Soybean mosaic virus | |
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Symptoms of soybean mosaic virus infection in soybean ( Glycine max ) | |
Virus classification ![]() | |
(unranked): | Virus |
Realm: | Riboviria |
Kingdom: | Orthornavirae |
Phylum: | Pisuviricota |
Class: | Stelpaviricetes |
Order: | Patatavirales |
Family: | Potyviridae |
Genus: | Potyvirus |
Species: | Soybean mosaic virus |
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is a member of the plant virus genus Potyvirus (family Potyviridae). It infects mainly plants belonging to the family Fabaceae but has also been found infecting other economically important crops. [HW 1] [1] SMV is the cause of soybean mosaic disease that occurs in all the soybean production areas of the world. Soybean ( Glycine max ) is one of the most important sources of edible oil and proteins and pathogenic infections are responsible for annual yield losses of about $4 billion in the United States. Among these pathogens, SMV is the most important and prevalent viral pathogen in soybean production worldwide. [2] It causes yield reductions of about 8% to 35%, but losses as high as 94% have been reported. [HW 2]
The virus was first reported from Connecticut in 1915 and described in 1921. [3] Its genome is a single stranded positive sense RNA of about 9.5kb that encodes at least 11 proteins. [2] SMV virion is non enveloped, flexuous and filamentous of about 720–800 nm long and 12–15 nm in diameter. [4] Several strains of the SMV have been fully sequenced, consisting of 9,588 nucleotides (the sequenced data can be found on GenBank). [5]
In terms of economic damage, soybean is the most important host plant for SMV. [HW 2] However, plants belonging to the families Fabaceae [HW 1] /Leguminosae (including G. max, Strongylodon macrobotrys [6] and others), Amaranthaceae [HW 1] (Chenopodiaceae), [HW 1] Passifloraceae, [HW 1] Scrophulariaceae, [HW 1] Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, [HW 1] and Caricaceae have also been reported infected with SMV. [HW 2] [1] Fabaceae has been shown to have the largest number of genera infected by SMV. [1] Hosts differ in susceptibility depending on the viral strain and latent infection has been reported in several hosts. [HW 2] Based on virulence, SMV has seven strain groupings in the United States (G1–G7) while in China there are 22 strain groups (SC1–SC22). [7]
Symptoms are usually more obvious on young, rapidly growing leaves and are variable depending on the host genotype, virus strain, plant age at the moment of infection and the environment. [8] [HW 2] Leaves are the tissue where the viral infection is localized and where the infection starts. Macroscopic symptoms can range from apparently asymptomatic plants to severely mottled and deformed leaves. [8] Most of the infected cultivars become slightly stunted and show fewer pods that are sometimes dwarfed and flattened, without hairs and seeds. [HW 2] Trifoliate leaves show distinct mosaic and mottling symptoms with light and dark green areas that later can become raised or blistered along the main veins. [8] [HW 2] Chlorosis has also been reported as a symptom of SMV infection especially between the dark green areas. Leaves can appear curly or waved and some cultivars show necrotic local lesions that can later merge into veinal necrosis followed by yellowing and leaf abscission. [8] Some strains can cause severe stunting, systemic necrosis, leaf yellowing, petiole and stem necrosis, terminal necrosis and defoliation leading to the death of the plant due to systemic spread of the viral infection. [HW 2]
Seeds can also show symptoms of viral infection with SMV showing a brown or black mottle that is thought to be associated with suppression of posttranscriptional gene silencing of chalcone synthase by a silencing suppressor protein encoded by SMV. [HW 2] Germination and size of the seeds is considerably reduced as compared with healthy plants' seeds. Mottling does not indicate that the virus is present in seeds as not all mottled seeds contain virus and not all seeds from virus infected plants are mottled. [HW 2]
Symptoms are sometimes hard to differentiate when temperatures are above 30 °C (86 °F) and can also be confused with growth regulator herbicide damage where the leaves elongate. Rugosity is most severe in plants grown in temperatures of around 18 °C (64 °F), while general symptoms are less severe at 24–25 °C (75–77 °F). Temperature also influences the incubation period and the time between infection and symptom appearance, that ranges from 4 days at 29.5 °C (85 °F) to 14 days at 18.5 °C (65 °F). [HW 2] Additionally, SMV appears to have a synergistic interaction with Bean Pod Mottle Virus (BPMV) as plants infected with both viruses show drastically more severe symptoms than plants infected with only one virus. [8] [9] SMV and BPMV also interact in a different way: Either one will predispose soy plants to Phomopsis spp. infection. [10]
The main transmission mechanism of SMV is through aphids. 32 aphid species from 15 different genera, have been shown to transmit SMV in a non-persistent manner.[ clarification needed ] meaning that the virus is passed through the aphid's stylet without being incorporated into the aphid's tissue. [11] [12] [6] The most important species in terms of efficient transmission include Acyrthosiphon pisum , Aphis fabae , A. glycines , Myzus persicae and Rhopalosiphum maidis . Recently, the soybean aphid (A. glycines) was introduced into North America and because of its high transmission efficiency it has caused major concern. However, it has not been shown that the presence of the aphid along with the other migrating non-colonizing aphids that transmit SMV have significantly increased SMV incidence in the region. [13]
