List of compositions by Max Reger

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by Max Reger
Nolken, Reger.jpg
The composer at work, painting by Franz Nölken, 1913
1887 (1887)–1916
  • choral music
  • chamber music
  • concertos
  • piano music
  • organ music
  • orchestral music

Max Reger was a German composer of the late-Romantic period. His works are initially listed by Opus number (Op.), followed by works without Op. number (WoO). Other features shown are translation of titles, key, scoring, year of composition, genre, information about texts and their authors, a link to the Max-Reger-Institute, which provides detailed information about times of composition, performance and publishing, and a link to the free score when available.



Reger was a German composer, born in Brand in 1873. He studied music theory in Sondershausen, then piano and theory, in Wiesbaden. [1] The first compositions to which he assigned opus numbers were chamber music and Lieder . A pianist himself, he composed works for both piano and organ. [1]

Reger returned to his parental home in 1898, where he composed his first work for choir and orchestra, Hymne an den Gesang (Hymn to singing), Op. 21. He moved to Munich in 1901. In 1907 he was appointed musical director at the Leipzig University and professor at the Royal Conservatory in Leipzig. [1] [2]

In 1911 Reger was appointed Hofkapellmeister (music director) at the court of Duke Georg II of Saxe-Meiningen, retaining his master class at the Leipzig conservatory. [1] In 1913 he composed four tone poems on paintings by Arnold Böcklin ( Vier Tondichtungen nach A. Böcklin ), including Die Toteninsel ( Isle of the Dead ), as his Op. 128. He gave up the court position in 1914 for health reasons. In response to World War I, he thought in 1914 already to compose a choral work to commemorate the fallen of the war. He began to set the Latin Requiem but abandoned the work as a fragment. [1] In 1915 he moved to Jena, still teaching in Leipzig. He composed in Jena the Hebbel Requiem for soloist, choir and orchestra. [1] Reger died in Leipzig on 11 May 1916. [1] [2]

Reger assigned opus numbers to major works himself. In his compositions for solo voices and for choirs, he set poems by notable lyricists, including contemporaries, such as Gabriele D'Annunzio, Otto Julius Bierbaum, Joseph von Eichendorff, Friedrich Hebbel, Detlev von Liliencron and Friedrich Rückert. [1]

Table of compositions

Reger's works with an opus number are listed first, then works designated as WoO (work without opus number). Details to compositions follow, such as song titles and names of poets for a collection of songs. The scoring is given if it cannot be recognized from the title or the genre: for example songs (Lieder, Gesänge) are normally for voice and piano, in a sonata the named solo instrument is usually accompanied by piano, and choral works are for four-part choir a cappella, unless otherwise noted.

When the opus number provides a link, it leads to more details about a work, such as the titles, markings and keys of its parts. The last column provides two link for reference, when available: one to the detailed information on the piece by the Max-Reger-Institute (in German), which appears as "MR" and the number on the website, the other to a free score (sc).

