Suicide attempt

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A suicide attempt is an act in which an individual tries to kill themselves but survives. [1] [2] Mental health professionals discourage describing suicide attempts as "failed" or "unsuccessful", as doing so may imply that a suicide resulting in death is a successful or desirable outcome. [3] [4] [5] [6]



In the United States, the National Institute of Mental Health reports there are 11 nonfatal suicide attempts for every suicide death. [7] The American Association of Suicidology reports higher numbers, stating that there are 25 suicide attempts for every suicide completion. [8] The ratio of suicide attempts to suicide death is about 25:1 in youths, compared to about 4:1 in elderly. [9] A 2008 review found that nonfatal self-injury is more common in women, [10] and a separate study from 2008/2009 found suicidal thoughts higher among females, as well as significant differences between genders for suicide planning and suicide attempts. [11]

Suicide attempts are more common among adolescents in developing countries than developed ones. A 12-month prevalence of suicide attempt in developing countries between 2003 and 2015 was reported as 17%. [12]

Parasuicide and self-injury

Without commonly agreed-upon operational definitions, some suicidology researchers regard many suicide attempts as parasuicide (para- meaning near) [13] or self harm behavior, rather than "true" suicide attempts, as in lacking suicidal intent.


Some suicide methods have higher rates of lethality than others. The use of firearms results in death 90% of the time. Wrist-slashing has a much lower lethality rate, comparatively. 75% of all suicide attempts are by drug overdose, a method that is often thwarted because the drug is nonlethal, or is used at a nonlethal dosage. These people survive 97% of the time. [14]


A nonfatal suicide attempt is the strongest known clinical predictor of eventual suicide. [15] Suicide risk among self-harm patients is hundreds of times higher than in the general population. [16] However, it is estimated that only about 10–15% of suicide attempt survivors eventually die by suicide. [17] The mortality risk is highest during the first months and years after the attempt: almost 1% of individuals who attempt suicide will die by suicide if the attempt is repeated within one year. [18] Recent meta-analytic evidence suggests that the association between suicide attempt and suicidal death may not be as strong as it was thought before. [19]


Suicide attempts can result in serious and permanent injuries and/or disabilities. At least 700,000 Americans survive a suicide attempt each year. People who attempt either hanging or carbon monoxide poisoning and survive can face permanent brain damage due to cerebral anoxia. People who take a drug overdose and survive can face severe organ damage (e.g., liver failure). Individuals who jump from a height and survive may face irreversible damage to multiple organs, as well as the spine and brain.

While a majority sustain injuries that allow them to be released following emergency room treatment, a significant minority—about 116,000—are hospitalized, of whom 110,000 are eventually discharged alive. Their average hospital stay is 79 days. Some 89,000, 17% of these people, are permanently disabled. [20]

Criminalization of attempted suicide

Historically in the Christian church, people who attempted suicide were excommunicated because of the religiously polarizing nature of the topic. [21] While previously criminally punishable, attempted suicide is no longer illegal in most Western countries. It remains a criminal offense in most Islamic countries. [22] In the late 19th century in Great Britain, attempted suicide was deemed to be equivalent to attempted murder and could be punished by hanging. [23] In the United States, suicide is not illegal and almost no country in Europe currently considers attempted suicide to be a crime. [21]

In India, attempted suicide was decriminalized by the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, [24] [25] while Singapore removed attempted suicide from their criminal code in 2020; [26] previously it had been punishable by up to one-year in prison. [27]

Many other countries still prosecute suicide attempts. [28] As of 2012, attempted suicide is a criminal offense in Uganda, [29] and as of 2013, it is criminalized in Ghana. [30]

Despite having its own laws, Maryland still reserves the right to prosecute people under the English Common laws that were in place when America declared independence in 1776. These laws were used to convict a man for attempted suicide in 2018, resulting in a three-year suspended sentence and two years of supervised probation. [31] [32] [33]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Suicidology</span> Scientific study of suicide and self-destructive behaviors

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gender differences in suicide</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">IS PATH WARM?</span>

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In colleges and universities in the United States, suicide is one of the most common causes of death among students. Each year, approximately 24,000 college students attempt suicide while 1,100 students succeed in their attempt, making suicide the second-leading cause of death among U.S. college students. Roughly 12% of college students report the occurrence of suicide ideation during their first four years in college, with 2.6% percent reporting persistent suicide ideation. 65% of college students reported that they knew someone who has either attempted or died by suicide, showing that the majority of students on college campuses are exposed to suicide or suicidal attempts.

Suicide awareness is a proactive effort to raise awareness around suicidal behaviors. It is focused on reducing social stigmas and ambiguity by bringing attention to suicide statistically and sociologically, and by encouraging positive dialogue and engagement to prevent suicide. Suicide awareness is linked to suicide prevention as both address suicide education and the dissemination of information to ultimately decrease the rate of suicide. Awareness is the first stage that can ease the need for prevention. Awareness signifies a fundamental consciousness of the threat, while prevention focuses on stopping the act. Suicide awareness is not a medical engagement but a combination of medical, social, emotional and financial counseling. Suicide awareness in adolescents focuses on the age group between 10–24 years, beginning with the onset of puberty.

Suicide and trauma is the increased risk of suicide that is caused by psychological trauma.

Youth suicide in India is when young Indian people deliberately end their own life. People aged 15 to 24 years have the highest suicide rate in India, which is consistent with international trends in youth suicide. 35% of recorded suicides in India occur in this age group. Risk factors and methods of youth suicide differ from those in other age groups.

David A. Jobes is an American clinical psychologist. He is currently serving as a Professor of Psychology, Director of the Suicide Prevention Laboratory, and Associate Director of Clinical Training at The Catholic University of America. His areas of focus are on Clinical psychology, Suicide prevention, Clinical Suicidology, Ethics and Risk Management, and clinical risk assessment. In August 2022, he was awarded the Alfred Wellner Award for Lifetime Achievement by The National Register of Health Service Psychologists.


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