List of maritime explorers

Last updated

This is a list of maritime explorers. The list includes explorers who have substantially contributed to human knowledge of the planet's geography, weather, biodiversity, and human cultures, or who have significantly contributed to the expansion of trade and communication between populations.


Ocean explorers

NationalitySailed forNameFirst voyage of explorationLast voyage of exploration Arctic [1] North Atlantic Indian Pacific South Atlantic Southern
PortuguesePortugal de Abreu, António 15071512      
PortuguesePortugal de Albuquerque, Afonso 1503        
PortuguesePortugal de Alenquer, Pero 14871488      
PortuguesePortugal de Almeida, Francisco         
PortuguesePortugal Álvares, Jorge         
PortuguesePortugal de Azambuja, Diogo        
PortuguesePortugal de Barcelos, Pero         
Newfoundlander [2] United States Bartlett, Robert         
Estonian [3] Russia von Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieb      * [4]   
Danish [5] Russia Bering, Vitus      *  
FrenchFrance de Bougainville, Louis Antoine         
EnglishBritain Byron, John         
ItalianEngland Cabot, John         
ItalianEngland and Aragon Cabot, Sebastian         
PortuguesePortugal Cabral, Pedro Álvares         
Portuguese [6] Spain Cabrillo, João Rodrígues         
VenetianPortugal Cadamosto. Alvise         
PortuguesePortugal Caminha, Álvaro         
PortuguesePortugal de Caminha, Pero Vaz         
PortuguesePortugal Cão, Diogo         
FrenchFrance Cartier, Jacques 1534        
English England Cavendish, Thomas 1586-1588        
FrenchFrance de Champlain, Samuel         
PortuguesePortugal Coelho, Gonçalo         
PortuguesePortugal Coelho, Nicolau         
ItalianSpain Columbus, Christopher         
EnglishBritain Cook, James 1768–17711776–1779   3 1
PortuguesePortugal Corte-Real, Gaspar         
PortuguesePortugal Corte-Real, Miguel         
PortuguesePortugal da Cunha, Tristão         
English England Dampier, William         
EnglishEngland and Netherlands Davis, John         
 RussianRussia Dezhnev, Semyon      *  
PortuguesePortugal Dias, Bartolomeu         
PortuguesePortugal Dias, Dinis         
PortuguesePortugal Dias, Diogo         
PortuguesePortugal Dias, Pero         
PortuguesePortugal do Pó, Fernão         
EnglishEngland Drake, Francis 1577–15811577–1581  111 
PortuguesePortugal Eanes, Gil         
NorwegianNorse Erik the Red         
 IcelandicNorse Ericson, Leif         
PortuguesePortugal Escobar, Pedro         
PortuguesePortugal Fernandes, Álvaro         
EnglishBritain Flinders, Matthew         
 EnglishEngland Frobisher, Martin         
PortuguesePortugal da Gama, Estêvão         
PortuguesePortugal da Gama, Paulo         
PortuguesePortugal da Gama, Vasco 1497-1499 1524       
 EnglishEngland and Ireland Gilbert, Humphrey         
Russian Russia Golovnin, Vasily      *  
PortuguesePortugal Gonçalves, André         
PortuguesePortugal Gonçalves, Antão         
PortuguesePortugal Gonçalves, Lopes         
PortuguesePortugal Grego, João         
 EnglishEngland Hudson, Henry         
PortuguesePortugal Infante, João         
Baltic GermanRussia von Kotzebue, Otto      *  
Baltic German Russia and Britain Kruzenshtern, Ivan Fedorovich      *  
FrenchFrance de Lapérouse, Jean François de Galaup, comte         
PortuguesePortugal and England Lavrador, João Fernandes         
 RussianRussia and Britain Lazarev, Mikhail Petrovich      *  
PortuguesePortugal de Lemos, Gaspar         
RussianRussia Litke, Fyodor Petrovich      *  
PortugueseSpain and Portugal Magellan, Ferdinand         
 DutchNetherlands le Maire, Jacob         
PortuguesePortugal Martins, Álvaro         
PortuguesePortugal Mascarenhas, Pedro         
SpanishSpain de Mendaña, Álvaro  1567-1569       
GenoesePortugal Noli, António         
PortuguesePortugal de Noronha, Fernão         
GalicianPortugal da Nova, João         
 FrenchFrance Paulmyer, Binot         
PortuguesePortugal Pereira, Duarte Pacheco         
PortuguesePortugal Perestrelo, Bartolomeu         
 GermanDenmark and Hamburg Pining, Didrik         
PortuguesePortugal Pinto, Fernão Mendes         
PortuguesePortugal Pires, Luís         
PortugueseSpain de Queirós, Pedro Fernandes         
PortuguesePortugal Rodrigues, Diogo         
PortuguesePortugal de Santarém, João         
 DutchNetherlands Schouten, Willem         
IrishBritain Shackleton, Ernest         
PortuguesePortugal Silves, Diogo         
PortuguesePortugal de Sintra, Pedro         
Portuguese [7] Spain Soromenho, Sebastião Rodrígues         
PortuguesePortugal de Sousa, Martim Afonso         
 DutchNetherlands Tasman, Abel         
PortuguesePortugal Teixeira, Tristão Vaz         
Portuguese or Spanish (Galician)Spain de Torres, Luis Váez         
PortuguesePortugal Tristão, Nuno         
 EnglishBritain Vancouver, George         
PortuguesePortugal Vaz Corte-Real, João         
PortuguesePortugal Velho, Gonçalo         
Italian France da Verrazzano, Giovanni         
ItalianSpain and Portugal Vespucci, Amerigo         
EnglishBritain Wallis, Samuel         
 Baltic GermanRussia Wrangel, Ferdinand Petrovich      *  
PortuguesePortugal Zarco, João Gonçalves         
ChineseChina (Three Kingdoms period of China) Kang Tai 300        
ChineseChina (Three Kingdoms period of China) Zhu Ying 300        
ChineseChina (Yuen dynasty) Wang Dayuan 1330        
ChineseChina (Ming dynasty) Zheng He 1405 1431       
ChineseChina (Ming dynasty) Ma Huan 1413        
ChineseChina (Ming dynasty) Fei Xin 1409        

See also

References and notes

  1. The numbers indicate the number of exploratory voyages. A ship sailing from port through familiar seas does not start exploring until terra incognita is sighted, or a new sea is sailed confirming the lack of land as in the case of James Cook's second voyage, when he could confirm that the Terra Australis land mass did not exist in the regions of the Southern Ocean that he sailed.
  2. Newfoundland then part of the British Empire
  3. Estonia - then part of the Russian Empire
  4. Indicates a voyage
  5. Sailed for the Russian Empire
  6. In some sources Spanish
  7. In some sources Spanish