Compositions by Max Reger
TitleTranslationKeyScoringOp.YearGenreTextReference / score
Violin Sonata (No. 1)
D minor11890 (1890) Chamber MR 001 sc
Piano Trio (No. 1)
B minor
  • violin
  • viola
  • piano
21891 (1891) Chamber MR 002 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 2)
D major31891 (1891) Chamber MR 003 sc
Six songs41891 (1891) Lied MR 004 sc
F minor51892 (1892) Chamber MR 005 sc
Three choral compositions
  • choir
  • piano
61892 (1892) Choral MR 006
Drei Orgelstücke
Three organ pieces 7 1892 (1892) Organ MR 007 sc
Fünf Lieder
Five songs 8 1892 (1892) Lied MR 008 sc
Twelve Waltz-Caprices4-hand piano 9 1892 (1892) Piano MR 009 sc
Deutsche Tänze
20 German Dances4-hand piano 10 1892 (1892) Piano MR 010 sc
Sieben Walzer
Seven waltzes 11 1893 (1893) Piano MR 011 sc
Fünf Lieder
Five songs (in the style of Franz Schubert) 12 1893 (1893) Lied MR 012 sc
Lose Blätter
Kleine Stücke
13 1894 (1894) Piano MR 013 sc
Fünf Duette
Five duets
  • soprano
  • alto
  • piano
14 1894 (1894) Lied MR 014 sc
"Ich stehe hoch über'm See"
  • bass
  • piano
14b1894 (1894) Liedby Fr. v. Lieven MR 015
Zehn Lieder
Ten songs
  • medium voice
  • piano
15 1894 (1894) Lied MR 016 sc
Suite (No. 1)
E minor 16 1894 (1894)–95 Organ MR 017 sc
Aus der Jugendzeit
Zwanzig kleine Stücke
17 1895 (1895) Piano MR 018 sc
Eight Improvisations 18 1896 (1896) Piano MR 019 sc
Zwei geistliche Gesänge
Two sacred songs
  • medium voice
  • organ
19 1898 (1898) Lied MR 020 sc
Fünf Humoresken
Five Humoresques 20 1898 (1898) Piano MR 021 sc
Hymne an den Gesang
  • choir
  • orchestra
211898 (1898) Choralby Steiner MR 022 sc
Sechs Walzer
Six waltzes4-hand piano 22 1898 (1898) Piano MR 023 sc
Vier Lieder
Four songs 23 1898 (1898) Lied MR 024 sc
Six Morceaux
Six pieces 24 1898 (1898) Piano MR 025 sc
Kleine Tonbilder
Aquarellen 25 1897 (1897)–98 Piano MR 026 sc
Sieben Fantasiestücke
Seven fantasy pieces 26 1898 (1898) Piano MR 027 sc
Chorale fantasia271898 (1898) Organ [lower-alpha 1] MR 028 sc
Cello Sonata (No. 2)
G minor281898 (1898) Chamber MR 029 sc
Phantasie und Fuge
Fantasia and fugueC minor 29 1898 (1898) Organ MR 030 sc
Phantasie über den Choral "Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele"
Chorale fantasia301898 (1898) Organ MR 031 sc
Sechs Gedichte von Anna Ritter
Six poems
  • medium voice
  • piano
31 1898 (1898) Liedby Anna Ritter MR 032 sc
Sieben Charakterstücke
Seven character pieces 32 1899 (1899) Piano MR 033 sc
Organ Sonata (No. 1)
F-sharp minor 33 1899 (1899) Organ MR 034 sc
Cinq Pièces pittoresques
Five pittoresque pieces4-hand piano 34 1899 (1899) Piano MR 035 sc
Six songs
  • medium voice
  • piano
351899 (1899) Lied MR 036 sc
Bunte Blätter
Kleine Stücke
36 1899 (1899) Piano MR 037 sc
Fünf Gesänge
Five songs 37 1899 (1899) Lied MR 038 sc
Sieben Männerchöre
Seven songs for men's chorus 38 1899 (1899) Choral MR 039 sc
Drei Chöre
Three songs SAATBB 39 1899 (1899) Choral MR 040 sc
Two chorale fantasias401899 (1899) Organ MR 041 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 3)
A major411899 (1899) Chamber MR 042 sc
Vier Sonaten
Four sonatasviolin solo 42 1900 (1900) Chamber MR 043 sc
Acht Lieder
Eight songs
  • medium voice
  • piano
43 1900 (1900) Lied MR 044 sc
Zehn kleine Vortragsstücke
zum Gebrauch beim Unterricht
Ten little pieces 44 1900 (1900) Piano MR 045 sc
Sechs Intermezzi
Six intermezzos 45 1900 (1900) Piano MR 046 sc
Phantasie und Fuge über B-A-C-H
Fantasia and fugue on B-A-C-H 46 1900 (1900) Organ MR 047 sc
Sechs Trios
Six trios 47 1900 (1900) Organ MR 048 sc
Sieben Lieder
Seven songs
  • medium voice
  • piano
48 1900 (1900) Lied MR 049 sc
Zwei Klarinettensonaten
Two clarinet sonatas
  • clarinet / viola
  • piano
49 1900 (1900) Chamber MR 050 sc
Zwei Romanzen
Two romances
  • violin
  • small orchestra
50 1900 (1900) Concerto MR 051 sc
Zwölf Lieder
Twelve songs 51 1900 (1900) Lied MR 052 sc
Drei Choralphantasien
Three chorale fantasias 521899 (1899) Organ MR 053 sc
Sieben Stücke
Seven Silhouettes 53 1900 (1900) Piano MR 054 sc
String Quartet (No. 1)
G minor54/11901 (1901) Chamber sc
String Quartet (No. 2)
A major54/21901 (1901) Chamber sc
15 Lieder
15 songs 55 1901 (1901) Lied MR 055 sc
Fünf leicht ausführbare Präludien und Fugen
Five preludes and fugues 56 1901 (1901) Organ MR 056 sc
Symphonische Phantasie und Fuge
Symphonic Fantasy and Fugue571901 (1901) Organ MR 057 sc
Sechs Burlesken
Six Burlesques4-hand piano581900 (1900) Piano MR 058 sc
Zwölf Stücke
Twelve pieces 59 1901 (1901) Organ MR 059 sc
Organ Sonata (No. 2)
D minor 60 1901 (1901) Organ MR 060 sc
Leicht ausführbare Kompositionen zum gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch
Easy pieces for use in church service611901 (1901) Choral MR 061
Acht "Tantum ergo"
Eight settings of "Tantum ergo"61a1901 (1901) Choral Tantum ergo sc
Vier "Tantum ergo"
Four settings of "Tantum ergo"
  • SA / TB
  • organ
61b1901 (1901) Choral Tantum ergo sc
Vier "Tantum ergo"
Four settings of "Tantum ergo"
  • SATB
  • organ
61c1901 (1901) Choral Tantum ergo sc
Acht Marienlieder
Eight songs to Mary61d1901 (1901) Choral sc
Vier Marienlieder
Four songs to Mary
  • SA / TB
  • organ
61e1901 (1901) Choral sc
Vier Marienlieder
Four songs to Mary
  • SATB
  • organ
61f1901 (1901) Choral sc
Vier Trauergesänge
Four funeral songs61g1901 (1901) Choral sc
16 Gesänge
16 songs 62 1901 (1901) Lied MR 062 sc
Zwölf Stücke
Monologues 63 1902 (1902) Organ MR 063 sc
Piano Quintet (No. 2)
C minor641901 (1901)–02 Chamber MR 064 sc
Twelve pieces651902 (1902) Organ MR 065 sc
Zwölf Lieder
Twelve songs 66 1902 (1902) Lied MR 066 sc
Zweiundfünfzig leicht ausführbare Vorspiele zu den gebräuchlichsten evangelischen Chorälen
52 chorale preludes 671902 (1902) Organ MR 067 sc
Sechs Gesänge
Six songs 68 1902 (1902) Lied MR 068 sc
Zehn Stücke für die Orgel
Ten organ pieces 69 1902 (1902) Organ MR 069 sc
17 Gesänge
17 songs 70 1902 (1902) Lied MR 070 sc
711903 (1903) Choralby Busse MR 071 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 4)
C major721903 (1903) Chamber MR 072 sc
Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme
73 1903 (1903) Organ MR 073 sc
String Quartet (No. 3)
D minor741903 (1903)–04 Chamber MR 074 sc
18 Lieder
18 songs 75 1904 (1904) Lied MR 075 sc
Schlichte Weisen
Simple songs 76 1903 (1903)–12 Lied MR 076 sc
Serenade (No. 1)
D major
  • flute
  • violin
  • viola
77a1904 (1904) Chamber MR 082 sc
String Trio (No. 1)
A minor77b1904 (1904) Chamber MR 083 sc
Cello Sonata (No. 3)
F major781904 (1904) Chamber MR 084 sc
Haus- und Kirchenmusik
791900 (1900)-04 Piano MR 085
79a 1900 (1900)-04 Piano MR 086 sc
Kompositionen [Choralvorspiele]
Chorale preludes 79b 1900 (1900)–04 Organ MR 087 sc
Eight songs 79c 1900 (1900)–04 Lied MR 088 sc
  • violin
  • piano
79d 1902 (1902)–04 Chamber MR 089 sc
  • cello
  • piano
79e 1902 (1902)–04 Chamber MR 090 sc
14 chorales 79f 1900 (1900)–04 Choral MR 091
Kompositionen (Drei Choräle)
Three choraleshigh voices 79g 1900 (1900)–04 Choral MR 092
Twelve pieces801904 (1904) Organ MR 093 sc
Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von Joh. Seb. Bach
from Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein, BWV 128 /4811904 (1904) Piano MR 094 sc
Aus meinem Tagebuche
(Four volumes)
From my diary 82 1904 (1904)–12 Piano MR 095
MR 096
MR 097
MR 098
Zehn Gesänge
Ten songsmen's chorus831904 (1904)–12 Choral MR 099 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 5)
F-sharp minor841905 (1905) Chamber MR 100 sc
Vier Präludien und Fugen
Four preludes and fugues 85 1905 (1905) Organ MR 101 sc
Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von Beethoven
two pianos861904 (1904) Piano MR 102 sc
Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von Beethoven
two pianos861915 (1915) Orchestral MR 103
Zwei Kompositionen
  • violin
  • piano
87 1905 (1905) Chamber MR 104 sc
Vier Gesänge
Four songs 88 1905 (1905) Lied MR 105 sc
Vier Sonatinen
Four sonatinastwo pianos [lower-alpha 2] 89 1905 (1905)–08 Piano MR 106 sc
A majortwo pianos [lower-alpha 3] 901904 (1904)–05 Orchestral MR 107 sc
Seven Violin Sonatas
  • violin solo
91 1905 (1905) Chamber MR 108 sc
Suite (No. 2)
G minor 92 1905 (1905) Organ MR 109 sc
Suite im alten Stil
Suite in old styleF major
  • violin
  • piano
[lower-alpha 4]
931906 (1906) Chamber MR 110 sc
Sechs Stücke
Six pieces4-hand piano941906 (1906) Piano MR 111 sc
G major951905 (1905)–06 Orchestral MR 112 sc
Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue
B minortwo pianos961906 (1906) Piano MR 113 sc
Vier Lieder
Four songs 97 1906 (1906) Lied MR 114 sc
Fünf Gesänge
Five songs 98 1906 (1906) Lied MR 115 sc
Six Preludes and Fugues
piano991907 (1907) Piano MR 116 sc
E major1001907 (1907) Orchestral MR 117 sc
Violin Concerto
A major1011907 (1907)–08 Concerto MR 118 sc
Piano Trio (No. 2)
E minor
  • violin
  • cello
  • piano
1021907 (1907)–08 Chamber MR 119 sc
  • violin
  • piano
1031908 (1908)–09 Chamber MR 120 sc
A minor
  • violin
