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Formation | 1998 |
Purpose | Community, Education, Advocacy |
Location | |
President | Jason Torpy |
Website | www.militaryatheists.org |
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Atheism |
The Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF) is a community for atheists and freethinkers in the military, both within the United States and from around the world. The MAAF can assist U.S. military members to respond to illegal and insensitive religious proselytizing on military bases. It is an independent 501(c)(3) organization building community for freethinkers and other nontheists in the military. The MAAF supports constitutional separation of church and state and First Amendment rights for all service members. It also educates and trains both the military and civilian community about atheism and Freethought in the military.
Flagship programs for MAAF are its local Network, with over 70 worldwide points of contact, lay leaders, and local groups from Kyrgyzstan to Japan and throughout the US and its Chaplain Outreach program to educate 5000 military chaplains on how to support atheists and freethinkers in the military. Supporting those major programs are care package delivery, lay leader and chaplain endorsement, and a robust advocacy program to identify and resolve issues, to make the military a safe place for nontheists.
The MAAF was founded with a simple email discussion group in February 1998 by Kathleen Johnson when she was an active duty Sergeant First Class with the Army's Criminal Investigative Division (CID). It soon expanded from an online presence and affiliated with other organizations including American Atheists and the Campus Freethought Alliance (now CFI On Campus). Early membership, totalling just over 100, included several cadets and midshipmen in ROTC programs and military service academies. [1] Jason Torpy, current president, took over in 2001 while still an active duty officer, established 501c3 status in 2006, and began working full-time for the organization at the end of 2010.
The group's early efforts included letter writing campaigns reminding public figures such as Tom Brokaw not to use the phrase, "There are no atheists in foxholes." One recipient of these letters, broadcaster Bob Schieffer, issued a public apology in response. Other efforts supported active duty military personnel seeking to include, "Atheist" or, "Agnostic" on their dog-tags instead of the more common, "No Rel Pref" which meant the individual had no religious preference. [2] Jason Torpy, who joined MAAF while a cadet at West Point and who is now a former Army Captain, now leads a board of five current and retired military officers. As of 2007 he was overseeing an organization of more vocal atheist members, "in 15 countries, 45 states, and over 100 military installations and ships." [3] Other recent efforts of the MAAF include public condemnation of the continued refusal by the Boy Scouts of America to accept non-believers. [4] While the BSA claims to be a private organization with a legal right to discriminate, the MAAF calls for an end to federal support in the form of funding and free access to military bases. [5] The MAAF logo includes the three colors Air Force Blue, Army Green, and Navy Blue. It represents the land, sea, and air missions of the group's membership and the three-part mission of providing "atheists in foxholes" with advocacy, community, and education. [6]
In 2011 the MAAF including its local MASH Ft Bragg affiliate took on the Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program for its take on spiritual fitness as a major factor in soldier readiness. Both Jason Torpy and Justin Griffith, now military director with American Atheists, argued that the Army's approach, and especially the Army's Spiritual Fitness website were unfairly and illegally sectarian, supporting Christianity over all other religious beliefs. When the overall fitness of Justin Griffith was questioned because of his score on the Spiritual Fitness portion, he took his complaint to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) and threatened legal action against this unconstitutional religious test. [7] [8] Although no major changes were made as a result of the complaints, the Army did remove a section from the Spiritual Fitness website which equated the military flag folding tradition with Christian religious tenets. [9] The MAAF maintains a running review of violations and plans to turn its attention to new Spiritual Triage and Moral Injury applications of 'spirituality'. [10]
Confirmed to be several thousand, the current membership of MAAF is not publicly specified but the group's list of "Atheists in Foxholes" [11] has topped 200 who wish to be publicly identified. More certain are the numbers of nonbelievers in the United States military in comparison to the number of chaplains of similar belief. In July, 2012 the MAAF published demographics from the United States Department of Defense that confirmed that atheists and agnostics in military ranks far outnumber several other groups, such as Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists yet have no representation in the chaplain corps. This same study also showed that Evangelical Christians make up an inordinately large proportion of the chaplain corps when compared to the relatively small percentage of military members who hold such beliefs. [12]