SMV is easily transmitted mechanically when the plant is in direct contact with tools, humans or other plants. [1] The virus moves systemically throughout the plant and can be detected in all tissues including the roots. [HW 2]
Transmission through seeds is also considerably important in SMV epidemiology as seeds are the source of primary inoculum with secondary spread by aphids occurring at relatively fast rate. [HW 2] Virus in seeds remains infective for a long period of time and viable virus can be recovered from seeds that no longer have germinating capacity. The transmission efficiency through seeds is dependent upon cultivar with incidence of seed transmission higher in plants infected before the onset of flowering. In the majority of commercial cultivars grown, seed transmission is less than 5% with ranges between no transmission and 75% transmission in older cultivars. [HW 2]
As mentioned before, early plant infection reduces pod sets, increases seed coat mottling and reduces seed size and weight, while late season infection has little effect on seed quality and yield. Additional effects of SMV include reduced oil content and nodulation. SMV also affects nitrogen fixation and can increase susceptibility to other pathogens. [HW 2]
All season.[ citation needed ]
Plants that are infected when young tend to show more symptoms than plants that are infected when older.[ citation needed ] Higher activity or populations of aphids' favor virus transmission.
The main management tools for avoiding yield reduction and severe damage of plants are preventive methods. The use of certified virus-free seeds and the timing of planting are crucial to avoid high vector populations when plants are still young. [HW 2] Infected seeds are the most important way that SMV is transmitted and serve as a primary source of infection for later dispersal by aphids. Late planting coincides with higher populations of aphids, which may increase the probability of virus transmission to young seedlings. Infection in the early growth stages has the highest impact in yield loss and seed quality compared to infection late in the life cycle. [14] Serological and molecular techniques for screening viral presence in seeds can be used for detection in seed lots. [HW 2]
Control of aphid vectors should be able to significantly decrease infection levels. However, no control methods for aphids have yet been successfully developed. [13] [8] Insecticides are not considered effective in reducing transmission of SMV by aphids as aphids present at spraying are killed, but the field is quickly recolonized by winged aphids and virus transmission resumes. Aphids that come into contact with the insecticide residues on the leaf surface are killed but are still capable of virus transmission prior to death. Growers shouldn't spray insecticide below the soybean threshold since using an insecticide will only suppress the vector but not the disease and may make the virus problem worse. [14]
The most effective disease management should be[ citation needed ] based on using resistant varieties. At least three naturally occurring independent loci (Rsv1, Rsv3 and Rsv4) have been identified and mapped for resistance to SMV. [HW 2] These three loci were specified to confer resistance against the SMV strains G1–G7. Loci specified in China to give resistance against SMV-SC strains are Rsc4, Rsc5, Rsc7, Rsc8, Rsc15, and Rsc20. [7] Because of the high variability of SMV, use of single resistance genes is potentially dangerous and pyramiding available sources of resistance is recommended to achieve disease control. [15]
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is an aphid-borne potyvirus, regarded as a major pathogen of cucurbits in most regions of the world where these crops are cultivated.
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is a typical potyvirus, which causes one of the major virus diseases of lettuce crops worldwide.
Potyvirus is a genus of positive-strand RNA viruses in the family Potyviridae. Plants serve as natural hosts. Like begomoviruses, members of this genus may cause significant losses in agricultural, pastoral, horticultural, and ornamental crops. More than 200 species of aphids spread potyviruses, and most are from the subfamily Aphidinae. The genus contains 190 species and potyviruses account for about thirty percent of all currently known plant viruses.
Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is a pathogenic plant virus in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae which primarily infects the papaya tree.
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), also known as Lucerne mosaic virus or Potato calico virus, is a worldwide distributed phytopathogen that can lead to necrosis and yellow mosaics on a large variety of plant species, including commercially important crops. It is the only Alfamovirus of the family Bromoviridae. In 1931 Weimer J.L. was the first to report AMV in alfalfa. Transmission of the virus occurs mainly by some aphids, by seeds or by pollen to the seed.
Bean pod mottle virus, or BPMV, is a species of plant pathogenic virus in the family Secoviridae. It is known to infect soybean crops.
Bidens mottle virus (BiMoV) is a pathogenic plant virus in the plant virus family Potyviridae. BiMoV is a flexuous filamentous particle, 720 nm long, and belongs to the Potyviridae genus Potyvirus. Like other viruses in this genus, Bidens mottle virus is transmitted both mechanically by sap and by aphids in a stylet-borne fashion.
