Timeline of Portuguese history (First Dynasty)

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This is a historical timeline of Portugal.

First Dynasty: House of Borgonha

12th century

13th century

14th century

See also

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This is a historical timeline of Portugal.

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The siege of Alcácer do Sal lasted from 30 July to 18 October 1217. The well fortified city of Alcácer do Sal was a frontier outpost of the Almohad Caliphate facing Portugal. It was besieged by forces from Portugal, León, the military orders and the Fifth Crusade. The latter were led by Count William I of Holland. The expedition was the brainchild of Bishop Soeiro II of Lisbon, whose diocese was threatened by regular raids from Alcácer. King Afonso II of Portugal did not take part in person, but the city was incorporated into his kingdom after its capitulation. The crusaders who took part in the siege, mainly from the Rhineland and the Low Countries, did so without papal authorization and were afterwards ordered to continue on to the Holy Land.

Soeiro Viegas was the bishop of Lisbon from 1211 until his death. He is most notable for launching the successful siege of Alcácer do Sal in 1217. He spent eight or more years of his episcopate in Rome, where he was on behalf of King Afonso II in 1211–1212 and attending the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215–1216. He was there litigating his own troubles in 1223 and 1226–1231. The first seven years of his episcopate were characterized by good relations with the crown, but the rest of his episcopate was characterized by conflict. He was exiled from his diocese for a time in 1223–1224.

In 1111, the Almoravids launched a campaign into the County of Portugal to capture the territories of western Iberia that had already been held by the Almoravids in 1094.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Siege of Tomar</span> 1190 siege of a Portuguese town

The Siege of Tomar was a military engagement that took place in 1190 between the Almohad caliphate who attacked the town of Tomar in Portugal, and the Templar Order, who owned the settlement and successfully defended it from the Muslim attack.

The Portuguese conquest of the Algarve, the southern-most region in modern-day Portugal, occurred between 1238, when the castle of Estômbar was captured by the Order of Santiago, and 1249, when king Afonso III of Portugal captured Faro, Loulé, Aljezur, Porches and Albufeira.

Portugal in the <i>Reconquista</i>

Portuguese participation in the Reconquista occurred from the moment the County of Portugal was founded in 868 and continued for 381 years until the last cities still in Muslims control in the Algarve were captured in 1249.


  1. Lucas Villegas-Aristizábal (2013). "Revisiting the Anglo-Norman Crusaders' Failed Attempt to Conquer Lisbon c. 1142". Portuguese Studies. 29: 7. doi:10.5699/portstudies.29.1.0007.