The specific name, hygomi, is in honor of Danish merchant seaman Vilhelm Johannes Willaius Hygom (born 1818), who collected natural history specimens, both land and marine.[3]
T. hygomipreys predominately upon ants, beetles, and termites, but also eats larvae and adults of other insects, spiders, wood lice, centipedes, and millipedes.[1]
Boulenger GA (1885). Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition. Volume II. Iguanidæ .... London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). (Taylor and Francis, printers). xiii + 497 pp. + Plates I–XXIV. (Tropidurus hygomi, p. 177).
Caldas, Francis; Santos, Rafael; Santana, Daniel; Faria, Renato (2021). "Filling some of the gap of ecological informations [sic] of a Brazilian Vulnerable lizard (Tropidurus hygomi) ". Cuadernos de Herpetología35: 207–222.
Freitas MA (2014). "Squamate reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of northern Bahia, Brazil". Check List10 (5): 1020–1030.
Lima, Jefferson Oliveira; Andrade, Hugo; Silva, Tainara Lima da; Dias, Eduardo José dos Reis (2022). "Reptiles of Sergipe: current knowledge and sampling discontinuities". Herpetology Notes15: 69–78.
Reinhardt JT, Lütken CF (1862). "Bidrag til Kundskab om Brasiliens Padder og Krybdyr. Förste Afdeling: Padderne og Öglerne". Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjöbenhavn1861 (10/15): 143–242. (Tropidurus hygomi, new species, pp. 228–229). (in Danish and Latin).
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