List of executive orders by Fidel V. Ramos

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Listed below are executive orders signed by Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos. [1] [2] [3] [4]



No.TitleDate signed
1Reducing the rates of import duty on electric generating sets under Presidential Decree No. 1464, otherwise known as the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amendedJune 30, 1992
2Extending the effectivity of the zero rate of import duty on cement and cement clinker under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 1464, otherwise known as the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as provided under Executive Order No. 387July 1, 1992
7Providing for the creation of an extension office of the Office of the President in Mindanao and Visayas, assigning a Presidential Assistant for Mindanao and Visayas, defining their functions, powers and responsibilitiesJuly 5, 1992
3Creating a Presidential Anti-Crime Commission to identify and cause the investigation and prosecution of criminal elements in the countryJuly 7, 1992
4Revoking the provisions of Executive Order No. 494 dated December 6, 1991 on the Philippine Coconut Authority July 11, 1992
5Amending Section 1 of Executive Order No. 2 dated 01 July 1992July 14, 1992
6Providing for the creation of the Presidential Council for Countryside Development
8Restructuring the rates of import duties and amending the classification of certain articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amendedJuly 24, 1992
10Requiring government and private financial institutions to use financial statements filed with and certified by the Bureau of Internal Revenue in evaluating loan applicationsAugust 4, 1992
9Transferring the National Stud Farm from the Philippine Racing Commission, Office of the President to the Department of Agriculture August 7, 1992
11Extending the life of the Committee on Privatization and the Asset Privatization Trust, and for other purposesAugust 10, 1992
12Providing for the creation of the Presidential Commission to Fight PovertyAugust 15, 1992
13Reconstituting and renaming the Presidential Committee on the Philippine Nuclear Power Plant as Presidential Committee on the Bataan Nuclear Power PlanAugust 19, 1992
14Granting an across-the-board pension increase to all SSS & EC pensioners and supplemental pensions to SSS permanent partial disability pensionersAugust 25, 1992
15Creating a Philippine Council for Sustainable DevelopmentSeptember 1, 1992
16Transferring the Technical Assistance Council of the Philippines and the Inter-Agency Technical Committee on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries from the Department of Foreign Affairs to the Office of the President pursuant to Book III, Title III, Chapter 10, Section 31, of the 1987 Administrative Code
17Establishing the Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippines
18Transferring the Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippines from the Office of the President to the Department of Foreign Affairs pursuant to Book III, Title III, Chapter 10, Section 31, of the 1987 Administrative Code
19Constituting the National Unification Commission, prescribing its authority and functions and for other purposes
20Further amending Sections 1 and 4 of Executive Order No. 309, s. 1987, entitled "Reorganizing the Peace and Order Council"September 8, 1992
21Authorizing the representation of the labor sector in the Price Coordinating Council
22Transferring the National Irrigation Administration from the Department of Public Works and Highways to the Office of the President September 14, 1992
23Amending Section 2 of Executive Order No. 338, creating the Energy Coordinating Council
24Strengthening the Export and Investment Development Council amending for this purpose Executive Order Nos. 499 and 520, to increase the government and private sector members of the councilOctober 5, 1992
25Amending Executive Order No. 403 and further strengthening the Tripartite Industrial Peace CouncilOctober 7, 1992
26Prescribing procedures and sanctions to ensure speedy disposition of administrative cases
27Directing the concerned departments to ensure the successful staging of the 1st Philippine Sports Summit this yearOctober 13, 1992
28Creating the Coordinating Committee for the Twenty-Fourth ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Meeting and the Post AEM Meeting with Japan on 19-24 October 1992October 14, 1992
29Amending Executive Order No. 198, series ofOctober 27, 1992
30Establishing the Bondoc Development Program OfficeOctober 28, 1992
31Directing all government lending financial institutions to implement the Sugar Restitution LawOctober 29, 1992
32Amending Executive Order No. 160 to provide for the election of a Chairman from among the members of the Commission on Population BoardOctober 31, 1992
33Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Executive Order No. 115, s. 1986 entitled "Reorganizing the National Security Council and defining its membership, function, and authority and other purposesNovember 18, 1992
34Amending Executive Order No. 309, series of 1987, reorganizing the Peace and Order CouncilNovember 25, 1992
38Reconstituting the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) Commission and providing funds thereforNovember 27, 1992
37Restating the privatization policy of the governmentDecember 2, 1992
39Creating the Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) as a national policy and advisory body in the prevention and control of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection and AIDS in the PhilippinesDecember 3, 1992
40Implementing the provisions of Republic Act No. 7227 authorizing the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) to raise funds through the sale of Metro Manila military camps transferred to BCDA to form part of its capitalization and to be used for the purposes stated in said ActDecember 8, 1992
41December 9, 1992
42Amending Executive Order No. 19, dated September 1, 1992, constituting the National Unification Commission and prescribing its authority and functions and for other purposesDecember 11, 1992
43Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the 1991 and 1992 Philippine programmes submitted during the Third ASEAN Summit providing a minimum level of 25% margin of preference to certain items which are in the Philippine exclusion list and deepening the margins of preference in respect of certain items which are under the ASEAN Preferential Trading ArrangementsDecember 29, 1992


No.TitleDate signed
45Adopting the Philippine Reference System of 1992 as the standard reference system for surveys in the PhilippinesJanuary 5, 1993
46Constituting the Bipartisan Executive-Legislative Advisory Council on the Sabah IssueJanuary 11, 1993
47Creating the Zamboanga City Council of EldersJanuary 12, 1993
48Requiring the collection of qualifying fees for players entering the casinoJanuary 19, 1993
49Directing the mandatory use of the Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) Volume I as the basis for procurement of drug products by the governmentJanuary 21, 1993
50Amending Executive Order No. 503, dated January 22, 1992, to grant authority to national government agencies concerned affected by the devolution, to reorganize and restructure as a result of the devolution process
51Directing local government units to revise their 1993 annual budgets to address the funding requirements of devolved national government agency functions, enjoining the national government agencies concerned to advance such funding requirement for their devolved functions against regular 1993 allotments pending enactment of the revised 1993 annual budgets and instructing the Secretary of Budget and Management to promulgate and issue the rules, regulations and guidelines to be observed for the purposeJanuary 22, 1993
52Requiring the indication of taxpayer identification number (TIN) on certain documents
53Directing all government agencies concerned to provide the Bureau of Internal Revenue with the necessary information to help increase tax collections
54Directing the yearly publication of list of persons who filed income tax returns and paid income taxes
55Reconstituting and further strengthening the Government Corporate Monitoring and Coordinating Committee and for other purposesFebruary 8, 1993
56Declaring that administrative supervision over the Professional Regulation Commission pertains to the Office of the President February 9, 1993
57Authorizing owners and/or users of unregistered or unauthorized water/sewer connections, devices or instruments to comply with MWSS rules and regulations, without penalty, under the "MWSS Operation Linis" ProgramFebruary 15, 1993
58Creating an inter-agency executive committee to oversee the comprehensive redevelopment of the National Housing Authority property in North Triangle, Quezon City
59Prescribing the policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of authorized public telecommunications carriers in order to create a universally accessible and fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network and thereby encourage greater private sector investment in telecommunicationsFebruary 24, 1993
60Creating the Inter-Agency Committee on Intellectual Property RightsFebruary 26, 1993
61Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty of certain articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in implementation of Section 23 (10) of Republic Act No. 7607, the Magna Carta of Small FarmersFebruary 27, 1993
