Plectranthus, with some 72 species, is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants, rarely annuals or soft-wooded shrubs, sometimes succulent; sometimes with a tuberous base. Common names include spur-flower. Plectranthus species are found in Southern and Tropical Africa and Madagascar, and one in Sri Lanka.

Eulophia speciosa is a species of terrestrial orchid found from Ethiopia to South Africa and in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The plants usually grow in grasslands in sandy soils or in clay.
Tenrhynea is a genus of Southern African plants in the pussy's-toes tribe within the sunflower family.
Hilliardia is a genus of South African flowering plants in the daisy family.

Stenoglottis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae native to southern and eastern Africa. Six of the 8 known species are endemic to South Africa.
- Stenoglottis fimbriataLindl. - Swaziland, South Africa
- Stenoglottis inandensisG.McDonald & D.G.A.Styles - KwaZulu-Natal
- Stenoglottis longifoliaHook.f. - South Africa
- Stenoglottis macloughlinii(L.Bolus) G.McDonald ex J.M.H.Shaw - South Africa
- Stenoglottis modestusTruter & Joliffe - KwaZulu-Natal
- Stenoglottis molweniensisG.McDonald ex J.M.H.Shaw - KwaZulu-Natal
- Stenoglottis woodiiSchltr. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Stenoglottis zambesiacaRolfe in D.Oliver & auct. suc. - Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, northeastern South Africa

Cyphia is a genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family, endemic to Africa.

Syncolostemon is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, first described in 1838. It is native primarily to South Africa, with some species in other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, plus one species in India.
- Syncolostemon albiflorus(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - Transvaal, Swaziland
- Syncolostemon argenteusN.E.Br. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon bolusii(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon bracteosus(Benth.) D.F.Otieno - widespread across much of sub-Saharan Africa
- Syncolostemon canescens(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, South Africa
- Syncolostemon cinereum(Codd) D.F.Otieno & Retief - South Africa
- Syncolostemon comosus(Wight ex Benth.) D.F.Otieno - southern India
- Syncolostemon comptoniiCodd - Swaziland
- Syncolostemon concinnusN.E.Br. - Swaziland, South Africa
- Syncolostemon densiflorusBenth. - South Africa
- Syncolostemon elliottii(Baker) D.F.Otieno - Zimbabwe, Botswana, Transvaal
- Syncolostemon eriocephalusVerd. - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon flabellifolius(S.Moore) A.J.Paton - Chimanimani Mountains of Mozambique + Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon floccosus(Launert) D.F.Otieno - Namibia
- Syncolostemon foliosus(S.Moore) D.F.Otieno - Swaziland, South Africa
- Syncolostemon gerrardii(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - South Africa
- Syncolostemon incanus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon latidens(N.E.Br.) Codd - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon linearis(Benth.) D.F.Otieno - Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon macranthus(Gürke) Ashby - Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa
- Syncolostemon macrophyllusGürke - South Africa
- Syncolostemon madagascariensis(A.J.Paton & Hedge) D.F.Otieno - Madagascar
- Syncolostemon modestus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Swaziland, South Africa
- Syncolostemon namapaensisD.F.Otieno - Mozambique, Tanzania
- Syncolostemon obermeyerae(M.Ashby) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon oritrephes(Wild) D.F.Otieno - Chimanimani Mountains of Mozambique + Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon ornatus(S.Moore) D.F.Otieno - Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe
- Syncolostemon parviflorusE.Mey. ex Benth. - Swaziland, South Africa
- Syncolostemon parvifolius(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon persimilis(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon petiolatus(Ashby) D.F.Otieno - Swaziland, South Africa, Mozambique
- Syncolostemon pretoriae(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Swaziland, South Africa
- Syncolostemon punctatus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon ramosus(Codd) D.F.Otieno - KwaZulu-Natal
- Syncolostemon ramulosusE.Mey. ex Benth. - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
- Syncolostemon rehmannii(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon rotundifoliusE.Mey. ex Benth. - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
- Syncolostemon rugosifolius(M.Ashby) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon stalmansii(A.J.Paton & K.Balkwill) D.F.Otieno - Mpumalanga, Swaziland
- Syncolostemon stenophyllus(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
- Syncolostemon subvelutinus(Gürke) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon teucriifolius(Hochst.) D.F.Otieno - Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa
- Syncolostemon thorncroftii(N.E.Br.) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon transvaalensis(Schltr.) D.F.Otieno - Northern Province of South Africa
- Syncolostemon welwitschii(Rolfe) D.F.Otieno - Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zaire, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola
Tenaris is a genus of plant in family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1838. It is native to southern Africa.
- Tenaris brownianaS. Moore - Angola
- Tenaris chloranthaSchltr. - South Africa
- Tenaris filifolia(Schltr.) N.E. Br. - South Africa
- Tenaris schultzei(Schltr.) E. Phillips - Kalahari Desert
- Tenaris rubella, syn of Brachystelma rubellum
- Tenaris simulans, syn of Brachystelma rubellum
- Tenaris subaphylla, syn of Caralluma edulis

