Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame and Museum

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Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame and Museum
Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame and Museum
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
TypeSports Hall of Fame and Museum

The Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame and Museum is a Canadian museum in Winnipeg, Manitoba, dedicated to honoring the history and achievements of sports in Manitoba. The organization began in 1980, and then opened a museum in The Forks in 1993. After five years, the museum moved to The Bay store on Portage Avenue. Its present-day location is the Sport Manitoba building (145 Pacific Ave.), where it had its grand opening on October 27, 2012. [1]


Exhibits of Manitoba's sports teams and honoured athletes are displayed in the museum.

The Hall of Fame inducts both individuals as well as teams.

Individual Members

2022 Andrea "Ando" FergusonAthlete Ringette
2004 Beatrice "Bea" (Hall) McKenzieAthlete Softball
1984 Vivian (King) Thompson Athlete Swimming
1996 Mary (Rutton) RobinsonAthlete Multi-sport
2006 Joanne (Mucz) Vergara Athlete Swimming
1987 Janet (Maddin) NealeAthlete Athletics
1996 Isny (Johnson) GallimoreAthlete Multi-sport
1997 Merlene (Wach) NetterfieldAthlete Golf
2010 Jo-Ann (Percy) LindsayAthlete Golf
2001 Eileen Whalley Richards Athlete Speed skating
1984 Robina (Higgins) Haight Athlete Athletics
1989 Betty (Mitchell) OlsonAthlete Speed skating
1992 Evelyn (Wawryshyn) Moroz Athlete Baseball
1995 Doreen (McCannell) Botterill Athlete Speed skating
1984 Mary Rose (Thacker) Temple Athlete Figure skating
1986 Elizabeth (Appleby) Levin Athlete Speed skating
1981 Howard Wood Sr. Athlete Curling
2004 Bill Heindl Sr. Athlete Multi-sport
1999 Ward Wood McVeyAthlete Multi-sport
2007 Emile St. Godard Athlete Dog sledding
2007 Angela (Johnson) Straub Athlete Basketball
2011 Ronald G. TurnbullAthlete / Builder Cricket
1994 Robert "Bud" Tinsley Athlete Canadian football
1992 Robert "Bobby" SummersAthlete Horse racing
1997 Gordon Rowland Athlete Canadian football
1988 Steve Patrick Athlete Canadian football
2004 Ches McCance Athlete Canadian football
2004 James "Sugar Jim" Henry Athlete Hockey
1993 Tom Casey Athlete Canadian football
1994 Mark Berger Athlete Judo
1985 Gordon Hudson Athlete Curling
2012 Terry Ball Athlete Hockey
1993 Tom Johnson Athlete Hockey
1991 Martin Riley Athlete Basketball
2009 H. Sanford "Sandy" Riley Athlete / Builder Sailing
1997 Jack Stewart Athlete Hockey
1981 Frank Stack Athlete Speed skating
1981 Culver RileyBuilder Multi-sport
1995 Herb Gray Athlete Canadian football
2004 Eddie James Athlete Canadian football
2011 Bob Cameron Athlete Canadian football
1989 Charlie Gardiner Athlete Hockey
2013 Harold Edward Joseph "Bullet Joe" Simpson Athlete Canadian football
1984 Ab Gowanlock Athlete Curling
1996 Ab McDonald Athlete Hockey
1995 Al MillerBuilder Multi-sport
1996 Al SparksAthlete Boxing
1992 Albert AtamanchukBuilder Weightlifting
1986 Albert FordBuilder Swimming