  • piano
103a1908 (1908) Chamber MR 121 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 6)
D minor103b/11909 (1909) Chamber MR 122 scsc
Violin Sonata (No. 7)
A major103b/21909 (1909) Chamber MR 122
Zwölf kleine Stücke nach eigenen Liedern
Twelve little pieces on his own songs from Op. 76
  • violin
  • piano
103c1909 (1909) Chamber MR 123 sc
Sechs Lieder
Six songs 104 1907 (1907) Lied MR 124 sc
Zwei Geistliche Lieder
Two sacred songs
  • mezzo / baritone
  • organ / harmonium / piano
105 1907 (1907) Lied MR 125 sc
Psalm 100D major
  • choir
  • orchestra
[lower-alpha 5]
1061908 (1908)–09 Choral Psalm 100 MR 126 sc
Clarinet sonata (No. 3)
B-flat major
  • clarinet / viola
  • piano
1071908 (1908)–09 Chamber MR 127 sc
Symphonischer Prolog zu einer Tragödie
Symphonic prologue to a tragedy1081908 (1908) Orchestral MR 128 sc
String Quartet (No. 4)
E-flat major1091909 (1909) Chamber MR 129 sc
Motets for a cappella choir1101909 (1909)–12M Choral sc
Mein Odem ist schwach
SSATTBB 110/11909 (1909) Choral Book of Job MR 130
Ach, Herr, strafe mich nicht
SSATTBB 110/21911 (1911) ChoralPsalm MR 131
O Tod, wie bitter bist du
SSATB 110/31912 (1912) ChoralEcclesiasticus MR 132
Mehrstimmige Gesänge für Frauenstimmen
  • soprano
  • alto
  • piano
111a 1909 (1909) Lied MR 133
Drei Duette
Three duets
  • soprano
  • alto
  • piano
111a 1909 (1909) Lied MR 134 sc
Drei Gesänge
Three songs4-part female choir 111b 1909 (1909) Choral MR 135 sc
Drei Gesänge
Three songs3-part female choir 111c 1909 (1909) Choral MR 136 sc
The Nuns
  • choir
  • orchestra
1121909 (1909) Choralby Boelitz MR 137 sc
Piano Quartet (No. 1)
D minor1131910 (1910) Chamber MR 138 sc
F minor1141910 (1910) Concerto MR 139 sc
Acht Episoden
Klavierstücke für grosse und kleine Leute
Eight Episodes 115 1910 (1910) Piano MR 140 sc
Cello Sonata (No. 4)
A minor1161910 (1910) Chamber MR 141 sc
Präludien und Fugen für Violine solo
Eight preludes and fuguesviolin 117 1909 (1909)–12 Chamber MR 142 sc
String Sextet
F major1181910 (1910) Chamber MR 143 sc
  • alto
  • men's choir
  • orchestra
1191911 (1911) Choralby Hebbel MR 144 sc
Eine Lustspielouvertüre
Comedy Overture1201911 (1911) Orchestral MR 145 sc
String Quartet (No. 5)
F-sharp minor1211911 (1911) Chamber MR 146 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 8)
E minor1221911 (1911) Chamber MR 147 sc
Konzert im alten Stil
Concerto in old styleF major1231912 (1912) Orchestral MR 148 sc
  • alto / mezzo
  • orchestra / piano
1241912 (1912) Liedby Hölderlin MR 149 sc
A romantic suite1251912 (1912) Orchestral MR 150 sc
Römischer Triumphgesang
  • men's choir
  • orchestra
1261912 (1912) Choral MR 151 sc
E minor1271913 (1913) Organ MR 152 sc
Vier Tondichtungen nach A. Böcklin
Four Tone Poems after Arnold Böcklin 1281913 (1913) Orchestral MR 153 sc
Neun Stücke
Nine pieces 129 1913 (1913) Organ MR 154 sc
Eine Ballett-Suite
A Ballet SuiteD major1301913 (1913) Orchestral MR 155 sc
Präludien und Fugen
Six preludes and fuguesviolin 131a 1914 (1914) Chamber MR 156 sc
Three duos (canons and fugues) in old style
two violins131b1914 (1914) Chamber MR 157 sc
Drei Suiten
Three suitescello 131c 1915 (1915) Chamber MR 158 sc
Drei Suiten
Three suitesviola 131d 1915 (1915) Chamber MR 159
[lower-alpha 6] 1321914 (1914) Orchestral MR 160 sc
two pianos132a1914 (1914) piano MR 161
Piano Quartet (No. 2)
A minor1331914 (1914) Chamber MR 162 sc
Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Telemann
1341914 (1914) Piano MR 163 sc
Dreißig kleine Choralvorspiele zu den gebräuchlichsten Chorälen
Thirty little chorale preludes135a1914 (1914) Organ MR 164 sc
Phantasie und Fuge
Fantasy and FugueD minor135b1916 (1916) Organ MR 165 sc
Hymnus der Liebe
  • baritone / alto
  • orchestra
1361914 (1914) Lied MR 166 sc
Zwölf geistliche Lieder
Twelve sacred songs
  • voice
  • piano / harmonium / organ
137 1914 (1914) Lied MR 167 sc
Eight sacred songs4–8-part choir1381914 (1914) Choral MR 168 sc
Violin Sonata (No. 9)
C minor1391915 (1915) Chamber MR 169 sc
Eine vaterländische Ouvertüre
1401915 (1915) Orchestral MR 170 sc
Serenade (No. 2)
G major
  • flute
  • violin
  • viola
141a1915 (1915) Chamber MR 171 sc
String Trio (No. 2)
D minor141b1915 (1915) Chamber MR 172 sc
Fünf neue Kinderlieder
Five new children's songs 142 1915 (1915) Lied MR 173 sc
Träume am Kamin
Zwölf kleine Stücke
Twelve little piano pieces 143 1915 (1915) Piano MR 174 sc
Zwei Gesänge
Two songs
  • baritone
  • choir
  • orchestra
1441915 (1915) Choral MR 175 sc
The hermit
  • baritone
  • choir
  • orchestra
144a1915 (1915) Choralby Eichendorff MR 176 sc
  • alto / baritone
  • choir
  • orchestra
[lower-alpha 7]
144b1915 (1915) Choralby Hebbel MR 177 sc
für Orgel
Seven organ pieces1451915 (1915)–16 Organ MR 178 sc
fragment: Kyrie, Dies iraeD minor
  • soloists
  • choir
  • orchestra
145a [lower-alpha 8] 1914 (1914) Choral Requiem MR 216 sc
Clarinet Quintet
A major1461915 (1915)–16 Chamber MR 179 sc
Andante and Rondo
  • violin
  • orchestra
1471916 (1916) Concerto sc
C major
  • horn
  • strings
1899 (1899) Chamber MR 183
Wind Serenade
(first movement)
B-flat majorWoO
1904 (1904) Chamber
G minor
  • flute
  • string quartet
1888 (1888) or 1889 Chamber
String Quartet (No. 0)
D minor
  • string quartet
  • double bass (in final mvmt.)
1888 (1888)–89 Chamber MR 184
G minor2 string quartetsWoO
1890 (1890)/1892 Chamber
Piano Quintet (No. 1)
C minorWoO
1897 (1897)/98 Chamber MR 185
G major
  • violin
  • piano
1901 (1901) Chamber MR 187
Petite caprice
G minor
  • violin
  • piano
1901 (1901) Chamber MR 188
G minor
  • clarinet / violin
  • piano
1901 (1901)/1902 Chamber MR 188
E-flat major
  • clarinet (violin)
  • piano
1902 (1902) Chamber MR 195
Allegretto grazioso
A major
  • flute
  • piano
1902 (1902) Chamber MR 194
A minor
  • cello
  • piano
1902 (1902) Chamber MR 193
Prelude and Fugue
A minorviolinWoO
1902 (1902) Chamber MR 190
A majortwo violinsWoO
1907? Chamber MR 189
E minorviolinWoO
1915 (1915) Chamber MR 192
in all major and minor tonalities
1895 (1895) Piano MR 196
Grüße an die Jugend
1898 (1898) Piano MR 198
1898 (1898) Piano MR 182
Miniature Gavotte
1898 (1898) Piano MR 199
Improvisation über den Walzer von Johann Strauß "An der schönen blauen Donau"
1898 (1898) Piano MR 200
Blätter und Blüten
1900 (1900)–02 Piano MR 202
Vier Spezialstudien für die linke Hand
1901 (1901) Piano MR 204
In der Nacht
1902 (1902) Piano MR 205
Perpetuum mobile
C-sharp minorWoO
1905 (1905) Piano MR 206
F-sharp minorWoO
1906 (1906) Piano MR 207
F-sharp minorWoO
1906 (1906) Piano MR 208
Ewig Dein!
1907 (1907) Piano MR 181
Fughetta on the "Deutschlandlied"
1916 (1916) Piano MR 209
  • soloists
  • children's choir
  • congregation
  • two violins
  • organ
V/4 No. 1
1903 (1903) Choralby Martin Luther MR 210
Choralkantate "O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen"
  • S A T B
  • SATB
  • congregation
  • two violins
  • organ
V/4 No. 2
1903 (1903) Choralby Simon Dach MR 211
  • A T
  • SATB
  • congregation
  • violin
  • oboe
  • organ
V/4 No. 3
1904 (1904) Choralby Paul Gerhardt MR 212
Choralkantate "Meinem Jesum lass ich nicht"
  • S
  • SATB
  • violin
  • viola
  • organ
V/4 No. 4
1906 (1906) Choralby Christian Keimann MR 213
Choralkantate "Auferstanden, auferstanden"
  • S A T B
  • SATB
  • organ
V/4 No. 5
Choralby Lavater MR 214
A major
  • A
  • SATB
  • winds
1908 (1908) Choralby Otto Liebmann MR 215
Tantum ergo
5-part choirWoO
1895 (1895) Choral Tantum ergo MR 217
"Gloriabuntur in te omnes"
1898 (1898)? Choral MR 218
Fünf ausgewählte Volkslieder
1898 (1898) Choral MR 237
Neun ausgewählte Volkslieder
men's choirWoO
1899 (1899) Choral MR 238
Sechs ausgewählte Volkslieder
1899 (1899) Choral MR 234
Acht ausgewählte Volkslieder
1899 (1899) Choral MR 235
Maria, Himmelsfreud!
1900 (1900) Choralby Heuberger MR 219
Zwölf deutsche geistliche Gesänge
1900 (1900) Choral MR 232
Sieben geistliche Volkslieder
1900 (1900) Choral MR 231
Sechs drei- und fünfstimmige Lieder für Passion und Ostern
1900 (1900)? Choral MR 226
Der evangelische Kirchenchor
1901 (1901) Choral MR 233
5-part choirWoO
1902 (1902) Choralby Geibel MR 220
Komm heiiger Geist
1902 (1902)? Choral MR 229
Vier Kirchengesänge
1904 (1904) Choral MR 230
Lasset uns den Herren preisen
5-part choirWoO
1911 (1911) Choralby Rist MR 221
1914 (1914) Choral MR 222
Am Meer
1894 (1894) Lied MR 245
1899 (1899) Lied MR 247
In verschwiegener Nacht
1899 (1899) Lied MR 246
1899 (1899)? Lied MR 250
1900 (1900)? Lied MR 248
1900 (1900)? Lied MR 249
Zwei geistliche Lieder
1908 (1908) Choral MR 240
Wedding songWoO
1902 (1902)? Lied MR 252
Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege
Wedding song
  • soprano
  • alto
  • organ
1902 (1902) Lied MR 241
Geistiches Lied "Wohl denen"
1903 (1903) Lied MR 242
Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe
1905 (1905) Lied MR 243
Es soll mein Gebet dich tragen
1909 (1909) Lied MR 244
1913 (1913) Choral MR 180

