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The Cabinet of the governor of Oklahoma is a body of the most senior appointed officials of the executive branch of the government of Oklahoma. Originally an informal meeting between the governor of Oklahoma and various government officials, the Governor's Cabinet has evolved into an important information link between the governor and the various agencies, boards and commissions that operate within state government.
Cabinet officers are appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the Oklahoma Senate. Once confirmed, all members of the Cabinet receive the title "Secretary" and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The Cabinet is responsible for advising the governor on the operations and policies of the State government.
The current Cabinet is serving under Governor Kevin Stitt. [1]
When Governor of Oklahoma David Boren first took office, Oklahoma possessed no form of Cabinet system. Taking the example of other states, Governor Boren began holding semi-official and semi-regular meetings with various heads of state agencies whenever necessary. Under Boren’s successor, George Nigh, following the recommendation of the Nigh Commission, Oklahoma adopted an official Cabinet system with the enactment of the Executive Branch Reform Act of 1986 which created an overlay of cabinet secretaries. [2] However, the act did not transfer the statutory and constitutional powers delegated to the agencies, boards and commissions over to the cabinet secretaries. Some citizens argue that it should have but others say that 12-15 people should not replace the hundreds of agencies, boards and commissions within the tradition of active participatory democracy form of governance.
In 2009, the Oklahoma Legislature amended the Executive Branch Reform Act to mandate the establishment of the Secretary of Information Technology.
The Executive Branch Reform Act first called for the creating of a Cabinet with no more than fifteen "cabinet areas" which were to consist of the various state agencies, committees, and boards with similar administrative objectives. These cabinet areas would not be agencies of the State and thus could not exercise the executive power of the State. They would only exist to better serve the Governor in crafting policy and information gathering. The original law mandated only one cabinet area: one containing the Department of Veteran Affairs. The law has since been amended to mandate the creation of Information Technology cabinet area. After that, the law allowed the Governor to create the other fourteen cabinet areas at his discretion until the Oklahoma Legislature formally created the cabinet areas. The heads of these executive cabinet area would be given the title of "Secretary" followed by the name of their cabinet area (or a shortened title thereof).
The Governor, within 45 days of taking office, is allowed to create his own cabinet, with anywhere from no less than 10 but no more than 15 "cabinet areas". The Governor is allowed to create any cabinet area he desires and to place whichever agencies, bureaus, and commissions he wants under those cabinet areas. For example, under Governor Frank Keating, the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce each belonged to separate cabinet areas, while under Governor Brad Henry the Secretary of Commerce and Tourism was the cabinet secretary for both departments. Alternatively, under Governor Keating, the Secretary of Health and Human Services oversaw the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services while Governor Henry split the posts into a separate Secretary of Health to oversee the Health Department and a separate Secretary of Human Services to oversee the Human Services Department. Under the administration of Kevin Stitt, the Health Department and the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services are grouped under the same cabinet secretary. [3]
Regardless of the number of cabinet areas and their functions, at least one must be the Secretary of Veteran Affairs and must be charged with providing for Oklahoma's veterans and one must be the Secretary of Information Technology and must be charged with overseeing state use of information technology and telecommunications.
Following the Oklahoma Supreme Court case of Keating v. Edmondson in 2001, it was deemed illegal for a Governor to change the cabinet areas and their functions past the 45-day deadline unilaterally. In order to change a cabinet area after the first 45 days in office, the Governor must seek approval from the Oklahoma Legislature via legislation. [4]
All Cabinet Secretaries are appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Oklahoma Senate. Potential appointees for Secretary positions may be appointed to serve as members of the Office of the Governor or may be selected from among the agency heads within the Secretary's cabinet area. If the Senate is not in session when the Governor nominates an individual, then the Cabinet Secretary serves on an unconfirmed basis until the next session of the Senate. Each Cabinet Secretary is appointed for a four-year term but may be removed at any time by the Governor. The only exception to this rule is Oklahoma Secretary of State, who serves a fixed four-year term.