Stenostelma is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1894. It is native to South Africa.
- Stenostelma capenseSchltr. - Northern Cape Province
- Stenostelma carinatum(Schltr.) Bullock - KwaZulu-Natal
- Stenostelma corniculatum(E. Mey.) Bullock - Eastern Cape Province
- Stenostelma umbelluliferum(Schltr.) Bester & Nicholas - Gauteng Province
Orbeopsis is a genus of plants in the Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1978. They are native to southern Africa.
- Orbeopsis albocastanea(Marloth) L.C. Leach - Great Namaqualand in Namibia
- Orbeopsis gerstneri(Letty) L.C. Leach - KwaZulu-Natal
- Orbeopsis knobelii(Phillips) L.C. Leach - Botswana
- Orbeopsis melanantha(Schltr.) L.C. Leach - South Africa
- Orbeopsis valida(N.E. Br.) L.C. Leach - Zimbabwe
Aspidoglossum is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1838. It is native to Africa.

Orbea is a genus of flowering plants of the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1812. It is native to Africa.
Anisotoma is a genus of flowering plants formerly belonging to the plant family Asclepiadaceae, now considered to be part of the Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1844. They are native to South Africa
- Anisotoma cordifoliaFenzl - South Africa
- Anisotoma pedunculataN.E.Br. - KwaZulu-Natal

Pachycarpus is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described in 1838. It is native to Africa.
Miraglossum is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1984. It is native to southern Africa.
- Miraglossum anomalum(N.E. Br.) Kupicha - South Africa
- Miraglossum davyi(N.E. Br.) Kupicha - South Africa
- Miraglossum laeveKupicha - Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng
- Miraglossum pilosum(Schltr.) Kupicha - KwaZulu-Natal
- Miraglossum pulchellum(Schltr.) Kupicha - Swaziland, Gauteng
- Miraglossum superbumKupicha - KwaZulu-Natal
- Miraglossum verticillare(Schltr.) Kupicha - KwaZulu-Natal

Riocreuxia is a plant genus in the family Apocynaceae, and named in honour of the botanical illustrator Alfred Riocreux (1820-1912). It was first described as a genus in 1844 and is native to Africa.

Pentarrhinum is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1838. It is native to Africa.
- Pentarrhinum abyssinicumDecne. - E + C + S Africa
- Pentarrhinum balense(Liede) Liede - Ethiopia
- Pentarrhinum coriaceumSchltr. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Pentarrhinum gonoloboides(Schltr.) Liede - Tanzania
- Pentarrhinum insipidumE.Mey. - South Africa
- Pentarrhinum ledermannii(Schltr.) Goyder & Liede - Burundi
- Pentarrhinum somaliense(N.E. Br.) Liede - Somalia

Petopentia, commonly known as propeller vine, is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1954. It contains only one known species, Petopentia natalensis, native to the Province of KwaZulu-Natal in eastern South Africa.

Raphionacme is a plant genus in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1842. The genus is found primarily in Africa, with one species on the Arabian Peninsula.
Sphaerocodon is a genus of plants in the Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1876. It is native to southern Africa.
- Sphaerocodon acutifoliumK.Schum. - Namibia
- Sphaerocodon angolensisS.Moore - Angola
- Sphaerocodon caffrum(Meisn.) Schltr. - Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia
- Sphaerocodon melananthum(K.Schum.) N.E.Br. - Zimbabwe
- Sphaerocodon natalenseBenth. - KwaZulu-Natal
- Sphaerocodon obtusifoliumBenth. - South Africa
- Sphaerocodon platypodumK.Schum. - Katanga in southern Zaire