Thermal ecology

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Thermal ecology is the study of the interactions between temperature and organisms. Such interactions include the effects of temperature on an organism's physiology, behavioral patterns, and relationship with its environment. While being warmer is usually associated with greater fitness, maintaining this level of heat costs a significant amount of energy. Organisms will make various trade-offs so that they can continue to operate at their preferred temperatures and optimize metabolic functions. With the emergence of climate change scientists are investigating how species will be affected and what changes they will undergo in response.



While it is not known exactly when thermal ecology began being recognized as a new branch of science, in 1969, the Savanna River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) developed a research program on thermal stress due to heated water previously used to cool nuclear reactors being released into various nearby bodies of water. The SREL alongside the DuPont Company Savanna River Laboratory and the Atomic Energy Commission sponsored the first scientific symposium on thermal ecology in 1974 to discuss this issue as well as similar instances and the second symposium was held the next year in 1975. [1]


Temperature has a notable effect on animals, contributing to body growth and size, and behavioral and physical adaptations. Ways that animals can control their body temperature include generating heat through daily activity and cooling down through prolonged inactivity at night. Because this cannot be done by marine animals, they have adapted to have traits such as a small surface-area-to-volume ratio to minimize heat transfer with their environment and the creation of antifreeze in the body for survival in extreme cold conditions. [2]

California spotted owl (Strix occdentalis) Strix occidentalis Humboldt Redwoods Park cropped.jpg
California spotted owl (Strix occdentalis)


Endotherms expend a large amount of energy keeping their body temperatures warm and therefore require a large energy intake to make up for it. There are several ways that they have evolved to solve this issue. For instance, following Bergmann's Rule, endotherms in colder climates tend to be larger than those in warmer climates as a way to conserve internal heat. [3] Other methods include reducing internal temperatures and metabolic rates through daily torpor and hibernation. [4]

Strix occidentalis

The Strix occidentalis, or the California spotted owl, has a preferred temperature range of around 18.20-35.20 °C and is less tolerant to heat than most other birds, exhibiting behaviors such as wing drooping and increased breathing at 30-34 °C. Because of this they tend to live in environments that are resistant to temperature change such as old-growth forests. [5]


Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus) Podarcis sicula rb.jpg
Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus)

Because the main source of heat for ectotherms comes from their environment, thermal requirements change from species to species depending on geographical location. Due to some species having a static preferred body temperature through generations, they are shown to exhibit behavioral adjustments in situations of drastic environment change with adjustments in physiology as a last resort. In addition, ectotherms, similarly to endotherms, are generally larger in size when living in colder climates, following the temperature-size rule. [3]

Podarcis siculus

The Podarcis siculus otherwise known as the Italian wall lizard has a preferred temperature range of around 28.40-31.57 °C for both males and females. A strong direct relationship has been observed between their body temperatures and air temperature in the summer and a weak correlation has been observed in the spring. To control their internal temperature, seeking shade under rocks and leaves has proven to be effective. [6]


Jack in the Pulpit (Arum maculatum) can use thermogenesis to attract flies. They are then trapped and covered in pollen before being eventually released. Jack in the Pulpit (Arum maculatum) - - 1288449.jpg
Jack in the Pulpit (Arum maculatum) can use thermogenesis to attract flies. They are then trapped and covered in pollen before being eventually released.

Many processes during plant reproduction operate at specific temperature ranges making temperature important for reproductive success. Increasing the temperature of the reproductive organs in plants results in more frequent visitations from pollinators and an increase in the rate of metabolic processes. [7] Factors that affect the capture and maintaining of heat in plants include flower orientation, size and shape, coloration, opening and closure, pubescence, and thermogenesis. [8]

Climate change

Due to recent global climate change, thermal ecology has become a topic of interest for scientists concerning ecological response. Through observation it has been found that organisms typically respond to changes in weather and temperature by either moving to an environment in which these factors match what they are already accustomed to or staying in their current environment and consequently become acclimated to the new conditions. [3] In a study of the fish species Galaxias platei, it was concluded that the direct impacts of climate change such as increased temperatures would most likely not pose a significant threat however indirect impacts such as habitat loss may be detrimental. [9]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Homeothermy</span> Thermoregulation that maintains a stable internal body temperature regardless of external influence

Homeothermy, homothermy or homoiothermy is thermoregulation that maintains a stable internal body temperature regardless of external influence. This internal body temperature is often, though not necessarily, higher than the immediate environment. Homeothermy is one of the 3 types of thermoregulation in warm-blooded animal species. Homeothermy's opposite is poikilothermy. A poikilotherm is an organism that does not maintain a fixed internal temperature but rather its internal temperature fluctuates based on its environment and physical behaviour.

