![]() The flag of Jamaica | |
Data | |
Water coverage (broad definition) | 93% |
Sanitation coverage (broad definition) | 81% |
Share of household metering | 66% [1] |
Share of self-financing by utilities | Zero |
Institutions | |
Decentralization to municipalities | No |
National water and sanitation company | Yes |
Water and sanitation regulator | Yes (multi-sector) |
Responsibility for policy setting | Ministry of Water and Housing |
No. of urban service providers | 1 large, 3 small |
Water supply and sanitation in Jamaica is characterized by high levels of access to an improved water source, while access to adequate sanitation stands at only 80%. This situation affects especially the poor, including the urban poor many of which live in the country's over 595 unplanned squatter settlements in unhealthy and unsanitary environments with a high risk of waterborne disease. Despite a number of policy papers that were mainly focused on water supply and despite various projects funded by external donors, increases in access have remained limited (1% for water and 5% for sanitation between 1990 and 2004).
The responsibility for water and sanitation policies within the government rests with the Ministry of Water and Housing, and the main service provider is the National Water Commission. An autonomous regulatory agency, the Office of Utilities Regulation, approves tariffs and establishes targets for efficiency increases.
Urban (52% of the population) | Rural (48% of the population) | Total | ||
Water | Broad definition | 98% | 88% | 93% |
House connections | 92% | 46% | 70% | |
Sanitation | Broad definition | 91% | 69% | 80% |
Sewerage | 31% | 2% | 17% |
Source: Joint Monitoring Program WHO/UNICEF(JMP/2006). Data for water and sanitation based on the Survey of Living Conditions (2002).
In urban areas, where 52% of Jamaica’s population lives, access to improved water supply is 98% access to improved sanitation is 91%. Only 31% of the urban population is connected to sewers. In rural areas access stands at 88% for improved water supply and 69% for improved sanitation. Overall, access to improved water supply in Jamaica stands at 93% and access to improved sanitation is currently at 80%.
Between 1990 and 2004 access only increased slightly by 1% for water by 5% for sanitation. [2]
Many homes receive water only at low pressure. Many rural communities receive water that is not or only irregularly chlorinated. According to the 2011 Population and Housing Census, 69 percent of Jamaica's households receive untreated drinking water. [3]
The following table summarizes the results of the water tested from the 11 major surface sources and 6 wells of the National Water Commission (NWC) as compared to the standards set by the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Water samples collected | Negative with coliform bacteria | Positive with residual chlorine | |
MOH interim standard | > = 95% | < = 95% | > = 95% |
NWC results as at Dec 2004 - source | 10/11 | 8/11 | 10/11 |
NWC results as at Dec 2004 - distribution | 11/11 | 6/11 | 11/11 |
Source: Office of Utilities Regulation Annual Report 2005-2006, p. 48 [4]
Most of the country's over 595 unplanned squatter settlements [5] or approximately 10% of the population is located nearby unhealthy and unsanitary environments without piped water or sanitation where there is a high risk of waterborne diseases. The vulnerability to natural disasters threatens the existing water and sanitation systems. Furthermore, there is a heightened probability of contamination of systems following hurricanes due to service interruption as well as the incidence of health-related diseases.
The National Water Commission (NWC), which produces more than 90% of Jamaica's total potable water supply, operates a network of more than 160 wells, over 116 river sources (via water treatment plants) and 147 springs. The various Parish Councils and a small number of private water companies supply the rest of the potable water. The NWC operates more than 1,000 water supply and over 100 sewerage facilities islandwide. These vary from large raw water storage reservoirs at Hermitage and Mona in St. Andrew and the Great River treatment plant in St. James, to medium-sized and small diesel-driven pumping installations serving rural towns and villages across Jamaica. The NWC facilities also include over 4,000 kilometres of pipelines and more than 500 kilometres of sewer mains across the island. NWC supplies some 190 million gallons of potable water each day. [6]
Policy institutions The Ministry of Water and Housing (MWH) is responsible for setting water and sanitation policies. It is also in charge of ensuring that all housing developments meet required standards for sanitation. The Ministry of Health develops and implements health policies and legislation to promote appropriate sanitation practices; establishes and monitors health indicators for sanitation, enforces public health laws, provides public education on sanitation and hygiene. The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) determines and monitors environmental standards for water supply and sanitation. Local Authorities have only a limited role in the sector.
