This is a list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in the Czech Republic.
In 1976 a family saw a triangular UFO similar to boomerang while sitting at the campfire behind their cottage in Radkov. Two years later, a similar object was unsuccessfully chased by a military aircraft from Žatec above Western Bohemia. In 1992, similar object was observed in Cheb, near Prague and near Dvůr Králové. [1]
Vranov UFO incident is considered the most famous and arguably the most serious incident of sighting of an unidentified flying object over Czech territory. This incident took place on 12 July 1987 in Vranov nad Dyjí above the Vranov Reservoir, which was full of visitors. [2] The observation began at 12 noon local time. The crew of the helicopter regiment was ordered to pursue an unknown object. The weather on the day of the event was typical for the season and climate, with cumulus clouds above 1.5 km. [3] The object, i.e. the target of the helicopter regiment, was first located in Austria, close to the state border. At first the pilots thought the guidance station was vectoring them onto the cloud. After a while, a black object in the shape of a cigar flew over them. They received an instruction from the ground to shoot down the object, but according to the pilots' description, the machine behaved very strangely. Whenever the machine was aimed in the crosshairs, it immediately changed direction. Moreover, shooting was also not possible due to the fact that they were located above the Vranovská dam, which was full of people, i.e. vacationers. After two minutes of visual contact, the object disappeared behind the cloud. The pilots flew on. First Lieutenant Jaroslav Špaček claims: Then probably the worst situation occurred during the entire flight. The object was flying directly towards their helicopter and they had to dodge it with great difficulty. At great, allegedly supersonic speed, the object, the target of the helicopter regiment, then moved over Brno, Jaslovské Bohunice and towards Bratislava, where after a while it was no longer visible on the radar. [4]
On 12 July 1991 a glowing round object was seen near Miličín causing panic among local populace. Sphere appeared randomly, silently followed people, scaring them to death. It was allegedly seen by hundreds of witnesses and only a few people spoke. Local pastor reportedly told people that this was a divine miracle and they should keep quiet about it. Several people testified that they saw the outlines of figures in the sphere. In some cases the figures even left the sphere and were walking on a roof of an empty cottage and were "repairing" something leaving behind large and four-fingered footprints in the mud. One man was so bewitched by the sphere that he set off after it into the darkness, despite the neighbors calling him back, only to return later and confused. Another person reports a waste of time. And one lady said that figures came to her house and left only after she screamed, cried and prayed loudly. [5] [6]
On 5 May 1992 military radars showed an object approaching the Czechoslovak border from Germany. It crossed border near Tři Sekery. [7] it was heading to the village of Hvozd. Several fighter jets and helicopters were sent after the object. Although the object was visible on the radar and was also seen by a number of observers from the ground, pilots did not find it despite the good weather. According to the radar, the unknown object headed towards Chomutov and suddenly disappeared near Jirkov. [8]
On 21 August 1993 Mr. Š took his dog for a walk and came across an object similar to a flatfish without a tail and about 70 cm in length and 40–50 cm in height. The strange object was standing or hanging about 30 or 40 cm above the road and was not moving. [9] Then he started to move and began to float noiselessly. The day after, sightings of UFOs of various shapes and sizes sprang up in a number of places in the Czech Republic. Shapes varied from cigar-shaped planes to glowing triangles. [1]
During late May 2009 there were various reports of people seeing flying objects on various places in the Czech Republic. [10]
An unidentified flying object (UFO), or unidentified aerialphenomenon (UAP), is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. Upon investigation, most UFOs are identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while a small number remain unexplained.
Black triangles are UFOs reported as having a triangular shape and dark color, typically observed at night, described as large, silent, hovering, moving slowly, and displaying pulsating, colored lights which they are able to turn off.
The Cash–Landrum Incident was an unidentified flying object sighting in the United States in 1980, which witnesses claimed was responsible for causing health and property damage. Uncharacteristically for such UFO reports, this resulted in civil court proceedings, though the case ended in a dismissal.
The Shag Harbour UFO incident was the reported impact of an unknown large object into waters near Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, a tiny fishing village on the Atlantic coast, on 4 October 1967. The reports were investigated by various Canadian civilian and military agencies as well as the U.S. Condon Committee.
