Legend of nucleobases | |
Code | Nucleotide represented |
A | Adenine (A) |
C | Cytosine (C) |
G | Guanine (G) |
T | Thymine (T) |
N | A, C, G or T |
M | A or C |
R | A or G |
W | A or T |
Y | C or T |
S | C or G |
K | G or T |
H | A, C or T |
B | C, G or T |
V | A, C or G |
D | A, G or T |
This article contains a list of the most studied restriction enzymes whose names start with Ba to Bc inclusive. It contains approximately 120 enzymes.
The following information is given:
as in this not listed enzyme: | EcoR70I |
Enzyme | PDB code | Source | Recognition sequence | Cut | Isoschizomers | ||||||
Bac36I | Bacillus alcalophilus 36 | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG | 5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5' | AspS9I, AvcI, BavAII, Bce22I, Bsp1894I, Bsu54I, FmuI, NspIV | |||||||
BaeI [7] | Bacillus sphaericus | 5' ACN4GTAYC 3' TGN4CATYG | 5' ---ACN4GTAYCN6NNNNNN --- 3' 3' ---TGN4CATYGN6N NNNNN--- 5' | — None in May 2010 — | |||||||
BalI [8] [9] | Brevibacterium albidum | 5' TGGCCA 3' ACCGGT | 5' ---TGG CCA--- 3' 3' ---ACC GGT--- 5' | ||||||||
Bal228I | Bacillus alcalophilus 228 | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG | 5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5' | AspS9I, AvcI, BavAII, BshKI, Bsp1894I, Bsu54I, FmuI, NspIV | |||||||
BamHI [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] | 1BAM | Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H | 5' GGATCC 3' CCTAGG | 5' ---G GATCC--- 3' 3' ---CCTAG G--- 5' | AccEBI, AliI, ApaCI, AsiI, Bce751I, Bsp98I, Bsp4009I, BspAAIII, CelI, Nsp29132II, NspSAIV, SolI, SurI | ||||||
BamNII | Bacillus amyloliquefaciens N | 5' GGWCC 3' CCWGG | 5' ---G GWCC--- 3' 3' ---CCWG G--- 5' | BcuAI, BsrAI, CauI, EagMI, FdiI, HgiCII, HgiJI, SinI | |||||||
BanI [31] [32] | Bacillus aneurinolyticus | 5' GGYRCC 3' CCRYGG | 5' ---G GYRCC--- 3' 3' ---CCRYG G--- 5' | AccB1I, BbvBI, BspT107I, Eco64I, HgiCI, HgiHI, MspB4I, PfaAI | |||||||
BanII [12] [31] | Bacillus aneurinolyticus | 5' GRGCYC 3' CYCGRG | 5' ---GRGCY C--- 3' 3' ---C YCGRG--- 5' | ||||||||
BanIII [31] | Bacillus aneurinolyticus | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA | 5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5' | AagI, BavCI, Bsa29I, BseCI, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI | |||||||
BanAI | Bacillus anthracis | 5' GGCC 3' CCGG | 5' ---GG CC--- 3' 3' ---CC GG--- 5' | ||||||||
BasI | Bacillus sp. | 5' CCAN5TGG 3' GGTN5ACC | 5' ---CCANNNN NTGG--- 3' 3' ---GGTN NNNNACC--- 5' | AccB7I, AcpII, Asp10HII, Esp1396I, PflBI, PflMI, Van91I | |||||||
BauI | Bacillus aquaemaris RFL1 | 5' CACGAG 3' GTGCTC | 5' ---C ACGAG--- 3' 3' ---GTGCT C--- 5' | ||||||||
BavI | Bacillus alvei | 5' CAGCTG 3' GTCGAC | 5' ---CAG CTG--- 3' 3' ---GTC GAC--- 5' | ||||||||
BavAI | Bacillus alvei A | 5' CAGCTG 3' GTCGAC | 5' ---CAG CTG--- 3' 3' ---GTC GAC--- 5' | ||||||||
BavAII | Bacillus alvei A | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG | 5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5' | AspS9I, AvcI, BavBII, BshKI, Bsp1894I, Bsu54I, FmuI, NspIV | |||||||