Cabinet Secretary positions are semi-formal and are not legally classified as "officers of the State". As such, Cabinet Secretaries are allowed to hold another office within the State government. Examples of this include Matt Pinnell’s service as Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma and Secretary of Tourism and Branding under Governor Kevin Stitt since 2019, and previously Scott Meacham, who served as both the Secretary of Finance and Revenue and the State Treasurer of Oklahoma under Governor Brad Henry from 2005 to 2011.
Regardless of cabinet area, all Cabinet Secretaries are responsible for advising the Governor of any policy changes or problems within their area, advising the entities they represent of any policy changes or problems as directed by the Governor, and for coordinating information gathering as requested by the Legislature.
Cabinet Secretaries do not possess the power to direct or control any agency they represent outside of their ability to gather information. They have no authority to direct or control any agency within their Cabinet Area except their own direct staff. They also do not have the authority to hire or fire personnel in their Cabinet Area except those on their own direct staff. The component agencies are directed and controlled by their respective department heads. The Cabinet Secretaries may only direct a component agency when previously authorized by the Governor through executive order or if a Secretary serves concurrently as the head of that agency.
Each Cabinet Secretary is subject to the direction and control of the Governor. All agencies assigned to each Cabinet Secretary exercise their powers and duties in accordance with the general policy established by the Cabinet Secretary acting on behalf of the Governor. Each Cabinet Secretary has the power to resolve administrative, jurisdictional, operational, program, or policy conflicts between agencies or officials assigned to them, oversees and directs the formulation of program budgets for their assigned agencies, is responsible for holding their assigned agency heads accountable for their actions, and directs the development of goals, objectives, policies and plans for their assigned agencies.
The current Cabinet, as of January 2024, serving under Governor of Oklahoma Kevin Stitt is as follows:
Office | Holder [5] | Other Position | |
Secretary of Agriculture | Blayne Arthur | ||
Secretary of State | Josh Cockroft | ||
Secretary of Human Services | Deborah Shropshire | ||
Secretary of Health and Mental Health | Corey Finch | ||
Secretary of Public Safety | Tricia Everest | ||
Secretary of Transportation | Vacant | ||
Secretary of Commerce | Vacant | ||
Secretary of Budget | John Laws | ||
Secretary of Workforce Development | Vacant | ||
Secretary of Operations and Government Efficiency | John Suter | ||
Secretary of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage | Vacant | ||
Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Military | John Nash | ||
Secretary of Energy and Environment | Ken McQueen | ||
Secretary of Education | Nellie Tayloe Sanders | ||
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation | Susan Winchester | ||
The governor of Oklahoma is the head of government of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. Under the Oklahoma Constitution, the governor serves as the head of the Oklahoma executive branch, of the government of Oklahoma. The governor is the ex officio commander-in-chief of the Oklahoma National Guard when not called into federal use. Despite being an executive branch official, the governor also holds legislative and judicial powers. The governor's responsibilities include making yearly "State of the State" addresses to the Oklahoma Legislature, submitting the annual state budget, ensuring that state laws are enforced, and that the peace is preserved. The governor's term is four years in length.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) is an agency of the government of Oklahoma responsible for the construction and maintenance of the state's transportation infrastructure. Under the leadership of the Oklahoma secretary of transportation and ODOT executive director, the department maintains public infrastructure that includes highways and state-owned railroads and administers programs for county roads, city streets, public transit, passenger rail, waterways and active transportation. Along with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, the department is the primary infrastructure construction and maintenance agency of the State.
The Secretary of State of the State of Oklahoma is the chief clerical officer of Oklahoma and a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary of State is the only appointed constitutional member of the executive branch of the Oklahoma state government. The office of Secretary of State was elective from statehood until 1975 when the Constitution was amended and it became an appointive office, running concurrent with the Governor effective in 1979.