62Prescribing policies and guidelines to implement Republic Act No. 7227
63Creating the national, regional, provincial, city, municipal, and barangay physical fitness and sports development councils (PFSDC)March 1, 1993
64Adopting the national policy and program of "Sports for All" by all concerned government agencies based on the Sports Covenant forged during the 1st Philippine Sports Summit '92 held in Baguio City
65Constituting the steering committee to undertake and coordinate the preparatory work for the Working Group on Marine Scientific Research in the South China Sea, and for other purposes
66Extending the term of existence of the National Unification Commission from 16 March 1993 to 30 June 1993March 4, 1993
67Further amending Executive Order No. 19, dated September 1, 1992, as amended by Executive Order No. 42, dated December 11, 1992March 9, 1993
68Imposing an entrance fee at over-the-counter stores and shops operated by Duty Free PhilippinesMarch 17, 1993
69Creating the National Organizing Committee for the Third ASEAN Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Social WelfareMarch 18, 1993
70Providing for the expansion of the President's Summer Youth Work Program (PSYWP), and for other purposesMarch 20, 1993
71Devolving the powers of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board to approve subdivision plans to cities and municipalities pursuant to R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991March 23, 1993
72Providing for the preparation and implementation of the comprehensive land use plans of local government units pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and other pertinent lawsMarch 25, 1993
73Creating the Presidential Iron and Steel Committee
74Directing the adoption of the country-team approach in the conduct of development diplomacyMarch 29, 1993
75Creating the National Heroes Committee under the Office of the President
76Amending Executive Order No. 57 dated 15 February 1993 authorizing owners and/or users of unregistered or unauthorized water/sewer connections, devices or instruments to comply with MWSS rules and regulations, without penalty, under the "MWSS Operation Linis" ProgramMarch 31, 1993
77Amending Executive Order No. 508, s. of 1993, "Instituting the Lingkod Bayan Award as the Presidential Award for Outstanding Public Service"
78Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1976, as amended, in order to implement the minimum ninety per centum (90%) margin of preference on soya sauce powder and bouillon/stocks included in the Nestle ASEAN Industrial Joint Venture (AIJV) Projects, as provided for in Article III, Paragraph 1 of the Revised Basic Agreement on AIJVApril 2, 1993
79Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement of ASEAN Industrial Complementation
80Authorizing the establishment of the Clark Development Corporation as the implementing arm of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority for the Clark Special Economic Zone, and directing all heads of departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of government to support the programApril 3, 1993
81Prescribing additional functions to the National Unification CommissionApril 12, 1993
82Establishing the National Training Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (NTCTESD) in the Department of Education, Culture and Sports April 15, 1993
83Creating a Large Taxpayers Division in the Bureau of Internal Revenue April 24, 1993
84Creating a Presidential Commission to formulate short and long-term plans for the development of Tagaytay City and its adjacent municipalities, and the Taal Volcano Island and its surrounding coastal municipalities
85Establishing the coordinative and management mechanism for the implementation of the Cagayan de Oro-Iligan Corridor Special Development ProjectMay 5, 1993
86Fixing the rate of return on rate base of the National Power Corporation at twelve percent of the rate base as defined in Section 4 of Republic Act No. 6395, as amended
87Transferring the Traffic Engineering and Management-Project Management Office (TEAM-PMO) from the Department of Transportation and Communication to the Office of the President May 6, 1993
88Amending Executive Order No. 81 dated 12 April 1993 and transferring the functions provided therein to the National Reconciliation and Development Council from the National Unification CommissionMay 12, 1993
89Directing the implementation of a policy of accessibility and transparency in governmentMay 18, 1993
90Requiring the owners of taxable imported motor vehicles with year models 1988 to 1992 to obtain clearances from the Bureau of Customs and Bureau of Internal Revenue as a precondition to the renewal of their registration with the Land Transportation Office May 19, 1993
91Amending Section 2 of Executive Order No. 73 (1993)May 21, 1993
92Providing specific periods for the review by regional development councils of infrastructures and other sectoral programs amending for this purpose Section 2 Subparagraph b (v) of Executive Order No. 308 (1987) as amendedMay 31, 1993
93Amending Executive Order No. 376 (series of 1989) "Establishing the Regional Project Monitoring and Evaluation System (RPMES)" and for other purposesJune 1, 1993
94Reducing the import duty on cement and cement clinker under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 1464, otherwise known as the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978
95Designating the Cooperative Development Authority as the lead government agency on cooperative promotion, development, regulation and calling on all government agencies with cooperative programs to coordinate these with the Cooperative Development Authority and for other purposesJune 8, 1993
96Implementing rules and regulations on cooperative promotions, organization, development and supervision by local government units
97Clarifying the tax and duty free incentive within the Subic Special Economic Zone pursuant to Republic Act No. 7227 (1992)June 10, 1993
98Reorganizing the Export and Investment Development Council into the Export Development Council
99Prescribing guidelines on the performance of the National Anthem June 12, 1993
100Mandating the active participation of all government agencies nationwide in urban greening, through an Adopt-a-Street/Park ProgramJune 14, 1993
101Revising the compensation plan of the Foreign Service of the PhilippinesJune 15, 1993
102Creating the Metro Naga Development CouncilJune 18, 1993
97-AFurther clarifying the tax and duty-free privilege within the Subic Special Economic and Free Port Zone June 19, 1993
103Authorizing the establishment of the John Hay Development Corporation as the implementing arm of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority for Club John Hay, and directing all heads of departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of government to support the programJune 29, 1993
104Extending the term of existence of the National Unification Commission from 30 June 1993 to 31 July 1993
105Institutionalizing the Transport Training Center as a regular unit of the University of the Philippines July 2, 1993
106Lifting the suspension of the application of the tariff concessions granted by the Philippines on refractory bricks under the ASEAN Preferential Trading ArrangementsJuly 10, 1993
107Transferring the Traffic Engineering and Management-Project Management Office (TEAM-PMO) from the Office of the President to the Department of Public Works and Highways July 12, 1993
108Creating the Central Visayas Water and Sanitation Project Project Management Unit, providing funds therefor, and for other purposes
109Policy to improve the provision of local exchange carrier service
110Strengthening the Export Development Council (EDC) amending for this purpose Executive Order (E.O.) No. 98 to increase the government and private sector members of the councilJuly 13, 1993
111Declaring and delineating the Port of Ozamis under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority July 22, 1993
112Establishing the National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC) in the Department of Education, Culture and Sports
113Enjoining all sectors to participate in tree planting activities in support of environment and natural resources programs
114Amending Executive Order No. 31July 23, 1993
115Increasing the special duties on crude oil and oil products under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as amendedJuly 24, 1993
116Amending Section 1 of Executive Order No. 94 dated 01 June 1993July 29, 1993
119Amending Executive No. 106 lifting the suspension of the application of the tariff concessions granted by the Philippines on refractory bricks under the ASEAN Preferential Trading ArrnagementsAugust 9, 1993
117Establishing an Inter Agency Task Force for Coastal Environmental ProtectionAugust 11, 1993
118Mandating the active participation of all government agencies nationwide in urban greening, through an Adopt-a-Street/Park ProgramAugust 12, 1993
120Directing the national government, its departments, bureaus, agencies and offices, including government-owned or controlled corporations, to adopt counter-trade as a supplemental trade tool with respect to the importation or procurement of foreign capital equipment, machinery, products, goods and servicesAugust 19, 1993
121Creating the Mt. Makiling Reserve Area and Laguna de Bay CommissionAugust 24, 1993
122Providing for the surrender and licensing of loose firearms and establishing a central records unit for all firearmsSeptember 13, 1993