Other works

  1. "O Traurigkeit"
  2. "Komm, süßer Tod"
  3. "Christ ist erstanden"
  4. "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden"
  5. "Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen"
  6. "Wie schön leucht't uns der Morgenstern"
  1. Miniature Gavotte (s.a.)
  2. Allegretto grazioso
  3. Andante
  1. Romanze, D major (1906)
  2. Improvisation, E minor (1901)
  3. Nachtstück (1903)
  4. Perpetuum mobile, C major (1902)
  1. Caprice, F-sharp minor

Details of sets of compositions with Opus number

  1. Prelude and Fugue, C major
  2. Fantasy on 'Te Deum laudamus', A minor
  3. Fugue, D minor

  1. "Waldlied" (Uhland)
  2. "Tränen im Auge" (v. Wildenbruch)
  3. "Der Kornblumenstrauss" (v. Wildenbruch)
  4. "Scherz" (v. Chamisso)
  5. "Bauernregel" (Uhland)

  1. Allegro, A major
  2. Presto, D major
  3. Andante (con passione), F-sharp minor
  4. Lento impetuoso, F-sharp major
  5. Allegro moderato (quasi andantino), D major
  6. Prestissimo, A major
  7. Moderato, C-sharp minor
  8. Allegro non tanto, A-flat major
  9. Andantino, E-flat major
  10. Vivace, B-flat minor
  11. Allegro scherzando, A-flat major
  12. Allegro impetuoso, D-flat major

  1. Allegretto, D major
  2. G minor
  3. Innocente, A major
  4. D minor
  5. Con anima ed scherzando, E major
  6. Allegro, C-sharp minor
  7. Cantabile, A-flat major
  8. Appassionato, F minor
  9. Allegretto, B-flat major
  10. Grazioso andantino, D major
  11. Impetuoso, E major
  12. Allegretto, A major
  13. Andantino ma non troppo, B minor
  14. Innocente, F major
  15. Scherzando, G minor
  16. Appassionato (non allegro), F minor
  17. Andantino, A-flat major
  18. Presto, C-sharp minor
  19. Giocoso, B major
  20. Con bravoura, E major

