eternal Love of Su-il and Sun-ae in KMDb. Released on 18 March 1926.
  30. The Captain of Bandits in KMDb. Released on 10 January 1926.
  31. Nongjungjo in KMDb. Released on 19 June 1926.
  32. Punguna in KMDb. Released on 18 December 1926.
  33. The Captain of Bandits in KMDb. Released on 15 September 1926.
  34. The Royal Crown of a Phoenix in KMDb. Released on 1 November 1926.
  35. Black and white in KMDb. Released on 26 April 1927.
  36. Destiny in KMDb. Released on 15 December 1927.
  37. Deuljwi in KMDb. Released on 14 April 1927.
  38. Fallen Blossoms On A Stream in KMDb. Released on 6 October 1927.
  39. Farewell in KMDb. Released on 5 November 1927.
  40. Ppulppajin Hwangso in KMDb. Released on 5 November 1927.
  41. Road to the Twilight Light in KMDb. Released on 16 September 1927.
  42. Seekers of Paradise in KMDb. Released on 11 June 1927.
  43. The Golden Fish in KMDb. Released on 6 July 1927.
  44. The Natural Shape of a Mystery Man in KMDb. Released on 24 February 1927.
  45. The Red Lotus Flower and Blighted Love in KMDb. Released on 9 February 1927.
  46. Bulmanggog in KMDb. Released on 22 January 1927.
  47. When the Sun Rises in KMDb. Released on 26 October 1927.
  48. Chunhui in KMDb. Released on 14 June 1928.
  49. Hyeolma in KMDb. Released on 20 November 1928.
  50. Looking for Love in KMDb. Released on 10 April 1928.
  51. My Dear Friend in KMDb. Released on 23 December 1928.
  52. Ok-nyeo in KMDb. Released on 28 January 1928.
  53. Pure Heart is the Same as God in KMDb. Released on 14 February 1928.
  54. Sanai in KMDb. Released on 19 September 1928.
  55. The Secret of Jina Street in KMDb. Released on 25 May 1928.
  56. The Story of Lady Suk-yeong in KMDb. Released on 17 November 1928.
  57. Three Beggars in KMDb. Released on 6 May 1928.
  58. Vagabond in KMDb. Released on 10 April 1928.
  59. The Engagement in KMDb. Released on 19 January 1929.
  60. A House in KMDb. Released on 26 January 1929.
  61. The Engagement in KMDb. Released on 23 February 1929.
  62. The Dark Road in KMDb. Released on 29 January 1929.
  63. The Ringing of A Bell in KMDb. Released on 16 May 1929.
  64. A Florist in KMDb. Released on 13 March 1930.
  65. A Story of the Day after Arirang in KMDb. Released on 30 January 1930.
  66. Be a winner, Sun-i in KMDb.
  67. Cheolindo in KMDb. Released on 14 April 1930.
  68. People Who Are Fighting against the Sea in KMDb. Released on 8 November 1930.
  69. Season for Singing in KMDb. Released on 12 September 1930.
  70. Sorrowful Song in the Buddhist Monastery in KMDb. Released on 31 May 1930.
  71. The Consolatory Song in KMDb.
  72. The Justice Wins in KMDb. Released on 20 November 1930.
  73. The Robber in KMDb. Released on 29 October 1930.
  74. The Song of a Young Man in KMDb. Released on 20 November 1930.
  75. The Story of the Royal Inspector, Park Mun-su in KMDb. Released on 15 November 1930.
  76. Underground Village in KMDb.
  77. A Rhapsody of Love in KMDb.
  78. Folk Song of the Mill in KMDb. Released on 6 November 1931.
  79. Geumganghan in KMDb. Released on 13 January 1931.
  80. Guilty Woman in KMDb. Released on 16 December 1931.
  81. Hwaryun in KMDb. Released on 10 January 1931.
  82. Husband Goes to the Border Garrison in KMDb. Released on 19 May 1931.
