Ocean optics is the study of how light interacts with water and the materials in water. Although research often focuses on the sea, the field broadly includes rivers, lakes, inland waters, coastal waters, and large ocean basins. How light acts in water is critical to how ecosystems function underwater. Knowledge of ocean optics is needed in aquatic remote sensing research in order to understand what information can be extracted from the color of the water as it appears from satellite sensors in space. The color of the water as seen by satellites is known as ocean color. While ocean color is a key theme of ocean optics, optics is a broader term that also includes the development of underwater sensors using optical methods to study much more than just color, including ocean chemistry, particle size, imaging of microscopic plants and animals, and more.
Where waters are “optically deep,” the bottom does not reflect incoming sunlight, and the seafloor cannot be seen by humans or satellites. [1] The vast majority of the world's oceans by area are optically deep. Optically deep water can still be relatively shallow water in terms of total physical depth, as long as the water is very turbid, such as in estuaries.
Where waters are “optically shallow,” the bottom reflects light and often can be seen by humans and satellites. [2] Here, ocean optics can also be used to study what is under the water. Based on what color they appear to sensors, researchers can map habitat types, including macroalgae, corals, seagrass beds, and more. Mapping shallow-water environments requires knowledge of ocean optics because the color of the water must be accounted for when looking at the color of the seabed environment below.
Inherent optical properties (IOPs) depend on what is in the water. These properties stay the same no matter what the incoming light is doing (daytime or nighttime, low sun angle or high sun angle). [3]
Water with large amounts of dissolved substances, such as lakes with large amounts of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), experience high light absorption. Phytoplankton and other particles also absorb light. [4]
Areas with sea ice, estuaries with large amounts of suspended sediments, and lakes with large amounts of glacial flour are examples of water bodies with high light scattering. All particles scatter light to some extent, including plankton, minerals, and detritus. Particle size effects how much scattering happens at different colors; for example, very small particles scatter light exponentially more in the blue colors than other colors, which is why the ocean and the sky are generally blue (called Rayleigh scattering). Without scattering, light would not “go” anywhere (outside of a direct beam from the sun or other source) and we would not be able to see the world around us. [5]
Attenuation in water, also called beam attenuation or the beam attenuation coefficient, is the sum of all absorption and scattering. Attenuation of a light beam in one specific direction can be measured with an instrument called a transmissometer. [6]
Apparent optical properties (AOPs) depend on what is in the water (IOPs) and what is going on with the incoming light from the Sun. AOPs depend most strongly on IOPs and only depend somewhat on incoming light aka the “light field.” Characteristics of the light field that can affect AOP measurements include the angle at which light hits the water surface (high in the sky vs. low in the sky, and from which compass direction) and the weather and sky conditions (clouds, atmospheric haze, fog, or sea state aka roughness of the surface of the water). [7]
Remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) is a measure of light radiating out from beneath the ocean surface at all colors, normalized by incoming sunlight at all colors. Because Rrs is a ratio, it is slightly less sensitive to what is going on with the light field (such as the angle of the sun or atmospheric haziness). [8]
Rrs is measured using two paired spectroradiometers that simultaneously measure light coming in from the sky and light coming up from the water below at many wavelengths. Since it is a measurement of a light-to-light ratio, the energy units cancel out, and Rrs has the units of per steradian (sr-1) due to the angular nature of the measurement (upwelling light is measured at a specific angle, and incoming light is measured on a flat plane from a half-hemispherical area above the water surface). [9]
Kd is the diffuse (or downwelling) coefficient of light attenuation (Kd), also called simply light attenuation, the vertical extinction coefficient, or the extinction coefficient. [10] Kd describes the rate of decrease of light with depth in water, in units of per meter (m−1). The “d” stands for downwelling light, which is light coming from above the sensor in a half-hemispherical shape (aka half of a basketball). Scientists sometimes use Kd to describe the decrease in the total visible light available for plants in terms of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) – called “Kd(PAR).” In other cases, Kd can describe the decrease in light with depth over a spectrum of colors or wavelengths, usually written as “Kd(λ).” At one color (one wavelength) Kd can describe the decrease in light with depth of one color, such as the decrease in blue light at the wavelength 490 nm, written as “Kd(490).”