123Institutionalizing the Committee on Power Conservation and Demand ManagementSeptember 8, 1993
124Establishing priorities and procedure in evaluating areas proposed for land conversion in regional agri-industrial centers/regional industrial centers, tourism development areas and sites for socialized housing
125Defining the approach and administrative structure for government's comprehensive peace effortsSeptember 15, 1993
126Lifting the ban on mining operations in northern Palawan, the Calamian Group of Islands and the areas around Malampaya Sound
127Redefining the functions of the Instructional Materials Council of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports September 30, 1993
128Reconstituting the Committee for the Preparation of the National Centennial Celebrations in 1998 October 4, 1993
129Establishing an institutional mechanism to curtail the activities of professional squatting syndicates and professional squatters and intensifying the drive against themOctober 15, 1993
130Instituting the Balik Scientist Program under the Department of Science and Technology October 25, 1993
122-ALimiting the initial coverage of Executive Order No. 122 entitled "Providing for the surrender and licensing of loose firearms and establishing a central records unit for all firearms" to unregistered firearms and providing for the operational cost of the computerization of firearms recordsOctober 26, 1993
131Facilitating the state funeral of deceased National Artists and National Scientists
132Approving the streamlining of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
133Devolving to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao the powers and functions of the Department of Health, the control, and supervision over its offices in the region and for other purposesOctober 29, 1993
134Governing the admission and stay in the Philippines, as temporary visitors, of Chinese nationalsNovember 4, 1993
135Providing for the establishment of a Well-Coordinated Local Level Statistical SystemNovember 6, 1993
137Providing for the implementing rules and regulations governing the devolution of certain powers and functions of the National Meat Inspection Commission to the local government units pursuant to Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991November 28, 1993
138Declaring and delineating the Virac Port Zone under the administrative jurisdtion of the Philippine Ports Authority
139Creating the Kabataan: 2000 Steering Committee, the Action Officers Committee and the regional steering committee in implementation of the year-round Youth Work Program, Kabataan: 2000 and for other purposes
140Rationalizing the duty free stores/outlets and their operations in the Philippines and for other purposesNovember 30, 1993
141Creating the National Organizing Committee for the Third ASEAN Meeting of Ministers Responsible for InformationDecember 7, 1993
142Transferring some projects of the Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA) to the Autonomous Regional Government in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao December 10, 1993
143Directing the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council to oversee the implementation of a Local Government Pabahay Program, and defining the responsibilities of certain agencies which will be involved thereinDecember 13, 1993
144Amending Executive Order No. 84, dated April 24, 1993, which created a Presidential Commission to formulate short and long-term plans for the development of Tagaytay City and its adjacent municipalities, and the Taal Volcano Island and its surrounding coastal municipalitiesDecember 14, 1993
145Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the 1994 Philippine schedule of tariff reductions on articles included in the Accelerated and Normal Programmes of the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)December 27, 1993
146Amending Executive Order No. 43, series of 1992, by modifying the margins of preference and the applicable ASEAN preferential tariffs on certain items included in the coverage thereof
147Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the 10% margin of preference (MOP) granted by the Philippines under the Agreement on the Global System of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries the Philippine schedule of concession annexed to the agreement
148Modifying the rates of import duty on certain important articles as provided under Presidential Decree No. 1464, as amended, otherwise known as the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines of 1978, as amended
149Streamlining of the Office of the President December 28, 1993


No.TitleDate signed
150Amending Executive Order No. 156, series of 1968, as amended by Executive Order No. 163, series of 1968, constituting the "Fund for Assistance to Private Education" as an irrevocable trust, creating a "Private Education Assistance Committee" as trustee, and providing for the management thereofJanuary 10, 1994
151Creating a Presidential Commission to investigate administrative complaints involving graft and corruptionJanuary 11, 1994
151-AAmending Executive Order No. 151 dated 11 January 1994January 21, 1994
152Providing for the creation of the National Program for Unification and Development Council (NPUDC) and for other purposesJanuary 21, 1994
153Modifying the rates of duty on certain important articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum ninety per centum (90%) margin of preference on certain products included in the Nestle ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures (AJIV) Projects, as provided for in Article III, Paragraph 1 of the Revised Basic Agreement on AIJVJanuary 25, 1994
154Creating the National Organizing Committee for the Asia and Pacific Ministerial Conference in Preparation for the World Summit for Social Development January 27, 1994
155Amending Executive Order No. 149February 3, 1994
156Creating an inter-agency executive committee to assist the trustee committee for the comprehensive development of Welfareville property in the city of Mandaluyong February 14, 1994
157Establishing a Civil Registration System for Muslim FilipinosFebruary 15, 1994
158Creating a Presidential Commission to formulate short and long-term plans for the restoration and preservation of the Ifugao rice terraces in the municipalities of Banaue, Hungduan, Mayoyao and Kiangan February 18, 1994
161Prescribing the adoption of new standard forms to be accomplished by officials and employees for overseas training
159Directing all departments, bureaus, offices, units and agencies of the national government, including government-owned or controlled corporations, to revise their fees and charges at just and reasonable rates sufficient to recover at least the full cost of services renderedFebruary 23, 1994
160Reducing the special duties of crude oil and oil products prescribed in Executive Order No. 115, series of 1993
162Restoring to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources the jurisdiction, control, management, and development of the Angat Watershed ReservationFebruary 25, 1994
163Declaring the Philippine National Games as the centerpiece programMarch 3, 1994
164Adopting a Revised Compensation and Position Classification System in the governmentMarch 7, 1994
167Creating the Iwahig Penal Colony Inter-Agency Study CommitteeMarch 25, 1994
122-BProviding for the full implementation of Executive Order No. 122 dated September 13, 1993 and extending the period for the registration of loose firearms and unre-registered firearmsMarch 28, 1994
168Rules governing the admission and stay in the Philippines, as temporary visitors, of Chinese nationalsApril 11, 1994
169Declaring the continued existence of the Central Bank of the Philippines as the Central Bank Board of Liquidators, prescribing its powers and functions pursuant to the provisions of Section 132 (E) of Republic Act No. 7653, and for other purposesApril 17, 1994
170Rationalizing and harmonizing traffic and transportation management powers an functions of agencies in Metropolitan Manila and for other purposesApril 20, 1994
171Creating a Lingayen Gulf Coastal Area Management Commission
172Increasing the minimum tariff rate from zero to three percent on articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedApril 22, 1994
173Amending Executive Order No. 153, series of 1994, entitled "Modifying the rates of duty on certain important articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum ninety per centum (90%) margin of preference on certain products included in the Nestle ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures (AJIV) Projects, as provided for in Article III, Paragraph 1 of the Revised Basic Agreement on AIJV"April 27, 1994
174Designation of Clark Special Economic Zone (Clark Field) as the future site of a premier Philippine international airportApril 28, 1994
175Creating a Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle CommissionApril 30, 1994
176Approving and adopting the National Youth Development Plan (NYDP) 1994-1998May 3, 1994
177Establishing the World Expo 2002 Philippines Commission and for other purposesMay 16, 1994
178Amending Executive Order No. 158, dated February 18, 1994, which created a Presidential Commission to formulate short and long-term plans for the restoration and preservation of the Ifugao rice terraces in the municipalities of Banaue, Hungduan, Mayoyao and Kiangan May 23, 1994