1982 Alfred Wurr Athlete Wrestling
2004 Alistair SwansonAthlete Athletics
1983 Allan BoesAthlete Golf
1996 Allan CarlsonBuilder Basketball
1997 Allan RobertsonBuilder Baseball
1993 Andy Bathgate Athlete Hockey
1989 Andrew CurrieBuilder Football
2001 Angela Chalmers Athlete Athletics
1994 Anne TachanAthlete Golf
1997 Arthur U. "Art" ChipmanBuilder Football
2000 John "Army" Howard Athlete Athletics
1990 Babe Pratt Athlete Hockey
2013 Barney Hartman Athlete Skeet shooting
2009 Lesley (Hamerton) DiversAthlete Basketball
1985 Ben Hatskin Builder Hockey
1991 Bert De PapeBuilder Aquatics
1983 Bert SnartAthlete Horseshoes
2007 Beth Cochran Athlete Basketball
1993 Bill AddisonBuilder Baseball / Hockey
1992 Bill Brigden Athlete Paddling
2001 Bill Ceretti Athlete Canadian football
2004 Bill Ezinicki Athlete Hockey
2007 Bill Fairbairn Athlete Hockey
1992 Bill Juzda Athlete Hockey
1980 Bill Mosienko Athlete Hockey
1995 Bill PidlaskiAthlete Golf
1984 Billie HughesBuilder Trainer
2004 Billy "The Kid" MarquardtAthlete Boxing
2004 Robert H. "Bob" DunbarAthlete Curling
1991 Bob Hamerton Athlete Swimming
2004 R. W. "Bob" Harley Athlete Soccer
1996 Bob McEachernAthlete 5-pin bowling
2007 Bob Town Athlete Basketball
1987 Bobby Clarke Athlete Hockey
1989 Bobby Hull Athlete Hockey
1986 R. J. "Bobby" ReithAthlete Golf
1992 Bonnie Wittmeier Athlete Gymnastics
1989 Brian MacLaren Athlete Athletics
1987 Bruce Pirnie Athlete Athletics
1985 Bryan Hextall Athlete Hockey
2004 Bud Marquardt Athlete Canadian football
1984 Bud Grant Builder Canadian football
1992 Butch Goring Athlete Hockey
1983 Carl Ridd Athlete Basketball
1985 Catherine KerrAthlete Swimming
1980 Cecil Browne Athlete Multi-sport
1993 Cec WattBuilder Curling
1986 Charlie CaithnessBuilder Soccer
1986 Charlie IvesBuilder Squash
1989 Charlie KruppBuilder Softball
2004 Ching Johnson Athlete Hockey
1999 Chris McCubbins Athlete Athletics
2006 Chris Walby Athlete Canadian football
2010 Christine O'ConnorBuilder Soccer
2002 Christian WeberAthlete Athletics
2012 Clarice FitzpatrickAthlete / Builder Lawn bowling
1998 Cliff BishopAthlete Softball
2004 Cliff Roseborough Athlete Canadian football
1982 Conrad RileyAthlete Rowing
1982 Cyril Coaffee Athlete Athletics
2007 Dale IwanoczkoAthlete Volleyball
2007 Dallas Smith Athlete Hockey
1981 Dan Bain Athlete Multi-sport
2007 Dan Halldorson Athlete Golf
1991 Dave Lyon Builder Athletics
1996 Dennis NordBuilder Volleyball
2009 Derek Riley Athlete Rowing
2004 R. H. "Dick" BuckinghamAthlete Lacrosse
1983 Dick Irvin Athlete Hockey
1998 Don Raleigh Athlete Hockey
2006 Don Starkell Athlete Multi-sport
1993 Donald SewellAthlete Rifle shooting
1990 Donny Lalonde Athlete Boxing
1999 Doran SewellAthlete Target rifle shooting
1991 Doreen WardleBuilder Figure skating
1994 Doug AllenBuilder Disabled skiing
1983 Doug GroffAthlete Canoeing
1995 Doug Summers Builder Hockey
1997 Dylis TurnerAthlete 5-pin bowling
1995 Eddie Mazur Athlete Hockey
1980 Eddie CassBuilder Baseball
1987 Elfriede GoermannBuilder Gymnastics
1980 Eric Coy Athlete Athletics
1985 Erick OlandAthlete Cycling
1981 Ernie Draffin Builder Soccer