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) is a pathogenic plant virus of the family Potyviridae. Depending on the corn plant’s growth stage, the virus can have severe implications to the corn plant’s development which can also result in economic consequences to the producer of the crop.
Panicum mosaic virus (PMV) is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA viral pathogen that infects plant species in the panicoid tribe of the grass family, Poaceae. The pathogen was first identified in Kansas in 1953 and most commonly causes disease on select cultivars of turf grass, switchgrass, and millet. The disease most commonly associated with the panicum mosaic virus pathogen is St. Augustine Decline Syndrome, which infects species of turf grass and causes chlorotic mottling. In addition to St. Augustine Decline, panicum mosaic virus is responsible for chlorotic streaking and mild green mosaicking in select cultivars of switchgrass and millet.
Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) is a plant pathogenic virus that occurs worldwide on species of field grown bell, hot and ornamental pepper species. It is caused by members of the plant virus genus Tobamovirus—otherwise known as the tobacco mosaic virus family. Tobamovirus are viruses that contain positive sense RNA genomes that infect plants. Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the cultivar. Typical symptoms include the chlorosis of leaves, stunting, and distorted and lumpy fruiting structures. The virus is spread by mechanical transmission and infected seeds. Avoidance is the best means of controlling the disease because once a plant is infected it cannot be treated. Only seeds that have been tested and treated for the pathogen should be planted.
Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae, and one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production.
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) is a member of the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae. It is most widely recognized as one of the most regularly occurring causal agents of sweet potato viral disease (SPVD) and is currently observed in every continent except Antarctica. The number of locations where it is found is still increasing; generally, it is assumed that the virus is present wherever its host is. The virus has four strains that are found in varying parts of the world.
Tulip breaking virus is one of five plant viruses of the family Potyviridae that cause color-breaking of tulip flowers. These viruses infect plants in only two genera of the family Liliaceae: tulips (Tulipa) and lilies (Lilium).
Celery mosaic virus (CeMV) is a plant pathogenic virus in the genus Potyvirus and the virus family Potyviridae .
Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) also known as Marrow mosaic virus, Melon mosaic virus, and until recently Watermelon mosaic virus type 2 (WMV-2), is a plant pathogenic virus that causes viral infection in many different plants. The virus itself is referred to as Watermelon Mosaic Virus II or WMV-2 and is an isolate of the U.S. WMV-2 is a ssRNA positive strand virus that is part of the Potyviridae or Potyvirus clade. Like all RNA viruses, it contains a protein capsid which protects the inner viral RNA. First described on squash in Florida, WMV arose from a unique recombination of genetic material contributed by Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) along with Peanut Stripe virus (PSV).
Cassava brown streak virus is a species of positive-strand RNA viruses in the genus Ipomovirus and family Potyviridae which infects plants. Member viruses are unique in their induction of pinwheel, or scroll-shaped inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of infected cells. Cylindrical inclusion bodies include aggregations of virus-encoded helicase proteins. These inclusion bodies are thought to be sites of viral replication and assembly, making then an important factor in the viral lifecycle. Viruses from both the species Cassava brown streak virus and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), lead to the development of Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) within cassava plants.
The cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV) is a mosaic virus that affects the production of green cardamom (E. cardamomum). It is a member of the genus Macluravirus (recognized under the family Potyviridae by ICTV in 1988), and is transmitted through aphids (P.caladii) and infected rhizomes, the former in a non-persistent manner.
Carrot virus Y (CarVY) is a (+)ss-RNA virus that affects crops of the carrot family (Apiaceae), such as carrots, anise, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill and parsnip. Carrots are the only known crop to be infected in the field. Infection by the virus leads to deformed roots and discolored or mottled leaves. The virus is spread through insect vectors, and is currently only found in Australia.
Viral diseases of potato are a group of diseases caused by different types of Viruses that affect potato crops worldwide and, although they do not affect human or animal health since they are viruses that only infect vegetables, they are a source of great economic losses annually. About 28 viruses have been reported infecting potato crops. However, potato virus X (PVX), potato virus Y (PVY), and potato leafroll virus (PLRV) are the most important viruses worldwide. Some others are of economic importance only in some regions. Such is the case of potato virus M (PVM) in some Asian and European countries.
The Lily mottle virus (LMoV), is a plant virus of the Potyviridae virus family that causes asymptomatic to mild diseases of individual plant parts in plants of the lily family (Liliaceae). However, a frequently occurring simultaneous infection with other plant viruses, which on their own only cause moderate or no disease, can cause an entire plant to perish. This coinfection leads to considerable crop damage in lily cultivation and is therefore of great economic importance. Lily mottle virus is spread by aphids and in horticulture during vegetative propagation by splitting the lily bulb. LMoV was regarded as a synonym for a subtype of the Tulip Breaking Virus (TBV) that occurs in lilies, although since 2005 it has been classified as a closely related but independent virus species of the genus Potyvirus.