179Prominent display of the National Flag in all buildings, establishments, and homes from 28 May 1994 to 12 June 1994 and every year thereafter, and for other purposesMay 24, 1994
180Strengthening the Export Development Council (EDC) amending for this purpose Executive Order (E.O.) No. 110, further amending E.O. No. 98June 8, 1994
181Prescribing the threshold amount of gross sales and/or receipts for value added tax purposesJune 14, 1994
182First Regular Foreign Investment Negative ListJune 22, 1994
183Amending Executive Order No. 128, series of 1993, establishing the National Centennial Commission
184Creating socialized housing one-stop processing centers to facilitate the processing and issuance of permits, clearances, certifications and licenses appropriate and necessary for the implementation of socialized housing projects, and directing all government agencies concerned to support the operations of the said centersJune 27, 1994
185Opening the domestic water transport industry to new operators and investorsJune 28, 1994
186Expanding the coverage of the Cabinet Committee on the Law of the Sea and renaming it as the Cabinet Committee on Maritime and Ocean AffairsJuly 12, 1994
187Declaring and delineating the Jose Panganiban Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority July 13, 1994
188Guidelines on the entry and stay of foreign students in the Philippines and the establishment of an inter-agency committee for the purpose
189Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amendedJuly 18, 1994
190Approving and adopting the National Information Technology Plan 2000 and establishing the National Information Technology CouncilJuly 19, 1994
191Granting no-visa entry for an initial stay of seven (7) days to Chinese nationals who are holders of Macau-Portuguese passportJuly 22, 1994
192Authorizing the establishment of the Clark International Airport Corporation to operate and manage the Clark Aviation ComplexJuly 27, 1994
193Creating the World Trade Organization Advisory and ASEAN Free Trade Advisory Commissions, defining its powers and functions and for other purposesAugust 2, 1994
195Providing a Medical Care Program to Filipino overseas contract workers and their dependents and prescribing the mechanism thereforAugust 13, 1994
196Mandating government and national service agencies to extend full support to the ENR-SECAL ProgramAugust 16, 1994
197Creating a Presidential Commission to plan for and develop a growth corridor from the National Capital Region to the provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon (Metro Manila-Rizal-Laguna-Quezon or Marilaque Growth Area)August 29, 1994
199Declaring and delineating the Dalahican Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority September 20, 1994
200Institutionalization of the full computerization of the licensure examinations administered by the various regulatory boards under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission
201Creating an Advisory Council of Veterans Affairs
202Transferring the Securities and Exchange Commission to the Department of Finance September 22, 1994
203Creating the Oversight and Executive Committees for the National Government's Major Social Reform AgendaSeptember 27, 1994
204Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedSeptember 30, 1994
208Further defining the composition, powers and functions of the National Commission on the Role of Filipino WomenOctober 10, 1994
210Amending Section 6 of Executive Order No. 152, dated January 21, 1994October 27, 1994
211Placing the National Program for Unification and Development Council under the Office of the Executive Secretary and for other purposesNovember 21, 1994
212Accelerating the Demonopolization and Privatization Program for government ports in the countryNovember 28, 1994
213Deregulating domestic shipping rates
214Establishing the Presidential Awards for the Cleanest and Greenest Local Government Units of the PhilippinesDecember 9, 1994
215Prescribing additional measures to improve the delivery of health services devolved to local government unitsDecember 13, 1994
216Implementation of Section 12 of Republic Act 6975December 16, 1994
217Amending Section 1.2 (b) of Executive Order No. 203, dated 27 September 1994, "Creating the Oversight and Executive Committees for the National Government's Major Social Reform Agenda"December 20, 1994


No.TitleDate signed
218Second year of implementation of the new salary schedule in the governmentJanuary 1, 1995
219Establishing the Domestic and International Civil Aviation Liberalization PolicyJanuary 3, 1995
221Clarifying the authority and extent of the powers and functions of the Presidential Anti-Crime CommissionJanuary 23, 1995
222Establishing the Committee on Water Conservation and Demand ManagementJanuary 24, 1995
223Amending Executive Order No. 175, dated April 30, 1994, which created a Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle CommissionFebruary 7, 1995
224Transferring the management, administration and maintenance of Burnham Park to the city government of Baguio February 10, 1995
226Institutionalization of the doctrine of "command responsibility" in all government offices, particularly at all levels of command in the Philippine National Police and other law enforcement agenciesFebruary 17, 1995
227Reducing the rates of import duty on cement and cement clinker under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 1464, otherwise known as the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amendedMarch 4, 1995
228Amending Executive Order No. 203 to include the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office in the membership of the Social Reform Agenda CouncilMarch 6, 1995
229Further amending Executive Order No. 175, dated April 30, 1994, as amended by Executive Order No. 223, dated February 7, 1995, which created a Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle CommissionMarch 19, 1995
230Creating a National Secretariat of the National Correctional Consciousness WeekMarch 15, 1995
231Creating the Presidential Fact-Finding and Policy Advisory Commission on the Protection of Overseas FilipinosMarch 20, 1995
232Abolishing the Presidential Task Force for the Development of Lungsod Silangan and Inter-Agency Task Force on Socialized Housing in Manggahan Floodway and transferring their powers and functions to the Presidential Commission on the Manila-Rizal-Laguna-Quezon (Marilaque) Growth CorridorMarch 29, 1995
233Extending the term of Samar Island Development Project OfficeMarch 31, 1995
234Establishing the Gingoog Bay Development CouncilApril 7, 1995
235Amending Executive Order No. 101, dated June 15, 1993, entitled: "Revising the compensation plan of the Foreign Service of the Philippines"April 19, 1995
236Organizing the National Committee on Illegal Entrants, repealing E.O. 656, series of 1981, to ensure effective coordination among member agencies in the investigation and disposition of cases involving the illegal entry of foreign nationals and vessels, and providing funds for its operationApril 22, 1995
237Modifying the rates of duty on certain important articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the decision taken by the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Committee on Industry, Minerals and Energy (COIME) of the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) to extend a minimum ninety per centum (90%) margin of preference (MOP) to constant velocity joint driveshafts assembly and parts thereof under the Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint VenturesApril 24, 1995
238Declaring and delineating the Pagbilao Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
239Declaring and delineating the Lopez Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
240Creating fisheries and aquatic resource management councils (FARMCs) in barangays, cities and municipalities, their composition and functionsApril 28, 1995
243Creating a Nuclear Power Steering CommitteeMay 12, 1995
244Directing the Committee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Socialist Countries to delete the People's Republic of China from the list of countries covered by Letter of Instructions No. 444
246Reconstituting the National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking as the National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking and Anti-TerrorismMay 18, 1995
247Prescribing guidelines and establishing a regulatory framework for the prospecting of biological and genetic resources, their by-products and derivatives, for scientific and commercial purposes; and for other purposes
248Prescribing rules and regulations and new rates of allowances for official local and foreign travels of government personnelMay 29, 1995
249Granting permanent resident status to certain Vietnamese citizens and Filipino-Vietnamese children pursuant to Section 47 of the Immigration Act of 1940
250Implementing the rationalization of duty free stores/outlets and their operations in the Philippines pursuant to Executive Order No. 140 and for other purposesJune 2, 1995
241Creating a steering committee for the proper observance of the Family WeekJune 9, 1995
251Declaring the island of Luzon as calamity area as a result of the foot and mouth disease epidemic, rationalizing public safety measures for the eradication of foot and mouth disease in the country, and appropriating funds thereforeJune 15, 1995
252Amending Executive Order No. 203 entitled: "Creating the Oversight and Executive Committees for the National Government's Major Social Reform Agenda"June 19, 1995
