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Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Subclass: Dicranidae
Order: Grimmiales
Family: Ptychomitriaceae
Genus: Ptychomitrium
Fürnr. [1]
Type species
Ptychomitrium polyphyllum
(Sw.) Bruch & Schimp.
Synonyms [2]
  • PthychomitriumFürnr., alternate spelling
  • Brachysteleum subg. Ptychomitrium(Fürnr.) Schimp.
  • Glyphomitrium subg. Ptychomitrium(Fürnr.) Schimp.
  • BrachypodiumBrid. 1826, illegitimate homonym not P. Beauv. 1812 (Poaceae)
  • BrachysteleumRchb.
  • HenoniellaDuby
  • NotarisiaHampe
  • PticomitriumFürnr.
  • PtycomitriumFürnr. ex Ångstr.

Ptychomitrium is a widespread genus of mosses found in many parts of the world. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Species [10]
  1. Ptychomitrium acutifolium
  2. Ptychomitrium adamsonii
  3. Ptychomitrium africanum
  4. Ptychomitrium aligrimmioides
  5. Ptychomitrium altaicum
  6. Ptychomitrium angusticarpum
  7. Ptychomitrium australe
  8. Ptychomitrium azoricum
  9. Ptychomitrium barrii
  10. Ptychomitrium brevifolium
  11. Ptychomitrium chimborazense
  12. Ptychomitrium cochabambae
  13. Ptychomitrium cockerellae
  14. Ptychomitrium crassinervium
  15. Ptychomitrium crispatum
  16. Ptychomitrium cucullatifolium
  17. Ptychomitrium cylindrothecium
  18. Ptychomitrium deltorii
  19. Ptychomitrium dentatum
  20. Ptychomitrium depressum
  21. Ptychomitrium diexaratum
  22. Ptychomitrium drummondii
  23. Ptychomitrium emersum
  24. Ptychomitrium evanidinerve
  25. Ptychomitrium exaratifolium
  26. Ptychomitrium fauriei
  27. Ptychomitrium fernandesianum
  28. Ptychomitrium ferrugineum
  29. Ptychomitrium fluviatile
  30. Ptychomitrium formosicum
  31. Ptychomitrium gardneri
  32. Ptychomitrium helenicum
  33. Ptychomitrium hieronymi
  34. Ptychomitrium howeanum
  35. Ptychomitrium incurvum
  36. Ptychomitrium indicum
  37. Ptychomitrium isoskelos
  38. Ptychomitrium laxifolium
  39. Ptychomitrium lepidomitrium
  40. Ptychomitrium ligulatum
  41. Ptychomitrium lindmanii
  42. Ptychomitrium linearifolium
  43. Ptychomitrium lobuliferum
  44. Ptychomitrium mairei
  45. Ptychomitrium mamillosum
  46. Ptychomitrium marginatum
  47. Ptychomitrium microblastum
  48. Ptychomitrium mittenii
  49. Ptychomitrium mucronatum
  50. Ptychomitrium neocaledonicum
  51. Ptychomitrium nigrescens
  52. Ptychomitrium obtusifolium
  53. Ptychomitrium papillosum
  54. Ptychomitrium patens
  55. Ptychomitrium platyphyllum
  56. Ptychomitrium polyphylloides
  57. Ptychomitrium polyphyllum
  58. Ptychomitrium pulvinare
  59. Ptychomitrium reichenbachianum
  60. Ptychomitrium rugosum
  61. Ptychomitrium sellowianum
  62. Ptychomitrium serratum
  63. Ptychomitrium sinense
  64. Ptychomitrium standleyi
  65. Ptychomitrium subcrispatum
  66. Ptychomitrium subcylindricum
  67. Ptychomitrium subdentatum
  68. Ptychomitrium tortula
  69. Ptychomitrium uruguense
  70. Ptychomitrium vaginatum
  71. Ptychomitrium vernicosum
  72. Ptychomitrium wilsonii
  73. Ptychomitrium yulongshanum

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  1. Fürnrohr, August Emanuel. 1829. Flora 12((2) Erganzungsblatter): 19
  2. Tropicos, Ptychomitrium Fürnr.
  3. Cao, T. and D. H. Vitt. 1994. North American-East Asian similarities in the genus Ptychomitrium (Bryopsida). Bryologist 97: 34-41.
  4. Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith. 1981 [1982]. Mosses of Europe and the Azores: an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature. Journal of Bryology 11: 609–689.
  5. Crum, H. A., W. C. Steere & L. E. Anderson. 1973. A new list of mosses of North America north of Mexico. Bryologist 76: 85–130
  6. Florschütz-de Waard, J. & P. A. Florschütz. 1979. Estudios sobre criptógamas Colombianas III. Lista comentada de los musgos de Colombia. Bryologist 82: 215–259
  7. Iwatsuki, Z. & A. Noguchi. 1973. Index muscorum Japonicarum [sic]. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 37: 299–418
  8. Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe. 1979. The bryophytes of southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 43
  9. Flora of North America Vol. 27 Page 307 Ptychomitrium Fürnrohr, Flora. 12(Ergänzungsbl.): 19. 1829.