BavBI | Bacillus alvei B | 5' CAGCTG 3' GTCGAC | 5' ---CAG CTG--- 3' 3' ---GTC GAC--- 5' | ||||||||
BavBII | Bacillus alvei B | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG | 5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5' | AspS9I, Bac36I, BavAII, BshKI, BspBII, Bsu54I, FmuI, Pde12I | |||||||
BavCI | Bacillus alvei C | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA | 5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5' | AagI, BanIII, Bsa29I, BseCI, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI | |||||||
BbeI [33] | Bifidobacterium breve YIT4006 | 5' GGCGCC 3' CCGCGG | 5' ---GGCGC C--- 3' 3' ---C CGCGG--- 5' | ||||||||
BbiII | Bifidobacterium bifidum YIT4007 | 5' GRCGYC 3' CYGCRG | 5' ---GR CGYC--- 3' 3' ---CYGC RG--- 5' | AcyI, AhaII, BbiII, HgiHII, Hin1I, Hsp92I, Msp17I, PamII | |||||||
Bbi24I | Bifidobacterium bifidum S-24 | 5' ACGCGT 3' TGCGCA | 5' ---A CGCGT--- 3' 3' ---TGCGC A--- 5' | ||||||||
BbrI | Bordetella bronchiseptica 4994 | 5' AAGCTT 3' TTCGAA | 5' ---A AGCTT--- 3' 3' ---TTCGA A--- 5' | ||||||||
Bbr7I | Bacillus brevis 7 | 5' GAAGAC 3' CTTCTG | 5' ---GAAGACN6N NNNNN--- 3' 3' ---CTTCTGN6NNNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
BbrPI [34] [35] | Bacillus brevis | 5' CACGTG 3' GTGCAC | 5' ---CAC GTG--- 3' 3' ---GTG CAC--- 5' | AcvI, BcoAI, Eco72I, PmaCI, PmlI, PspCI | |||||||
BbsI [36] | Bacillus laterosporus | 5' GAAGAC 3' CTTCTG | 5' ---GAAGACNN NNNN--- 3' 3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
BbuI [37] | Bacillus circulans | 5' GCATGC 3' CGTACG | 5' ---GCATG C--- 3' 3' ---C GTACG--- 5' | ||||||||
BbvI [38] [39] | Bacillus brevis | 5' GCAGC 3' CGTCG | 5' ---GCAGCN7N NNNN--- 3' 3' ---CGTCGN7NNNNN --- 5' | AlwXI, BseKI, BseXI, Bsp423I, Bst12I, Bst71I, BstV1I | |||||||
BbvII [40] | Bacillus brevis 80 | 5' GAAGAC 3' CTTCTG | 5' ---GAAGACNN NNNN--- 3' 3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
Bbv12I [41] | Bacillus brevis 12 | 5' GWGCWC 3' CWCGWG | 5' ---GWGCW C--- 3' 3' ---C WCGWG--- 5' |
| |||||||
Bbv16II | Bacillus brevis 16 | 5' GAAGAC 3' CTTCTG | 5' ---GAAGACNN NNNN--- 3' 3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
BbvAI | Bacillus brevis A | 5' GAAN4TTC 3' CTTN4AAG | 5' ---GAANN NNTTC--- 3' 3' ---CTTNN NNAAG--- 5' | Asp700I, MroXI, PdmI, XmnI | |||||||
BbvAII | Bacillus brevis A | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA | 5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5' | BavCI, Bci29I, Bli86I, BseCI, BspZEI, Bsu15I, ClaI, Rme21I | |||||||
BbvAIII | Bacillus brevis A | 5' TCCGGA 3' AGGCCT | 5' ---T CCGGA--- 3' 3' ---AGGCC T--- 5' | AccIII, Aor13HI, BlfI, BseAI, Bsp13I, BspEI, Bsu23I, Kpn2I | |||||||
BbvBI | Bacillus brevis B | 5' GGYRCC 3' CCRYGG | 5' ---G GYRCC--- 3' 3' ---CCRYG G--- 5' | BanI, BshNI, BspT107I, Eco64I, HgiCI, HgiHI, MspB4I, PfaAI | |||||||
BbvCI [42] | Bacillus brevis | 5' CCTCAGC 3' GGAGTCG | 5' ---CC TCAGC--- 3' 3' ---GGAGT CG--- 5' | AbeI | |||||||
Bca77I | Bacillus caldolyticus | 5' WCCGGW 3' WGGCCW | 5' ---W CCGGW--- 3' 3' ---WGGCC W--- 5' | ||||||||
BccI | Bacteroides caccae | 5' CCATC 3' GGTAG | 5' ---CCATCNNNN N--- 3' 3' ---GGTAGNNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