253Providing for the rationalization and upgrading of the existing passport extension offices of the Department of Foreign Affairs into regional consular officesJune 22, 1995
254Creating the Philippine Gas Project Task ForceJune 30, 1995
259Further amending Executive Order No. 175 dated April 30, 1994, as amended by Executive Order No. 223 dated February 7, 1995 and Executive Order No. 229 dated March 19, 1995, which created a Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle CommissionJuly 1, 1995
255Final extension of the term of Samar Island Development Project OfficeJuly 3, 1995
257Creating a Project Coordinating Committee to implement the Philippine supplement to the Scientific American JournalJuly 10, 1995
258Establishing and delineating the responsibilities of the National Power Corporation and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources over watersheds and reservations under the former's jurisdiction and control, and restoring to the National Power Corporation jurisdiction and control over the Angat Watershed Reservation
260Adjusting the dividend rates of selected government owned and/or controlled corporations on their 1994 earnings pursuant to Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7656July 14, 1995
261Creating an Inter-Agency Committee on Employment Promotion, Protection and Rehabilitation of Persons with DisabilitiesJuly 17, 1995
263Adopting community-based forest management as the national strategy to ensure the sustainable development of the country's forestlands resources and providing mechanisms for its implementationJuly 19, 1995
264Modifying the nomenclature and the rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedJuly 22, 1995
266Institutionalization of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs of the various professional regulatory boards (PRBs) under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)July 25, 1995
267Providing for the issuance of National Government Bonds to be known as Agrarian Reform (AR) Bonds
268Amending Executive Order No. 208 (s. 1995) entitled "Further defining the composition, powers and functions of the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women"August 4, 1995
269Amending Executive Order No. 182 which promulgates the First Regular Foreign Investment Negative List, specifically "List A" of Annex AAugust 8, 1995
270Requiring all Philippine diplomatic and consular posts to assist in organizing expatriate Filipino scientists, technologists, engineers, and allied professionals in their jurisdictions into overseas chapters of (Philippine) science and technology advisory councils (STACs)August 9, 1995
248-AAmending Executive Order No. 248, dated 29 May 1995 which prescribed rules and regulations and new rates of allowances for official local and foreign travels of government personnelAugust 14, 1995
271Governing the admission and stay of foreign nationals in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone as temporary visitors
272Amending Executive Order No. 30 series of 1992, establishing the Bondoc Development Program OfficeAugust 24, 1995
273Approving and adopting the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development, 1995 to 2025September 8, 1995
274Establishing the Presidential Commission on Bicol Tourism Special Development ProjectSeptember 14, 1995
275Creating a committee for the special protection of children from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, discrimination and other conditions prejudicial to their development
276Formalizing the Inter-Agency Safety and Immunity Guarantees (SIG) Committee for the GRP-NDF Peace TalksSeptember 19, 1995
277Directing the mode of treatment utilization, administration and management of the Coco Levy Funds September 24, 1995
265Amending Executive Order No. 315, as amended, thereby transferring and rationalizing the powers and functions of the Presidential Committee on the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant to various government agenciesOctober 4, 1995
278Amending Executive Order No. 274 dated 14 September 1995, establishing the Presidential Commission on Bicol Tourism Special Development ProjectOctober 10, 1995
279Directing the dissolution of Philcorp Pty LtdOctober 13, 1995
280Creating a Presidential Task Force on Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence to identify, arrest and cause the investigation and prosecution of military and other law enforcement personnel or their former members and their cohorts involved in criminal activitiesOctober 16, 1995
282Providing for the guidelines and regulations for the evolution of the Export Processing Zone Authority; created under Presidential Decree No. 66, into the Philippine Economic Zone Authority under Republic Act No. 7916October 30, 1995
283Granting the APEC-NOC authority for the procurement and exemption from the governing provisions of public bidding to fast-track the acquisition of necessary supplies, equipment and services for the 1996 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting November 8, 1995
284Declaring civilian victims of internal armed conflicts as part of a priority sectors under the Social Reform AgendaNovember 11, 1995
281Granting the National Irrigation Administration authority to construct, develop, operate and maintain the Casecnan Multi-Purpose Irrigation and Power Project located within the Casecnan River Watershed Forest Reserve in the province of Nueva Vizcaya and the Pantabangan-Carrangalan Watershed in the province of Nueva Ecija in consonance with the authority of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources over the watershed under Proclamation No. 136 and Proclamation No. 561, as amendedNovember 16, 1995
285Amending Executive Order No. 202 (22 September 1994)November 24, 1995
286Reorganizing the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) and the Local Water and Utilities Administration (LWUA) pursuant to Republic Act No. 8041, otherwise known as the National Water Crisis Act of 1995December 6, 1995
287Modifying the rates of duty on certain important articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the 1996 Philippine schedule of tariff reduction under the new time frame of the Accelerated Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)December 12, 1995
288Modifying the nomenclature and the rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amended
289Providing land for the Philippine Trade Center in accordance with Republic Act No. 7844December 13, 1995
256Revising Executive Order No. 58, s. 1987, by rationalizing the fees and charges on firearms, amunition, spare parts, accessories, components, explosives, explosive ingredients, pyrotechnics and firecrackersDecember 21, 1995
250-AAmending Executive Order No. 250 dated 2 June 1995 implementing the rationalization of duty free stores/outlets and their operations in the Philippines pursuant to EO 140 and for other purposesDecember 22, 1995


No.TitleDate signed
290Third year implementation of the new salary schedule in the governmentJanuary 2, 1996
291Improving the Environmental Impact Statement SystemJanuary 12, 1996
292Constituting a consultative committee to advise the President in the appointment of Philippine National Police officials from the rank of Senior Superintendent to Director General
293Streamlining the organizational and functional operations of the agencies attached to the Office of the Press Secretary January 15, 1996
294Amending Executive Order No. 289 (s. 1995) to provide additional control measures to safeguard the interest of the government in the land to be used for the establishment of the Philippine Trade Center and to address the export sector's concerns and interests in accordance with Republic Act No. 7844January 16, 1996
295Institutionalizing the policy of allocating a portion of the calamity fund for tree seedling propagation, planting and maintenanceJanuary 17, 1996
296Ordering the dismantling of fish cages, fish pens, fish traps and other aqua-culture structures in Taal Lake and the Pansipit River January 22, 1996
297Further amending Executive Order No. 84 dated 24 April 1993, as amended by EO 144, dated 14 December 1993 which created a Presidential Commission to formulate short and long-term plans for the development of Tagaytay City and its adjacent municipalities and the Taal Volcano Island and its surrounding coastal municipalitiesJanuary 26, 1996
298Providing for alternative and/or intermediate modes of privatization pursuant to Proclamation No. 50 (s. 1986)January 30, 1996
300Amending Executive Order No. 234 dated 7 April 1995 which established the Gingoog Bay Development CouncilJanuary 31, 1996
293-AAmending Executive Order No. 293 by excluding Channels 9 and 13 from the scope and coverage thereofFebruary 13, 1996
302Providing policies, guidelines, rules and regulations for the procurement of goods/supplies by the national governmentFebruary 19, 1996
303Declaring and delineating the Puerto Princesa City Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
304Declaring and delineating the Brooke's Point Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
260-AAmending Executive Order No. 260 entitled "Adjusting the dividend rates of selected government owned and/or controlled corporations on their 1994 earnings pursuant to Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7656"February 20, 1996
307Implementing a Family Planning Program at the local government levelFebruary 28, 1996
309Reconstituting the Disposal Committee created under E.O. No. 285March 8, 1996