The Oklahoma Department of Commerce is a department of the government of Oklahoma under the Oklahoma secretary of commerce. The department is responsible for the supporting local communities, stimulating growth of the existing businesses, attracting new business, and promoting the development and availability of a skilled workforce. The department is the lead agency for economic development in the state. The department is led by and under the control of a director appointed by the governor of Oklahoma, with the approval of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) is an independent state law enforcement agency of the government of Oklahoma. The OSBI assists the county sheriff offices and city police departments of the state, and is the primary investigative agency of the state government. OSBI works independent of the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety to investigate criminal law violations within the state at the request of statutory authorized requesters. The OSBI was created in 1925 during the term of Governor Martin E. Trapp.
The Oklahoma Department of Corrections is an agency of the state of Oklahoma. DOC is responsible for the administration of the state prison system. It has its headquarters in Oklahoma City, across the street from the headquarters of the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. The Board of Corrections are appointees: five members are appointed by the Governor; two members are appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; and two members are appointed by the Speaker of the house of Representatives. The board is responsible for setting the policies of the Department, approving the annual budget request, and working with the Director of Corrections on material matters of the agency. T. Hastings Siegfried is the current chairman of the board. The director, who serves at the pleasure of the governor, is the chief executive of the department. The current director of Corrections is Scott Crow, who was appointed after Director Joe Allbaugh resigned his post on June 13, 2019. Crow was confirmed by the Oklahoma State Senate as director in May 2020.
The Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) is an agency of the state of Oklahoma headquartered in Oklahoma City that is responsible for planning and coordinating statewide juvenile justice and delinquency prevention services. OJA is also responsible for operating juvenile correctional facilities in the State.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is a department of the government of Oklahoma under the supervision of the Oklahoma Secretary of Health. The department is responsible for protecting the health of all Oklahomans and providing other essential human services. The OSDH serves as the primary public health protection agency in the state.
Keating v. Edmondson, 2001 OK 110, 37 P.3d 882 (2001), was an Oklahoma Supreme Court case that ruled that the Governor of Oklahoma could not alter the structure of his Cabinet without the approval of the Legislature. The case was primarily concerned with the Governor–Legislature relation. The case is unique because the two parties in the case were both state-wide elected officials:
The Executive Branch Reform Act of 1986 is an Oklahoma state law that requires the Governor of Oklahoma to organize the various 500 or more departments, agencies, boards, commissions and other entities of the state's executive branch into a cabinet system. The act grouped state agencies into clusters with an informational link to a cabinet secretary. But the legislation stopped short of consolidating agencies or the decision-making authority of the agencies, boards and commissions.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Environment is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary serves as the chief advisor to the Governor on environmental policy development and implementation.
The Commission on the Reform of Oklahoma State Government, also known as the Nigh Commission, was a committee that in 1984 recommended sweeping changes to the government of the State of Oklahoma to improve efficiency, economy and service. It is named after former Governor of Oklahoma George Nigh, who appointed the Commission.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary serves as the chief advisor to the Governor on agricultural, forestry and food issues.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Public Safety is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary serves as the chief advisor to the Governor on public safety and criminal justice.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Finance, Administration and Information Technology is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary is appointed by the governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The secretary serves as the chief adviser to the governor on fiscal policy, taxation, and the operations and personnel needs of the state government.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Commerce is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary serves as the chief advisor to the Governor on economic development and trade promotion.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Veterans Affairs is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary serves as the chief advisor to the Governor on veterans healthcare and benefits.
The Oklahoma secretary of transportation is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The secretary is appointed by the governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The secretary serves as the chief advisor to the governor on land, water, air and space traffic transportation needs and infrastructure.
The Oklahoma secretary of health was a member of the Oklahoma governor's Cabinet. The secretary is appointed by the governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The secretary served as the chief advisor to the governor on public health issues and needs.
The Oklahoma Secretary of Education is a member of the Oklahoma Governor's Cabinet. The secretary is appointed by the governor, with the consent of the Oklahoma Senate, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The secretary serves as the chief advisor to the governor on public education issues and needs.