Bce4I | Bacillus cereus B4 | 5' GCN7GC 3' CGN7CG | 5' ---GCNNNNN NNGC--- 3' 3' ---CGNN NNNNNCG--- 5' | ||||||||
Bce22I | Bacillus cereus 22 | 5' GGNCC 3' CCNGG | 5' ---G GNCC--- 3' 3' ---CCNG G--- 5' | AspS9I, Bac36I, BavAII, BshKI, BspBII, CcuI, FmuI, Pde12I | |||||||
Bce83I [43] | Bacillus cereus 83 | 5' CTTGAG 3' GAACTC | 5' ---CTTGAGN13NNN --- 3' 3' ---GAACTCN13N NN--- 5' | ||||||||
Bce243I | Bacillus cereus | 5' GATC 3' CTAG | 5' --- GATC--- 3' 3' ---CTAG --- 5' | Bfi57I, Bsp143I, BspJI, BstMBI, CviAI, Kzo9I, NdeII, Sth368I | |||||||
Bce751I | Bacillus cereus 751 | 5' GGATCC 3' CCTAGG | 5' ---G GATCC--- 3' 3' ---CCTAG G--- 5' | BamHI, Bce751I, BnaI, Bsp98I, Bsp4009I, BstI, NspSAIV, Pfl8I | |||||||
BceAI | Bacillus cereus 1315 | 5' ACGGC 3' TGCCG | 5' ---ACGGCN11N NN--- 3' 3' ---TGCCGN11NNN --- 5' | ||||||||
BceBI | Bacillus cereus 1323 | 5' CGCG 3' GCGC | 5' ---CG CG--- 3' 3' ---GC GC--- 5' | AccII, Bsh1236I, BtkI, Csp68KVI, FalII, FauBII, FnuDII, SelI, ThaI | |||||||
BceCI | Bacillus cereus 1195 | 5' GCN7GC 3' CGN7CG | 5' ---GCNNNNN NNGC--- 3' 3' ---CGNN NNNNNCG--- 5' | ||||||||
BcefI [44] | Bacillus cereus fluorescens | 5' ACGGC 3' TGCCG | 5' ---ACGGCN10NN N--- 3' 3' ---TGCCGN10NNN --- 5' | ||||||||
BcgI [45] [46] | Bacillus coagulans | 5' CGAN6TGC 3' GCTN6ACG | 5' ---CGAN6TGCN9NNN --- 3' 3' ---GCTN6ACGN9N NN--- 5' | ||||||||
Bci29I | Bacillus circulans 29 | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA | 5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5' | BavCI, BciBI, Bli86I, BseCI, BspZEI, Bsu15I, ClaI, Rme21I | |||||||
BciBI | Bacillus circulans B | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA | 5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5' | BavCI, BcmI, Bli86I, BseCI, BspZEI, Bsu15I, ClaI, Rme21I | |||||||
BciBII | Bacillus circulans B | 5' CCWGG 3' GGWCC | 5' ---CC WGG--- 3' 3' ---GGW CC--- 5' | AjnI, ApyI, BptI, Bst1I, BstOI, BstM6I, Bst2UI, EcoRII, MvaI | |||||||
BciVI [47] | Bacillus circulans | 5' GTATCC 3' CATAGG | 5' ---GTATCCN4NN --- 3' 3' ---CATAGGN4N N--- 5' | BfuI | |||||||
BclI [15] [48] [49] | Bacillus caldolyticus | 5' TGATCA 3' ACTAGT | 5' ---T GATCA--- 3' 3' ---ACTAG T--- 5' |
| |||||||
BcmI | Bacillus sp. | 5' ATCGAT 3' TAGCTA | 5' ---AT CGAT--- 3' 3' ---TAGC TA--- 5' | BsuTUI, Bsu15I, BavCI, Bli86I, BspZEI, Rme21I, BseCI, BdiI | |||||||
BcnI [50] [51] [52] | 2ODH | Bacillus centrosporus RFL1 | 5' CCSGG 3' GGSCC | 5' ---CC SGG--- 3' 3' ---GGS CC--- 5' |
| ||||||
BcoI [53] | Bacillus coagulans SM 1 | 5' CYCGRG 3' GRGCYC | 5' ---C YCGRG--- 3' 3' ---GRGCY C--- 5' | Ama87I, AquI, BsoBI, BstSI, Eco88I, NspSAI, OfoI, PunAI | |||||||
Bco5I | Bacillus coagulans 5 | 5' CTCTTC 3' GAGAAG | 5' ---CTCTTCN NNN--- 3' 3' ---GAGAAGNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
Bco27I | Bacillus coagulans 27 | 5' CCGG 3' GGCC | 5' ---C CGG--- 3' 3' ---GGC C--- 5' | ||||||||
Bco116I | Bacillus coagulans 116 | 5' CTCTTC 3' GAGAAG | 5' ---CTCTTCN NNN--- 3' 3' ---GAGAAGNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
Bco118I | Bacillus coagulans 118 | 5' RCCGGY 3' YGGCCR | 5' ---R CCGGY--- 3' 3' ---YGGCC R--- 5' | ||||||||
