Many cutaneous neoplasms occur in the setting of systemic syndromes.
Muir–Torre syndrome is a rare hereditary, autosomal dominant cancer syndrome that is thought to be a subtype of HNPCC. Individuals are prone to develop cancers of the colon, genitourinary tract, and skin lesions, such as keratoacanthomas and sebaceous tumors. The genes affected are MLH1, MSH2, and more recently, MSH6, and are involved in DNA mismatch repair.
Pilomatricoma is a benign skin tumor derived from the hair matrix. These neoplasms are relatively uncommon and typically occur on the scalp, face, and upper extremities. Clinically, pilomatricomas present as a subcutaneous nodule or cyst with unremarkable overlying epidermis that can range in size from 0.5 to 3.0 cm, but the largest reported case was 24 cm.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 1983 May;8(5):639-44. Pilomatricoma-like changes in the epidermal cysts of Gardner's syndrome. Cooper PH, Fechner RE.