The Chiles-Whitted UFO encounter occurred at approximately 2:45 AM on July 24, 1948, in the skies near Montgomery, Alabama, United States. Two commercial pilots, Clarence S. Chiles and John B. Whitted, claimed to have observed a "glowing object" pass by their plane before it appeared to pull up into a cloud and travel out of sight.
This is a list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in Brazil.
This is a list of sightings of alleged UFOs in Australia.
This is a list of notable alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the United Kingdom. Many more sightings have become known since the gradual release, between 2008 and 2013, of the Ministry of Defence's UFO sighting reports by the National Archives. In recent years, there have been many sightings of groups of slowly moving lights in the night sky, which can be easily explained as Chinese lanterns. Undertaken between 1997 and 2000, Project Condign concluded that all the investigated sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena in the UK could be attributed to misidentified but explicable objects, or poorly understood natural phenomena.
Below is a partial list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in Canada.
This is a list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in China.
From July 12 to 29, 1952, a series of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings were reported in Washington, D.C., and later became known as the Washington flap, the Washington National Airport Sightings, or the Invasion of Washington. The most publicized sightings took place on consecutive weekends, July 19–20 and July 26–27. UFO historian Curtis Peebles called the incident "the climax of the 1952 (UFO) flap" - "Never before or after did Project Blue Book and the Air Force undergo such a tidal wave of (UFO) reports."
A flying saucer is a descriptive term for a type of flying craft having a disc or saucer-shaped body, commonly used generically to refer to an anomalous flying object. The term was coined in 1947 but has generally been supplanted since 1952 by the United States Air Force term unidentified flying objects. Early reported sightings of unknown "flying saucers" usually described them as silver or metallic, sometimes reported as covered with navigation lights or surrounded with a glowing light, hovering or moving rapidly, either alone or in tight formations with other similar craft, and exhibiting high maneuverability.
The Sperry UFO case was a sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object by the captain, Willis Sperry, and other crew of an American Airlines DC-6 airborne near Mount Vernon, Maryland on 29 May 1950.
Japan Air Lines Cargo Flight 1628 was a UFO incident that occurred on November 17, 1986, involving a Japanese Boeing 747-200F cargo aircraft. The aircraft was en route from Paris to Narita International Airport, near Tokyo, with a cargo of Beaujolais wine. On the Reykjavík to Anchorage section of the flight, at 17:11 over eastern Alaska, the crew first witnessed two unidentified objects to their left. These abruptly rose from below and closed in to escort their aircraft. Each had two rectangular arrays of what appeared to be glowing nozzles or thrusters, though their bodies remained obscured by darkness. When closest, the aircraft's cabin was lit up and the captain could feel their heat on his face. These two craft departed before a third, much larger disk-shaped object started trailing them. Anchorage Air Traffic Control requested an oncoming United Airlines flight to confirm the unidentified traffic, but when it and a military craft sighted JAL 1628 at about 17:51, no other craft could be distinguished. The sighting lasted 50 minutes and ended in the vicinity of Denali.
The most widely reported UFO incident in New Zealand, and the only one investigated, involved the Kaikoura lights encountered by aircraft, filmed and tracked by radar in December 1978. The New Zealand Defence Force does not take an official interest in UFO reports, but in December 2010 it released files on hundreds of purported UFO reports. New Zealand's then-Minister of Defence, Wayne Mapp said at the time people could "make what they will" of the reports, and said "a quick scan of the files indicates that virtually everything has a natural explanation".
In the afternoon of 23 April 2007, Ray Bowyer, a pilot flying south towards the island of Alderney in the English Channel sighted unidentified flying objects. He reported the sighting to an air traffic controller who told him that a second pilot had seen something similar. In Bowyer's report to the British Civil Aviation Authority he said he saw two bright, stationary objects. Two passengers on Bowyer's aircraft said that they saw unusual coloured lights at the same time. Proposed explanations for the sighting have included earthquake lights and sun dogs.
The Petrozavodsk phenomenon was a series of celestial events of a disputed nature that occurred on 20 September 1977. The sightings were reported over a vast territory, from Copenhagen and Helsinki in the west to Vladivostok in the east. It is named after the city of Petrozavodsk in Russia, Soviet Union, where a glowing object was widely reported that showered the city with numerous rays.
This is a list of alleged sightings of UFOs in India:
This is a list of alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs in Poland.