This glossary of ecology is a list of definitions of terms and concepts in ecology and related fields. For more specific definitions from other glossaries related to ecology, see Glossary of biology, Glossary of evolutionary biology, and Glossary of environmental science.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Endotherm</span> Organism that maintains body temperature largely by heat from internal bodily functions

An endotherm is an organism that maintains its body at a metabolically favorable temperature, largely by the use of heat released by its internal bodily functions instead of relying almost purely on ambient heat. Such internally generated heat is mainly an incidental product of the animal's routine metabolism, but under conditions of excessive cold or low activity an endotherm might apply special mechanisms adapted specifically to heat production. Examples include special-function muscular exertion such as shivering, and uncoupled oxidative metabolism, such as within brown adipose tissue.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thermoregulation</span> Ability of an organism to keep its body temperature within certain boundaries

Thermoregulation is the ability of an organism to keep its body temperature within certain boundaries, even when the surrounding temperature is very different. A thermoconforming organism, by contrast, simply adopts the surrounding temperature as its own body temperature, thus avoiding the need for internal thermoregulation. The internal thermoregulation process is one aspect of homeostasis: a state of dynamic stability in an organism's internal conditions, maintained far from thermal equilibrium with its environment. If the body is unable to maintain a normal temperature and it increases significantly above normal, a condition known as hyperthermia occurs. Humans may also experience lethal hyperthermia when the wet bulb temperature is sustained above 35 °C (95 °F) for six hours.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ectotherm</span> Organism where internal heating sources are small or negligible

An ectotherm, more commonly referred to as a "cold-bloodedanimal", is an animal in which internal physiological sources of heat, such as blood, are of relatively small or of quite negligible importance in controlling body temperature. Such organisms rely on environmental heat sources, which permit them to operate at very economical metabolic rates.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bergmann's rule</span> Biological rule stating that larger size organisms are found in colder environments

Bergmann's rule is an ecogeographical rule that states that, within a broadly distributed taxonomic clade, populations and species of larger size are found in colder environments, while populations and species of smaller size are found in warmer regions. The rule derives from the relationship between size in linear dimensions meaning that both height and volume will increase in colder environments. Bergmann's rule only describes the overall size of the animals, but does not include body proportions like Allen's rule does.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Allen's rule</span> Relation of habitat temperature and limb length

Allen's rule is an ecogeographical rule formulated by Joel Asaph Allen in 1877, broadly stating that animals adapted to cold climates have shorter and thicker limbs and bodily appendages than animals adapted to warm climates. More specifically, it states that the body surface-area-to-volume ratio for homeothermic animals varies with the average temperature of the habitat to which they are adapted.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gigantothermy</span> Form of thermoregulation by body size

Gigantothermy is a phenomenon with significance in biology and paleontology, whereby large, bulky ectothermic animals are more easily able to maintain a constant, relatively high body temperature than smaller animals by virtue of their smaller surface-area-to-volume ratio. A bigger animal has proportionately less of its body close to the outside environment than a smaller animal of otherwise similar shape, and so it gains heat from, or loses heat to, the environment much more slowly.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Poikilotherm</span> Organism with considerable internal temperature variation

A poikilotherm is an animal whose internal temperature varies considerably. Poikilotherms have to survive and adapt to environmental stress. One of the most important stressors is temperature change, which can lead to alterations in membrane lipid order and can cause protein unfolding and denaturation at elevated temperatures. It is the opposite of a homeotherm, an animal which maintains thermal homeostasis. While the term in principle can apply to all organisms, it is generally only applied to animals, and mostly to vertebrates. Usually the fluctuations are a consequence of variation in the ambient environmental temperature. Many terrestrial ectotherms are poikilothermic. However some ectotherms remain in temperature-constant environments to the point that they are actually able to maintain a constant internal temperature and are considered homeothermic. It is this distinction that often makes the term "poikilotherm" more useful than the vernacular "cold-blooded", which is sometimes used to refer to ectotherms more generally.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Phenotypic plasticity</span> Trait change of an organism in response to environmental variation

Phenotypic plasticity refers to some of the changes in an organism's behavior, morphology and physiology in response to a unique environment. Fundamental to the way in which organisms cope with environmental variation, phenotypic plasticity encompasses all types of environmentally induced changes that may or may not be permanent throughout an individual's lifespan.

Climatic adaptation refers to adaptations of an organism that are triggered due to the patterns of variation of abiotic factors that determine a specific climate. Annual means, seasonal variation and daily patterns of abiotic factors are properties of a climate where organisms can be adapted to. Changes in behavior, physical structure, internal mechanisms and metabolism are forms of adaptation that is caused by climate properties. Organisms of the same species that occur in different climates can be compared to determine which adaptations are due to climate and which are influenced majorly by other factors. Climatic adaptations limits to adaptations that have been established, characterizing species that live within the specific climate. It is different from climate change adaptations which refers to the ability to adapt to gradual changes of a climate. Once a climate has changed, the climate change adaptation that led to the survival of the specific organisms as a species can be seen as a climatic adaptation. Climatic adaptation is constrained by the genetic variability of the species in question.