  83. Mountain Monster in KMDb. Released on 18 November 1931.
  84. Reed Flower in KMDb.
  85. Su-il and Sun-ae in KMDb. Released on 13 March 1931.
  86. The Big Grave in KMDb. Released on 26 February 1931.
  87. A Ferry Boat that Has No Owner in KMDb. Released on 14 September 1932.
  88. Gaehwadang imun in KMDb. Released on 9 June 1932.
  89. The Count of Monte Cristo in KMDb. Released on 9 November 1932.
  90. The Pitiful People in KMDb. Released on 5 October 1932.
  91. Beautiful Devotion in KMDb. Released on 26 May 1933.
  92. Getting Better Life in KMDb.
  93. Jongno in KMDb. Released on 5 June 1933.
  94. Ex-Convict in KMDb.
  95. Lamentation in KMDb. Released on 13 April 1934.
  96. Returning Spirit in KMDb. Released on 28 April 1934.
  97. The Elegy of the City in KMDb. Released on 23 April 1934.
  98. Turning Point of the Youngsters in KMDb. Released on 21 September 1934.
  99. Arirang Pass in KMDb. Released on 3 December 1935.
  100. Challenge in KMDb. Released on 16 February 1935.
  101. Muhwagwa in KMDb. Released on 20 June 1935.
  102. Passion in the Universe in KMDb. Released on 7 September 1935.
  103. Sea, Talk to Me in KMDb. Released on 15 July 1935.
  104. Shadow in KMDb. Released on 27 September 1935.
  105. Spring Wind in KMDb. Released on 30 November 1935.
  106. The Sprinkler in KMDb. Released on 23 March 1935.
  107. The Story of Chun-hyang in KMDb. Released on 4 October 1935. First Korean sound film.
  108. The Story of Hong Gildong in KMDb.
  109. The Town Across the River in KMDb. Released on 14 September 1935.
  110. Arirang 3 in KMDb. Released on 15 May 1936.
  111. Counterattack in KMDb. Released on 18 February 1936.
  112. Epilogue of Lee Mong-ryong in KMDb. Released on 10 October 1936.
  113. Incident of the 7th Bamboo Flute in KMDb. Released on 15 November 1936.
  114. Rainbow in KMDb. Released on 30 June 1936.
  115. Songs of Joseon in KMDb. Released on 18 April 1936.
  116. Story of Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon in KMDb. Released on 31 January 1936.
  117. Sweet Dream (Lullaby of Death) in KMDb. Released on 25 October 1936.
  118. Counterattack in KMDb. Released on 10 June 1936.
  119. Oh Mong-nyeo in KMDb. Released on 20 January 1937.
  120. Path of Life in KMDb. Released on 1 September 1937.
  121. Straits of Pure Heart in KMDb. Released on 11 April 1937.
  122. The Story of Simcheong in KMDb. Released on 19 November 1937.
  123. Wanderer in KMDb. Released on 24 April 1937.
  124. Corps of Youth in KMDb. Released on 31 January 1938.
  125. Dosaengrok in KMDb. Released on 20 September 1938.
  126. Han River in KMDb. Released on 6 May 1938.
  127. Military Train in KMDb. Released on 29 June 1938.
  128. Alter for a Tutelary Deity in KMDb. Released on 25 September 1939.
  129. Fisherman's Fire in KMDb. Released on 7 January 1939.
  130. Fooled by Love, Hurt by Money in KMDb. Released on 17 March 1939.
  131. Frontier in KMDb. Released on 20 May 1939.
  132. Heartlessness in KMDb. Released on 15 March 1939.
  133. Image of a Wife in KMDb.
  134. New Start in KMDb.
  135. Return Spot in KMDb.
  136. Song of Compassion in KMDb. Released on 10 September 1939.
  137. Virgin in KMDb.
  138. Dawn of the Mountain Village in KMDb. Released on 8 November 1940.
  139. Garden of Victory in KMDb. Released on 15 November 1940.