  1. Allegro ma non troppo, A major (also in arrangement for violin and piano by S. Dushkin)
  2. Semplice, C-sharp minor
  3. Moderato, D major
  4. Grazioso, A-flat major
  5. Commodo, E major
  6. Melancolique (Lento), F-sharp minor
  7. Allegro vivace, A major

  1. "Friedhofgesang" (Kleinschmidt)
  2. "Das arme Vögelein" (v. Gilm)
  3. "Wenn ich's nur wüsst" (Ehlen)
  4. "Gruß" (Michaeli)
  5. "Um dich" (Kurz)

  1. Petite Romance (Andante), F minor
  2. Valsette (Allegretto grazioso), A-flat major
  3. Scherzoso (Vivace), B-flat major
  4. Moment Musical (Andantino), A-flat major
  5. Petite Caprice (Allegretto), B flat minor
  6. Prélude et Fugue (Andantino (semplice) – Allegretto), F major
  7. Sarabande (Grave), D minor
  8. (Largo), B minor
  9. Danse des Paysans (Commodo), A major
  10. Chant sans Paroles, E major
  11. Appassionato (Vivace), C-sharp minor
  12. Choral (Andante), D major
  13. Marcia Funèbre, C minor (also in orchestral arrangement by Lothar Windsperger)
  14. À la Hongroise (Allegro), F minor

  1. "Nachts" (Eichendorff)
  2. "Abendlied" (Goethe)
  3. "Sommernacht" (Saul)
  4. "Gäb's ein einzig Brünnelein" (from Tuscany)
  5. "O frage nicht" (Nawrocki)

  1. "Glück" (Rohrscheidt)
  2. "Das Blatt im Buche" (Grün)
  3. "Nelken" (Storm)
  4. "Traum" (Eichendorff)
  5. "Das Mädchen spricht" (Prutz)
  6. "Scheiden" (Saul)
  7. "Der Schelm" (R.)
  8. "Leichtsinniger Rat" (Saul)
  9. "Verlassen hab' ich mein Lieb" (Engel)
  10. "Trost" (Falke)

  1. Introduction (Grave) and Fugue (Allegro ma non tanto)
  2. Adagio assai
  3. Intermezzo (Un poco Allegro, ma non troppo) and Trio (Andantino)
  4. Passacaglia (Andante)

  1. Frohsinn (Allegretto), A major
  2. Hasche mich! (Grazioso), C major
  3. Ein Spielchen! (Andantino), F major
  4. Das tote Vöglein (Andante espressivo), E minor
  5. Über Stock und Stein (Presto), D minor
  6. Was die Grossmutter erzählt (Andante espressivo), G major
  7. Ein Tänzchen (Allegro), G minor
  8. Bange Frage (Andante), A minor
  9. Weihnachtstraum (Andantino), A major (Fantasy on Silent Night)
  10. Großes Fest (Allegro à la marcia), B flat major
  11. Abendgesang (Andante con espressione), D major
  12. Fast zu keck! (Allegro vivace), F major
  13. Frühlingslust (Vivace), C major
  14. Kleiner Trotzkopf (Vivace), E minor
  15. Reigen (Allegretto grazioso), G major
  16. Fast zu ernst! (Fughette – Andante con espressione), G minor
  17. A la Gigue (Presto assai), E minor
  18. Nordischer Tanz (Allegretto), D major
  19. Erster Streit (Agitato), D minor
  20. Versöhnung (Cantabile), A major

  1. Allegretto con grazia, E major
  2. Andantino, B minor
  3. Caprice (Allegro vivace), G minor
  4. Andante sepmlice, D major
  5. Moderato, ma marcato, C minor
  6. Allegretto con grazia, C-sharp minor
  7. Vivace assai, F major
  8. Etude brillante (Allegro con brio), C minor

  1. "Passionslied"
  2. "Doch du ließest ihn im Grabe nicht!"

  1. Allegretto grazioso, D major
  2. Presto – Andante (con grandezza), B minor
  3. Andantino grazioso, A major
  4. Prestissimo assai, C major
  5. Vivace assai, G minor

  1. Allegro, E major
  2. Più vivace, A major
  3. Allegretto, B major
  4. Moderato (quasi Andantino), C-sharp minor
  5. Vivace, B major
  6. Allegro vivace, E major

  1. "Das kleinste Lied" (Hamerling)
  2. "Pythia" (Ritter)
  3. "Das sterbende Kind" (Geibel)
  4. "Vom Küssen!" (Ritter)

  1. Valse-Impromptu (Grazioso) E major
  2. Menuett (Allegretto grazioso) B minor (reworked for orchestra and salon orchestra by Ernst Schmidt-Köthen)
  3. Rêverie fantastique (Quasi improvisato) F-sharp minor
  4. Un moment musical (Andantino) C major
  5. Chant de la nuit (Moderato) E major
  6. Rhapsodie (in the style of J. Brahms) (Agitato) E minor

  1. Canzonetta (Allegretto con espressione) A minor
  2. Humoreske (Allegro molto e con leggierezza) G major
  3. Impromptu (Poco agitato) E minor
  4. Nordische Ballade (Pesante) C minor
  5. Mazurka (Allegretto grazioso) E-flat major

  1. Elegie (Andante sostenuto con espressione) E minor (also in orchestral arrangement)
  2. Scherzo (Allegro grazioso) E major
  3. Barcarole (Andantino) F major
  4. Humoreske (Vivace (ma non troppo)) C minor
  5. Resignation (Andante espressivo) A major (composed 3 April 1898, the anniversary of Brahms's death, using the main theme from the slow movement of his Symphony No. 4) (reworked for organ by Richard Lange)
  6. Impromptu (Presto agitato) B minor
  7. Capriccio (Vivace assai) C minor

  1. "Allein"
  2. "Ich glaub', lieber Schatz"
  3. "Unbegehrt"
  4. "Und hab' so große Sehnsucht doch"
  5. "Mein Traum"
  6. "Schlimme Geschichte"

  1. Improvisation (Agitato ed appassionato) C-sharp minor
  2. Capriccio (A study) (Vivace assai) B minor
  3. Burleske (Vivo) C major
  4. Intermezzo (Agitato ed apassionato (Vivace, ma non troppo)) F-sharp minor
  5. Intermezzo (Andante) C major
  6. Humoreske (Prestissimo assai) G minor
  7. Impromptu (Con passione e vivace) B minor

  1. Allegretto con moto B minor
  2. Prestissimo A minor
  3. Vivace assai G minor
  4. Andantino (Con moto) A minor
  5. Con moto (Vivace) D minor

  1. Humoreske (Vivace assai) G minor
  2. Albumblatt (Andantino) F major
  3. Capriccietto (Vivace assai) E minor
  4. Reigen (Allegretto grazioso) D major
  5. Gigue (Vivace assai) A minor
  6. Elegie (Andantino sostenuto (ma non troppo)) E minor
  7. Valse-Impromptu (Con moto) D minor
  8. Capriccio (A study) (Vivace assai) C minor
  9. Rêverie (Andante con espressione) F major