311Encouraging private sector participation in the operations and facilities of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System March 20, 1996
312Authorizing the National Centennial Commission to undertake fund-raising activities to finance its various projects and programs, amending for the purpose Executive Order No. 128, series of 1993
314Establishing a National Maritime Safety Coordinating CouncilMarch 28, 1996
313Modifying the nomenclature and the rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedMarch 29, 1996
315Devolving to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao certain powers and functions of the Commission on Higher Education, the control and supervision over its programs in the region and for other purposesMarch 30, 1996
316Devolving certain powers and functions of the Cooperative Development Authority to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
317Devolving to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao certain powers and functions of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority including the control and supervision over its offices, programs and projects in the region and for other purposes
319Instituting the Moral Recovery Program (MRP) in all government departments, offices, agencies and government-owned and controlled corporations through the establishment of integrity circlesApril 3, 1996
321Creating a Presidential Commission for the Central Luzon Growth Corridor and for other purposesApril 9, 1996
322Amending Executive Order No. 193, s. 1994April 10, 1996
323Providing for the participation of student volunteers in the activities of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 1996 Meeting in the Philippines
324Creating a review committee to study the integration into one department of all government agencies involved in correctionsApril 12, 1996
325Reorganization of the regional development councils [repealing Executive Order No. 308, series of 1987, as amended by Executive Order Nos. 318, (s. of 1988), 347 (s. of 1989), 366 (s. of 1989), 455 (s. of 1991) and 505 (s. 1992)]
301Transferring the Kalinga Special Development Authority (KSDA) from the Department of National Defense (DND) to the Cordillera Executive Board-Cordillera Administrative Region (CEB-CAR) to effect its abolitionApril 16, 1996
326Providing for the suspension of the requirements of Executive Order No. 10 which mandates all government financial institutions to use income tax returns and financial statements duly filed with, and certified by the Bureau of Internal Revenue in evaluating the borrower's capacity to pay, provided that this suspension shall only be applicable to micro, cottage and small enterprisesApril 17, 1996
327Extending the term of the Central Visayas Water and Sanitation Project-Project Management Unit
328Modifying the nomenclature and the rate of import duty on imported wheat for food under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedApril 23, 1996
329Designating the National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) as one of the lead monitoring arm of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for the effective implementation of the Global Platform for Action and the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development in the NGO and private sectorMay 7, 1996
330Adopting the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program as an integral part of the educational system and designating the Commission on Higher Education as the authority responsible for its implementationMay 10, 1996
320Creating a special committee to take charge of the preparations for the centennial of the death anniversary of Marcelo H. del Pilar May 14, 1996
331Extending the coordinative and management role and function of the South Cotabato/Sarangani/General Santos City (Socsargen) Area Development Project OfficeMay 15, 1996
332Integrating the barangay governments into the Revised Position Classification and Compensation System in the governmentMay 16, 1996
333Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation
334Amending Executive Order No. 79, series of 1993, entitled "Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement of ASEAN Industrial Complementation"
335Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation
336Modifying the rates of import duty on certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the decision taken by the ASEAN Senior Economic Officials' Meeting to extend a minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation
299Directing the National Amnesty Commission to conduct verification, processing, and determination of the list of RAM-SFP YOU members who are to be granted amnesty under Proclamation No. 723May 17, 1996
337Transferring the National Training Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (NTCTESD) and its administration from the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) to the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
338Directing the deposit of cash balances to the National Treasury
339Amending Executive Order No. 167 dated 25 March 1994, creating the Iwahig Penal Colony Inter-Agency Study CommitteeMay 21, 1996
341Creating the Presidential Fact-Finding Commission on Government Information Technology ProjectsJune 5, 1996
342Providing for the creation of the Golf Course Construction and Development Committee in connection with the issuance of environmental compliance certificate for the construction development and operation of golf coursesJune 6, 1996
343Adopting the "Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat" as the official pledge of allegiance for all FilipinosJune 12, 1996
344Transferring the Sacobia Development Authority and the jurisdiction over Sacobia to the Clark Development CorporationJune 14, 1996
345Transferring the Board of Liquidators (BOL) from the National Development Company (NDC) to the Asset Privatization Trust (APT) to effect its abolition
346Amending Executive Orders No. 728 and 938, redefining the organizational structure, functional thrusts and providing for the operational guidelines of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas
347Declaring and delineating the Legazpi Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority June 18, 1996
348Declaring and delineating the Masbate Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
349Adopting the Mt. Makiling Reserve Area and Laguna de Bay Region Master Plan, providing for the implementation thereof and for other purposes
350Directing the prominent display of the National Flag in all parks, buildings and establishments in preparation for the centennial of Philippine independence in 1998 June 25, 1996
353Obligating and guaranteeing the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) loan with the Philippine National Bank and ordering the Secretary of Budget and Management to include in the DFA annual budget appropriation for the purchase of properties for CY 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 such amounts necessary to amortize and pay off said government loanJune 28, 1996
351Creating a Siltation Steering Committee to manage a trust fund for siltation and erosion-related issuesJune 29, 1996
352Designation of statistical activities that will generate critical data for decision-making of the government and the private sectorJuly 1, 1996
354Authorizing the National Power Corporation to enter into negotiated contracts for the coal supply requirements of its power stations as well as those of its independent power producers, and for other purposesJuly 5, 1996
355Reactivating the National Organizing Committee for the Fifth Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference on Social DevelopmentJuly 9, 1996
356Amending Executive Order No. 203, "Creating the Oversight and Executive Committees for the National Government's Major Social Reform Agenda," and providing for the adoption of the guidelines on the institutional arrangement to fast-track SRA localizationJuly 12, 1996
357Approving the allocation of a five percent share for local government units from the Lotto Charity Fund and providing the sharing scheme thereforAugust 5, 1996
358Creating a Presidential Commission for the restoration, conservation and preservation of the Vigan Heritage VillageAugust 12, 1996
359Adjusting the dividend rates of selected government owned and/or controlled corporations on their 1995 net earnings pursuant to Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7656August 16, 1996
360Amending Executive Order No. 192, series of 1994, authorizing the establishment of the Clark International Airport Corporation to operate and manage the Clark Aviation Complex
362Second Regular Foreign Investment Negative ListAugust 20, 1996
363Providing for the guidelines on the allocation and release of the 1996 Poverty Alleviation FundAugust 23, 1996
364Creating the National Commission on Savings
365Providing for the tariff nomenclature and implementing the rates of import duties on certain imported articles under Republic Act Nos. 8180 and 8184August 28, 1996
366Further amending Executive Order No. 309, s. of 1987, entitled "Reorganizing the Peace and Order Council," as amended by Executive Order No. 317, s. of 1988, Executive Order No. 320, s. of 1988 and Executive Order No. 20, s. of 1992 and organizing the barangay peace and order committees as the implementing arm of the city/municipal peace and order council at the barangay levelSeptember 5, 1996