  140. Light of the Sea in KMDb.
  141. Narcissus in KMDb. Released on 25 August 1940.
  142. Pure Heart in KMDb. Released on 7 October 1940.
  143. Tuition in KMDb. Released on 6 August 1940.
  144. A Wife's Moral in KMDb. Released on 26 September 1941.
  145. Angeles on the Streets in KMDb. Released on 19 February 1941.
  146. Angeles on the Streets in KMDb. Released on 22 March 1941.
  147. You and Me in KMDb. Released on 15 November 1941.
  148. Volunteer in KMDb. Released on 19 February 1941.
  149. Spring of Korean Peninsula in KMDb.
  150. Blue Sky in KMDb. Released on 21 August 1941.
  151. A Song of Year of Abundance in KMDb. Released on 14 January 1942.
  152. Frontier in KMDb. Released on 10 January 1942.
  153. Historic Remains of Silla Dynasty in KMDb. Released on 16 September 1942.
  154. I Will Go in KMDb.
  155. Rural Life in KMDb.
  156. Look Up at the Blue Sky in KMDb. Released on 5 April 1943.
  157. Portrait of Youth in KMDb. Released on 1 December 1943.
  158. Straits of Joseon in KMDb. Released on 16 June 1943.
  159. Suicide Squad of the Watchtower in KMDb. Released on 29 April 1943.
  160. Children of the Sun in KMDb. Released on 4 November 1944.
  161. Dear Soldier in KMDb. Released on 16 June 1944.
  162. Story of Big Whales in KMDb. Released on 24 February 1944.
  163. Blood and Dirt in KMDb.
  164. Impressive Diary in KMDb.
  165. Our War in KMDb.
  166. Sons of the Sky in KMDb.
  167. Vow of Love in KMDb. Released on 24 May 1945.
  168. Adventure of Ttolttori in KMDb. Released on 7 September 1946.
  169. The Chronicle of An Jung-Geun in KMDb. Released on 25 March 1946.
  170. The Topography of Jeju island in KMDb. Released on 15 April 1946.
  171. Viva Freedom! Archived 2013-07-20 at the Wayback Machine in KMDb. Released on 21 October 1946.
  172. A New Oath in KMDb. Released on 28 June 1947.
  173. Dawn of Nation in KMDb. Released on 23 June 1947.
  174. Happiness in KMDb. Released on 20 December 1947.
  175. Mok-Dan Ghost Story in KMDb. Released on 8 June 1947.
  176. My Liberated Country in KMDb. Released on 19 May 1947.
  177. Passion of the Sea in KMDb. Released on 25 September 1947.
  178. The Angel Heart in KMDb.
  179. The Capital of a Winner in KMDb. Released on 30 June 1947.
  180. The Immortal Secret Envoy in KMDb. Released on 21 April 1947.
  181. The Samil Revolution in KMDb. Released on 20 December 1947.
  182. The Wall of the Nation in KMDb. Released on 15 September 1947.
  183. The Way They Are Going in KMDb. Released on 20 September 1947.
  184. Yun Bong-Gil the Martyr in KMDb. Released on 22 July 1947.
  185. A National Referendum in KMDb. Released on 30 April 1948.
  186. A public prosecutor and a teacher in KMDb. Released on 5 June 1948.
  187. An Innocent Criminal in KMDb. Released on 2 January 1948.
  188. Jiseongtap in KMDb. Released on 10 June 1948.
  189. Outcry of the Nation in KMDb. Released on 17 February 1948.
  190. The Face in KMDb. Released on 13 March 1948.
  191. The Life of Hong Cha-Ki in KMDb. Released on 28 April 1948.
  192. The Night before Independence Day in KMDb. Released on 11 February 1948.
  193. The Sun of Night in KMDb. Released on 1 July 1948.
  194. The Woman in KMDb. Released on 26 March 1948.
  195. Yu Gwan-sun in KMDb. Released on 8 April 1948.