1987 Ernie O'DowdeBuilder Lacrosse
1991 Ethel BieberAthlete Swimming
1981 Frank Fredrickson Athlete Hockey
2010 Frank Rigney Athlete Canadian football
1989 Frank McKinnon Builder Multi-sport
1989 Fred Dunsmore Athlete Hockey
2000 Fred Ingaldson Athlete Basketball
1988 Fred "Steamer" Maxwell Builder Hockey
1999 Fred Shero Builder Hockey
1980 Fritz Hanson Athlete Canadian football
1998 Gail AdamsonBuilder Synchronized swimming
1989 Garth Pischke Athlete Volleyball
1999 Gene TurkAthlete Squash
1988 George Knudson Athlete Golf
1980 George Anderson Builder Soccer
1996 Gerry HowardBuilder Softball
1982 Gerry James Athlete Canadian football
1990 Gerry MacKayBuilder Baseball
1992 Gladwyn ScottBuilder Multi-sport
2011 Glenn McWhinney Athlete Canadian football / Basketball
1986 Glennis ScottBuilder Baseball
2011 Glenn ScottBuilder Baseball
1988 Gordon Audley Athlete Speed skating
1985 Gordon KonantsBuilder Cross Country Skiing
1987 Gordon "Gordie" MackieBuilder Therapist
2005 Grant Ledyard Athlete Hockey
2003 Grant SkinnerAthlete Softball
1994 Guy SimonisBuilder Multi-sport
2004 Harold Eidsvig Athlete Golf
2004 Henry GerowAthlete Target rifle shooting
1999 Herb EmbuldeniyaBuilder Boxing
2003 Herbert OlafssonAthlete Basketball
2004 Jack Jacobs Athlete Canadian football
1993 Jack MacDonaldBuilder Badminton
1984 Jack McCulloch Athlete Speed skating
1988 Jack MowatBuilder Gymnastics
2004 Jack SecterAthlete Athletics
1982 Jack SmythAthlete Athletics
1982 James HouldonAthlete Rifle / Handgun / Skeet shooting
1983 R. James SpearsBuilder Horse racing
1990 James TettamantiAthlete Cycling
1986 Janet Nutter Athlete Diving
2004 Jeff Nicklin Athlete Canadian football
1998 Jim AdamsBuilder Softball
1981 Jim BullochBuilder Basketball
1994 Jim DalyBuilder Athletics
2004 Jim McFadden Athlete Hockey
1981 Jim Trifunov Athlete Wrestling
1997 Jim Ursel Athlete Curling
1980 Jimmy Ball Athlete Athletics
2011 Joan WhalleyBuilder Curling
1984 Joe Keeper Athlete Athletics
1982 Joe Ryan Builder Football
2004 Joe Poplawski Athlete Canadian football
2011 Joe WiwcharBuilder Baseball
2004 John McCreedy Athlete Hockey
1998 John PotterBuilder Football
1995 John TragerBuilder 10 pin bowling
2001 Joy KnudsonAthlete Multi-sport
1980 Judy MossAthlete Diving
2000 June (Baker) BagleyAthlete Golf
2004 Casmir "Kas" ZabowskiAthlete Golf
1987 Kas Vidruk Builder Multi-sport
1993 Kaye MinionsAthlete Lawn bowling
2004 Ken AseltineAthlete Athletics
1987 Ken Ploen Athlete Canadian football
1996 Ken Reardon Athlete Hockey
1980 Ken Watson Athlete Curling
2011 Kerry Burtnyk Athlete Curling
1989 Laurie CohenAthlete Athletics
1990 Laurent "Larry" Desjardins Builder Multi-sport
1981 Leible HershfieldAthlete Multi-sport
2005 Leo Lewis Athlete Canadian football
1997 Lindsay Gauld Athlete Multi-sport
2004 Lisa Fraser-GilmoreAthlete Handball
1990 Lloyd GunnlaugsonAthlete Curling
1993 Lyndon Johnston Athlete Figure skating
2005 Marcel ManginAthlete Archery
1998 Margeret (Kiggins) HomenuikAthlete Golf
1984 Marjorie EdeyAthlete Golf
2003 Mary Dempster Athlete Volleyball
1988 Maureen DowdsAthlete Athletics