In general, Kd is calculated using Beer's Law and a series of light measurements collected from just under the water surface down through the water at many depths. [11] [12]
“Closure” refers to how optical oceanographers measure the consistency of models and measurements. Models refer to anything that is not explicitly measured in the water, including satellite-derived variables that are estimated using empirical relationships (for example, satellite-derived chlorophyll-a concentration is estimated from the ratios between green and blue remote sensing reflectance using an empirical relationship). Closure includes measurement closure, model closure, model-data closure, and scale closure. Where model-data closure experiments show misalignment between data and models, the cause of the misalignment may be due to measurement error, issues with the model, both, or some other external factor. [13] [14]
Ocean optics has been applied to study topics like primary production, phytoplankton, zooplankton, [15] [16] shallow-water habitats like seagrass beds and coral reefs, [17] [18] marine biogeochemistry, [19] heating of the upper ocean, [20] and carbon export to deep waters by way of the ocean biological pump. [21] The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum usually involved in ocean optics is ultraviolet through infrared, about 300 nm to less than 2000 nm wavelengths. [22]
The most widely used optical oceanographic sensors are PAR sensors, chlorophyll-a fluorescence sensors (fluorometers), and transmissometers. These three instruments are frequently mounted on CTD(conductivity-temperature-depth)-rosette samplers. These instruments have been used for many years on CTD-rosettes in global repeat oceanographic surveys like the CLIVAR GO-SHIP campaign. [23] [24]
Optical instruments are often used to measure the size spectrum of particles in the ocean. For example, phytoplankton organisms can range in size from a few microns (micrometers, μm) to hundreds of microns. The size of particles is often measured to estimate how quickly particles will sink, and therefore how efficiently plants can sequester carbon in the ocean's biological pump.
Scientists study individual tiny objects such as plankton and detritus particles using flow cytometry and in situ camera systems. Flow cytometers measure sizes and take photographs of individual particles flowing through a tube system; one such instrument is the Imaging FlowCytoBot (IFCB). [26] In situ camera systems are deployed over the side of a research vessel, alone or attached to other equipment, and they capture photographs of the water itself to image the particles present in the water; one such instrument is the Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP). [27] Other imaging technologies used in the ocean include holography [28] and particle imaging velocimetry (PIV), which uses 3D video footage to track the movement of underwater particles. [29]
Ocean optics research done “in situ” (from research vessels, small boats, or on docks and piers) supports research that uses satellite data. In situ optical measurements provide a way to: 1) calibrate satellite sensors when they are just beginning to collect data, 2) develop algorithms to derive products or variables like chlorophyll-a concentration, and 3) validate data products derived from satellites. Using satellite data, researchers estimate things like particle size, carbon, water quality, water clarity, and bottom type based on the color profile as seen by satellite; all of these estimations (aka models) must be validated by comparing them to optical measurements made in situ. [30] In situ data are often available from publicly accessible data libraries like the SeaBASS data archive.
Oceanographers, physicists, and other scientists who have made major contributions to the field of ocean optics include (incomplete list):
David Antoine, Marcel Babin, Paula Bontempi, Emmanuel Boss, Annick Bricaud, Kendall Carder, Ivona Cetinic, Edward Fry, Heidi Dierssen, David Doxaran, Gene Carl Feldman, Howard Gordon, Chuanmin Hu, Nils Gunnar Jerlov, George Kattawar, John Kirk, ZhongPing Lee, Hubert Loisel, Stephane Maritorena, Michael Mishchenko, Curtis Mobley, Bruce Monger, Andre Morel, Michael Morris, Norm Nelson, Mary Jane Perry, Rudolph Preisendorfer, Louis Prieur, Chandrasekhara Raman, Collin Roesler, Rüdiger Röttgers, David Siegel, Raymond Smith, Heidi Sosik, Dariusz Stramski, Michael Twardowski, Talbot Waterman, Jeremy Werdell, Ken Voss, Charles Yentsch, and Ronald Zaneveld.
While ocean optics is an interdisciplinary field of study applies to a wide range of topics, it is not often taught as a course in graduate programs for marine science and oceanography. Two summer-term courses have been developed for graduate students from many different institutions. First, there is a summer lecture series operated by the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG) which usually takes place in France. [31] Second, there is an ongoing course in the United States called the “Optical Oceanography Class” or “Ocean Optics Class” in Washington State and later in Maine, which has been running continuously since 1985. [32]
For independent learning, Curt Mobley, Collin Roesler, and Emmanuel Boss wrote the Ocean Optics Web Book as an open-access online guide.