BcoAI | Bacillus coagulans AUCM B-732 | 5' CACGTG 3' GTGCAC | 5' ---CAC GTG--- 3' 3' ---GTG CAC--- 5' | AcvI, BbrPI, Eco72I, PmaCI, PmlI, PspCI | |||||||
BcoKI | Bacillus coagulans | 5' CTCTTC 3' GAGAAG | 5' ---CTCTTCN NNN--- 3' 3' ---GAGAAGNNNN --- 5' | ||||||||
BcuI | Bacillus coagulans Vs 29-022 | 5' ACTAGT 3' TGATCA | 5' ---A CTAGT--- 3' 3' ---TGATC A--- 5' | AhII, AclNI, SpeI | |||||||
BcuAI | Bacillus cereus BKM B-814 | 5' GGWCC 3' CCWGG | 5' ---G GWCC--- 3' 3' ---CCWG G--- 5' | BamNxI, BsrAI, Csp68KI, EagMI, FssI, HgiCII, HgiJI, SinI |
A restriction enzyme, restriction endonuclease, REase, ENase orrestrictase is an enzyme that cleaves DNA into fragments at or near specific recognition sites within molecules known as restriction sites. Restriction enzymes are one class of the broader endonuclease group of enzymes. Restriction enzymes are commonly classified into five types, which differ in their structure and whether they cut their DNA substrate at their recognition site, or if the recognition and cleavage sites are separate from one another. To cut DNA, all restriction enzymes make two incisions, once through each sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA double helix.
NlaIII is a type II restriction enzyme isolated from Neisseria lactamica. As part of the restriction modification system, NlaIII is able to prevent foreign DNA from integrating into the host genome by cutting double stranded DNA into fragments at specific sequences. This results in further degradation of the fragmented foreign DNA and prevents it from infecting the host genome.
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (cytosine-N4-specific) is an enzyme with systematic name S-adenosyl-L-methionine:DNA-cytosine N4-methyltransferase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction:
DNA adenine methylase, (Dam) (also site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific), EC, modification methylase, restriction-modification system) is an enzyme that adds a methyl group to the adenine of the sequence 5'-GATC-3' in newly synthesized DNA. Immediately after DNA synthesis, the daughter strand remains unmethylated for a short time. It is an orphan methyltransferase that is not part of a restriction-modification system and regulates gene expression. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction
The homing endonucleases are a collection of endonucleases encoded either as freestanding genes within introns, as fusions with host proteins, or as self-splicing inteins. They catalyze the hydrolysis of genomic DNA within the cells that synthesize them, but do so at very few, or even singular, locations. Repair of the hydrolyzed DNA by the host cell frequently results in the gene encoding the homing endonuclease having been copied into the cleavage site, hence the term 'homing' to describe the movement of these genes. Homing endonucleases can thereby transmit their genes horizontally within a host population, increasing their allele frequency at greater than Mendelian rates.
PstI is a type II restriction endonuclease isolated from the Gram negative species, Providencia stuartii.