The following water agencies operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Water and Housing
The Water Resources Authority (WRA) is responsible for the management, protection, and controlled allocation and use of Jamaica's water resources. The WRA maintains a hydrological database and provides data, information, and technical assistance to government and non-government institutions. [7]
Policies Some of the existing policies related to water supply and sanitation are:
Regulation The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR), established by an Act of Parliament in 1995, regulates, among others, water and sanitation service provision. The Office approves tariffs, sets targets for efficiency improvements, processes all license applications for utility services and makes recommendations to the Minister. [11]
Water service on the island is provided by one large public entity and three small private companies:
Sanitation services are provided by NWC, Can Cara Development Company and Rosehall Utilities Company. [12]
The Jamaica Social Investment Fund finances community-based water and sanitation projects.
The water and sanitation infrastructure is inadequate and inefficiently operated, as the level of Non-revenue water for the NWC was 66% in 2005. [13] In 2004, service providers produced 277 million cubic meters of water, but only 103 million cubic meters were consumed. [14]
Cost recovery Despite a tariff increase granted to NWC in 2004, the utility continued to register an operating loss for the fourth consecutive year. [15] There thus is no cost recovery for capital costs. Poor enforcement of tariff payments contributes to the utility's low revenues. [16] Whenever tariffs are adjusted, the NWC and the OUR shall implement a public awareness campaign on how to reduce bills through water conservation. [17]
Affordability The average Jamaican household spends 2.1% of its income on water services. This is approximately half of what the average household spend on electricity, and a bit less than half of what the average household spends on telephone services. The poorest 20% of household in Jamaica spend 3.2% of their income on water, while the richest 20% send 1.8% of their income on water. [18]
Most financing is provided through government grants to NWC, which are in turn financed by external loans, internal debt or general tax revenue. The government intends to tap other sources of financing, such as property taxes (called millage) and private sector financing.
The Water Sector Policy Paper of 1999 estimated investment needs until 2015 at US$2.2 billion, including US$1.3 billion for the "non-agricultural sector", US$0.3 billion for the agricultural sector and US$0.6 billion for sewerage systems. [18]
The main external cooperation partners that provide support to the Jamaican government for water supply and sanitation are the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, United States and Japan.
Approved on 23 June 2004, a US$40 million loan aims to improve water and sanitation as well as to modernize the management in Kingston, Jamaica. The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Finance and Planning, as well as by the National Water Commission. [19]
Approved on 29 March 2006, 38% of the US$32.8 million loan is allocated to improving basic urban water, sanitation, and flood protection services. The project is being implemented by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF).
Approved in 2002 and closed in 2008, 20% of the US$29.65 million loan was aimed at improving the water, sanitation, and flood protection sector.
Kingston Metropolitan Area Water Supply and Rehabilitation Project (US$6m): Approved on 1 June 2007 and aims to assist USAID in expanding water supply to the Kingston Metropolitan Area. It follows in the footsteps of an earlier Kingston Metropolitan Area Water Supply project approved in 1996. [20]
The Ridge to Reef Program (1997-2005) aimed at improving the environmental quality of coastal waters through influencing activities in upland watersheds and coastal areas through three projects:
Water supply and sanitation in Latin America is characterized by insufficient access and in many cases by poor service quality, with detrimental impacts on public health. Water and sanitation services are provided by a vast array of mostly local service providers under an often fragmented policy and regulatory framework. Financing of water and sanitation remains a serious challenge.
This article has been written in 2007 with partial updates since then, including most recently concerning access in 2012. Please feel free to update it further. The Spanish article includes some more up-to-date information.
Water supply and sanitation in Colombia have been improved in many ways over the past decades. Between 1990 and 2010, access to improved sanitation increased from 67% to 82%, but access to improved water source's increased only slightly from 89% to 94%. In particular, coverage in rural areas lags behind. Furthermore, despite improvements, the quality of water and sanitation services remains inadequate. For example, only 73% of those receiving public services receive water of potable quality and in 2006 only 25% of the wastewater generated in the country underwent any kind of treatment.
Guyana, meaning "land of many waters", is rich in water resources. Most of the population is concentrated in the coastal plain, much of which is below sea level and is protected by a series of sea walls. A series of shallow reservoirs inland of the coastal plain, called "water conservancies", store surface water primarily for irrigation needs. Key issues in the water and sanitation sector in Guyana are poor service quality, a low level of cost recovery and low levels of access.
Access to at least basic water increased from 94% to 97% between 2000 and 2015; an increase in access to at least basic sanitation from 73% to 86% in the same period;
Drinking water and sanitation in Nicaragua are provided by a national public utility in urban areas and water committees in rural areas. Despite relatively high levels of investment, access to drinking water in urban areas has barely kept up with population growth, access to urban sanitation has actually declined and service quality remains poor. However, a substantial increase in access to water supply and sanitation has been reached in rural areas.