2004 Mauriel (Bremner) RogersAthlete Golf
2004 Max KantorAthlete Athletics
1993 Max AvrenBuilder Sport medicine
2004 Mel Hill Athlete Hockey
2004 Mel Wilson Athlete Canadian football
1986 Merv DeckertAthlete Handball
1998 Mervyn "Red" Dutton Builder Hockey
1991 Monica Goermann Athlete Gymnastics
2004 Nick Mickoski Athlete Hockey / Golf
1994 Norm ShanasAthlete 5-pin bowling
1985 Olive (Bend) Little Athlete Softball
1990 Ollie HynduikAthlete 5-pin bowling
1994 Pat (Chatwin) BallBuilder Figure skating
1994 Peggy ColonelloBuilder Golf
2006 Peter KawuliaAthlete Boxing
1992 Peter Williamson Builder Speed skating / Cycling
1997 Reggie Leach Athlete Hockey
2006 Rick WattsAthlete Basketball
1994 Robert Boucher Athlete Speed skating
2005 Roger Savoie Athlete Canadian football
1998 Robert SmithBuilder Baseball / Hockey
2002 Russ Ford Athlete Baseball
1994 Sam DavidsonBuilder Soccer
1988 R. A. Sam FabroBuilder Multi-sport
2000 Alexander "Sandy" GibbAthlete Athletics
2010 Shane MoffattAthlete Baseball / Hockey
2001 Sherman Greenfeld Athlete Racquetball
1991 Steve TrojackAthlete Boxing
2003 Susan Auch Athlete Speed skating
1982 Svein Sigfusson Athlete Athletics
1982 G. Sydney "Syd" Halter Builder Football
1983 Sylvia Burka Athlete Speed skating / Cycling
2002 Tanya Dubnicoff Athlete Cycling
2003 Ted Green Athlete Hockey
2006 Ted HomenuikAthlete Golf
1982 Terry Sawchuk Athlete Hockey
1985 Terry HindBuilder Multipsort
1981 Theo Dubois Athlete Rowing
2005 Theresa Brick Athlete Athletics / Weightlifting
2001 Tim McIsaac Athlete Swimming
1985 Tommy Town Athlete Athletics
2003 Tony Nocita Athlete Soccer
2000 Trevor Porritt Athlete Field hockey
1983 Turk Broda Athlete Hockey
2007 Vailla HogganAthlete Water skiing
1995 Valerie DaviesBuilder Figure skating
1984 Vaughan BairdBuilder Diving
1981 Vince Leah Builder Multi-sport
2004 Victor Lindquist Athlete Hockey
2004 Wally Stanowski Athlete Hockey
1988 Wezer BridleBuilder Volleyball
2002 Willard Reaves Athlete Canadian football
1983 William E. "Bill" LumsdenBuilder Curling
1988 Zlatica StauderBuilder Rhythmic Gymnastics
1986 Bruce ReidAthlete Water skiing
1986 Ian ReidBuilder Water skiing
2007 Bryan Wood Athlete Curling
1990 Charlie JohnstoneAthlete Multi-sport
1990 Kas VidrukBuilder Multi-sport
1998 Colleen Miller Athlete Rowing
1995 David McKay Athlete Wrestling
2001 Elaine JonesAthlete Multi-sport
1981 Frank Battaglia Athlete Boxing
2010 George PhillipsBuilder Multi-sport
2004 Glenn MurphyAthlete Handgun
1997 Hugh GustafsonAthlete Multi-sport
1995 Jimmy DoyleAthlete Golf
2002 Joan IngramAthlete Softball / Curling
2007 John CarsonAthlete Basketball
1987 Keith Carter Athlete Gymnastics
1998 Ken LittleAthlete Multi-sport
1999 Ken McKenzie Builder Hockey
2018 Joe Daley Athlete Hockey
2018 Jeff Stoughton Athlete Curling
2018 Joey Vickery Athlete Basketball
2018 Kirby Cote Athlete Swimming
2018 Donna (McCannell) Keating Athlete Speed skating
2018 Nieva EmbuldeniyaBuilder Boxing
2018 Donald BrownellBuilder Handball
2020 Ralph LyndonAthlete Multi-sport
2020 Sheldon Kennedy Athlete / Builder Hockey / Multi-sport