  1. "Helle Nacht" (Verlaine)
  2. "Volkslied" (Ritter)
  3. "Glückes genug" (Liliencron)
  4. "Frauenhaar" (Bierbaum)
  5. "Nächtliche Pfade" (Stieler)

  1. "Ausfahrt" (Scheffel)
  2. "Frühlingsruf" (Kleber)
  3. "Über die Berge!" (Ernst)
  4. "Wie ist doch die Erde so schön!" (Reinick)
  5. "Frohsinn" (after v. Klump)
  6. "Abendreihn" (Müller)
  7. "Hell ins Fenster" (Groth)

  1. "Schweigen" (Falke)
  2. "Abendlied" (Plinke)
  3. "Frühlingsblick" (Lenau)

  1. D minor
  2. A major
  3. B minor
  4. G minor

  1. "Zwischen zwei Nächten" (Falke)
  2. "Müde" (Falke)
  3. "Meinem Kinde" (Falke)
  4. "Abschied" (Wiener)
  5. "Wiegenlied" (Dehmel) (also in orchestral arrangement)
  6. "Die Betrogene spricht" (Ritter)
  7. "Mein Herz" (Wiener)
  8. "Sag es nicht" (Wiener)

  1. Albumblatt (Mit Ausdruck, nicht zu langsam) B minor
  2. Burletta (Sehr lebhaft, mit Humor) G minor
  3. Es war einmal (Mässig langsam und ausdrucksvoll) E minor
  4. Capriccio (Sehr rasch) A minor
  5. Moment musical (Anmutig, etwas lebhaft) C-sharp minor
  6. Scherzo (Sehr schnell) D major
  7. Humoreske (Lebhaft) B minor
  8. Fughette (Mässig langsam) A minor
  9. Gigue (So schnell als möglich) D minor
  10. Capriccio (Sehr schnell; mit Humor) C major

  1. (Sehr aufgeregt und schnell) D minor
  2. (Äußerst lebhaft, anmutig) D-flat major
  3. (Langsam, mit leidenschaftlichem, durchaus phantastischem Ausdruck) E-flat minor
  4. (So schnell als möglich, mit Humor) C major
  5. (Mit großer Leidenschaft und Energie) G minor
  6. (So schnell als nur irgend möglich) E minor

  1. Canon (Andante) E major
  2. Gigue (Vivacissimo) D minor
  3. Canzonetta (Andantino) A minor
  4. Scherzo (Vivacissimo) A major
  5. Siciliano (Andantino) E minor
  6. Fugue (Vivace) C minor

  1. "Hütet euch" (Geibel)
  2. "Leise Lieder" (Morgenstern)
  3. "Im Arm der Liebe" (Hartleben)
  4. "Ach, Liebster, in Gedanken" (Stona)
  5. "Junge Ehe" (Ubell) (on a theme from Wagner's Tristan und Isolde )
  6. "Am Dorfsee" (Wiener)
  7. "Unvergessen" (Frey)

  1. A-flat major
  2. F-sharp minor

  1. (Andante sostenuto) G major
  2. (Larghetto) D major

  1. "Der Mond glüht" (Diderich)
  2. "Mägdleins Frage" (Dorr-Ljubljaschtschi)
  3. "Träume, träume, du mein süßes Leben!" (Dehmel)
  4. "Geheimnis" (Evers)
  5. "Mädchenlied" (Morgenstern)
  6. "Schmied Schmerz" (Bierbaum)
  7. "Nachtgang" (Bierbaum)
  8. "Gleich einer versunkenen Melodie" (Morgenstern)
  9. "Frühlingsregen" (Morgenstern)
  10. "Verlorne Liebe" (Galli)
  11. "Frühlingsmorgen" (Müller)
  12. "Weiße Tauben" (Morgenstern)

  1. (Äußerst lebhaft) E minor
  2. (Ziemlich langsam) D major
  3. (Sehr bewegt und ausdrucksvoll) F-sharp major
  4. (Sehr schnell und anmutig) F-sharp minor
  5. (Ziemlich schnell) C major
  6. (Langsam, schwermütig) E major
  7. (Äußerst lebhaft und mit viel Humor) B major

  1. "Hymnus des Hasses" (Morgenstern)
  2. "Traum" (Evers)
  3. "Der tapfere Schneider" (Falke)
  4. "Rosen" (Itzerott)
  5. "Der Narr" (v. Jacobosky)
  6. "Verklärung" (Itzerott)
  7. "Sterne" (Ritter)
  8. "Zwei Gänze" (De Capitolio)
  9. "Ein Paar" (Braungart)
  10. "Wären wir zwei klein Vögel" (Greiner)
  11. "Viola d'amour" (Falke)
  12. "Nachtsegen" (Evars)
  13. "Gute Nacht" (Falke)
  14. "Allen Welten abgewandt" (Stona)
  15. "Der Alte" (Falke)

  1. E major
  2. D minor
  3. G major
  4. C major
  5. B minor

  1. Prelude
  2. Pastorale
  3. Intermezzo
  4. Kanon
  5. Toccata
  6. Fuge
  7. Kyrie
  8. Gloria
  9. Benedictus
  10. Capriccio
  11. Melodia
  12. Te Deum

  1. Improvisation
  2. Invocation
  3. Introduction and Fugue

  1. "Wehe" (Boelitz)
  2. "Waldeseligkeit" (Dehmel)
  3. "Ruhe" (Evers)
  4. "Menschen und Natur" (Baumgart)
  5. "Wir zwei" (Falke)
  6. "Reinheit" (Boelitz)
  7. "Vor dem Sterben" (Boelitz)
  8. "Gebet" (Braungart)
  9. "Strampelchen" (Bluethgen)
  10. "Die Nixe" (Falke)
  11. "Fromm" (Falke)
  12. "Totensprache" (Jacobovsky)
  13. "Begegnung" (Mörike)
  14. "Ich schwebe" (Henkel)
  15. "Pflügerin Sorge" (Henkel)
  16. "Anmutiger Vertrag (Morgenstern)

  1. Prelude, C minor
  2. Fugue, C major
  3. Canzona, G minor
  4. Capriccio, A minor
  5. Intro, F minor
  6. Passacaglia, F minor
  7. Ave Maria
  8. Fantasy, C major
  9. Toccata, E minor
  10. Fugue, E minor
  11. Kanon, D major
  12. Scherzo, D minor

  1. "Sehnsucht" (Itzerott)
  2. "Freundliche Vision" (Bierbaum)
  3. "Aus der ferne in der Nacht" (Bierbaum)
  4. "Du bist mir gut!" (Boelitz)
  5. "Maienblüten" (v. Jacobovsky)
  6. "Die Primeln" (Hamerling)
  7. "Die Liebe" (Dehmel)
  8. "An dich" (Itzerott)
  9. "Erlöst" (Itzerott)
  10. "Morgen" (Mackay)
  11. "Jetzt und immer" (Dehmel)
  12. "Kindergeschichte" (v. Jacobovsky)