The water and sanitation sector in Peru has made important advances in the last two decades, including the increase of water coverage from 30% to 85% between 1980 and 2010. Sanitation coverage has also increased from 9% to 37% from 1985 to 2010 in rural areas. Advances have also been achieved concerning the disinfection of drinking water and in sewage treatment. Nevertheless, many challenges remain, such as:
This article has been written in 2007. Please feel free to update this article.
Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia is characterized by poor levels of access and service quality. Almost 30 million people lack access to an improved water source and more than 70 million of the country's 264 million population has no access to improved sanitation. Only about 2% of people have access to sewerage in urban areas; this is one of the lowest in the world among middle-income countries. Water pollution is widespread on Bali and Java. Women in Jakarta report spending US$11 per month on boiling water, implying a significant burden for the poor.
The water supply and sanitation in India has increased greatly from 1980 to present. Still, many people lack access to clean water, toilets, and sewage infrastructure. Various government programs at national, state, and community level have brought rapid improvements in sanitation and the drinking water supply. Some of these programs are ongoing.
Water supply and sanitation in China is undergoing a massive transition while facing numerous challenges such as rapid urbanization, increasing economic inequality, and the supply of water to rural areas. Water scarcity and pollution also impact access to water.
Water supply and sanitation in Rwanda is characterized by a clear government policy and significant donor support. In response to poor sustainability of rural water systems and poor service quality, in 2002 local government in the Northern Byumba Province contracted out service provision to the local private sector in a form of public–private partnership. Support for public-private partnerships became a government policy in 2004 and locally initiated public-private partnerships spread rapidly, covering 25% of rural water systems as of 2007.
The drinking water supply and sanitation sector in Ghana faces a number of challenges, including very limited access to sanitation, intermittent supply, high water losses and low water pressure. Since 1994, the sector has been gradually reformed through the creation of an autonomous regulatory agency, introduction of private sector participation, decentralization of the rural supply to 138 districts and increased community participation in the management of rural water systems.
With abundant water resources, Bangladesh faces various water contaminations mainly caused by pollutants, bacteria, and pesticides. Historically, water sources in Bangladesh came from surface water contaminated with bacteria. Drinking infected water resulted in infants and children suffering from acute gastrointestinal disease that led to a high mortality rate. According to UNICEF, 38.3% of Bangladeshis drink unsafe water from bacteria-contaminated sources. Bangladesh is facing an acute reliable drinking water scarcity. Bangladesh's surface and ground water are highly saline due to rising sea levels.
Drinking water supply and sanitation in Pakistan is characterized by some achievements and many challenges. Despite high population growth the country has increased the share of the population with access to an improved water source from 85% in 1990 to 92% in 2010, although this does not necessarily mean that the water from these sources is safe to drink. The share with access to improved sanitation increased from 27% to 48% during the same period, according to the Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation. There has also been considerable innovation at the grass-root level, in particular concerning sanitation. The Orangi Pilot Project in Karachi and community-led total sanitation in rural areas are two examples of such innovation.
Water supply and sanitation in Zambia is characterized by achievements and challenges. Among the achievements are the creation of regional commercial utilities for urban areas to replace fragmented service provision by local governments; the establishment of a regulatory agency that has substantially improved the availability of information on service provision in urban areas; the establishment of a devolution trust fund to focus donor support on poor peri-urban areas; and an increase in the access to water supply in rural areas.
Drinking water supply and sanitation in Egypt is characterized by both achievements and challenges. Among the achievements are an increase of piped water supply between 1998 and 2006 from 89% to 100% in urban areas and from 39% to 93% in rural areas despite rapid population growth; the elimination of open defecation in rural areas during the same period; and in general a relatively high level of investment in infrastructure. Access to an at least basic water source in Egypt is now practically universal with a rate of 98%. On the institutional side, the regulation and service provision have been separated to some extent through the creation of a national Holding Company for Water and Wastewater in 2004, and of an economic regulator, the Egyptian Water Regulatory Agency (EWRA), in 2006.
Water supply and sanitation in Tanzania is characterised by: decreasing access to at least basic water sources in the 2000s, steady access to some form of sanitation, intermittent water supply and generally low quality of service. Many utilities are barely able to cover their operation and maintenance costs through revenues due to low tariffs and poor efficiency. There are significant regional differences and the best performing utilities are Arusha and Tanga.
The management of Jamaica's freshwater resources is primarily the domain and responsibility of the National Water Commission (NWC). The duties of providing service and water infrastructure maintenance for rural communities across Jamaica are shared with the Parish Councils. Where possible efficiencies have been identified, the NWC has outsourced various operations to the private sector.
Water supply and sanitation in Kenya is characterised by low levels of access to water and sanitation, in particular in urban slums and in rural areas, as well as poor service quality in the form of intermittent water supply. Seasonal and regional water scarcity exacerbates the difficulty to improve water supply.