2020 Jennifer Saunders Athlete Racquetball
2017 Bob Kraemer Athlete Multi-sport
2017 Bruce Hudson Athlete Curling
2017 Cindy Klassen Athlete Speed skating
2017 Coleen Dufresne Builder Basketball
2017 Wayne HildahlBuilder Sports medicine
2017 Jaimie Dawson Athlete Badminton
2017 Jamie (Hancharyk) JonesAthlete Multi-sport
2017 Sandra CarrollAthlete Basketball
2017 W. Arthur "Art" JohnstonBuilder Golf
2016 Alanna (Yakiwchuk) HinrichsenAthlete Athletics
2016 Gary Aldcorn Athlete Hockey / Lacrosse
2016 Herb Gardiner Athlete Hockey
2016 Jim Heighton Athlete Canadian football
2016 Joey Johnson Athlete Basketball
2016 John ReillyBuilder Rugby
2016 Mike Keane Athlete Hockey
2016 Rhiannon Leier Athlete Swimming
2015 Arjinder "Archie" ChawlaBuilder Badminton / Squash / Tennis
2015 Bill Ranford Athlete Hockey
2015 Gordon CummingBuilder Sports medicine
2015 George WilsonAthlete / Builder Basketball
2015 Jeff Powell Athlete Rowing
2015 Ken OpalkoAthlete Basketball
2015 Ken PetersAthlete Athletics
2015 Nick Miller Athlete Canadian football
2015 Trevor Kennerd Athlete Canadian football
2014 Ron BrownBuilder Racquetball
2014 Mervin FarmerBuilder Multi-sport
2014 Todd MacCulloch Athlete Basketball
2014 Wanda Guenette Athlete Volleyball
2014 Al KinleyBuilder Baseball / Football
2014 Cathy HoltmannAthlete Basketball
2014 Chuck Lefley Athlete Hockey
2014 Connie Laliberte Athlete Curling
2014 Glen Hnatiuk Athlete Golf
2014 Gordon FinesBuilder Baseball
2014 Harry Oliver Athlete Hockey
2014 Heather (Newsham) Ruby Athlete Softball
2014 Sandy (Newsham) Maskiw Athlete Softball
2014 James Donald "Jimmy" Skinner Builder Hockey
2014 Jim SchreyerBuilder Volleyball
2014 Keith McLennanAthlete Lacrosse
2014 Lorie HendersonBuilder Gymnastics
2014 Lorne Benson Athlete Multi-sport
2019 Alex Shibicky Athlete Hockey
2019 Alf Pike Athlete / Builder Hockey
2019 André RozièreAthlete Archery
2019 Andy Bieber Athlete Canadian football
2019 Art FosterAthlete Tennis
2019 Art ShawAthlete Multi-sport
2019 Bill CarpenterAthlete Baseball
2019 Charles Showkat Baksh Athlete Cricket
2019 Cornel Piper Athlete Canadian football
2019 Don HornbyBuilder Rowing
2019 Dorothy (Ferguson) Key Athlete Softball / Baseball
2019 Duncan C. “Mac” BradenAthlete Curling
2019 Ed Kotowich Athlete Canadian football
2019 Ed SobieAthlete 10-pin bowling
2019 Franklin Albert HawkinsAthlete Lacrosse
2019 George Druxman Athlete Canadian football
2019 Haldor Haldorson Athlete Hockey
2019 Harold MautheBuilder Basketball / Canadian football
2019 Harry NightingaleBuilder Gymnastics
2019 Héctor Vergara Builder Soccer
2019 Isa BeairstoAthlete Golf
2019 James “Jim” “Babyface” Saunders Athlete Boxing
2019 James “Jimmy” Archibald Dunn Builder Multi-sport
2019 Jimmy Thomson Athlete Hockey
2019 Jon Montgomery Athlete Skeleton
2019 Les Lear Athlete Canadian & American football
2019 Louis “Lou” LuckiAthlete Softball
2019 Mary (Pitts) DopsonAthlete Athletics
2019 Maureen Orchard Builder Basketball / Wheelchair
2019 Michelle (Bauknecht) Stilwell Athlete Athletics
2019 Mud Bruneteau Athlete Hockey
2019 Nick Wasnie Athlete Hockey