  1. "Eine Seele" (Jacobovsky)
  2. "Unterwgs" (Boelitz)
  3. "Märchenland" (Evers)
  4. "Engelwacht" (Muth)
  5. "Nachtseele" (Evers)
  6. "An die Geliebte" (Falke)

  1. Prelude, E minor
  2. Fugue, E minor
  3. Basso ostinato, E minor
  4. Moment musical, D major
  5. Capriccio, D minor
  6. Toccata, D major
  7. Fugue, D major
  8. Romance, G minor
  9. Prelude, A minor
  10. Fugue, A minor

  1. "Präludium" (Boelitz)
  2. "Der König bei der Krönung" (Mörike)
  3. "Ritter rät dem Knappen dies" (Bierbaum)
  4. "Die bunten Kühe" (Falke)
  5. "Gruß" (Genischen)
  6. "Elternstolz" (folk song)
  7. "Meine Seele" (Evers)
  8. "Die Verschmäte" (Falke)
  9. "Sehnsucht" (Jacobovsky)
  10. "Hoffnungstrost" (from East Preussia)
  11. "Gegen Abend" (Bierbaum)
  12. "Dein Bild" (Jacobovsky)
  13. "Mein und dein" (Fischer)
  14. "Der Bote" (Fick)
  15. "Thränen" (Braungart)
  16. "Des Durstes Erklärung" (Fick)
  17. "Sommernacht" (Evers)

  1. "Markspruch" (Weigand)
  2. "Mondnacht" (Evers)
  3. "Der Knabe an die Mutter" (Serbian)
  4. "Dämmer" (Boelitz)
  5. "Böses Weib" (16th century)
  6. "Ihr, ihr Herrlichen!" (Hölderlin)
  7. "Schlimm für die Männer" (Serbian)
  8. "Wäsche im Wind" (Falke)
  9. "All' mein Gedanken, mein Herz und mein Sinn" (Dahn)
  10. "Schwäbische Treue" (Seyboth)
  11. "Aeolsharfe" (Lingg)
  12. "Hat gesangt – bleibt nicht dabei" (folk song)
  13. "Das Ringlein" (Jacobovsky)
  14. "Schlafliedchen" (Busse)
  15. "Darum" (Seyboth)
  16. "Das Fenster klang im Winde!" (Evars)
  17. "Du brachtest mir deiner Seele Trank" (Braungart)
  18. "Einsamkeit" (Goethe)

  1. "Du meines Herzens Krönelein"
  2. "Daz tuwer min Engel walte"
  3. "Waldeinsamkeit"
  4. "Wenn die Linde blüht"
  5. "Herzenstausch"
  6. "Beim Schneewetter"
  7. "Schlecht' Wetter"
  8. "Einen Brief soll ich schreiben"
  9. "Am Brünnelle"
  10. "Warte nur"
  11. "Mei Bua"
  12. "Mit Rosen bestreut"
  13. "Der verliebte Jäger"
  14. "Mein Schätzelein"
  15. "Maiennacht"
  16. "Glück"
  17. "Wenn alle Welt so einig wär"
  18. "In einem Rosengärtelein"
  19. "Hans und Grete"
  20. "Es blüht ein Blümlein"
  21. "Minnelied"
  22. "Des Kindes Gebet"
  23. "Zwiesprache"
  24. "Abgeguckt"
  25. "Friede"
  26. "Der Schwur"
  27. "Kindeslächeln"
  28. "Die Mutter spricht"
  29. "Schmeichelkätzchen"
  30. "Vorbeimarsch"
  31. "Gottes Segen"
  32. "Von der Liebe"
  33. "Das Wölklein"
  34. "Reiterlied"
  35. "Mittag"
  36. "Schelmenliedchen"
  37. "Heimat"
  38. "Das Mägdlein"
  39. "Abendlied"
  40. "Wunsch"
  41. "An den Frühlingsregen"
  42. "Der Postillon"
  43. "Brunnensang"
  44. "Klein Marie"
  45. "Lutschemäulchen"
  46. "Soldatenlied"
  47. "Schlaf' ein"
  48. "Zwei Mäuschen"
  49. "Ein Tänzchen"
  50. "Knecht Ruprecht"
  51. "Die fünf Hühnerchen"
  52. "Mariae Wiegenlied" (also arranged by the composer as a piano solo)
  53. "Das Brüderchen"
  54. "Das Schwesterchen"
  55. "Furchthäschen"
  56. "Der Igel"
  57. "Die Bienen"
  58. "Mäusefangen"
  59. "Zum Schlafen"
  60. "Der König aus dem Morgenland"

  1. Humoreske
  2. Humoreske
  3. Intermezzo
  4. Melodie
  5. Romanze
  6. Impromptu
  7. Impromptu
  8. Caprice
  9. Capriccio
  10. Melodie

  1. Ach Gott, verlaß mich nicht
  2. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
  3. Herr, nun selbst den Wagen halt
  4. Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit
  5. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
  6. Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende
  7. Auferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du
  8. Christ ist erstanden von dem Tod
  9. Christus, der ist mein Leben
  10. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
  11. Nun danket alle Gott
  12. Herr, nun selbst den Wagen halt
  13. Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen

  1. "Abend" (Schäfer)
  2. "Um Mitternacht blühen die Blumen" (Stona)
  3. "Volkslied" (Itzerott)
  4. "Friede" (Huggenberger)
  5. "Auf mondbeschienen Wegen" (Huggenberger)
  6. "Die Glocke des Glücks" (Ritter)
  7. "Erinnerung" (Schäfer)
  8. "Züge" (Huggenberger)

  1. Wiegenlied
  2. Capriccio
  3. Burla

  1. Caprice
  2. Kleine Romanze

  1. "Jesu, meines Lebens Leben" (4-part)
  2. "Auferstanden" (4-part)
  3. "Nun preiset alle" (4-part)
  4. "Nun preiset alle" (4-part)
  5. "Such, wer da will" (4-part)
  6. "Ach, Gott, verlaß mich nicht" (4-part)
  7. "Ich weiß, mein Gott" (4-part)
  8. " Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn " (5-part)
  9. "Jesu, großer Wunderstern" (5-part)
  10. "Jesus soll die Losung sein" (5-part)
  11. "Trauungsgesang"
  12. "Auferstanden" (5-part)
  13. "Gib dich zufrieden" (5- or 6-part)

