Quantitative linguistics

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Quantitative linguistics (QL) is a sub-discipline of general linguistics and, more specifically, of mathematical linguistics. Quantitative linguistics deals with language learning, language change, and application as well as structure of natural languages. QL investigates languages using statistical methods; its most demanding objective is the formulation of language laws and, ultimately, of a general theory of language in the sense of a set of interrelated languages laws. [1] Synergetic linguistics was from its very beginning specifically designed for this purpose. [2] QL is empirically based on the results of language statistics, a field which can be interpreted as statistics of languages or as statistics of any linguistic object. This field is not necessarily connected to substantial theoretical ambitions. Corpus linguistics and computational linguistics are other fields which contribute important empirical evidence.



The earliest QL approaches date back to the ancient Indian world. One of the historical sources consists of applications of combinatorics to linguistic matters, [3] another one is based on elementary statistical studies, which can be found under the header colometry and stichometry. [4]

Quantitative laws

Frequency of demonstratives in Serbo-Croatian Frequency of demonstratives2.jpg
Frequency of demonstratives in Serbo-Croatian

In QL, the concept of law is understood as the class of law hypotheses which have been deduced from theoretical assumptions, are mathematically formulated, are interrelated with other laws in the field, and have sufficiently and successfully been tested on empirical data, i.e. which could not be refuted in spite of much effort to do so. Reinhard Köhler writes about QL laws:

Moreover, it can be shown that these properties of linguistic elements and of the relations among them abide by universal laws which can be formulated strictly mathematically in the same way as common in the natural sciences. One has to bear in mind in this context that these laws are of stochastic nature; they are not observed in every single case (this would be neither necessary nor possible); they rather determine the probabilities of the events or proportions under study. It is easy to find counterexamples to each of the above-mentioned examples; nevertheless, these cases do not violate the corresponding laws as variations around the statistical mean are not only admissible but even essential; they are themselves quantitatively exactly determined by the corresponding laws. This situation does not differ from that in the natural sciences, which have since long abandoned the old deterministic and causal views of the world and replaced them by statistical/probabilistic models. [5]

Linguistic laws

In quantitative linguistics, linguistic laws are statistical regularities emerging across different linguistic scales (i.e. phonemes, syllables, words or sentences) that can be formulated mathematically and that have been deduced from certain theoretical assumptions. They are also required to have been successfully tested through the use of data, that is, not to have been refuted by empirical evidence. Among the main linguistic laws proposed by various authors, the following can be highlighted: [6]


The study of poetic and non-poetic styles can be based on statistical methods. Moreover, it is possible to conduct corresponding investigations on the basis of the specific forms (parameters) that language laws take in texts of different styles. In such cases, QL supports research into stylistics: One of the overall aims is to make evidence for stylistic phenomena as objective as possible by referring to language laws. One of the central assumptions of QL is that some laws (e.g. the distribution of word lengths) require different models, and hence different parameter values of the laws (distributions or functions) depending on the corpus that a text belongs to. If poetic texts are under study, QL methods form a sub-discipline of Quantitative Study of Literature (stylometrics). [9]