2019 Susanne DandeneaultAthlete Weightlifting / Athletics
2019 Vera (Tustin) GilbertAthlete Swimming
2019 William SiddleAthlete Baseball
2019 William Wright Breen Athlete Hockey
2013 Art WerierAthlete / Builder Table tennis
2013 Bill WedlakeBuilder Basketball
2013 Corey Koskie Athlete Baseball
2013 Dale Hawerchuk Athlete Hockey
2013 Faye FinchAthlete Multi-sport
2013 John T. Haig Builder Curling
2013 Shannon Shakespeare Athlete Swimming
2012 Clara Hughes Athlete Cycling / Speed skating
2012 Ed Belfour Athlete Hockey
2012 Grant Standbrook Builder Multi-sport
2012 Harry Langford Athlete Canadian football
2012 Kelly HandAthlete Sailing
2012 Michael Ireland Athlete Speed Skating
2012 Maurice “Mo” GlimcherAthlete Swimming
2010 Ken GalanchukAthlete Basketball
2009 Andy Hebenton Athlete Hockey
2009 Art Coulter Athlete Hockey
2009 Audrey (Haine) Daniels Athlete Softball
2009 Bill Nairn Athlete / Builder Canadian football
2009 Charley Belanger Athlete Boxing
2009 David DrybroughAthlete / Builder Athletics
2009 Evelyne HolenskiBuilder Softball
2009 Frank Mathers Athlete / Builder Hockey
2009 Harry BrovermanAthlete Softball
2009 James Murphy Athlete Canadian football
2009 Keith Elder Athlete Handgun
2009 Lura McLuckieBuilder Curling
2009 Raymond “Ray” Turnbull Builder Curling
2009 Roy Williams Athlete Basketball
2009 Sandi AndersonAthlete 5-pin bowling
2009 Wally Hergesheimer Athlete Hockey
2008 Karen Doell Athlete Softball
2008 Alexander BellBuilder Hockey
2008 Alfred “Ralph” RowleyBuilder Basketball / Tennis
2008 Dennis Hextall Athlete Hockey
2008 Dorothy “Dot” Rose Athlete Curling / Softball
2008 Ed ToewsBuilder Volleyball
2008 Eddie Haddad Athlete Boxing
2008 Glen Harmon Athlete Hockey
2008 Greg Haydenluck Athlete Multi-sport
2008 James IoanidisAthlete Tennis
2008 James Patrick Athlete Hockey
2008 Jill MathezAthlete Multi-sport
2008 Jim Fisher Athlete Cycling
2008 Jim MutchesonBuilder Baseball
2009 Juanita Clayton Athlete Softball
2008 Thomas Steen Athlete Hockey
2008 Lorna RobertsonBuilder Multi-sport
2008 Murray McCaigAthlete Sailing
2008 Reid LumbardBuilder Curling
2008 Stan OlesonBuilder Baseball / Curling
2005 Don MacKenzieBuilder Multi-sport
2005 Doug SteevesBuilder Canadian football
2005 Marjorie (Manson) SimpsonBuilder Synchronized swimming
2003 Fred Stambrook Builder Soccer
2003 Jeff CollinsBuilder Athletics
2005 Dale BradshawBuilder Basketball
2001 Donald Grant McCannellBuilder Speed skating
2005 Jack KoltBuilder Multi-sport
2000 Daniel "Dan" JohnsonBuilder Special Olympics
2000 Peter PorrittBuilder Field hockey
2000 Mamoru "Moe" Oye Builder Judo
1999 Pegi Morgan-HayesBuilder Wheelchair sports
1999 Mike BurchukBuilder Volleyball
2022 Don BaizleyBuilder Hockey
2022 Halldor BjarnasonAthlete Cerebral Palsy Tricycling
2022 Andrea FergusonAthlete Ringette
2022 Patrick JebbisonAthlete Basketball
2022 Michelle Sawatzky-Koop Athlete Volleyball
2023 [2] Chris GlowachAthlete Marathon / Road Racing
2023 [2] Brent BottomleyBuilder Cross-country skiing
2023 [2] Alex GardinerBuilder Athletics
2023 [2] Milt Stegall Athlete Canadian football
2023 [2] Kelly Stefanyshyn Athlete Swimming

