This is a list of alleged extraterrestrial beings that have been reported in close encounters, claimed or speculated to be associated with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) (not to be confused with the meaning of the term "alien species" in the biological science of ecology). [1]
Flatwoods monster [2] [3] | Tall humanoid with a spade-shaped head. [2] |
Greys [4] [5]
| Grey-skinned (sometimes green-skinned) humanoids, usually 1 m (3.3 ft) tall, hairless, with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 3–4 fingers including thumb. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s. [5] |
Hopkinsville goblin [6] [7] [8] | Small, greenish-silver humanoids. [9] |
Little green men [10] | Diminutive green humanoids. Even though a few abductions have referred to green skin, no report has ever involved anything that would fit the classic cultural stereotype of "little green men". They are included here only for cultural reference. [10] |
Nordic aliens [11] [12] | Humanoids with stereotypical "Nordic features" (tall, blonde hair, blue eyes) and which have featured in several cases of contact. |
Cryptozoological animals and cryptobotanical plants, including those from folklore, religion (e.g. golem), mythology (e.g. dwarf (see also dwarfism); giants from Atlantis (see also gigantism), etc.), and some reports of ghosts, poltergeists, and time travellers (alleged)
| Some claim that many of the allegedly real creatures from the Fortean archives (see also: Fortean Times and William R. Corliss) and related reports of anomalous phenomena [18] are actually of extraterrestrial or mixed origin, such as in the extraterrestrial hypothesis, the interdimensional hypothesis, or the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis. Sometimes these creatures are associated with the occult or with esotericism, or linked with supernatural or paranormal phenomena. Others dismiss these explanations in favor of skepticism, cultural tracking, or the psychosocial hypothesis such as in cases of mass hysteria. Some of these alleged encounters have turned out to be hoaxes or scams to boost local tourism, sell more newspapers or more fringe science books. |
Reptilians and reptiloids (sometimes spelled as reptillians) [19]
| Tall, scaly humanoids. Reptilian humanoid beings date back at least as far as Ancient Egypt, with the crocodile-headed river god Sobek. The reptilian conspiracy theory has been advocated by David Icke. |
Rods [20] or skyfish | Elongated visual artifacts appearing in photos and video recordings, sometimes claimed to be extraterrestrial beings. Generally thought to be caused by motion blur from flying insects. |
Non-native organisms that become established in a new environment.
The 'monster' reportedly had a 'man-like shape' and stood some ten feet tall, although Barker (1953) noted that 'descriptions from the waist down are vague; most of the seven said this part of the figure was not under view.'
The '[G]ray' is about four feet high, with a slender body and neck, a large head, and huge, black, slanted, almond-shaped eyes. Grays usually have no hair and often only three fingers on each hand. There are two vastly different types of so called "greys" both from the Zeta Reticulan star system. The Hollywood "grays" are the typical on seen in pop culture, however, they should not be confused with the slightly taller greyish blue NHI known as Ebens. The difference in the them is that the greys are not biologically born. They are engineered, augmented, created and controlled by their creators and other sentient beings. The Ebens are biological entities as we know them on earth. Meaning they are conceived and born biologically. Greys are often considered emotionally "stunted" where as Ebens are empathetic and sympathetic like most mammals.
[Green] was apparently later injected by the national media, although 'Lucky' Sutton's son now says his father described them as 'silver' with 'a greenish silver glow'...
Icke, ... is now today's most (in)famous proponent of what we are calling the 'Reptoid Hypothesis'—the idea that alien lizards conspiratorially control the Earth and with it human destiny.