Important authors

See also


  1. Reinhard Köhler: Gegenstand und Arbeitsweise der Quantitativen Linguistik. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch. de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, pp. 1–16. ISBN   3-11-015578-8.
  2. Reinhard Köhler: Synergetic linguistics. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch. de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, pp. 760–774. ISBN   3-11-015578-8.
  3. N.L. Biggs: The Roots of Combinatorics. In: Historia Mathematica 6, 1979, pp. 109–136.
  4. Adam Pawłowski: Prolegomena to the History of Corpus and Quantitative Linguistics. Greek Antiquity. In: Glottotheory 1, 2008, pp. 48–54.
  5. cf. note 1, pp. 1–2.
  6. cf. references: Köhler, Altmann, Piotrowski (eds.) (2005)
  7. H. Guiter, M. V. Arapov (eds.): Studies on Zipf's Law. Bochum: Brockmeyer 1982. ISBN   3-88339-244-8.
  8. Zipf GK. 1935The Psychobiology of language, an introduction to dynamic philology. Boston, MA: Houghton–Mifflin.
  9. Alexander Mehler: Eigenschaften der textuellen Einheiten und Systeme. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch. de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, p. 325-348, esp. Quantitative Stilistik, pp. 339–340. ISBN   3-11-015578-8; Vivien Altmann, Gabriel Altmann: Anleitung zu quantitativen Textanalysen. Methoden und Anwendungen. Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag 2008, ISBN   978-3-9802659-5-9.
  10. Grzybek, Peter, & Köhler, Reinhard (eds.) (2007): Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text. Dedicated to Gabriel Altmann on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Berlin/ New York: Mouton de Gruyter
  11. de:Benutzer:Dr._Karl-Heinz_Best
  12. index
  13. de:Sergei Grigorjewitsch Tschebanow
  14. Best, Karl-Heinz (2009): William Palin Elderton (1877-1962). Glottometrics 19, p. 99-101 (PDF ram-verlag.eu).
  15. Homepage_Gertraud Fenk
  16. de:Ernst Förstemann; Karl-Heinz Best: Ernst Wilhelm Förstemann (1822-1906). In: Glottometrics 12, 2006, pp. 77–86 (PDF ram-verlag.eu)
  17. Dieter Aichele: Das Werk von W. Fucks. In: Reinhard Köhler, Gabriel Altmann, Rajmund G. Piotrowski (Hrsg.): Quantitative Linguistik - Quantitative Linguistics. Ein internationales Handbuch. de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York 2005, pp. 152–158. ISBN   3-11-015578-8
  18. Peter Grzybek :: Homepage : Home / Kontakt Archived September 29, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  19. de:Gustav Herdan
  20. "Herdan dimension - Laws in Quantitative Linguistics". Archived from the original on 2011-07-19. Retrieved 2010-05-22.
  21. de:Luděk Hřebíček
  22. de:Friedrich Wilhelm Kaeding
  23. Universität Trier: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Köhler Archived 2015-04-07 at the Wayback Machine
  24. Kordić, Snježana (2001). Wörter im Grenzbereich von Lexikon und Grammatik im Serbokroatischen[Serbo-Croatian Words on the Border Between Lexicon and Grammar]. Studies in Slavic Linguistics; 18 (in German). Munich: Lincom Europa. p. 280. ISBN   3-89586-954-6. LCCN   2005530314. OCLC   47905097. OL   2863539W. NYPL   b15245330. NCID   BA56769448.
  25. Kordić, Snježana (2005) [1st pub. 1999; 2nd pub. 2002; 3rd pub. 2005]. Der Relativsatz im Serbokroatischen[Relative Clauses in Serbo-Croatian]. Studies in Slavic Linguistics; 10 (in German). Munich: Lincom Europa. p. 330. ISBN   3-89586-573-7. OCLC   42422661. OL   2863535W. S2CID   171902446. NYPL   b14328353. Contents
  26. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Lehfeldt, Werner, Prof. em. Dr
  27. Festschrift on the occasion of the 70. anniversary: Problems of General, Germanic and Slavic Linguistics. Papers for 70th Anniversary of Professor V. Levickij. Herausgegeben von Gabriel Altmann, Iryna Zadoroshna, Yuliya Matskulyak. Books, Chernivtsi 2008. (No ISBN.) Levickij dedicated: Glottometrics, Heft 16, 2008; Emmerich Kelih: Der Czernowitzer Beitrag zur Quantitativen Linguistik: Zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Habil. Viktor V. Levickij. In: Naukovyj Visnyk Černivec'koho Universytetu: Hermans'ka filolohija. Vypusk 407, 2008, pp. 3–10.
  28. Human-Language-Computer - staff Homepage, ZJU
  29. Karl-Heinz Best: Paul Menzerath (1883-1954). In: Glottometrics 14, 2007, pp. 86–98 (PDF ram-verlag.eu)
  30. Shizuo Mizutani; Portrait on the occasion of his 80. anniversary in: Glottometrics 12, 2006 (PDF ram-verlag.eu); about Mizutani: Naoko Maruyama: Sizuo Mizutani (1926). The Founder of Japanese Quantitative Linguistics. In: Glottometrics 10, 2005, pp. 99-107 (PDF ram-verlag.eu).
  31. Charles Muller: Initiation à la statistique linguistique. Paris: Larousse 1968; German: Einführung in die Sprachstatistik. Hueber, München 1972.
  32. Rajmund G. Piotrowski, R.G. Piotrovskij; cf. Piotrowski's law: http://lql.uni-trier.de/index.php/Change_in_language Archived 2011-07-19 at the Wayback Machine
  33. de:Piotrowski-Gesetz
  34. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 4, Nr. 1, 1997 (Festschrift in Honour of Juh. Tuldava)
  35. Dr Andrew Wilson - Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University
  36. de:Albert Thumb
  37. de:Eberhard Zwirner