Members by sport

Through 2023, 314 Athletes, 135 Builders and 10 Athlete / Builders have been inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame. Here's the breakdown by sport. (note: some individuals were inducted for more than one sport and are counted in each of their sports)

5 pin bowling50
10 pin bowling11
Canadian football3711
Cerebral Palsy Tricycling10
Cross country skiing02
Disable skiing01
Dog sledding20
Field hockey11
Figure skating23
Horse racing11
Lawn bowling21
Rhythmic gymnastics01
Rifle shooting40
Skeet shooting20
Special Olympics01
Speed skating142
Sports medicine03
Table tennis11
Water skiing21
Wheelchair sports01


1980 Winnipeg Falcons 1920Hockey
1981 Don Duguid Teams1970 & 1971Curling
1982 Winnipeg Toilers 1926Basketball
1983 Winnipeg Rugby Football Team 1935 Football
1984 Connie Laliberte Team1984Curling
1985 Orest Meleschuk Team1972Curling
1987 Winnipegs 1932Hockey
1988Bole & Richards Pair1930Rowing
1990 Winnipeg Victorias 1996Hockey
1991Molson Canadians1968Softball
1992 Winnipeg Junior Falcons 1921Hockey
1992Canadian Ukrainian Athletic Club1965Softball
1993 Winnipeg Junior Monarchs 1937Hockey
1993Winnipeg Paulins1954Basketball
1994 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1961 Football
1994 Ernie Boushy Mixed Teams 1964-1967Curling
1995Winnipeg Stellars1950-1951Basketball
1996Winnipeg Rods1955 Football
1997 St. Boniface Seals 1938Hockey
1998 University of Manitoba 1969 & 1970 Football
1999 Flin Flon Bombers 1957Hockey
1999 A.N. & A.F. Scottish 1954Soccer
2000 Winnipeg Monarchs 1946Hockey
2001 Portage La Prairie Terriers 1942Hockey
2001 University of Winnipeg 1988Volleyball
2002 Kerry Burtnyk Team1995Curling
2002 Winnipeg Rangers 1943Hockey
2003 Winnipeg Braves 1959Hockey
2003 Winnipeg Maroons 1964Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Victorias 1901Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Victorias 1911 & 1912Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Shamrocks 1904Lacrosse
2004 Norwood Wanderers 1913 & 1914Soccer
2004 Winnipeg Rowing Club Senior Eights 1903Rowing
2004 Winnipegs 1913Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Monarchs 1913Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Scottish 1915Soccer
2004 Winnipeg 61st Battalion 1915Hockey
2004 University of Manitoba Juniors 1923Hockey
2004 United Weston 1924 & 1926Soccer
2004 Winnipeg Toilers 1927Basketball
2004 University of Manitoba Varsity 1928Hockey
2004 Elmwood Millionaires 1931Hockey
2004 University of Manitoba Grads 1931Hockey
2004 Winnipegs 1931Hockey
2004 W. H. Burns Team 1932Curling
2004 Winnipeg Toilers 1932Basketball
2004 Winnipeg Junior Monarchs 1935Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Monarchs 1935Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1939 Football
2004 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1941 Football
2002 Winnipeg Rangers 1941Hockey
2004 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1958 Football
2005 Winnipeg Jets 1976, 1978, 1979Hockey
2005Winnipeg Light Infantry1952 & 1953Soccer
2006Norwood / St. Boniface Legionaires1952 Football
2006Nicolett Inn1979, 1980, 1982Basketball
2007 Jeff Stoughton Team1996Curling
2007St. Vital Bulldogs1968 & 1969 Football
2007 Brandon Wheat Kings 1979Hockey
2007Mabel Mitchell Team1983Curling
2008 Portage Terriers 1973Hockey
2008 Gordon Hudson Team1928 & 1929Curling
2008 Winnipeg Fury 1992Soccer
2008 David Hamblin Team2002Curling
2009 Brandon Wheat Kings 1949Hockey
2009 Billy Walsh Team1952 & 1956Curling
2009Winnipeg Rods1956 Football
2009 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1959 Football
2009St. James Rods1961 Football
2009 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1962 Football
2009St. Andrews Super Saints1972, 1975, 1976Basketball
2010 Manitoba Centennial Voyageur Canoe Team 1967Paddling
2010 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1984 Football
2011St. James Rams1963 Football
2011 University of Manitoba 1976Basketball
2011Winnipeg Mixed 5 pin Bowling Team19675-pin bowling
2012St. Vital Bulldogs1960 & 1962 Football
2012 University of Manitoba 1978, 1980Volleyball
2012 University of Winnipeg 1992-95Volleyball
2013 Ken Watson Teams1936, 1942, 1949Curling
2013Manitoba Selects1970Soccer
2013Carman Goldeyes1983-88Baseball
2014 Selkirk Steelers 1974Hockey
2014 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1988 Football
2015 University of Manitoba 1965Hockey
2015Winnipeg Rams1954 Football
2016 Bob Ursel Team1985Curling
2016 University of Winnipeg 1971-1974Volleyball
2016 ANAF Scottish 1962Soccer
2017 Kelly Mackenzie Team1995Curling
2017 Manitoba Junior Lacrosse All-Star Teams 1954, 1955Lacrosse
2018Manitoba Ladies Amateur Golf Team1962Golf
2019 Howard Wood Team1930Curling
2019 Bob Gourley Team1931Curling
2019 Jim Congalton Team1932Curling
2019 Leo Johnson Team1934Curling
2019 Winnipeg Maroons 1935, 1939, 1942Baseball
2019Winnipeg Canoe Club1937Paddling
2019 Ab Gowanlock Team1938Curling
2019 Howard Wood Team1940Curling
2019 Jimmy Welsh Team1947Curling
2019 Ab Gowanlock Team1953Curling
2019 Winnipeg Warriors Team1956Hockey
2019 Winnipeg Goldeyes 1957, 1958, 1960Baseball
2019 Brandon Bobcats 1987, 1988, 1989Basketball
2021 University of Manitoba 1996, 1997Basketball
2022 Winnipeg Blue Bombers 1990 Football
2023 [2] Terry Braunstein Team1965Curling