An energy budget is a balance sheet of energy income against expenditure. It is studied in the field of Energetics which deals with the study of energy transfer and transformation from one form to another. Calorie is the basic unit of measurement. An organism in a laboratory experiment is an open thermodynamic system, exchanging energy with its surroundings in three ways - heat, work and the potential energy of biochemical compounds.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Italian wall lizard</span> Species of lizard

The Italian wall lizard or ruin lizard is a species of lizard in the family Lacertidae. P. siculus is native to south and southeastern Europe, but has also been introduced elsewhere in the continent, as well as North America, where it is a possible invasive species. P. siculus is a habitat generalist and can thrive in natural and human-modified environments. Similarly, P. siculus has a generalized diet as well, allowing it to have its large range.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eurytherm</span> Organism tolerant of a wide temperature range

A eurytherm is an organism, often an endotherm, that can function at a wide range of ambient temperatures. To be considered a eurytherm, all stages of an organism's life cycle must be considered, including juvenile and larval stages. These wide ranges of tolerable temperatures are directly derived from the tolerance of a given eurythermal organism's proteins. Extreme examples of eurytherms include Tardigrades (Tardigrada), the desert pupfish, and green crabs, however, nearly all mammals, including humans, are considered eurytherms. Eurythermy can be an evolutionary advantage: adaptations to cold temperatures, called cold-eurythemy, are seen as essential for the survival of species during ice ages. In addition, the ability to survive in a wide range of temperatures increases a species' ability to inhabit other areas, an advantage for natural selection.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kleptothermy</span> Form of thermoregulation in which an animal shares in the heat production of another

In biology, kleptothermy is any form of thermoregulation by which an animal shares in the metabolic thermogenesis of another animal. It may or may not be reciprocal, and occurs in both endotherms and ectotherms. One of its forms is huddling. However, kleptothermy can happen between different species that share the same habitat, and can also happen in pre-hatching life where embryos are able to detect thermal changes in the environment.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mesotherm</span> Type of animal that produces metabolic heat, but has no specific body temperature

A mesotherm is a type of animal with a thermoregulatory strategy intermediate to cold-blooded ectotherms and warm-blooded endotherms.

The temperature-size rule denotes the plastic response of organismal body size to environmental temperature variation. Organisms exhibiting a plastic response are capable of allowing their body size to fluctuate with environmental temperature. First coined by David Atkinson in 1996, it is considered to be a unique case of Bergmann's rule that has been observed in plants, animals, birds, and a wide variety of ectotherms. Although exceptions to the temperature-size rule exist, recognition of this widespread "rule" has amassed efforts to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying growth and body size variation in differing environmental temperatures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lauren B. Buckley</span> American scientist

Lauren B. Buckley is an evolutionary ecologist and professor of biology at the University of Washington. She researches the relationship between organismal physiological and life history features and response to global climate change.

Warren P. Porter is a biophysical ecologist, environmental toxicologist, and an academic. He is an emeritus Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


  1. "Fifty Years Ago: The Development of Thermal Ecology at SREL – The Ecological Society of America's History and Records" . Retrieved 2019-10-22.
  2. Camps, Marc Arenas (2015-05-21). "How do fishes survive in hot and cold waters?". All you need is Biology (in Catalan). Retrieved 2019-10-22.
  3. 1 2 3 Clarke, Andrew (2017). Principles of Thermal Ecology: Temperature, Energy, and Life. Oxford University Press.
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  5. Wesley W. Weathers; Peter J. Hodum; Jennifer A. Blakesley (2001). "Thermal Ecology and Ecological Energetics of California Spotted Owls". The Condor. 103 (4): 678. doi: 10.1093/condor/103.4.678 .
  6. Ortega, Zaida; Mencía, Abraham; Pérez-Mellado, Valentín (December 2016). "Thermal ecology of Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmalz, 1810) in Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain)". Acta Herpetologica. 11 (2): 127–133. doi:10.13128/Acta_Herpetol-18117.
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  9. Barrantes, María; Lattuca, María; Vanella, Fabián; Fernández, Daniel (November 2017). "Thermal ecology of Galaxias platei (Pisces, Galaxiidae) in South Patagonia: perspectives under a climate change scenario". Hydrobiologia. 802 (1): 255–267. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3275-3. hdl: 11336/64049 . S2CID   32618434.