Vol. 1, No. 1 Vivace
Vol. 1, No. 2 Adagio
Vol. 1, No. 3 Andante sostenuto
Vol. 1, No. 4 Vivace
Vol. 1, No. 5 "Gavotte" (Moderato)
Vol. 1, No. 6 Sostenuto
Vol. 1, No. 7 Vivace
Vol. 1, No. 8 Andantino—Presto
Vol. 1, No. 9 Vivace
Vol. 1, No. 10 Andante innocente
Vol. 1, No. 11 Sostenuto ed espressivo
Vol. 1, No. 12 Larghetto
Vol. 2, No. 1 Allegretto con grazia
Vol. 2, No. 2 Andantino
Vol. 2, No. 3 Andante espressivo
Vol. 2, No. 4 Andantino
Vol. 2, No. 5 Allegretto con grazia; sempre poco agitato
Vol. 2, No. 6 Andante espressivo
Vol. 2, No. 7 Larghetto
Vol. 2, No. 8 Vivacissimo—Andante—Vivacissimo
Vol. 2, No. 9 Andantino
Vol. 2, No. 10 Scherzando e vivace
Vol. 3, No. 1 "Lied" (Andante sostenuto)
Vol. 3, No. 2 "Albumblatt" (Andante sostenuto)
Vol. 3, No. 3 "Gavotte" (Allegretto)
Vol. 3, No. 4 "Romanza" (Andante sostenuto)
Vol. 3, No. 5 "Melodie" (Andante sostenuto)
Vol. 3, No. 6 "Humoreske" (Vivace)
Vol. 4, No. 1 "Präludium" (Poco con moto)
Vol. 4, No. 2 "Fuge" (Sostenuto)
Vol. 4, No. 3 "Intermezzo" (Andante)
Vol. 4, No. 4 "Arabeske" (Allegretto)
Vol. 4, No. 5 "Silhouette" (Con moto)
Vol. 4, No. 6 "Melodie" (Molto sostenuto)
Vol. 4, No. 7 "Humoreske" (Poco vivace)

  1. C-sharp minor
  2. G major
  3. F major
  4. E minor

  1. Albumblatt
  2. Romanze

  1. "Notturno" (Boelitz)
  2. "Stelldichein" (Hörmann)
  3. "Flötenspielerin" (Evers)
  4. "Spatz und Spätzin" (Meyere)

  1. E minor
  2. D major
  3. F major
  4. A minor

  1. A minor
  2. D major
  3. B-flat major
  4. B minor
  5. E minor
  6. G major
  7. A minor

  1. Prelude, G minor
  2. Fugue
  3. Intermezzo, B minor
  4. Basso ostinato, G minor
  5. Romance, A-flat major
  6. Toccata, G minor
  7. Fugue, G minor

  1. "Das Dorf" (Boelitz)
  2. "Leise, leise weht ihr Lüfte" (Brentano)
  3. "Ein Drängen ist in meinem Herzen" (Stefan Zweig)
  4. "Der bescheidene Schäfer" (Weisse)

  1. "Aus den Himmelsaugen" (Heine)
  2. "Der gute Rath" (Schatz)
  3. "Sonntag" (folk song)
  4. "Es schläft ein stiller Garten" (Hauptmann)
  5. "Sommernacht" (Triepel)

  1. "Neue Fülle" (Zweig)
  2. "Warnung" (anon.)
  3. "Mutter, tote Mutter" (Hartwig)
  4. "Lied eines Mädchens" (13th century)
  5. "Das Sausewind" (Busse)
  6. "Mädchenlied" (Boelitz)

  1. "Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern" (Novalis)
  2. "Meine Seele ist still zu Gott" (Psalm 62)

  1. "Waldesstille" (Rafael)
  2. "Frühlingsfeier" (Steindorff)
  3. "Abendgang" (Brandtl)

  1. Andante, D major
  2. Andante con moto
  3. Allegretto, C major
  4. Andante sostenuto
  5. Larghetto
  6. Vivace
  7. Vivace quasi presto
  8. Vivace

  1. B minor
  2. G minor
  3. E minor
  4. G minor (Chaconne)
  5. G major
  6. D minor
  7. A minor
  8. E minor

  1. Toccata, D minor
  2. Fugue, D minor
  3. Canon, E minor
  4. Melodia, B-flat major
  5. Capriccio, G minor
  6. Basso ostinato, G minor
  7. Intermezzo, F minor
  8. Prelude, B minor
  9. Fugue, B minor

  1. A minor
  2. D minor
  3. G major
  4. G minor
  5. D major
  6. E minor

  1. G major
  2. D minor
  3. A minor

  1. G minor
  2. D major
  3. E minor

  1. "Bitte um einen seligen Tod" (Herman. gest. 1561)
  2. "Dein Wille, Herr, geschehe!" (Eichendorff)
  3. "Uns ist geboren ein Kindlein" (anon.)
  4. "Am Abend" (anon.)
  5. "O Herre Gott, nimm du von mir" (anon.)
  6. "Christ, deines Geistes Süßigkeit" (anon.)
  7. "Grablied" (Arndt)
  8. "Morgengesang" (Alberus)
  9. "Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauern" (Flemming)
  10. "Christkindleins Wiegenlied" (anon.)
  11. "Klage vor Gottes Leiden" (v)
  12. "O Jesu Christ, wir warten dein" (Alberus)

  1. "Wiegenlied" (Stein)
  2. "Schwalbenmütterlein"(Reinick)
  3. "Maria am Rosenstrauch" (Schellenberg)
  4. "Klein-Evelinde" (Weber)
  5. "Bitte" (Holst)

  1. Larghetto, B-flat major
  2. Con moto, E-flat major
  3. Molto adagio, A major
  4. Allegretto grazioso, E major
  5. Agitato, B minor
  6. Poco vivace, A-flat major
  7. Molto sostenuto, D major
  8. Vivace, C major
  9. Larghetto, C minor
  10. Vivace, D minor
  11. Andantino, G minor
  12. Larghetto, D major

Details of sets of compositions with WoO number

  1. Fughette
  2. Caprice fantastique
  3. Abenddämmerung
  4. Albumblatt
  5. Scherzo
  6. Humoresque

  1. Albumblatt
  2. Humoresque
  3. Frühlingslied
  4. Elegie
  5. Jagdstück
  6. Melodie
  7. Moment Musical No. 1
  8. Moment Musical No. 2
  9. Gigue
  10. Romanze No. 1
  11. Romanze No. 2
  12. Scherzino

  1. Scherzo
  2. Humoresque
  3. Romanze
  4. Prelude and Fugue

  1. Herzweh (1817, Gotha, with an additional second stanza by Hermann Kurz)
  2. Liebchens Bote (Flugblatt 1756)
  3. Das Sternlein (Matthias Claudius)
  4. Dianderl tief drunt im Thal (from Carinthia)
  5. Ich hab' die Nacht geträumet

  1. Liebesschmerz (from Swabia)
  2. Das Sternlein (Matthias Claudius)
  3. Liebesqual (from Swabia)
  4. Vergebens (from Franconia)
  5. Liebchens Bote (Flugblatt 1756)
  6. Das Mädchen vom Lande (Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim)

  1. Mailied (Friedrich Richter)
  2. Ach, Bäumchen, du stehst grüne (überliefert by Karl Simrock
  3. Liebesleid
  4. Ich hab' die Nacht geträumet
  5. Trutze nicht (from the Odenwald 1839)
  6. Wie kommt's? (from Thuringia and Franconia)
  7. Schwäbisches Tanzliedchen (Ländler from Upper Swabia)
  8. Es waren zwei Königskinder


  1. Op. 27 for organreworked for piano 4-hand by Richard Lange
  2. also in orchestral arrangement, 1915
  3. also in orchestral arrangement, 1915
  4. also in orchestral arrangement, 1916
  5. Organ version of François Callebout (2003)
  6. also in arrangement for two pianos, 1914
  7. Organ version of Max Beckschäfer (1985)
  8. opus number 145a assigned by the publisher, WoO V/9

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