Second Kohl cabinet

Last updated
Second Cabinet of Helmut Kohl
Cabinet Kohl II
Flag of Germany.svg
14th Cabinet of the Federal Republic of Germany
30 March 1983 – 18 February 1987
(until 12 March 1987 as caretaker government)
Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F074398-0021 Kohl (cropped).jpg
Helmut Kohl
Date formed30 March 1983
Date dissolved12 March 1987
(3 years, 11 months, 1 week and 5 days)
People and organisations
President Karl Carstens (until 30 June 1984)
Richard von Weizsäcker (from 30 June 1984)
Chancellor Helmut Kohl
Vice-Chancellor Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Member party Christian Democratic Union
Christian Social Union
Free Democratic Party
Status in legislature Coalition government led by CDU/CSU
278/498 (56%)

Opposition party Social Democratic Party
The Greens
Opposition leader
Election 1983 federal election
Legislature terms 10th Bundestag
Predecessor Kohl I
Successor Kohl III

Within the politics of Germany, the Second Kohl cabinet led by Helmut Kohl, was sworn in on March 29, 1983 and laid down its function on March 11, 1987. The cabinet was formed after the 1983 elections. It was succeeded by the Cabinet Kohl III, which was formed following the 1987 elections. Starting in June 1986 it was the first West German federal cabinet to have a Minister of the Environment.


Chancellor 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Vice Chancellor &
Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs
30 March 198312 March 1987  FDP
Federal Minister of Defense 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of the Interior 30 March 198312 March 1987  CSU
Federal Minister of Finance 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Justice 30 March 198312 March 1987  FDP
Federal Minister of Economics 30 March 198324 June 1984  FDP
24 June 198412 March 1987  FDP
Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Forestry 30 March 198312 March 1987  CSU
Federal Minister of Transport 30 March 198312 March 1987  CSU
Federal Minister of Construction
Oscar Schneider
30 March 198312 March 1987  CSU
Federal Minister of Youth, Family, and Health 30 March 198326 September 1985  CDU
26 September 198512 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Research and Technology 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Education and Science 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation 30 March 198312 March 1987  CSU
Federal Minister of Posts and Communications 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Intra-German Relations 30 March 198312 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of Special Affairs 15 November 198412 March 1987  CDU
Federal Minister of the Environment 6 June 198612 March 1987  CDU