Types of teams inducted

Through 2023, 110 teams from 13 different sports have been inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame. Here's the breakdown by sport.

5 pin bowling1


The Museum is affiliated with: CMA, CHIN, and Virtual Museum of Canada.

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The Alberta Sports Hall of Fame is a hall of fame and museum in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, dedicated to the preservation and history of sports within the province. It was created in 1957 by the Alberta Amateur Athletic Union (AAAU). The museum was eventually taken over by Sport Alberta in 1973 when the AAAU ceased operations. It has been maintained by the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Society since 1997. The first permanent display for the Hall of Fame was established in Edmonton in 1962. The museum relocated between Edmonton and Calgary on numerous occasions until settling in Red Deer in 1999.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hilda Ranscombe</span> Canadian ice hockey player (1913–1998)

Hilda Doris Ranscombe was a Canadian ice hockey player. She served for ten seasons as the Preston Rivulettes captain, and led the team to ten consecutive Ladies Ontario Hockey Association championships, five Eastern Canadian titles, and four national championships. She was considered one of the best female hockey players of her time, possessing natural speed and talent, that compared to players in the National Hockey League. Ranscombe was twice a finalist for the Lou Marsh Trophy, and twice inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame–as an individual athlete in 2015, and as a member of the Rivulettes in 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vince Leah</span> Canadian journalist, writer and sports administrator

Vincent Leah was a Canadian journalist, writer and sports administrator. He wrote for The Winnipeg Tribune from 1930 to 1980, and was credited with giving the Winnipeg Blue Bombers their team's name. He established youth sports programs in Winnipeg for baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse, ice hockey, and soccer; and brought Little League Baseball to Canada. The Excelsior Hockey Club he founded in 1934, won thirteen provincial championships and produced forty professional hockey players. He was widely known as "Uncle Vince", authored eight books on history and sports, and was a freelancer for the Winnipeg Free Press from 1980 to 1993.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maurice Smith (journalist)</span> Canadian journalist (1909–1985)

Maurice Douglas Burnet Smith was an England-born Canadian journalist. He began working for the Winnipeg Free Press in 1927, became a sports journalist in 1930, then served as the paper's sports editor from 1944 to 1976. He wrote a regular sports column titled "Time Out", and frequently reported on baseball, ice hockey, curling, and Canadian football. He helped establish the Canadian High School Curling Championships in 1951, and was the founding president of the Manitoba Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association in 1955. He covered 33 consecutive Grey Cup championships before retirement, then served on the selection committees of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame and the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. He was made a life member of the Manitoba Curling Association in 1970, inducted into the Football Reporters of Canada section of the Canadian Football Hall of Fame in 1982, and was posthumously inducted into the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame in 1987.

The Ringette Canada Hall of Fame (RCHoF) was established in 1988 by Ringette Canada, Canada's governing body for ringette, to honor notable individuals and groups associated with the sport.


  1. "Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame Grand Opening". Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame. October 12, 2012. Archived from the original on August 28, 2013. Retrieved May 8, 2013.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame announces the 2023 class of inductees". Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame. Sport Manitoba. Retrieved 3 October 2023.

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