List of maria on the Moon

Last updated

This is a list of maria (large, dark, basaltic plains) on the Moon. It includes other basaltic plains, including the one oceanus as well as features known by the names lacus, palus and sinus. The modern system of lunar nomenclature was introduced in 1651 by Giovanni Battista Riccioli. [1] Riccioli's map of the Moon was drawn by Francesco Maria Grimaldi, who has a crater named after him.


Moon photo with maria and large impact craters labeled Topography of the Moon - Moon Craters and Seas.png
Moon photo with maria and large impact craters labeled
1882 chart of the moon with maria Astronomy for the use of schools and academies (1882) (14577550018).jpg
1882 chart of the moon with maria

Maria and Oceanus

Lunar Maria
Latin NameEnglish NameLat.Long.Diameter (km)
Mare Anguis Serpent Sea22.6° N67.7° E150
Mare Australe Southern Sea38.9° S93.0° E603
Mare Cognitum Sea of Knowledge10.0° S23.1° W376
Mare Crisium Sea of Crises17.0° N59.1° E418
Mare Fecunditatis Sea of Fecundity7.8° S51.3° E909
Mare Frigoris Sea of Cold56.0° N1.4° E1596
Mare Humboldtianum Sea of Alexander von Humboldt 56.8° N81.5° E273
Mare Humorum Sea of Moisture or Humors 24.4° S38.6° W389
Mare Imbrium [2] Sea of Showers32.8° N15.6° W1123
Mare Ingenii Sea of Cleverness33.7° S163.5° E318
Mare Insularum Sea of Islands7.5° N30.9° W513
Mare Marginis Sea of the Edge13.3° N86.1° E420
Mare Moscoviense Sea of Moscow 27.3° N147.9° E277
Mare Nectaris Sea of Nectar15.2° S35.5° E333
Mare Nubium Sea of Clouds21.3° S16.6° W715
Mare Orientale Eastern Sea19.4° S92.8° W327
Mare Serenitatis Sea of Serenity28.0° N17.5° E707
Mare Smythii Smyth's Sea1.3° N87.5° E373
Mare Spumans Foaming Sea1.1° N65.1° E139
Mare Tranquillitatis Sea of Tranquility8.5° N31.4° E873
Mare Undarum Sea of Waves6.8° N68.4° E243
Mare Vaporum Sea of Vapors13.3° N3.6° E245
Oceanus Procellarum Ocean of Storms18.4° N57.4° W2568

There was also a region on the Lunar farside that was briefly misidentified as a mare and named Mare Desiderii (Sea of Desire). It is no longer recognized. Other former maria include:


A related set of features are the Lunar lacus /ˈlkəs/ (singular also lacus, Latin for "lake"), [lower-alpha 1] which are smaller basaltic plains of similar origin:

Lunar Lacus
Latin NameEnglish NameLat.Long.Diameter (km)
Lacus Aestatis Lake of Summer15.0° S69.0° W90
Lacus Autumni Lake of Autumn9.9° S83.9° W183
Lacus Bonitatis Lake of Goodness23.2° N43.7° E92
Lacus Doloris Lake of Sorrow17.1° N9.0° E110
Lacus Excellentiae Lake of Excellence35.4° S44.0° W184
Lacus Felicitatis Lake of Happiness19.0° N5.0° E90
Lacus Gaudii Lake of Joy16.2° N12.6° E113
Lacus Hiemalis Lake of Winter15.0° N14.0° E50
Lacus Lenitatis Lake of Softness14.0° N12.0° E80
Lacus Luxuriae Lake of Luxury19.0° N176.0° E50
Lacus Mortis Lake of Death45.0° N27.2° E151
Lacus Oblivionis Lake of Forgetfulness21.0° S168.0° W50
Lacus Odii Lake of Hatred19.0° N7.0° E70
Lacus Perseverantiae Lake of Perseverance8.0° N62.0° E70
Lacus Solitudinis Lake of Solitude27.8° S104.3° E139
Lacus Somniorum Lake of Dreams38.0° N29.2° E384
Lacus Spei Lake of Hope43.0° N65.0° E80
Lacus Temporis Lake of Time45.9° N58.4° E117
Lacus Timoris Lake of Fear38.8° S27.3° W117
Lacus Veris Lake of Spring16.5° S86.1° W396

Sinus and Paludes

A related set of features are the sinus /ˈsnəs/ (singular sinus, Latin for "bay") [lower-alpha 2] and paludes /pəˈldz/ (singular palus /ˈpləs/ , Latin palūs, palūdēs "marsh"):

Lunar Sinus and Paludes
Latin NameEnglish NameLat.Long.Diameter (km)
Palus Epidemiarum Marsh of Epidemics32.0° S28.2° W286
Palus Putredinis Marsh of Decay26.5° N0.4° E161
Palus Somni Marsh of Sleep14.1° N45.0° E143
Sinus Aestuum Seething Bay10.9° N8.8° W290
Sinus Amoris Bay of Love18.1° N39.1° E130
Sinus Asperitatis Bay of Roughness3.8° S27.4° E206
Sinus Concordiae Bay of Harmony10.8° N43.2° E142
Sinus Fidei Bay of Trust18.0° N2.0° E70
Sinus Honoris Bay of Honor11.7° N18.1° E109
Sinus Iridum Bay of Rainbows44.1° N31.5° W236
Sinus Lunicus Lunik Bay31.8° N1.4° W126
Sinus Medii Bay of the center2.4° N1.7° E335
Sinus Roris Bay of Dew54.0° N56.6° W202
Sinus Successus Bay of Success0.9° N59.0° E132

Some sources also list a Palus Nebularum (Latin palūs nebulārum /ˈpləsnɛbjʊˈlɛərəm/ "Marsh of Mists") at 38.0° N, 1.0° E. However the designation for this feature has not been officially recognized by the IAU.

See also


  1. In Latin, the singular is lacus ['lakʊs] and the plural is lacūs ['lakuːs] , but they are spelled and pronounced the same in English.
  2. As with 'lacus', Latin sg. sinus and plural sinūs are spelled and pronounced the same in English.

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  1. Moore, Patrick (1983). The Guinness book of astronomy facts and feats. Enfield, Middlesex: Guinness Superlatives Ltd. p. 25. ISBN   0-85112-258-2.
  2. "Moon Mare/Maria". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
  3. 1 2 "Astronomica Langrenus" (in Italian). Archived from the original on 2006-10-12. Retrieved 2006-12-05.