367Declaring and delineating the Jose Panganiban Port in Camarines Norte under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
368Amending Executive Order 356 dated 12 August 1996 which provides for the implementing guidelines on the institutional arrangements to fasttrack SRA localization, to include the National Council on the Role of the Filipino Women in the membership of the Social Reform Council
369Creating the Social Protection Coordinating Committee to harmonize and coordinate social protection policies and programsSeptember 6, 1996
370Strengthening the Philippine Council for Sustainable DevelopmentSeptember 26, 1996
371Proclaiming a Special Zone of Peace and Development in the Southern Philippines and establishing therefor the Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development and the Consultative AssemblyOctober 2, 1996
357-AAmending Executive Order No. 357, series of 1996, which approved the allocation of a five percent share for local government units from the Lotto Charity Fund and providing the sharing scheme thereforOctober 7, 1996
372Creation of a coordinating task force for the establishment of the North Food Terminal Complex in Bulacan October 9, 1996
373Further amending Executive Order No. 175 dated 30 April 1994, as amended by EO 223, dated 7 February 1995, EO 229 dated 19 March 1995 and EO 259 dated 11 July 1995 which created a Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle CommissionOctober 10, 1996
374Creating a Presidential Task Force on Water Resources Development and ManagementOctober 15, 1996
375Creating a special committee to take charge of the preparations for the centennial of the birth anniversary of Geronima Tomelden Pecson October 25, 1996
376Authorizing the Department of Social Welfare and Development to establish, manage and operate a Skills Training Center for Disabled and Street Children at the Elsie Gaches Village
377Providing the institutional framework for the administration of the deregulated local downstream oil industryOctober 31, 1996
378Declaring the period from November 15 to 30, 1996 as Special APEC - Philippines Consciousness Promotion Period and authorizing the conduct of special tourism related activities in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone in conjunction with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ConferenceNovember 5, 1996
379Appointing the Philippine Network of Small and Medium Enterprises (PhilSME) to manage the APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for SMEs (ACTETSME)November 20, 1996
380Creating the Industry Development Council, defining its composition, powers and functionsDecember 2, 1996
381Creating an Executive Committee and Technical Working Group on Food SecurityDecember 3, 1996
382Establishing the Gawad Pamana ng Lahi
383Reorganizing and strengthening the Tripartite Industrial Peace CouncilDecember 6, 1996
384Further amending Executive Order No. 325, series of 1996 and for this purpose institutionalizing labor sector representation in the regional development councilsDecember 7, 1996
385Creating a task force to address the concerns of persons with disabilitiesDecember 9, 1996
386Amending certain provisions of Executive Order No. 369, dated September 6, 1996 which created the Social Protection Coordinating Committee to harmonize and coordinate social protection policies and programs
387Further amending Executive Order No. 203, dated 27 September 1994, as amended by Executive Order No. 356, dated 12 July 1996December 16, 1996
388Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedDecember 27, 1996
389Implementing the fourth and final year salary increases authorized by Joint Senate and House of Representatives Resolution No. 1, series of 1994December 28, 1996


No.TitleDate signed
390Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty on certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedJanuary 17, 1997
391Creating an organizing committee to initiate and supervise appropriate commemorative activities for the 30th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)January 20, 1997
392Declaring full deregulation of the downstream oil industryJanuary 22, 1997
393Establishing the Sajid Bulig Presidential Award for Heroism
394Establishing the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards
395Approving and adopting the National Action Agenda for Productivity and creating the Philippine Council for ProductivityJanuary 24, 1997
396Providing the institutional framework for the administration of the standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers in the PhilippinesJanuary 30, 1997
397Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement of ASEAN Industrial ComplementationJanuary 31, 1997
398Authorizing the National Food Authority to intervene in the stabilization of the price of sugar
399Establishing the Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental AwardFebruary 3, 1997
340Directing national government agencies and government-owned and -controlled corporations to provide day care services for their employees' children under five years of ageFebruary 5, 1997
400Granting Career Service Officer rank to graduates of Master in Public Safety Administration of the Philippine Public Safety College and other related purposesFebruary 11, 1997
401Amending Executive Order No. 359 entitled "Adjusting the dividend rates of selected government owned and/or controlled corporations on their 1995 net earnings pursuant to Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7656"February 20, 1997
403Adopting a Philippine Tourism Highway Program to further develop and promote the tourism potentials of the country and creating the Presidential Task Force thereofFebruary 28, 1997
406Institutionalizing the Philippine Economic-Environmental and Natural Resources Accounting (PEENRA) System and creating units within the organizational structure of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)March 21, 1997
402Creating a national organizing committee for the Philippine hosting of the Philippine International Garden Festival (Florikultura '98)March 31, 1997
407Providing for the guidelines on the allocation, release and management of the 1997 Poverty Alleviation FundApril 4, 1997
409Amending Section 2 of Executive Order No. 374 dated 15 October 1996 which established the Presidential Task Force on Water Resources Development and ManagementApril 15, 1997
410Repealing Executive Order No. 212, series of 1994, in recognition of the power of the Philippine Ports Authority under P.D. No. 857 to implement the policy of accelerating the demonopolization and privatization of government ports in the countryMay 1, 1997
411Institutionalizing the President Ramon Magsaysay Outstanding Filipino Worker Award
412Amending Executive Order No. 84, series of 1993, by reconstituting the composition of the Tagaytay-Taal Presidential CommissionMay 6, 1997
413Creating an inter-agency committee to oversee the turnover and development of properties in Makati held by the Philippine Development Alternatives Foundation, Inc. and Presidential Commission on Good Government to the national government and National Power Corporation May 19, 1997
414Authorizing the Department of Trade and Industry to oversee the progression of the plan for the establishment of the Asian Institute of Design and Technology (AIDT)May 22, 1997
416Declaring and delineating the San Jose (Occidental Mindoro) Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority June 4, 1997
417Declaring and delineating the Basco Port Zone under the administrative jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
419Declaring a moratorium on the establishment of duty-free stores/outlets in the PhilippinesJune 16, 1997
420Modifying the rates of duty on sugar as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the ASEAN preferential rates of duty thereonJune 17, 1997
421Further amending Executive Order No. 203 dated 27 September 1994, as amended by Executive Order No. 356, dated 12 July 1996June 20, 1997
422Creating the National Committee on the General Conference of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers in Manila, 27 May - 4 June 1998June 25, 1997
423Amendments to the guidelines on the entry and stay of foreign students in the Philippines and the establishment of an inter-agency committee for the purpose
405Authorizing the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) to reclaim and develop submerged areas vested in the PPA for port-related purposesJuly 17, 1997
428Creating the Multi-Sectoral Task Force on Maritime Development, defining its powers and functions and for other purposes
427Modifying the nomenclature and rates of import duty of certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464), as amendedJuly 21, 1997
426Enhancing the Inter-Agency Committee Against Passport Irregularities (ICPI) to ensure the effective coordination among concerned agencies in the investigation, prosecution and disposition of cases involving passport irregularitiesJuly 22, 1997
429Amending Executive Order No. 62, series of 1993, which prescribed the policies and guidelines to implement Republic Act No. 7227July 28, 1997
430Further streamlining the Bureau of Internal Revenue in line with its Computerized Integrated Tax System
431Providing for the creation of the National Coordinating Council for the Sugar IndustryAugust 5, 1997
433Establishing the criteria for Presidential Citations to private business individuals and entities, foreign or local, in recognition of their exceptional contributions toward the attainment of Philippine economic and development goalsAugust 7, 1997
