Time in Tajikistan

Last updated

Tajikistan Standard Time
Time zone
Map of South Asia with time zones; Tajikistan is colored green to indicate UTC+05:00.
UTC offset
BST UTC+05:00
Current time
02:42, 26 February 2025 BST [refresh]
Observance of DST
DST is not observed in this time zone.

Time in Tajikistan is given by Tajikistan Time (TJT; UTC+05:00). Tajikistan does not currently observe daylight saving time. [1] The IANA identifier for Tajikistan Time is Asia/Dushanbe. Tajikistan observes the same time zone as most of its central Asian neighbors such as, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.


IANA time zone database

Data for Tajikistan directly from zone.tab of the IANA time zone database. Columns marked with * are the columns from zone.tab itself.

c.c.*Coordinates*TZ*Comments* UTC offset
TJ +3835+06848 Asia/Dushanbe +05:00


Historic time zones for Tajikistan (both as an independent country and a Soviet state) [2]

2 May 192421 June 1930UTC+5no
21 June 19301 April 1981UTC+6no
1 April 198131 March 1991UTC+6yes
31 March 19919 September 1991UTC+5yes
9 September 1991PresentUTC+5no


  1. http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/tajikistan/dushanbe Time zone in Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  2. "IANA — Time Zone Database".