In July 2007, Major Freddy Welborn [13] [14] attended a meeting of atheist service members in Iraq under the umbrella of the MAAF and organized by Army Specialist Jeremy Hall. The Major reportedly forced attendees to stand at attention while he yelled at, berated and humiliated them. The Major accused them of plotting against Christians and threatened them with punishment before shutting down the meeting. Specialist Hall contacted the MAAF for assistance and was referred to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. [15] In October 2008, Specialist Hall voluntarily withdrew the lawsuit and there is no indication that any action was taken against Major Welborn. [16]
In 2011 an affiliated group, the Fort Bragg Military Association of Secular Humanists (MASH) sought reciprocity after an Evangelical Christian ministry received military command funding to hold a concert at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Active duty Army Sergeant Justin Griffith sought to hold a similar event called Rock Beyond Belief but was initially refused the same level of support. The same group sought the appointment of atheist lay leaders to provide support for the atheist population at the very large Army base. At the same time, Jason Torpy and the MAAF continued efforts to implement humanist chaplains to support the many atheist, agnostics, and humanists on active duty. Senior chaplain officials responded with the argument that atheists were not a religious group and thus did not qualify for such duty. MAAF responded that humanist chaplains would do everything religious chaplains do, including counsel troops and help them follow their faiths. "Humanism fills the same role for atheists that Christianity does for Christians and Judaism does for Jews," Torpy said in an interview. "It answers questions of ultimate concern; it directs our values." [12]
In October, 2012 the United States Army invited Torpy to speak at its twelfth annual Diversity Leadership conference at West Point. At this meeting he made his pitch for the addition of atheist or humanist chaplains. Included in the argument was the fact that the current chaplain corps is overly representative of the evangelical Christian faith along with a claim that atheist and others were being ignored. [17]
The MAAF created some controversy in 2012 when Jason Torpy sought to remove a group of memorial crosses from a hilltop at Camp Pendleton, California. A set of three, 13 foot (4 meter), wooden crosses erected by a small group of Marines in 2003 had stood without controversy until a news story caught the attention of the MAAF. After threatening a lawsuit claiming violations of church-state separation, the Marine Corps Commandant was forced to decide whether it would stay or go. "This wasn't intended to be a religious memorial, it was just intended to be able to provide a fitting and a dignified memorial to their fallen comrades and frankly controversy was the very last thing on their minds." said retired Marine Colonel Nick Marano. "Marines and others who continue to come here to reflect will be sorry to see them go." [18] MAAF addressed a long list of common concerns to distinguish its position from some of the attacks levied by opposition groups. [19]
A chaplain is, traditionally, a cleric, or a lay representative of a religious tradition, attached to a secular institution, or a private chapel.
"There are no atheists in foxholes" is an aphorism used to suggest that times of extreme stress or fear can prompt belief in a higher power. In the context of actual warfare, such a sudden change in belief has been called a foxhole conversion. The logic of the argument is also used to argue for the opposite.
American Atheists is a non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to defending the civil liberties of atheists and advocating complete separation of church and state. It provides speakers for colleges, universities, clubs, and the news media. It also publishes books and American Atheist Magazine.
A military chaplain ministers to military personnel and, in most cases, their families and civilians working for the military. In some cases they will also work with local civilians within a military area of operations.
The Secular Coalition for America is an advocacy group located in Washington D.C. It describes itself as "representing the interests of atheists, humanists, freethinkers, agnostics, and other nontheistic Americans."
Warren Allen Smith was an American writer, humanist and gay rights activist. A World War II veteran and an outspoken atheist, he dubbed himself as "the atheist in a foxhole".
The Godless Americans March on Washington (GAMOW) occurred on the National Mall in Washington, DC, on November 2, 2002, with the participation of many atheists, freethinkers, agnostics and humanists. The public cable network C-SPAN documented the event on video.
