position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| [[Billboard Global 200|Global 200]] (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]'')\n| 96\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Japan ([[Billboard Japan Hot 100|Japan Hot 100]])\n| 77\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Singapore ([[Recording Industry Association Singapore|RIAS]])\n| 12\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| South Korea ([[Gaon Digital Chart|Gaon]])\n| 5\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| South Korea ([[K-pop Hot 100]])\n| 7\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| US [[World Digital Song Sales]] (''Billboard''){{cite magazine|title=World Digital Song Sales –The Week of August 28,2021|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/red-velvet/chart-history/wdt/|url-access=subscription|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210824094825/https://www.billboard.com/charts/world-digital-song-sales/2021-08-28|archive-date=August 24,2021|access-date=August 24,2021|magazine=Billboard}}\n| 10\n|}\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"col-2","href":"./Template:Col-2"},"params":{},"i":2}},"\n\n=== Monthly charts ===\n{| class=\"wikitable plainrowheaders\"style=\"text-align:center\"\n|+Monthly chart performance for \"Queendom\"\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (September 2021)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| South Korea (Gaon){{Cite web|title=|script-title=ko:2021년09월Digital Chart|trans-title=September 2021 Digital Chart|url=http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/online.gaon?nationGbn=T&serviceGbn=ALL&targetTime=09&hitYear=2021&termGbn=month|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20211007021946/http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/online.gaon?nationGbn=T&serviceGbn=ALL&targetTime=09&hitYear=2021&termGbn=month|archive-date=October 7,2021|access-date=October 15,2021|publisher=Gaon Music Chart|language=ko}}\n| 8\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| South Korea (K-pop Hot 100){{Cite web|title=Billboard K-pop Hot 100 –Month of September 2021|url=http://billboard.co.kr/chart/month/|url-status=unfit|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20211003090414/http://billboard.co.kr/chart/month/|archive-date=October 3,2021|access-date=October 3,2021|website=Billboard Korea}}\n| 7\n|}\n\n=== Year-end charts ===\n{| class=\"wikitable plainrowheaders\"style=\"text-align:center\"\n|+Year-end chart performance for \"Queendom\"\n|-\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (2021)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| South Korea (Gaon){{Cite web|last=|first=|date=|title=|script-title=ko:2021년Digital Chart|trans-title=2021 Digital Chart|url=http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/online.gaon?nationGbn=T&serviceGbn=ALL&targetTime=2021&hitYear=2021&termGbn=year&year_time=3|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220107031910/http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/online.gaon?nationGbn=T&serviceGbn=ALL&targetTime=2021&hitYear=2021&termGbn=year&year_time=3|archive-date=January 7,2022|access-date=January 7,2022|website=|publisher=Gaon Music Chart|language=ko}}\n| 87\n|-\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (2022)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| South Korea (Circle){{cite web|url=https://circlechart.kr/page_chart/onoff.circle?nationGbn=T&serviceGbn=ALL&targetTime=2022&hitYear=2022&termGbn=year&yearTime=3|title=Digital Chart 2022|website=Circle Chart|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230113052454/https://circlechart.kr/page_chart/onoff.circle?nationGbn=T&serviceGbn=ALL&targetTime=2022&hitYear=2022&termGbn=year&yearTime=3|archive-date=January 13,2023|url-status=live|access-date=January 13,2023}}\n| 157\n|}\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"col end","href":"./Template:Col_end"},"params":{},"i":3}}]}" id="mwAn4">.mw-parser-output .col-begin{border-collapse:collapse;padding:0;color:inherit;width:100%;border:0;margin:0}.mw-parser-output .col-begin-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .col-break{vertical-align:top;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .col-break-2{width:50%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-3{width:33.3%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-4{width:25%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-5{width:20%}@media(max-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .col-begin,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody>tr,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody>tr>td{display:block!important;width:100%!important}.mw-parser-output .col-break{padding-left:0!important}}
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