434Amending Sections 2 and 4 of Executive Order No. 3 (dated 7 July 1992), as amendedAugust 20, 1997
435Devolving to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao certain powers and functions of the Department of Transportation and Communications, its sectoral offices and attached agencies in the region, and for other purposesAugust 28, 1997
436Prescribing policy guidelines to govern the operations of cable television in the PhilippinesSeptember 9, 1997
437Further amending Section 1, (par. f), of Executive Order No. 384, series of 1996, as amended, by including the regional directors of DOT as members of the regional development councilsSeptember 15, 1997
438Extending the effectivity of any charter or lease contract pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 760, as amended
439Modifying the nomenclature and the rates of import duty of certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree 1464), as amended
440Modifying the rates of duty of certain imported articles as provided under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the minimum 50% margin of preference on certain products included in the Brand-to-Brand Complementation Scheme in the automotive industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation
441Confirming the role of the Department of Transportation and Communications as the primary planning, implementing and coordinating agency for all railway, port and airport projectsSeptember 22, 1997
442Creating the Agno River Basin Development Commission to oversee and coordinate all developmental activities along the Agno River BasinSeptember 23, 1997
443Providing for the adoption of the Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services as the national delivery mechanism for the Minimum Basic Needs (MBN) ApproachSeptember 24, 1997
444Amending Executive Order Nos. 250, 250-A s. 1995 and 419 s. 1997 implementing the rationalization of duty free stores/outlets and their operations in the Philippines pursuant to Executive Order No. 140 s. 1993 and for other purposesSeptember 26, 1997
446Mandating the phase-out of leaded gasoline as one of the means of solving air pollution
445Providing for the implementation of the SZOPAD Social Fund and the mechanism for the administration thereofOctober 1, 1997
447Further amending Executive Order No. 175, dated April 30, 1994, as amended by Executive Order No. 223, dated February 7, 1995, Executive Order No. 229, dated March 19, 1995, and Executive Order No. 259, dated July 11, 1995, which created the Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle CommissionOctober 2, 1997
448Establishing the Philippine Quality Award and creating the Philippine Quality Award CommitteeOctober 3, 1997
449Realigning the organization of the Bureau of TreasuryOctober 7, 1997
451Creating the category of National Artist for Historical LiteratureOctober 9, 1997
450Ordering the dismantling of illegal fishpens and fishcages within the municipal waters of the Lingayen Gulf October 17, 1997
452Providing for the guidelines that will ensure the security of registered vendors in the workplaceOctober 24, 1997
453Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the 1997-2003 Philippine schedule of tariff reduction of products transferred from the temporary exclusion list to the inclusion list under the new time frame for the Accelerated Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (CEPT-AFTA)October 31, 1997
454Implementing austerity measures in government for 1997October 31, 1997
455November 11, 1997
456Amending further Executive Order No. 167 dated 25 March 1994 as amended by Executive Order No. 339 dated 21 May 1997 creating the Iwahig Penal Colony Inter-Agency Committee
457Amending Executive Orders No. 63 and 64, s. of 1993November 13, 1997
458Authorizing the grant of special allowance for fiscal year 1997 to all officials and employees of the national government, government-owned and controlled corporations and government financial institutionsNovember 17, 1997
459Providing for the guidelines in the negotiation of international agreements and its ratificationNovember 25, 1997
460Reactivating the jurisdiction and authority of the Special Committee on Naturalization to consider and evaluate petitions for naturalization of deserving aliens and to recommend action thereon to the President of the PhilippinesDecember 3, 1997
462Enabling private sector participation in the exploration, development, utilization and commercialization of ocean, solar and wind energy resources for power generation and other energy usesDecember 29, 1997
461Providing for the tariff nomenclature and implementing the rates of import duties on certain imported articles under Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree 1464), as amendedDecember 31, 1997


No.TitleDate signed
464Governing the admission and stay of foreign nationals in the Clark Special Economic Zone as temporary visitorsJanuary 6, 1998
463Creating the Management Information System and Technology Group in line with the computerization program of the Bureau of Customs January 9, 1998
465Modifying the nomenclature and the rates of import duty of certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree 1464 as amended)January 13, 1998
464Governing the admission and stay of foreign nationals in the Clark Special Economic Zone as temporary visitorsJanuary 26, 1998
468Providing for the creation of a national council for the promotion of electronic commerce in the countryFebruary 23, 1998
469Amending Executive Order No. 190 dated 19 July 1994 approving and adopting the National Information Technology Plan 2000 and establishing the National Information Technology Council
470Creating the Philippine Council for Mental HealthFebruary 24, 1998
471Declaring full deregulation of the downstream oil industryMarch 14, 1998
467Providing for a national policy on the operation and use of international satellite communications in the countryMarch 17, 1998
474Establishing the coordination and management mechanism for the preparation and implementation of the Mindanao Rural Development ProgramMarch 24, 1998
472Institutionalizing the Committee on Fuel Conservation and Efficiency in Road TransportMarch 25, 1998
475Transferring the Philippine Coast Guard from the Department of National Defense to the Office of the President, and for other purposesMarch 30, 1998
476Further amending Executive Order No. 169, series of 1994 by modifying the representations of DOF and DBM to the Central Bank - Board of LiquidatorsMarch 31, 1998
477Transferring the Philippine Coast Guard to the Department of Transportation and Communications April 15, 1998
473Providing for the segregation and unbundling of electrical power tariff components of the National Power Corporation and the franchised electric utilitiesApril 17, 1998
480Amending Executive Order No. 380 dated 2 December 1996, "Creating the Industry Development Council, defining its composition, powers and functions"April 27, 1998
481Directing the use, disposition, and administration of the Coco Levy Funds to rehabilitate the coconut industryMay 1, 1998
482Amending Executive Order No. 460 by deleting some portions from the title and from Sections 1 and 4 thereof, and by adding one more section theretoMay 7, 1998
478Increasing the minimum access volume (MAV) for coffee beans under the Agricultural Tariffication ActMay 22, 1998
479Amending Executive Order No. 249 dated May 29, 1995 granting permanent resident status to certain Vietnamese citizens and Filipino-Vietnamese childrenMay 31, 1998
483Adjusting the dividend rates of selected government owned and/or controlled corporations on their 1997 net earnings pursuant to Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7656June 2, 1998
484Approving and adopting the Medium Term Youth Development Plan: 1999-2004 and creating a monitoring committee to oversee its implementationJune 8, 1998
485Establishing the Youth Entrepreneurship Program and creating the National Cooperators Council, providing for its functions and for other purposesJune 9, 1998
486Modifying the nomenclature and the rates of import duty of certain imported articles under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree 1464 as amended)June 11, 1998
487Modifying the rates of duty on certain imported articles as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended, in order to implement the 1998-2003 Philippine schedule of tariff reductions of products transferred from the temporary exclusion list to the inclusion list under the new time frame of the Accelerated Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (CEPT-AFTA)
488Repealing Annex "B" of Executive Order No. 453 series of 1997 and implementing the ASEAN rates of duty of certain imported articles as provided for under the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, as amended

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  1. Messages of the President Fidel V. Ramos, 1992-1998, Book 12, Volume 4, Executive Orders Part 1. Manila: Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office. 2016. pp. 26–407.
  2. Messages of the President Fidel V. Ramos, 1992-1998, Book 12, Volume 4, Executive Orders Part 2. Manila: Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office. 2016. pp. 26–408.
  3. Messages of the President Fidel V. Ramos, 1992-1998, Book 12, Volume 4, Executive Orders Part 3. Manila: Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office. 2016. pp. 26–409.
  4. "Executive Orders". Supreme Court E-Library.