Pastoral care is an ancient model of emotional, social and spiritual support that can be found in all cultures and traditions. The term is considered inclusive of distinctly non-religious forms of support, as well as support for people from religious communities. It is also an important form of support found in many spiritual and religious traditions.
Discrimination against atheists, sometimes called atheophobia, atheistophobia, or anti-atheism, both at present and historically, includes persecution of and discrimination against people who are identified as atheists. Discrimination against atheists may also comprise negative attitudes, prejudice, hostility, hatred, fear, or intolerance towards atheists and atheism. Because atheism can be defined in various ways, those discriminated against or persecuted on the grounds of being atheists might not have been considered atheists in a different time or place. Thirteen Muslim countries officially punish atheism or apostasy by death and Humanists International asserts that "the overwhelming majority" of the 193 member states of the United Nations "at best discriminate against citizens who have no belief in a god and at worst can jail them for offences dubbed blasphemy".
Margaret Downey is a nontheist activist who is a former President of Atheist Alliance International and founder and president of the Freethought Society. She also founded the Anti-Discrimination Support Network, which reports and helps deal with discrimination against atheists.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2005 by Mikey Weinstein, a former Air Force officer and attorney. The organization's mission is to ensure that members of the United States Armed Forces are able to practice their religious beliefs without fear of discrimination or coercion, and to promote the separation of church and state within the military.
Denis Cobell is a prominent UK secularist, humanist, republican and pacifist. He was President of the National Secular Society from 1997 to 2006.
In Belgium, organized secularism is the local associations and organizations which provide moral support for naturalist, atheist, agnostic, secular humanist, freethinking, Bright, or irreligious and non-confessional citizens. A person who subscribes to such entities or ideologies, or at least espouses an interest in "free inquiry" apart from religious traditions is described as a "secular" or "free-thinker".
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF) was established in August 2008 by then-Chief of Staff of the United States Army, General George W. Casey, Jr., in an effort to address the challenges being faced due to multiple deployments required by persistent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead of focusing only on treatment after the issues arose, Casey wanted to also provide preventative measures to the soldiers, their families and Army civilians to make them stronger on the front end. CSF Resilience Training was created to give these individuals the life skills needed to better cope with adversity and bounce back stronger from these challenges. Renamed in October 2012 as Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2), was designed to build resilience and enhance performance of the Army family—soldiers, their families, and Army civilians. Comprehensive Soldier Fitness is not a treatment program in response to adverse psychological conditions. CSF2 has three main components: online self-development, training, and metrics and evaluation. According to Army Regulation 350–53, to be published December 2013, the following are the Vision, Mission and components of CSF2:
United States military chaplains hold positions in the armed forces of the United States and are charged with conducting religious services and providing counseling for their adherents. As of 2011, there are about 2,900 chaplains in the Army, among the active duty, reserve, and National Guard components.
Dale McGowan is an American author, educator, podcaster, and philanthropist who has written and edited several books related to nonreligious life, particularly parenting without religion.
Jason Torpy is president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF), an advocacy group focused on non-religious service members and veterans. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army and a Humanist Celebrant who works to increase the visibility of "atheists in foxholes".
The secular movement refers to a social and political trend in the United States, beginning in the early years of the 20th century, with the founding of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism in 1925 and the American Humanist Association in 1941, in which atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, freethinkers, and other nonreligious and nontheistic Americans have grown in both numbers and visibility. There has been a sharp increase in the number of Americans who identify as religiously unaffiliated, from under 10 percent in the 1990s to 20 percent in 2013. The trend is especially pronounced among young people, with about one in three Americans younger than 30 identifying as religiously unaffiliated, a figure that has nearly tripled since the 1990s.
The Non-Religious Pastoral Support Network is an organisation supporting a network of people who work in non-religious pastoral care which also promotes and advocates for non-religious pastoral care provision within the UK in institutions such as the NHS and HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), the British Armed Forces and within the British education system.