Related fields and topics:
Inherent and apparent optical properties and in-water methods:
Remote sensing and radiometric methods:
In physics, attenuation is the gradual loss of flux intensity through a medium. For instance, dark glasses attenuate sunlight, lead attenuates X-rays, and water and air attenuate both light and sound at variable attenuation rates.
In physics, backscatter is the reflection of waves, particles, or signals back to the direction from which they came. It is usually a diffuse reflection due to scattering, as opposed to specular reflection as from a mirror, although specular backscattering can occur at normal incidence with a surface. Backscattering has important applications in astronomy, photography, and medical ultrasonography. The opposite effect is forward scatter, e.g. when a translucent material like a cloud diffuses sunlight, giving soft light.
SeaWiFS was a satellite-borne sensor designed to collect global ocean biological data. Active from September 1997 to December 2010, its primary mission was to quantify chlorophyll produced by marine phytoplankton.
A scatterometer or diffusionmeter is a scientific instrument to measure the return of a beam of light or radar waves scattered by diffusion in a medium such as air. Diffusionmeters using visible light are found in airports or along roads to measure horizontal visibility. Radar scatterometers use radio or microwaves to determine the normalized radar cross section of a surface. They are often mounted on weather satellites to find wind speed and direction, and are used in industries to analyze the roughness of surfaces.
MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) was one of the main instruments on board the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Envisat platform. The sensor was in orbit from 2002 to 2012. ESA formally announced the end of Envisat's mission on 9 May 2012.
An optical fiber, or optical fibre, is a flexible glass or plastic fiber that can transmit light from one end to the other. Such fibers find wide usage in fiber-optic communications, where they permit transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidths than electrical cables. Fibers are used instead of metal wires because signals travel along them with less loss and are immune to electromagnetic interference. Fibers are also used for illumination and imaging, and are often wrapped in bundles so they may be used to carry light into, or images out of confined spaces, as in the case of a fiberscope. Specially designed fibers are also used for a variety of other applications, such as fiber optic sensors and fiber lasers.
A fluorometer, fluorimeter or fluormeter is a device used to measure parameters of visible spectrum fluorescence: its intensity and wavelength distribution of emission spectrum after excitation by a certain spectrum of light. These parameters are used to identify the presence and the amount of specific molecules in a medium. Modern fluorometers are capable of detecting fluorescent molecule concentrations as low as 1 part per trillion.
Ocean color is the branch of ocean optics that specifically studies the color of the water and information that can be gained from looking at variations in color. The color of the ocean, while mainly blue, actually varies from blue to green or even yellow, brown or red in some cases. This field of study developed alongside water remote sensing, so it is focused mainly on how color is measured by instruments.
A transmissometer or transmissiometer is an instrument for measuring the extinction coefficient of the atmosphere and sea water, and for the determination of visual range. It operates by sending a narrow, collimated beam of energy through the propagation medium. A narrow field of view receiver at the designated measurement distance determines how much energy is arriving at the detector, and determines the path transmission and/or extinction coefficient. In a transmissometer the extinction coefficient is determined by measuring direct light transmissivity, and the extinction coefficient is then used to calculate visibility range.
The marine optical buoy (MOBY) measures light at and very near the sea surface in a specific location over a long period of time, serving as part of an ocean color observation system. Satellites are another component of the system, providing global coverage through remote sensing; however, satellites measure light above the Earth's atmosphere, becoming subject to interference from the atmosphere itself and other light sources. The Marine Optical Buoy helps alleviate that interference and thus improve the quality of the overall ocean color observation system.
A closure experiment in atmospheric science is a combination of different measurement techniques to describe the current state of the investigated system as fully as possible, and to find inaccuracies in one or some of the methods involved. The comparison of different types of measurement often involves model calculations, which may also be tested in this process.
Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, is the world's first geostationary orbit satellite image sensor in order to observe or monitor an ocean-color around the Korean Peninsula [1][2]. The spatial resolution of GOCI is about 500m and the range of target area is about 2,500 km×2,500 km centered on Korean Peninsula. GOCI was loaded on Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) of South Korea which was launched in June, 2010. It will be operated by Korea Ocean Satellite Center (KOSC) at Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), and capture the images of ocean-color around the Korean Peninsula 8 times a day for 7.7 years.
Water Remote Sensing is the observation of water bodies such as lakes, oceans, and rivers from a distance in order to describe their color, state of ecosystem health, and productivity. Water remote sensing studies the color of water through the observation of the spectrum of water leaving radiance. From the spectrum of color coming from the water, the concentration of optically active components of the upper layer of the water body can be estimated via specific algorithms. Water quality monitoring by remote sensing and close-range instruments has obtained considerable attention since the founding of EU Water Framework Directive.
Haiyang is a series of marine remote sensing satellites developed and operated by the People's Republic of China since 2002. The name "Haiyang" translates to "ocean" in English. As of October 2022, eight satellites have been launched with ten more planned. Built by the state-owned aerospace contractor China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), Haiyang satellites carry a variety of ocean-imaging sensor payloads and are operated by the National Satellite Ocean Application Service (NSOAS), a subordinate agency of the State Oceanic Administration (SOA). Haiyang satellites are launched from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC) into Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) aboard Long March-series rockets.
Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) is a 2020s NASA Earth-observing satellite mission to observe global ocean color, biogeochemistry, and ecology, as well as the carbon cycle, aerosols and clouds. PACE is intended to be used to identify the extent and duration of phytoplankton blooms and improve understanding of air quality. These and other uses of PACE data are expected to benefit the economy and society according to NASA, especially sectors that rely on water quality, fisheries and food security.
The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) was a five-year scientific research program that investigated aspects of phytoplankton dynamics in ocean ecosystems, and how such dynamics influence atmospheric aerosols, clouds, and climate. The study focused on the sub-arctic region of the North Atlantic Ocean, which is the site of one of Earth's largest recurring phytoplankton blooms. The long history of research in this location, as well as relative ease of accessibility, made the North Atlantic an ideal location to test prevailing scientific hypotheses in an effort to better understand the role of phytoplankton aerosol emissions on Earth's energy budget.
Remote sensing in oceanography is a widely used observational technique which enables researchers to acquire data of a location without physically measuring at that location. Remote sensing in oceanography mostly refers to measuring properties of the ocean surface with sensors on satellites or planes, which compose an image of captured electromagnetic radiation. A remote sensing instrument can either receive radiation from the Earth’s surface (passive), whether reflected from the Sun or emitted, or send out radiation to the surface and catch the reflection (active). All remote sensing instruments carry a sensor to capture the intensity of the radiation at specific wavelength windows, to retrieve a spectral signature for every location. The physical and chemical state of the surface determines the emissivity and reflectance for all bands in the electromagnetic spectrum, linking the measurements to physical properties of the surface. Unlike passive instruments, active remote sensing instruments also measure the two-way travel time of the signal; which is used to calculate the distance between the sensor and the imaged surface. Remote sensing satellites often carry other instruments which keep track of their location and measure atmospheric conditions.
The SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS) is a data archive of in situ oceanographic data used to support satellite remote sensing research of ocean color. SeaBASS is used for developing algorithms for satellite-derived variables and for validating or “ground-truthing” satellite-derived data products. The acronym begins with “S” for SeaWiFS, because the data repository began in the 1990s around the time of the launch of the SeaWiFS satellite sensor, and the same data archive has been used ever since. Oceanography projects funded by the NASA Earth Science program are required to upload data collected on research campaigns to the SeaBASS data repository to increase the volume of open-access data available to the public. As of 2021 the data archive contained information from thousands of field campaigns uploaded by over 100 principal investigators.
Nils Gunnar Jerlov (1909–1990) was a Swedish oceanographer, physicist, scientist, and researcher who studied how light interacts with water. He was a pioneering scientist in the field of ocean optics, and his water types are used to define the color and characteristics of natural water bodies.
Water clarity is a descriptive term for how deeply visible light penetrates through water. In addition to light penetration, the term water clarity is also often used to describe underwater visibility. Water clarity is one way that humans measure water quality, along with oxygen concentration and the presence or absence of pollutants and algal blooms.